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Diablo III |OT4| Antiques Roadshow: Sanctuary Edition

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They can choose, but it's a false and forced choice since the benefits of MF swap outweigh the cons tremendously. That's why most people do it, as per Blizzard's post about the subject today.

Nobody forced me to play that way. I tried it, didn't like it, and decided to combine my MF and main gear. Again, if the downsides weren't significant then people wouldn't complain about it. You can play through and beat this game quite easily with 0% MF.

I and others have already told you that your "cons" don't matter to ranged classes. It didn't matter for me when I played wiz and DH at all. You can look at the streams of other people and see that they do this too with hardly any problem.

Not everyone is only picking up the best drops, sure, but that's because they are willingly choosing to play non-optimally for whatever reason.

Yes, you and one other person out of the millions that play. Those cons are absolutely concerns and all of them effect each class equally. If those don't effect you then you're in the extreme minority. Not everybody can 100% dodge everything the game throws at them while swapping gear in the process.

Bold applies to MF. Ty.

Like I said, your cons are not actually present in the way that people play the game currently. Tanks don't necessarily help that much since their mere presence in the game increases mob HP by over 100%, and decreases your MF since the tank can't swap out like ranged can, so most don't bother with it. Note that there are multiple posts from people complaining about how their MF got messed up due to other people joining their game.

Yes, they are. They're absolutely 100% "present" in the game. Less inventory space is UNDENIABLE as a con for using MF gear on switch as opposed to working it into your main gear.

Tanks do a lot of damage now and let the cannons do more damage. If someone is tanking that extra HP is negated by me being able to stand still and hold attack instead of wasting time on kiting.

Already said tanks can have MF gear on switch. They just need to make sure it has some res and/or vit which isn't very expensive.

It's a pain in the ass for melee, not for ranged. And it's even less of a pain in the ass when you can simple do it with one keystroke.

Having to kite while swapping gear is more of a pain in the ass than kiting without swapping gear.

"one keystroke" switch is not part of D3.


Take a look at any high level Wizard of Demon Hunter stream. They all do this, with negligible impacts to run efficiency.


Um, people want this changed because the downsides don't matter. People don't like being forced to play in a way that isn't fun. Swapping gear isn't fun, but it provides too much of a benefit to ignore for most players.

If the downsides didn't matter everybody would do it. It being a pain in the ass is a downside. That's important to realize.

Nobody is being forced. They decide not to. If people wanted 100% best results they'd get a job and pay for the best equipment on the RMAH.

Even before the NV change to guarantee 1 rare per elite kill, with 340% MF on boss kill I was still averaging a little over 1 rare per elite pack.



Rodent Whores
Nobody forced me to play that way. I tried it, didn't like it, and decided to combine my MF and main gear. Again, if the downsides weren't significant then people wouldn't complain about it. You can play through and beat this game quite easily with 0% MF.

Like I said before, that's your choice, and you choose to play like that, just like I choose to play like that now. But that is not the behavior of most everyone else. You can beat the game with 0MF, but unless you are willfully ignorant, you won't farm (which is what blizzard intends the endgame to be) with 0% MF.

Yes, you and one other person out of the millions that play. Those cons are absolutely concerns and all of them effect each class equally. If those don't effect you then you're in the extreme minority. Not everybody can 100% dodge everything the game throws at them while swapping gear in the process.
More people do this than you think. Look at all the streams of people doing this. They don't affect each class equally since you see wiz and DH do this much more easily than other classes. Not everyone can 100% dodge everything and that makes people salty when they see someone on stream do it and they complain that they are forced to do it too.

Having to kite while swapping gear is more of a pain in the ass than kiting without swapping gear.

"one keystroke" switch is not part of D3.

It is, but it gives too great a benefit so people will do it, grudgingly, and complain that they are forced to do it. You know, like what Blizzard just posted today that outlines the problems of this.

