I started playing this a few days ago and it's the first Diablo I've played since the original. I created a monk and so far have made it into Act II. Is there a certain weapon/armor and skill setup I should work towards? I've been playing on the default difficulty and nothing has posed too much of a problem.
Yup, part of the fun of levelling new classes for me is trying out each new skill/rune as it unlocks.Honestly, I'd just play and try out different builds and see what you like up until at least the middle of Hell difficulty. If you just start building towards a cookie cutter build this early you'll get sick of the class by the time you hit Inferno.
Honestly, I'd just play and try out different builds and see what you like up until at least the middle of Hell difficulty. If you just start building towards a cookie cutter build this early you'll get sick of the class by the time you hit Inferno.
Why is it such a pain in the ass to search for off hand items on the AH? I sorted by intel, crit, arcane from crit. Even going up to 6 million gold buyout, could not find a single item that exceeded 250 damage. Shouldn't that be enough to get one with at least 300 damage and those stats, or is the market higher than I realize?
Archon is pretty nice now, blizzard just needs to fix blood magic rune not working with archon beam attack, or I could just find a good weapon with leech, and then I'm set
(stats with scoundrel)
Archon stats
Improved archon does constant 375% dps (a bit more actually due to the burst attack every 5 seconds), so even in coop things die very quickly.
Why does only like 5 percent of low level items have bid outs in the auction house?
Its stupid.
I'm starting a new character and I was looking for some stuff (Level 14 at the time and Act 2 wasn't going by fast enough). I thought about spending like 50K on new gear.
All the gear I looked at were under 2K current bit but had 2hour - 2day wait times. WTF 2 hours I will be at least 5 levels higher and don't need the gear in 2 hours. Ended up buying an armor for 5K (only at 1K current bid) since it was the only thing a good deal better than my current gear with a bid out.
Speaking of which does Gems have level reqs? Can I get lowest level socketed gear and puts some high level gems in there. I don't mean stuff like Radiant Star Gem or anything but I have stacks of square and flawless squares so like Radiant Square and Star.
Make a Star Ruby in the helm and a Star Ruby in some one handed weapon. You have a very good low level starting gear.
It does suck that you can't sort by damage for OH's, but you just filtered for the 3 most coveted stats on sources. So yeah, an OH with good damage AND those stats are highly coveted and can go for 7 figures. Try just limiting search to AP on Crit and Int. You can make up crit chance on other pieces, but only wizard hats and sources can have AP on Crit.
Screenshotting all the equipment seems like too much work, but I can show something specific if you want.I think You and I have very similar builds, can I get a look at your items / skill set up?
Depends on the budget really, if int is very high the base damage can accordingly be lower. Roughly 2 int ~ 1 average base damageWhat is the minimum damage you would want on a source? 80-100 min - 300-400 max?
What is the minimum damage you would want on a source? 80-100 min - 300-400 max?
Is this sellable? DPS sucks, but otherwise it is pretty good? Realmoney worthy?
I'm not that rich, so I'm still just using a 70-270 dmg source, but has 140 Int and 10 AP on Crit (+ Blizzard duration). The 100-350/400 OH's are equivalent to the top damage rolls on ilvl 63 weapons, so expect them to be expensive.
If you have 6M to spend though, you should be able to get a 300+ top end OH, just don't expect to get one that has all the coveted stats. You could find a steal though. A lot of good sources get overlooked because we can't filter for damage.
Is this sellable? DPS sucks, but otherwise it is pretty good? Realmoney worthy?
looking for some DH opinions...
1. better to go dual 1h xbows? or stick witha 1h/2h bow and quiver? ( i used to go shield, but have switched back recently for quiver)
2. I personally don't think LoH is important to me as a DH, do other DHs value it highly and use it?
Most DH don't care about LOH so you can get a high LOH bow with high DPS for cheap. I personally like LOH on my DH. Throw down a stack of jagged spikes and I can stand in the middle of act 2 elites and I regen health far faster than I lose it. Or if you have to kite and you take a hit or two you can heal for free. Even if you don't want LOH, it's still a good idea to at least get a LOH side bow to switch to for reflect mobs.
Then 1k all resist?
Im thinking of dropping my other 1h for a shield.
1k Resist is overkill...plus expensive.
1k is perfect.... if you plan on going back in time and playing pre-1.0.3 Diablo :lol
I do like LOH, but at the same time I wouldn't sacrifice a ton of DPS in order to get it. My current bow doesn't have it and I don't see myself switching as it's pretty darn good as it stands.Most DH don't care about LOH so you can get a high LOH bow with high DPS for cheap. I personally like LOH on my DH. Throw down a stack of jagged spikes and I can stand in the middle of act 2 elites and I regen health far faster than I lose it. Or if you have to kite and you take a hit or two you can heal for free. Even if you don't want LOH, it's still a good idea to at least get a LOH side bow to switch to for reflect mobs.
