Are bad guys stronger with a follower? I haven't gotten any new equipment, but just did an Act 1 run without a follower for the first time and felt way stronger.
After getting 3.5 mill gold, I cant help but want more, I NEED TO FARM AND GET GOOD GEAR AND SELL THEM SHITS, I'm gonna lose it if I don't soon...
Sad thing is, I can't farm by myself cause my DH always dies, ALWAYS. This is torture...
If you're worried about the $250 limit then don't. It's only a buyout limit, you can even receive more if you set a bid at 250 with no buyout.
Are bad guys stronger with a follower? I haven't gotten any new equipment, but just did an Act 1 run without a follower for the first time and felt way stronger.
I've been slowly getting Vitality and Resist All on every piece of armor. I can get through Act 1 Inferno no problem solo and Act 2 pretty easily. Three is destorying me, but I'm getting there equipment wise.
Not sure what the orb is.Does the Hydra + uhh...the little orb thing that absorbs hits at 20% health... trick still work? Basically you run that, and just Hydra Rakanoth over and over until he's dead. Someone on GAF did it for me when I still needed that achievement.
I'm stumped. That looks like Act 4-esque gear. Actually I saw a witch doctor in Act 4 with way worse gear than that. I mean if you were a melee class I'd say get more resists, but hell that looks really high for a witch doctor. Your life should be fine. Your dps is pretty awesome. I really don't know what to say besides maybe it's your build?
My Witch Doctor is sitting in Act 2, mostly because I haven't paid attention to him much, but if you're having a hard time with that stuff I'm not sure I'll be touching him for a while since I can't afford that kind of stuff for another character.
This isn't true but a lot of people seem to think it is. You can't bid over $250 even if you have more than $250 in blizzbucks.
You can't list buyouts that will push your balance over $250 but if you manage to list multiple buyouts that wont' exceed 250 (i.e. you're at 200 and you sell 3 items for 50 each) it'll let you accumulate more than $250.
Here is an example of terrible planning by a seller or great thinking by a buyer:
The minimum bid is over $250 so nobody could outbid the buyer. You can see a ton of godly items with no b/o at $250 too; it's obvious nobody can bid over that amount.
You need better gear brah. If you want to farm better items then you need better items so you can farm faster. Better start using up that gold, with it you can easily steam roll through Act 1.After getting 3.5 mill gold, I cant help but want more, I NEED TO FARM AND GET GOOD GEAR AND SELL THEM SHITS, I'm gonna lose it if I don't soon...
Sad thing is, I can't farm by myself cause my DH always dies, ALWAYS. This is torture...
Wanna help me on what gear I need to survive act 1 no problem? I have 3.3 mill to spend!
Thanks for the reply. My build is kind of funky, because in order to get through Act II, I had to find something different than Vision Quest/Bears. I was using Grasp of the Dead, Wall of Zombies, Spirit Barrage, Big Bad Voodoo, Spirit Walk, and Darts. Basically, I'd run mobs through a choke, Grasp, Wall, then unload darts into their faces. I wasn't sure if Bears would work in Act III, but maybe I can try going back to that build.
I'm finding in Act III that I run out of mana pretty quickly, and even though Witch Doctor is supposed to have great Crowd Control, most of my spells end up being on cooldown, and I get trucked by trash mobs when trying to kite champion packs.
There's always just the possibility that I suck at this game, though.
Wanna help me on what gear I need to survive act 1 no problem? I have 3.3 mill to spend! I know you said Vit and Res but I also wanna keep Dex too, mind telling me your battle tag? I'll be able to see your gear and LEARN THE WAYS!