One keystroke switch is possible with autohotkey scripts.


Rodent Whores

Before 1.0.3 came out, I would run around with my Wiz or Demon Hunter, burn mobs down to 95% HP, switch out to MF gear, and kill the mobs. I usually get at least one rare. Sometimes I get no rares, but that is balanced out by the times I get 2 or 3 rares.

You can still do this now, except now, you are guaranteed at least one rare.


WTF i just got banned and I have no idea why. I have never done anything ban worthy. never used the rmah barely use the regular ah. I dont even have a person at lvl 60 yet.

calling support right now

"not able o take your call right now please submit a ticket"



WTF i just got banned and I have no idea why. I have never done anything ban worthy. never used the rmah barely use the regular ah. I dont even have a person at lvl 60 yet.

calling support right now

You should have received an e-mail detailing why you were banned (I think).

I never got an email. this shit is shady as fuck

It's July 3rd. No one is going to answer the phones.


Rodent Whores
If the downsides didn't matter everybody would do it. It being a pain in the ass is a downside. That's important to realize.

By downsides, I mean the ones that you listed like, taking a loss to survivability and DPS; losing out on inventory space; increasing run time. If you are competent enough, those don't matter at all.

Being a pain in the ass isn't a significant downside, since Blizzard is aware of the phenomenon of players doing things that are a pain in the ass as long as it gives them an edge in the game. As long as the benefit is great enough, players will still do unfun things that are a pain in the ass.

Nobody is being forced. They decide not to. If people wanted 100% best results they'd get a job and pay for the best equipment on the RMAH.
They are being forced in their minds because to not do it would be to gimp themselves, that's why they get so many complaints about it.


It's July 3rd. No one is going to answer the phones.

Fuck you're completely right. I'm probably not gonna hear anything until Thursday or Friday. Well I submitted a ticket anyways and got an email saying they received it (but I still haven't gotten one as to why I was banned). So I guess all I can do is wait.

It sucks because I wanted to play a lot these next couple of days because I don't have work. I have no idea why I would be banned. I have never done anything wrong I just play casually. I have never used the RMAH and I don't use the the regular AH much. I have never been on the official forums and the only two people I have ever played with were my friends.

oh well I guess I'll just play LoL for these next couple of days

EDIT: sorry for bitching so much I'm just really confused

Do you use Linux and Wine?
nope :(
Fuck you're completely right. I'm probably not gonna hear anything until Thursday or Friday. Well I submitted a ticket anyways and got an email saying they received it (but I still haven't gotten one as to why I was banned). So I guess all I can do is wait.

It sucks because I wanted to play a lot these next couple of days because I don't have work. I have no idea why I would be banned. I have never done anything wrong I just play casually. I have never used the RMAH and I don't use the the regular AH much. I have never been on the official forums and the only two people I have ever played with were my friends.

oh well I guess I'll just play LoL for these next couple of days

EDIT: sorry for bitching so much I'm just really confused

Do you use Linux and Wine?


Wow we are still arguing this? I told you guys the biggest troll was blizzard. Anyways for the people that are crying about swapping magic find is unfair. How many of you guys used life on kill with hydra? How many of you stacked attack speed? How many of you stack critical damage and chance? Did blizzard want everyone doing that as well? No, but I'm sure everyone here crying tried to find the easiest and fastest way to farm so they can be more efficient even if the game wasn't suppose to be played that way. I'm not hating on anyone I'm just laughing at the fact that some people get upset on how other people play the game. Especially when it won't ever affect them.

Woo fu don't bother wasting your time agruing because everyone has their set opinion and they aren't gonna change it.


Junior Member
Look what I've found within 5 minutes of each other:



The second one is not that amazing, but still nice to switch to DW with my monk within minutes. And go to Act 2 instead of 1.

What do you think the first one is worth? EU ah is down so I can't really check, and it's the first good drop I've found...

