Yeah...I'm never touching hardcore with Blizz's shitty netcode.
I shelved my HC barb until they fix some of their server lag. Rubberbanding is insane.
Yeah...I'm never touching hardcore with Blizz's shitty netcode.
Got my Enchantress up to 7.6k dps tonight. I know I spend way too much money on her, but it's kind of like a secret goal to see if I can get her to 10k dps, regardless of how much I have to spend to do so. It's getting expensive to find more upgrades for her though, I don't think I can upgrade any of her pieces for less than 10 mil at this point.
I guess I need to save up a $200+ RMAH balance in blizz bucks, or shell out about 30-40 mil for a new weapon to really push her over the edge.
Do 6 property Blacksmith plans drop in all acts of Inferno or just 3 and 4?
It will be very cat and mouse if it's like the PvM system.I am very curious on how they are going to get the PVP to work. Some people have ridiculous DPS.
Haven't seen anyone claim to get one outside of act 3 or 4 yet.
I am very curious on how they are going to get the PVP to work. Some people have ridiculous DPS.
Finally got through act three. Got a Wizard in the group that was practically invincible who pretty well got the three of us through the last chapter on his own. Seriously, Heart of Sin is the longest/worst part of the game. Glad to be done with it forever.
As long as I don't run into elite/champ phase beasts the heart of sin is all right, I personally can't stand the keep depths.
I am very curious on how they are going to get the PVP to work. Some people have ridiculous DPS.
I am very curious on how they are going to get the PVP to work. Some people have ridiculous DPS.
Today on EU? Should add I got the freeze the moment I used Ancient Spear on a Bee ... known bug?
ya well, barb dead with 100h and prolly 50 million of gear, fun times.
Finally got through act three. Got a Wizard in the group that was practically invincible who pretty well got the three of us through the last chapter on his own. Seriously, Heart of Sin is the longest/worst part of the game. Glad to be done with it forever.
Post her stats man! Have you started to stack ASI already? I started to look into it but high int/attack speed rings are way too expensive
Anyone need the gibbering gemstone item for the Whimsyshire staff? The mob just spawned.
So, who is feeling more positive about the game today compared to, say, two weeks ago? Just interested in general opinions on the movement of the game.
That moment when you realize that you bought your alt barb new socketed weapons to level up with an hour ago, and you forgot to put the life on hit gems in them. So you've been running without any LOH for an hour and getting shitkicked.
It gets easier in act 4, at least for me.
Heart of Sin had nearly impossible elites on every floor for me. 2 of which I outright skipped after leading them to a dead end to kill me. Spamming any 2 of wall/jail/freeze while being fast (sometimes not even listed but it's obvious) + fire chain + teleport/invincibleminions = fuck that. Especially considering they nearly insta heal if you die.
I died probably 4 times in act 4. I switched to really high resist/armor/regen equipment and slowly ploughed through.
What I think made act 3 harder in heart of swarm was that there were those large enemies that innately had teleport, and it's all narrow so it's easier for you to get killed.
Haven't seen anyone claim to get one outside of act 3 or 4 yet.
I do that but where I forget my companion. And then I realize I'm owning anyway, and I'm like "holy shit I could be owning even more with my companion."
I do that but where I forget my companion. And then I realize I'm owning anyway, and I'm like "holy shit I could be owning even more with my companion."
winner winner chicken dinner.
My 6 property cloak plan dropped in act 2.
Seriously? Cool, I have a reason to farm act 2 now at least
Was this before or after patch 1.03?
Def before, from a dead body or some breakable thing.
Come to think of it, most of my legendaries and set items came from random things that isn't dropped loots.
Sheesh, the demand for emeralds is so crazy. Perfect squares going for 1k a pop, it's even driving up the price of Tomes of Jewelcrafting to absurd amounts. I know crit gems are pretty damn powerful but I always figured that the bottleneck would ultimately be dependent upon the gold costs and Tome of Secrets needed to craft the gems, not the base materials.
Can someone help me beat The Butcher real quick? I just want to start up Act II. I know I have to get my resists up but I don't have the cash atm.
My BT is Juices#1991.
so does anyone want to play with me act 3? shits boring as fuck cuz i have to go sword and board...'im just looking to progress atm, maybe we can farm it later lol
Act 3 is a hell I will never return to.
You don't want to start act 2 if you don't have cash and you cannot beat butcher. While the gap has been reduced, there's still a significant bump in difficult between act1 and act2. Originally it was to the point that wasps could 1-2 hit you to death if your all resists were below 300.
I don't know what your gear is like, but my stats were similar. I bought a cheapie 800 LoH and 90% crit damage (370 dps) offhand to keep myself alive with WW. Tornado apparently only takes into account main hand damage.I am, sort of. Well, it's not like I wasn't having fun before, it's just that after finishing with my barb and having little motivation to level up my alts farming was getting stale. With the upped drop rates I am not even bothering to farm Act 3 with my barb, instead I just spent ~1.5 mill on the AH on some random items, experimented and ended up with this:
Game is lots of fun again. Might not look like much to some, but I am rather enjoying the change of pace from my tankish Barb. Tried to sneak whirlwind in there, but it's not working due to minimal LoH.
winner winner chicken dinner.
And molten.edit: and i found out just now that the reflect rune works on plagued and i'm assuming arcane and desecrator too, lol
winner winner chicken dinner.