Anyone with a glass canon character can kill Belial BEFORE he uses his breath attack on inferno? As a barb I can't dodge or absorb the breath attack since 1.0.3 and thus can't get that achievement :x
If you can help me, I offer 200k gold! (I'm in EU)
I can kill him before breath on my barb. I don't know how much damage you have but try this:
Battle rage/marauder (30% dmg)
Frenzy/maniac (extra dmg per stack)
Call of Ancients (20s rune)
Earthquake (105s cd/no frenzy cost)
WotB/insanity (+100% dmg)
Berserker Rage passive (+25% dmg @ full fury)
in phase 3 build up 5 stack frenzy with battle rage up and hit WotB. build fury to 100% then hit earthquake first then CoA
I'm at ~21k DPS without WotB active, 56k when active. Can you just tell me if it's what you had, of it's not enough yet? Thanks for the setup in any case!
So, Zoltun Kulle took me at least 25 attempts to finally beat him, and I killed Belial on my first attempt. I was wearing the exact same gear for both fights... sigh
i found that once ZKs summons are down, the fight becomes infinitely easier and i can switch out my shield for another sword
i found that once ZKs summons are down, the fight becomes infinitely easier and i can switch out my shield for another sword
Lashing tail kick just owned Iskatu.
Swear I wanna quit sometimes. If only that damn DPS wasn't so horrible.
Lol at people trying to scam by closing trade window. It's even funnier when the guy tried it for the 8th time and kept asking me what my asking price was. Get creative kids. Back in my days, we used to work hard on scams.
EDIT: jk i was looking at your equipped wep not that shitty dagger lmao.
Explain the scam to me, cant really figure out what kinda scam people can do by closing the trade window
You need better gear brah. If you want to farm better items then you need better items so you can farm faster. Better start using up that gold, with it you can easily steam roll through Act 1.
Grab resists wherever you can. As someone else said, cloaks get resists a bit less than regular armor, so if you're using one (and you should be for the discipline) and it doesn't have all resists make sure your other pieces make up for that. Personally, I found a 2 socketed cloak with 9 discipline and 50 all resists and ~70 innate dex for like 200k, so you could do that too. Get enough VIT so you have somewhere around 25-30,000 life. Other than that just have dex and crit chance and damage wherever you can.
The biggest problem for DHs I've seen has been stuff like Reflect Damage elites. Grab a cheaper bow with life on hit (I got a crossbow with about 850 damage and almost 900 life on hit). You'll take a hit on damage when you fight those mobs, but you'll survive.
Other than that, a lot of DH survival is all in build and play style. Smoke screen is your main survival tool. If you're still getting killed a lot, make sure you have the tactical advantage passive. Preparation with backup plan makes sure you can keep smoke screening whenever you need to. And make sure your cloak and your quiver give at least 8 or so discipline each.
What I currently have. Still a work in progress, but it's slow going now. Most things have like 2/3 stats I want, so it sucks having to buy new gear for one new stat. I need more Vitality and Resist All, but this got me through the first two acts.
Keep canceling hoping they are dragging item to window instead of right clicking
Nice ass stuff you got, the only thing im afraid of is buying stuff that I think seems good and even after I check with what I have equipped, it turns out to be shittier lol.
Had this drop on my first kill as soon as I logged in and walked northwest out of town.
I love taking crap i crafted that would only sell for 200k-300k, so not worth wasting an AH slot on but you feel guilty salvaging, and throwing it up on the RMAH for $5. Sold 7 items in the past 18 hours this way for $5 each. Thats like $25 / million
LOL....no. Main stats + All Res + Crit damage + 10 Disc on the 2 items that can get them + IAS.Sounds good, do i even worry about MF with getting New Gear? or just focus on my main stats for a DH?
I love taking crap i crafted that would only sell for 200k-300k, so not worth wasting an AH slot on but you feel guilty salvaging, and throwing it up on the RMAH for $5. Sold 7 items in the past 18 hours this way for $5 each. Thats like $25 / million
does anyone feel like running my monk through NM act 3 a couple times? i could return the favor for an alt if u like or pay
Any ideas? Vendor? It's over 1k, so at the very least i'll give it to my minion.