I just tried logging into Diablo 3 and it spits back "This Battle.net account does not have a Diablo 3 License attached to it."

Diablo 3 is missing from my battle.net page. I got it as part of the Annual Subscription.

I looked, and it turns out my WoW expired because the CC card I had attached to it expired (haven't logged in / looked at it in months), and I didn't update the exp date.

I sure hope I didn't lose my toons/gold/items. Anyone else run into this!?
I never got an email. this shit is shady as fuck

edit: hmm just checked battle.net and the ban happened 53 min ago so maybe its coming

well get it sorted out. why haven't we played!? ive never seen you post here. i play with neoism when our schedules meet! halodiablogaf.


Rodent Whores
In regards to today's blizzard post about MF, they should probably go with option 4, slightly modified.

Option 4: Zero-Out Your MF% for 3 Minutes After Swapping Gear

When you swap gear, your Magic Find is disabled for 3 minutes.

Pros: Absolutely effective at discouraging gear swaps. Still allows you to swap gear when you find an upgrade, and the 3 minute duration is probably short enough that if you kill an Elite pack and get an upgrade, you can put that upgrade on and have your Magic Find active again by the time you get to the next pack.

Cons: Players who are unfamiliar with the system may open up their details page and see their Magic Find as 0% and not understand why. We could mitigate this by making the 0% MF colored with a tooltip stating the countdown until your Magic Find would work again, as well as what your Magic Find will be when the time expires.

Along with the following modifications:

Only the magic find on gear that is swapped out will be disabled. So for example, if all you are doing is swapping out your off hand weapon for a shield, the MF from your valor, and your MF from your already equipped gear will remain.

Set a hard cap of 100% MF on gear.

Killing a boss pack gets you one stack of valor, up to 5.

Killing 1000 white mobs gets you one stack of valor, just like killing a boss would.

Completing a major quest awards you the ability to limit break your valor, giving you the ability to add an additional valor stack above 5, up to a max of 20.

Killing an act boss with at least 10 NV guarantees 3 rares. 15 NV guarantees 4 rares. 20 NV guarantees 5 rares.

Dying removes one valor stack, but repeated deaths cannot lower your NV below 5.

Moving onto the next act does not reset your NV.

Chests and breakable objects are influenced by NV only, not MF on gear.

Goblins only spawn after certain requirements are met in game ( white mobs killed, elites killed, quests completed, etc), and are spawned in completely random locations.

Resplendent chests only spawn at the exit of a dungeon, and only after you have killed all of the elite packs in that dungeon.

NV influence your sidequest rewards more so that they are actually worth doing.

One more thing - In a party your first 100% MF is averaged and divided among all the players as it is now. However, any MF above 100% that you have on your character only effects you and is not shared. That way, if you are a shitty player and keep dying, you won't negatively effect everyone else in the party.


Wow we are still arguing this? I told you guys the biggest troll was blizzard. Anyways for the people that are crying about swapping magic find is unfair. How many of you guys used life on kill with hydra? How many of you stacked attack speed? How many of you stack critical damage and chance? Did blizzard want everyone doing that as well? No, but I'm sure everyone here crying tried to find the easiest and fastest way to farm so they can be more efficient even if the game wasn't suppose to be played that way. I'm not hating on anyone I'm just laughing at the fact that some people get upset on how other people play the game. Especially when it won't ever affect them.

Woo fu don't bother wasting your time agruing because everyone has their set opinion and they aren't gonna change it.

Nope, I never really did any of those things, not that it matters since those are pretty fundamentally different things, I think.

As for getting upset at how other people play the game... uh... yeah, in case you haven't noticed this is an online game. Their playing isn't in some sort of vacuum. They're using the same AH as me. They're in the same game environment as me. They're going to be competing in the PVP the same as me. Especially on that last point, how in fuck's name am I supposed to compete with someone who does this if I don't? I can't. I have to suck it up and do what I find to be a completely stupid mechanic (and what the game creators themselves agreed is not intended) in order to compete.

