I'm still stuck on Act 2, but Dexterity (which you should have lots of anyways because you're a Monk) and Vitality are the must-haves. And Seize the Initiative is highly recommended if you're 1000 Dex or higher.
The most effective method I've found is going through the entire last chapter of Act 1 in a co-op group and using Conviction as your mantra w/ Overawe rune. Enemies taking 24% extra damage from your entire party (48% if you're constantly refreshing, which you should be) is way too good to pass up. You have to be right next to the enemies, though, so again: use Serenity wisely, and kite. Kiting is something you can't avoid doing as Monk sometimes; that's just the way it is.
Stacking evasion techniques w/ Mantra of Evasion is fantastic for normal enemies, but consider some of the worst-case scnearios for a Monk: elites with molten, desecration, plauge, and frozen + anything. These can't be dodged, so they aren't really going to help much against elites. I would only consider it if I planned to farm solo.
If you're not stacking resistances to use with One With Everything (this really only becomes worthwhile once you've stacked one to be about 500 resistance), and you don't have LoH gear or weapons, Transcendence is still your best survival tool. Constantly refresh your Mantra of choice to get quick heals without having to run away. If you DO have lots of LoH, though, or gear that already gives you plenty Life Per Spirit Spent, consider a different passive. I personally like Beacon of Ytar just because of less downtime between Serenity uses (with the Ascension rune on Serenity, its only 20 seconds between when Serenity wears off and when you can use it again).
Also consider Earth Ally for the health boost, and its ability to force enemies to attack it instead of you when you need to run away.
Actually, vitality is kind of low on the list for monks. If you have a choice between lots of resists and armor or vit, you need to choose resists and armor. Why is that? Because all of our heals are number based rather than percentage based. The lower your health pool the more effective your heals are. You want to mitigate the damage and make sure what's coming in is a low number that you can take care of, along with of course dodging it altogether. You're not a barb. Vit is probably a less must have than most other classes. I now have a good chunk of life, but when I first got through Act 2, 3, and my first few times through 4 I had something like 28,000 life. I think that's probably the bottom limit, but you don't really NEED 40,000 at all. It's nice to have in Act 4 if you don't have to give anything else up to get it (what I've been doing now, and I finally got my life up to that), but it's kind of last on your list. Dodge is your first defense, so have good dodge. Because of some of those things you said, armor and resists should be your 2nd defense, and that should be HUGE. Next line of defense is good timing and spacing of your skills. We've got a ton of good ones. Use them wisely and use them when needed. Vit is last.
And if you set it up right for the most part you shouldn't be kiting. The thing is that Monk benefits almost more than any other class from Life on Hit. You need that in good numbers. And with life on hit if you're kiting you're not hitting which means you're not getting life. Your build should be based more on staying put so you can dodge and gain life. That's not to say you won't have to kite. You most definitely will, and you should find out which elites those are (things with fast, molten, and arcane for example and possibly all together are definitely things you need to kite). But for the most part you need to get your build to the point where you can stand in plague pools, and where you can stand in one layer of some molten for at least a good chunk of time. Not a ton of time, but some time.
Also, Frozen can be dodged. I dodge it all the time. Frozen should never be a problem for a monk. You should dodge it most of the time, and the times you don't dodge it you have serenity. And if those two things don't work, or you're on cool down with serenity you can do something like a flash from blinding faith in order to make sure nothing can hit you while you're incapacitated (if it's a hard hitting enemy that is... if it isn't, save it, since you're likely using the +damage part of it, too).