If you keep getting white iL63s that means your MF is too low.
I'm not sure what you're getting at here, to be honest. There's an X% Chance for an item to be an ilvl 63 one. It has an A% chance to be White, B% chance to be Magical, C% chance to be Rare, and D%* chance to be Legendary. I guess if you're JUST collecting the Rares over a sample of 1000 then, yes, it should be close to the listed drop percentages.
CE was nerfed in 1.03 which was like a month after release, if I recall.
Is it worth upgrading to inferno whimsyshire now?
Kill all the elites in Act 1 and then tackle whimsyshire for the best loot opportunity, compared to just running act 3?
Actually I have no problem with them fixing IAS. It's indeed overpowered.
I feel like a broken record but they never fixed IAS. They just took the easiest path and use a simple SQL statement to gimp every piece of equipment. IAS is just still as powerful as it was before.
If they were really serious about not making IAS the most important stat, they should rework the combat engine to not use it for props and resource generation, but I guess that's too much work post release.
It's as high as I can get it and still be able to kill enemies. Again, I am not someone farming for epic loot. I am just trying to find anything I can use from Act 3 of Hell so that I can progress in the game.
Wasn't there a thing in D2:LoD where the necro boss in Act5's CE damage was so high it'd kill you halfway across the level and they had to nerf it? They just nerfed his damage output that time, though, iirc.
CE was nerfed in 1.03 which was like a month after release, if I recall.
I'd have to check but I remember the first class rebalance patch was nerfs.
How am I supposed to know the focus was the online economy? It certainly wasn't written on the box or on their webpage before I bought the game. Am I supposed to read every developer interview before I purchase the game? The only thing I expected differently from every other games I've played is that it's always online.
I consider it "nanny state" when they've made dozen of changes in less than 2 months, including gimping items that some people might have paid real money for and changing fundamental things like difficulty progression that they should've finalized before release. I didn't expect to pay $60 for a game that is pretty much still in beta stage.
If I was offered an option to refund the game within a week of purchase and I didn't, then yes, it's my own damn fault. Too bad I wasn't.
Erm, you honestly shouldn't have trouble with the game up to Inferno. Even without the AH. Have you tried crafting a few slots?
Yeah, the change to corpse explosion was a reduction of the radius increase per skill level or something like that. I can't really recall, though, when they changed it so that it didn't scale with mob HP increases due to the number of players increasing. I think necromancer's Revive and Paladin's conversion got nerfed too, since I had been using those builds as well.
Doesn't Blizzard offer a 30 day money back guarantee on this game?
Lots of ilvl 63 and 61. No good rolls :/
Not much because there are no resistances on there and no sockets.How much can these pants go for?
Not that I know of, and most likely not where I am.
Not much because there are no resistances on there and no sockets.
Sigmaah what's your battle tag? We can do Act 1 runs together if you have good DPS. I can probably slip you some upgrades from my stash.
I think they should keep the rare amazing drops at the same rate but should up the minimum stat rolls a bit on a lot of items. So that way people can find stuff they can actually use to progress with in Inferno, but there will still be big ticket items.
You think they'll ever release a harder difficulty?
Would these be worth much, gold or RMAH?
They build the game around the AH and if people choose not to use it they're accepting the extra challenge. The current drop rate is pretty bad for the future economy of the game. I see everybody super happy not realizing that everybody is getting ilvl63s twice as fast now, not just them.
This game could really use a higher difficulty since they dropped the ball with inferno by making ilvl63s stupid-common and nerfing the difficulty.
Dat Dex! Dat Discipline! Dat Hatred Regen!
....Dat DPS.
Thats what I mean the minimum rolls especially for DPS stuff is way too low! You can get a godly item which is just ruined because the DPS rolls are unrealistic.
The new flavor of the month complaint I bet. I give it until tonight before the official forums are filled with RNG complaints.
...unless it already has?!
Good rolls are common enough that you can get a 900+ dps weapon for almost every class very cheaply. I think I salvaged a 880dps bow earlier since it was pretty much worthless. :\
Im not complaining, I ran Act 2 before it and did fantastic lol.
Good rolls are common enough that you can get a 900+ dps weapon for almost every class very cheaply. I think I salvaged a 880dps bow earlier since it was pretty much worthless. :\
How am I supposed to know the focus was the online economy? It certainly wasn't written on the box or on their webpage before I bought the game. Am I supposed to read every developer interview before I purchase the game? The only thing I expected differently from every other games I've played is that it's always online.
I consider it "nanny state" when they've made dozen of changes in less than 2 months, including gimping items that some people might have paid real money for and changing fundamental things like difficulty progression that they should've finalized before release. I didn't expect to pay $60 for a game that is pretty much still in beta stage.
If I was offered an option to refund the game within a week of purchase and I didn't, then yes, it's my own damn fault. Too bad I wasn't.
Do all justice lanterns sell for at least 10 mill? Got one and that's the lowest buyout.
This game is extremely gear dependent, much more than D2. A lot of people don't like this and rightfully so. In D2 you can do reasonably well with bad gear if your character was a high level.. in D3 if you have a shit weapon and even have every other piece be godlike you aren't going to get anywhere because you will run into Enrage timers and other bull crap.
It really makes me wonder how they are going to handle PvP where the match is decided before the battle even begins based off of the gear.
I wrote about it all the time!
I took it on faith that a lot of the issues that I predicted would arise would not be so just because I only had access to a small part of act 1, up to level 13.
So, we have a situation where there is a lot of importance on weapon damage since it is pretty much the only thing that influences your skill damage. Is this a good thing, or is weapon damage so overly important that it overshadows everything else?
In Diablo 2, skill points were an additional factor into your skill damage, allowing naked builds to be possible.
Which system is better, in your guys' opinion? Is the game too gear-dependent for its own good?
God, looking for a fresh 60 barb on the AH is a pain the ass. How am I supposed to find stuff with STR, VIT, ALL RES, 1 RES if I can only look for 3 attributes at a time. :|
I'm still not a huge fan of the current skill UI. It's clunky compared to what they had before (though I didn't get the opportunity to play with the older one, so I can't say definitively)
I still think that was a bad choice and that itemized runes is a superior option in areas of customization, itemization, diversity, and complexity. The negative issues that arose that the Blizzard devs talked about could have been easily fixed.I still think that changing runes from item drops (with extra progression there) to level unlocks is at least debatable (unfortunately, the public never had the opportunity to test the previous system to compare).
Now my DH and Monk are at the same stage where both of them can clear the game reasonably well, I still like my DH for farming. More deaths, need to be more twitchy, but also more efficient and can kill a wider range of affixes. Ranged elites cause much more trouble for DH, but Monks doesn't really have it easy either.
I really disagree that monk dont have it easy.
Ive felt that monks looked pretty op since the video of the monk killing diablo inferno was released. But I didnt really realize how op they were until I saw kripparian level his monk to 60 last night, then spend maybe a million gold to fully gear his monk. And then go straight to act 3 inferno and owned shit.
Seeing him do that made me get my 53 monk to 60 and then spend around 1 million on the AH on gear. My monk is almost through act 2 inferno now, and its hilariously easy outside of a few packs.
I really disagree that monk dont have it easy.
Ive felt that monks looked pretty op since the video of the monk killing diablo inferno was released. But I didnt really realize how op they were until I saw kripparian level his monk to 60 last night, then spend maybe a million gold to fully gear his monk. And then go straight to act 3 inferno and owned shit.
Seeing him do that made me get my 53 monk to 60 and then spend around 1 million on the AH on gear. My monk is almost through act 2 inferno now, and its hilariously easy outside of a few packs.