In regards to today's blizzard post about MF, they should probably go with option 4, slightly modified.

Along with the following modifications:

Only the magic find on gear that is swapped out will be disabled. So for example, if all you are doing is swapping out your off hand weapon for a shield, the MF from your valor, and your MF from your already equipped gear will remain.

Set a hard cap of 100% MF on gear.

Killing a boss pack gets you one stack of valor, up to 5.

Killing 1000 white mobs gets you one stack of valor, just like killing a boss would.

Completing a major quest awards you the ability to limit break your valor, giving you the ability to add an additional valor stack above 5, up to a max of 20.

Killing an act boss with at least 10 NV guarantees 3 rares. 15 NV guarantees 4 rares. 20 NV guarantees 5 rares.

Dying removes one valor stack, but repeated deaths cannot lower your NV below 5.

Moving onto the next act does not reset your NV.

Chests and breakable objects are influenced by NV only, not MF on gear.

Goblins only spawn after certain requirements are met in game ( white mobs killed, elites killed, quests completed, etc), and are spawned in completely random locations.

Resplendent chests only spawn at the exit of a dungeon, and only after you have killed all of the elite packs in that dungeon.

NV influence your sidequest rewards more so that they are actually worth doing.

I really really like pretty much all of these suggestions. Send these to Blizzard somehow.
WTF i just got banned and I have no idea why. I have never done anything ban worthy. never used the rmah barely use the regular ah. I dont even have a person at lvl 60 yet.

calling support right now

"not able o take your call right now please submit a ticket"


Sucks bro :(


That is about as useful as having a cat that finds dead mice/birds.

Good news: Found my first set piece today after over 400 hours of play.
Bad news: It is a daibo.


I just found the Blizzard page on the potential MF changes. Was this really a problem that needed addressing? If so, I guess option one is the only change that doesn't really screw over players that can't afford MF gear that is also high spec. This is one of those times when I really would just rather they let us play the way we want, and leave us alone.

Just played a game with someone bragging about having a bot that found him some legendaries =/

He's probably full of shit.
Really like those ideas rentahamster. It's baffling to me why they didn't at least let nv count towards chests\breakables. The way chests in particular are in the game now is depressing. It actually pisses me off every time I open up a resplendent.


Rodent Whores
I really really like pretty much all of these suggestions. Send these to Blizzard somehow.

I like those NV changes a lot.

Really like those ideas rentahamster.

Thanks ^^
I was saving them for when I do my big "what I would do to fix diablo3" post, but I figure I'll just put them on the table now, when MF is today's subject. I also posted on the general boards, but at the pace that forum moves, no one will probably see it.

When people ask me how diablo 3 is, that is what I tell them. "In most loot games you get excited when you find a large, glowing chest. In Diablo 3 you get depressed."
Seriously. Talk about throwing away the baby with the bathwater on that "fix".


Junior Member
I just found the Blizzard page on the potential MF changes. Was this really a problem that needed addressing? If so, I guess option one is the only change that doesn't really screw over players that can't afford MF gear that is also high spec. This is one of those times when I really would just rather they let us play the way we want, and leave us alone.

I'm one of those players and honestly every suggestion except for the one that messes with NV sounds great. I like minmaxing, but I don't like game systems that aren't fun. Right now in order to not feel like I'm doing something wrong I'm forced to do the switching, which I consider tedious and not fun. When it gets fixed, I'll be able to play the way I want, the way it was intended, and not feel like I'm screwing myself over. Right now, out of easily addressed problems, I believe this is rightfully on the top of the list.


Does maths and stuff
In regards to today's blizzard post about MF, they should probably go with option 4, slightly modified.

Along with the following modifications:

Only the magic find on gear that is swapped out will be disabled. So for example, if all you are doing is swapping out your off hand weapon for a shield, the MF from your valor, and your MF from your already equipped gear will remain.

