How does he have so much spirit?
ROFL @ Kripp's Monk build right now. omg I want to try this.
this looks hilarious. I wonder if there is any gold bots out there using this spec.
Yea I think you can also reduce the cost of skill as well.... for some reason I always call that skill "breaking wind" but I know that's not right.
lol, awesome use of skills.
What difficulty is that btw ? Hell ?
I would take both previous posts for my monk or demon hunter.
Sadly, I don't have any money.
DH GAF, what do you guys look for in boots?
Found these, worth much?
MF/GF should be on something else, like an evolution of the Neph Valor. I liked Kripp's idea of Champion levels where killing more Champs would give you more intrinsic stat boosts plus MF.
Should go for something, if they had movement speed it would have been big money.
I'm looking for gold not money atm![]()
Should go for a mil or two, maybe. The lack of resists kinda hurts it, but the armor makes up for it a little.
Um..., the normal mode staff of herding Plsn dropped for me on nightmare izual...
I thought I bought the first plan from Gorell, guess not.There is only one plan drop. You build the staff then upgrade it by purchasing upgrade plans from vendors in appropriate difficulty levels.
So just because people don't want to put effort to make a dedicated equipment set to GF/MF and still have good stats they should just remove it ?
Maybe just give Natalya/Zunimasa/whatever set to every character on the server in next patch...
So because players don't want to kill elite packs instead of goblins, Blizzard should just leave mf/gf in?
Maybe just give max gf/mf (and roll back the pot/chest nerfs) to every character next patch.
Damn I think a kiting WD will lose a lot of its effectiveness when I move to act 3 full time. Don't know about a full tank doctor build... just doesn't feel like fun and why shouldn't I just roll a barb if I want to tank.
Finally starting to survive even the most annoying champ/elite packs in Inferno Act I with my Barb - took a while and was damn frustrating before I did, but here we are.
The stats I'm comfortable with are
5,5k armor
18k dps with Battle Rage (Marauder's Rage rune so +30%)
500 ish resist all, 700 phys resist
5,5k Armor
Here's my current build:!bYZ!acbacZ
Do you other Barbarians there favour Ignore Pain or Overpower (with Crushing Advance)? Ignore Pain with Ignorance is Bliss rune is even better than a health pot and a great panic button, but I feel like Overpower/Crushing Advance is giving me more overall mitigation and some dps output too.
Also, I'm currently using Battle Rage and Frenzy with Sidearm, but would it be better to slot Frenzy with Maniac (+20% damage boost) and swap Battle Rage to some aoe skill like Cleave?
I've been checking you out. I got to ask have you found all your gear yourself or through action house? I'm just curious because I can't find anything good. Like really, nothing at all.
I'm going through Act II Inferno with lvl 53 gear just because I can't find anything decent through mobs and at least my lvl 53 gear has lots of vit/strenght and some resist. I've done multiple Act I runs with full 5 stack valor but nothing. It's either shit or for someone else.
Just found a plan: Exalted Fine Heaven Strand w/ 5 properties.
How much do these go for GAF? And is it worth it to craft and sell it?
And a "Compare on AH" button that automatically fills in the fields for you.Is there any word on whether Blizzard is intending to add more search criteria to the AH search engine? The three stats restriction is really frustrating to deal with. And what about searching for sources via damage? Jesus christ, that's the most important stat on a source and we can't even filter on searches based on that alone?
I just leveled my DH to 60 and am trying Cluster Bombs with Loaded for Bear rune and Spike Traps with Scatter rune. The Spike Traps in particular seems to be really powerful and very hatred efficient. I wonder why I hardly see any DHs using that.
Is there any word on whether Blizzard is intending to add more search criteria to the AH search engine? The three stats restriction is really frustrating to deal with. And what about searching for sources via damage? Jesus christ, that's the most important stat on a source and we can't even filter on searches based on that alone?
I just leveled my DH to 60 and am trying Cluster Bombs with Loaded for Bear rune and Spike Traps with Scatter rune. The Spike Traps in particular seems to be really powerful and very hatred efficient. I wonder why I hardly see any DHs using that.
for my DH should I just focus on my DPS and not worry about resists and armor? seems like that's how it should be.
Also, what are monks main focus? being Tanks? I started a Monk and I wanna make sure he'll be able to handle inferno unlike my DH lol...
If you don't want to bancrupt with repair costs you need to be able to take at least a hit from mob.
Also saves a lot of frustration![]()
Seems like you opted for a way tankier build there
But, I'd forgotten about Furious Charge, think I'm gonna try it tonight and see how it works against big champ packs and as a replacement for Sidearm.
Superstition might also be fun.. All that arcane enchanted, molten and desecrator stuff counts as elemental damage, right?