I actually think these numbers are too high.
I actually think these numbers are too high.
I think they're too high, but now people can't complain it's impossible to gear up. Perfects will be worth hundreds of millions, and everything else will be worth nothing.![]()
I actually think these numbers are too high.
They'll probably get nerfed to like 3-7-11.![]()
I didn't even know it was possible for a rare to only have 2 props, why was this ring rare and not magic?!?!
Looks like they haven't fixed EU drops yet, still getting lvl 55 rares in Act 3
Drops for Normal - Hell are more than enough to progress but people still complain that AH stuff is vastly better despite all of those being overkill for what they're doing :|
Hm ... I may actually be looking forward to farming when I get home.
Meh ... most of the people I saw complaining in either of those two threads yesterday were all complaining about inferno or at worst late hell.
As someone who's trying to progress in Act III, these rates are a welcome surprise.
Now if they could just make Lengedaries have some fun stats.
I'll definitely have to play later today to see if I can beat the rush and cash in on better drops before the market gets oversaturated. Though I did just get Dota 2 last night so I want to play that as well...
Just sold two items for 20 dollars, yes!
$0.00 since last week.
I need dat RMAH moneys
Probably not, especially since it was announced it wasn't getting changed (the 4 piece set). The prices have gone up quite a bit where as the need for a stormshield has gone down.
I wanted to play some LoL (or try DotA 2 as I just noticed I have an invite as well) but I guess I'll do an extra farm run or two while I watch streams or something :x
Numbers look like Blizzard went all "Fuck this shit, here have your stupid drops and shut up!"
Too bad people will complain about something else soon.
Bought some bracers for 3 mil and turned them into 20 dollars.
so good
People have already switched to complaining about the normalised distribution of random stat rolls, gotta give out those 1k dps weapons like candy instead.
Drop rates has been raised, but good roll rates is still normal though.
Still getting a bunch of lvl62-63 that are worthless after grinding Act 1 for 2 hours.
How do people not understand that is what makes loot games so good?
I agree. People expect to get great loot after 1-2 hours?!
Edit : I got 150 hours logged with like 10 good items. I ain't even mad.
I agree. People expect to get great loot after 1-2 hours?!
Edit : I got 150 hours logged with like 10 good items. I ain't even mad.
It says they are restarting servers tomorrow morning which is in line with the usual US->EU patch lagso on EU the droprate hotfix is still not up yet?
$0.00 since last week.
I need dat RMAH moneys
I sold a blue ring for $15 a few days ago. 87 dexterity, 18% magic find if I remember correctly.
I'm more disappointed in myself for forgetting about the MF/GF market :| I wonder how much cahs I've vendored/salvaged when on autopilot.
I agree that no one really cares how much gold or money you are making or not makingDamn, you people constantly bragging about RMAH or discussing your woes of not making a few hundred more dollars are annoying as hell.
Go give life to the Trade thread and change the title.
I'm more disappointed in myself for forgetting about the MF/GF market :| I wonder how much cahs I've vendored/salvaged when on autopilot.