Set a hard cap of 100% MF on gear.

Killing a boss pack gets you one stack of valor, up to 5.

Killing 1000 white mobs gets you one stack of valor, just like killing a boss would.

Completing a major quest awards you the ability to limit break your valor, giving you the ability to add an additional valor stack above 5, up to a max of 20.

Killing an act boss with at least 10 NV guarantees 3 rares. 15 NV guarantees 4 rares. 20 NV guarantees 5 rares.

Dying removes one valor stack, but repeated deaths cannot lower your NV below 5.

Moving onto the next act does not reset your NV.

Chests and breakable objects are influenced by NV only, not MF on gear.

Goblins only spawn after certain requirements are met in game ( white mobs killed, elites killed, quests completed, etc), and are spawned in completely random locations.

Resplendent chests only spawn at the exit of a dungeon, and only after you have killed all of the elite packs in that dungeon.

NV influence your sidequest rewards more so that they are actually worth doing.

Why set a hard cap?


I'm one of those players and honestly every suggestion except for the one that messes with NV sounds great. I like minmaxing, but I don't like game systems that aren't fun. Right now in order to not feel like I'm doing something wrong I'm forced to do the switching, which I consider tedious and not fun. When it gets fixed, I'll be able to play the way I want, the way it was intended, and not feel like I'm screwing myself over. Right now, out of easily addressed problems, I believe this is rightfully on the top of the list.

None of my regular gear (what's left of it after RMAH'ing my good stuff) has any MF on it. If they nerf MF swapping, I'll be left with only the MF found on my Templar, unless I want to take an enormous DPS hit that I really can't swing.

Really my MF would be reduced to whatever I can build with NV. In other words, people with a lot of gold (and MF on their main gear) will win, while players without a lot of gold will lose horribly. Why not completely invalidate MF at Inferno, and have NV take over (make it stack 2-3 times as high as it does now)? Is getting MF on your gear a "fun" mechanic in any way?


In regards to today's blizzard post about MF, they should probably go with option 4, slightly modified.

Along with the following modifications:

Only the magic find on gear that is swapped out will be disabled. So for example, if all you are doing is swapping out your off hand weapon for a shield, the MF from your valor, and your MF from your already equipped gear will remain.

Set a hard cap of 100% MF on gear.

Killing a boss pack gets you one stack of valor, up to 5.

Killing 1000 white mobs gets you one stack of valor, just like killing a boss would.

Completing a major quest awards you the ability to limit break your valor, giving you the ability to add an additional valor stack above 5, up to a max of 20.

Killing an act boss with at least 10 NV guarantees 3 rares. 15 NV guarantees 4 rares. 20 NV guarantees 5 rares.

Dying removes one valor stack, but repeated deaths cannot lower your NV below 5.

Moving onto the next act does not reset your NV.

Chests and breakable objects are influenced by NV only, not MF on gear.

Goblins only spawn after certain requirements are met in game ( white mobs killed, elites killed, quests completed, etc), and are spawned in completely random locations.

Resplendent chests only spawn at the exit of a dungeon, and only after you have killed all of the elite packs in that dungeon.

NV influence your sidequest rewards more so that they are actually worth doing.

20 NV stacks is way too much. You`re basically giving all the benefits to a person who clears a whole act in 1 hours rather than a person who can efficiently kill 8-10 elite mobs in 20 minutes


Junior Member
None of my regular gear (what's left of it after RMAH'ing my good stuff) has any MF on it. If they nerf MF swapping, I'll be left with only the MF found on my Templar, unless I want to take an enormous DPS hit that I really can't swing.

Really my MF would be reduced to whatever I can build with NV. In other words, people with a lot of gold (and MF on their main gear) will win, while players without a lot of gold will lose horribly. Why not completely invalidate MF at Inferno, and have NV take over (make it stack 2-3 times as high as it does now)? Is getting MF on your gear a "fun" mechanic in any way?

