wow I'm basically just complaining for the sake of complaining, I thought that was obvious. I'm not starting a vendetta against the game here lol. I can't be annoyed that I can't get a stronger bow without paying a gazillion, and I can't seem to get one after farming 100 hours?
I think it's normal for people to complain after that kind of stuff. You're a true warrior though, stand up gentlemanz. There's no overarching point being made here, it just bugs me :|
You can complain about anything you want. You weren't complaining about not being able to loot a better bow than your current one though. You were crying about how the crossbow market is priced higher than 2H for some reason even though, as scy has pointed out, that comparison makes absolutely no sense and even after being responded to with reason you decided to ignore that and keep running with it.