I actually don't think a Rare 63 has dropped for me yet. They are all lvl 52 or 55.
before i had any extra MF, i would get at least 1 ilvl 63 rare per run of act 1. you must have insanely bad luck
I actually don't think a Rare 63 has dropped for me yet. They are all lvl 52 or 55.
I actually don't think a Rare 63 has dropped for me yet. They are all lvl 52 or 55.
How long have you been in inferno if you don't mind me asking? Even in act 1 inferno, items with ilvl 60+ shouldn't be very uncommon
Yea not too long actually. Maybe 15-20 hours. I do consider myself to have bad luck perhaps they are coming.
your followers dont need dps they need vit. that item has no stats and is useless for a follower.You could always give it to your Enchantress?
Has anyone seen the 1.03 item duping video on YouTube?
Guys I can't decide... should I keep it to use or sell it?
Guys I can't decide... should I keep it to use or sell it?
Life after kill instead of LOH. Guhhhhhh so close.
Why would you try it in the first place? You're trying to use an unauthorized exploit, and even if it was real you'd risk a ban if Blizzard could trace it.the one using the salvage guy? yeah i couldn't get it to work using 2 shields. maybe i did it wrong though.
What's wrong with the wd? I just cleared act 2 with average stats. Only 11.1k dps and 400 plus resist all. Only good thing I have is 700 loh. Stuck in act 3 though because I couldn't afford to upgrade. Played with a wizard friend before, doesn't seem like he is doing that much better than I am.Thinking of giving up on my WD until they decide to buff/fix the class
For non-tanking Wizards in Inferno act 3/4, what do you look for in a weapon besides Crit Damage + Socket? Is the wizard only bonus from wands a necessity for some builds (like mana regen for WDs from Ceremonial knives)? Is fast attack speed ideal or slow?
What's wrong with the wd? I just cleared act 2 with average stats. Only 11.1k dps and 400 plus resist all. Only good thing I have is 700 loh. Stuck in act 3 though because I couldn't afford to upgrade. Played with a wizard friend before, doesn't seem like he is doing that much better than I am.
I played an hour of act 3 just fine (as in, not one shotted) though it was challenging. Loh and acid rain does wonders, though I admit I am not too far in yet.With those stats you are going to get one shotted by everything in act 3.
Maybe it is a part of the way the economy works but I am having a super hard time selling L30 to L45 items on AH. I also think I better understand what should sell and what should not so I am even more baffled - is it that players who are making alts just want to buy something 10 to 29 range and then power up through Nightmare without buying much like I am doing myself? It is kind of an "in the middle" level range where you only catch people who are on their way up to 60 right...and most of the newbs are excluded too.
I finally started to die after having a bunch of L22 to L29 items so at L42 I had to upgrade some equipment, but I tried to keep it as cheap as possible...
Any price estimates? In gold EU
Why would you spoiler tag EU?
Is the AH worldwide? Like selling in EU it will also be available in the US?
About the only gear I buy from 1-59 is a weapon every 5-10 levels, and reduced requirement gear.Maybe it is a part of the way the economy works but I am having a super hard time selling L30 to L45 items on AH. I also think I better understand what should sell and what should not so I am even more baffled - is it that players who are making alts just want to buy something 10 to 29 range and then power up through Nightmare without buying much like I am doing myself? It is kind of an "in the middle" level range where you only catch people who are on their way up to 60 right...and most of the newbs are excluded too.
I finally started to die after having a bunch of L22 to L29 items so at L42 I had to upgrade some equipment, but I tried to keep it as cheap as possible...
Any Euro Gaffers willing to craft a Perfect Star Emerald for me for a small fee? I have the 537 Tomes required and about 60 Flawless Squares. I'd pay the rest in cash.
It would be much appreciated.
Please leave a note here with your Battle Tag or shoot me a pm.
Second set. You're losing 20 odd VIT for higher resist, STR and Armour. It's an i63 so it will probably maintain it's value as well.
Spotted a nice amulet on the AH for 25k. bid on it, with 36 hours left. Some minutes later, I was out bidded. I go and check it out...
the guy put 800k on the table. lol wut
Anyone have the 6 prop glove recipe for sale?
I was bidding on an item yesterday, it literally went from 3 million to 8 million in the last minute... damn snipers.
Spotted a nice amulet on the AH for 25k. bid on it, with 36 hours left. Some minutes later, I was out bidded. I go and check it out...
the guy put 800k on the table. lol wut
I wish I could sell you mine, I'd like that 36 million back.
I was bidding on an item yesterday, it literally went from 3 million to 8 million in the last minute... damn snipers.
Of course. It works just like Ebay.Also, I bout an item but I got charge only with the initial price ? I guess if you buy an item for over the intial price and if you were the only bidder, you pay only the first price ? That's pretty cool
Also, I bout an item but I got charge only with the initial price ? I guess if you buy an item for over the intial price and if you were the only bidder, you pay only the first price ? That's pretty cool
Bidding works like eBay. It's proxy bidding so the winner pays the second highest bid.
wait, wat ? So I just have to go all in to win every bid and I'll only pay for the second bid ?