Oh, I'm all for it, honestly I think that would be the best possible solution. But I don't think Blizzard is even considering it, and I can understand their reasoning - it's not exactly gamebreaking, a lot of people paid a lot of money for their MF gear, and after the IAS nerf it would be just a bit much to handle. Sure, it definitely is the best option in my opinion, but the shitstorm would make it to the TV news.


Rodent Whores
Why set a hard cap?

For the reasons Blizz laid out in option 1:
We could set an MF cap between something like 100% and 200%. Nephalem Valor provides 75%, so you would need between 25% and 125% to reach the hard cap. Everyone could find ways to hit the cap for MF% on their gear and then stop.

Pros: Creates a gearing-game around trying to hit the "MF% cap" that some players enjoy. It also solves the swapping issue for people with enough gear to hit the cap. Players who want to min-max and gear swap can do so, and players who think it's stupid but feel "compelled" can try to hit the new cap instead.

Cons: Depending on where the cap is set, it may not actually alleviate gear swapping, and players who wish they didn't have to will feel compelled to do so. It also devalues a highly valuable stat, and desired stats mean desired gear, which helps diversify the item hunt.

This is just to give players a goal to reach, so that they don't feel like they have to go crazy with MF stacking on gear. It's a pretty high cap, but not so high that it's nearly impossible to reach.

It's also to lessen the importance of MF on gear and to instead place that importance on actually playing the game. It won't devalue the importance of MF on gear, I don't think. If anything, it'll make good gear with MF more desirable. The only thing it'll devalue, I think, is max MF stats on crap gear. Something that was only useful to ranged MF gear swappers, anyway.


20 NV stacks is way too much. You`re basically giving all the benefits to a person who clears a whole act in 1 hours rather than a person who can efficiently kill 8-10 elite mobs in 20 minutes
I don't see what's wrong with that. One person finishes a whole Act while fighting elites, bosses and doing side quests gets rewarded more than a person who spends 20 minutes using a few way points to find some elites, killing them and restarting the game.

Plus it retains NV in between Acts meaning you are rewarded a ton from playing the game from start to finish vs just doing a few way points over and over again.


Rodent Whores
20 NV stacks is way too much. You`re basically giving all the benefits to a person who clears a whole act in 1 hours rather than a person who can efficiently kill 8-10 elite mobs in 20 minutes

To be able to kill Diablo with 20 NV, you'd have to start at Act II, and not die more often than you kill champ packs. It's a decent enough challenge, and I figure if the player is able to play for an extended period of time, he should be rewarded for it. It makes quick, throwaway runs feel less necessary, and allows you to get good rewards by just playing the game through.

Even if you can steamroll act 1 and 2 in 1 hour, that doesn't necessarily mean you can keep it up into act 3 and 4 without dying too much.

Quick 20 minute playsessions where you kill 8-10 elite packs would still be a good way of farming, if your playstyle suits that better.


NOOOO I just missed this on the AH for 70k. It was still on 1d12h when I saw it, too... It would have been nearly perfect for my monk (only the block is low)




I farm just fine with 0% MF... elite packs still drop 2 to 3 rares quite often in A2, and I clear the whole act in 30-45 minutes.

So I don't really care about any of the MF changes.
None of my regular gear (what's left of it after RMAH'ing my good stuff) has any MF on it. If they nerf MF swapping, I'll be left with only the MF found on my Templar, unless I want to take an enormous DPS hit that I really can't swing.

Really my MF would be reduced to whatever I can build with NV. In other words, people with a lot of gold (and MF on their main gear) will win, while players without a lot of gold will lose horribly. Why not completely invalidate MF at Inferno, and have NV take over (make it stack 2-3 times as high as it does now)? Is getting MF on your gear a "fun" mechanic in any way?

How is that a problem? You just described the whole game. It's a gold farming game, and you use gold to buy better gear.

It's not like the people without a lot of gold have no way to make gold. You farm act 1, or act 2, or whatever, and sell your drops on the AH, just like the way you progress through inferno normally.


20 NV stacks is way too much. You`re basically giving all the benefits to a person who clears a whole act in 1 hours rather than a person who can efficiently kill 8-10 elite mobs in 20 minutes

Actually its fair. A person who spends an hour should get more benefit than a person that spends using a few waypoints and kill 5 packs and than a boss in 20m.


How is that a problem? You just described the whole game. It's a gold farming game, and you use gold to buy better gear.

How is it a problem that they're hosing people that were doing just fine previously? I guess if you've got plenty of gold, it's not.

Blizzard is all over the place. First Inferno is too hard (the only endgame they've got) so they nerf if. Then players are stacking IAS a bit too high, so they nerfed that. Finally, due to constant complaints, they made the highest tier items in the game drop like candy from enemies that pose no real threat (anything in Act 1, if you are a competent player). Seeing that they've gone too far with how easy it is to get top tier loot, now they want to stick it to anyone that uses the MF system to bolster that.

All of that, and there is still no end game content (other than the RMAH).


Rodent Whores
In regards to today's blizzard post about MF, they should probably go with option 4, slightly modified.

Along with the following modifications:

Only the magic find on gear that is swapped out will be disabled. So for example, if all you are doing is swapping out your off hand weapon for a shield, the MF from your valor, and your MF from your already equipped gear will remain.

Set a hard cap of 100% MF on gear.

Killing a boss pack gets you one stack of valor, up to 5.

Killing 1000 white mobs gets you one stack of valor, just like killing a boss would.

Completing a major quest awards you the ability to limit break your valor, giving you the ability to add an additional valor stack above 5, up to a max of 20.

Killing an act boss with at least 10 NV guarantees 3 rares. 15 NV guarantees 4 rares. 20 NV guarantees 5 rares.

Dying removes one valor stack, but repeated deaths cannot lower your NV below 5.

Moving onto the next act does not reset your NV.

Chests and breakable objects are influenced by NV only, not MF on gear.

Goblins only spawn after certain requirements are met in game ( white mobs killed, elites killed, quests completed, etc), and are spawned in completely random locations.

Resplendent chests only spawn at the exit of a dungeon, and only after you have killed all of the elite packs in that dungeon.

NV influence your sidequest rewards more so that they are actually worth doing.
One more thing - In a party your first 100% MF is averaged and divided among all the players as it is now. However, any MF above 100% that you have on your character only effects you and is not shared. That way, if you are a shitty player and keep dying, you won't negatively effect everyone else in the party.


Why is mf such a hot topic we have 3 pages devoted to debating how it does/doesnt suck? Its available to everyone, if you don't like swapping gear, build a suit to use all the time.

No one is at a disadvantage, its all available for everyone.
I'm always dubious when something I list on the AH sells really quickly. I put a quiver up for 6mil and it sold in about 10 minutes.

It was nice, some stats (low numbers), but had crit damage, IAS, and magic find. Nice little piece...wonder if I should have put it for 15 mil instead.
How is it a problem that they're hosing people that were doing just fine previously? I guess if you've got plenty of gold, it's not.

Blizzard is all over the place. First Inferno is too hard (the only endgame they've got) so they nerf if. Then players are stacking IAS a bit too high, so they nerfed that. Finally, due to constant complaints, they made the highest tier items in the game drop like candy from enemies that pose no real threat (anything in Act 1, if you are a competent player). Seeing that they've gone too far with how easy it is to get top tier loot, now they want to stick it to anyone that uses the MF system to bolster that.

All of that, and there is still no end game content (other than the RMAH).

Yea, after your first paragraph i agree with everything. But none of that really has anything to do with MF. Every change ever is going to hose someone that was doing fine previously.
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