Thing with armor and all resist is there's diminishing returns
I can put more armor with higher AR but take a hit on STr/VIT (which impacts my armor anyways) but once you hit 900 AR and 9000 armor, the amount of protection you get off additional points is such a waste
Better to spend on life regen, life on hit (low DPS), life steal (high DPS)
ACT 3 is still murdering my barb because I simply cannot afford anything on the auction house
I looked at my bracers which I bought for 10 k near game launch... Now would go for 25 million... Ridiculous.
Yeah, 900-1000 seems alright.
I don't think it's overkill. I've got almost 8000 armor, 940 resists, 40,000 life, and about 1200 LOH and the elemental properties on elites still eat the hell out of my life.
There are no diminishing returns with armor and resist.
The visual percent each point adds decreases, but those small increases are worth just as much as the large increases before them.
Yeah, 900-1000 seems alright.
I don't think it's overkill. I've got almost 8000 armor, 940 resists, 40,000 life, and about 1200 LOH and the elemental properties on elites still eat the hell out of my life.
Honestly, I think they did something to the elemental properties like molten and desecrator that bring them to pre 1.0.3 levels now. That stuff is crazy. I feel like I need to get them higher so I can do a more offensive build. As it stands I'm running pure defense even with those stats.
What sucks is I still get eaten alive if I switch away from my shield. I bought a new weapon and before I sold my old one I wanted to try them both at the same time. So with them both I have 1800 life on hit. From losing the shield my resists go down to mid 800s, unfortunately, life to about 35,000, and my armor goes to ~7000. I'm really wondering what the hell the threshold is for dual wielding in this game. I guess the affix I tested it out on was kind of bad for me, but still.
I'm only around 5.5k armour and 750 resist and I can't say I feel in anyway inadequately geared for Act III/IV. I mean I still die the odd time against dickhead mobs with Vortex and Arcane/Molten but I'm going to die sometimes regardless of resists.
But I'm dual wielding two LoH weapons, close to 2.0 APS and hitting at 24k DPS. I guess both are completely viable but I got sick of playing defensively in Inferno.
Also I agree they definitely buffed the some of the affixes. Especially Vortex, I get raped by that.
Yeah, 900-1000 seems alright.
I don't think it's overkill. I've got almost 8000 armor, 940 resists, 40,000 life, and about 1200 LOH and the elemental properties on elites still eat the hell out of my life.
Honestly, I think they did something to the elemental properties like molten and desecrator that bring them to pre 1.0.3 levels now. That stuff is crazy. I feel like I need to get them higher so I can do a more offensive build. As it stands I'm running pure defense even with those stats.
What sucks is I still get eaten alive if I switch away from my shield. I bought a new weapon and before I sold my old one I wanted to try them both at the same time. So with them both I have 1800 life on hit. From losing the shield my resists go down to mid 800s, unfortunately, life to about 35,000, and my armor goes to ~7000. I'm really wondering what the hell the threshold is for dual wielding in this game. I guess the affix I tested it out on was kind of bad for me, but still.
I don't think resist does anything for desecrator.
I'm only around 5.5k armour and 750 resist and I can't say I feel in anyway inadequately geared for Act III/IV. I mean I still die the odd time against dickhead mobs with Vortex and Arcane/Molten but I'm going to die sometimes regardless of resists.
But I'm dual wielding two LoH weapons, close to 2.0 APS and hitting at 24k DPS. I guess both are completely viable but I got sick of playing defensively in Inferno.
Also I agree they definitely buffed the some of the affixes. Especially Vortex, I get raped by that.
Mathematically, yes there is diminishing returns
You are welcome to graph it out as I am too lazy
1 point early on reduces damage more for armor and AR than it does when your numbers are high
That's what diminishing returns is. Your gains become lower for every point you add to both.
Honestly, I think they did something to the elemental properties like molten and desecrator that bring them to pre 1.0.3 levels now. That stuff is crazy. I feel like I need to get them higher so I can do a more offensive build. As it stands I'm running pure defense even with those stats.
Anyways, the LoH ticked by Fire Pit is amazing. My Big Stinker is actually very resistant and his AoE poison ticks LoH like crazy as well.
Mathematically, yes there is diminishing returns
You are welcome to graph it out as I am too lazy
1 point early on reduces damage more for armor and AR than it does when your numbers are high
That's what diminishing returns is. Your gains become lower for every point you add to both.
750 resists is very squishy at the start of Act III. Especially with 680 LOH (working on getting that up next ).
Are you guys talking 1k resist with buffs or no buffs? I just switched one of my passives to an offensive one, added battle rage-marauder, and got my crit damage to 320+ to my tank build and im doing over 20kdps most of the time while keeping my shield and having 11k armor with buffs. This is working out good so far want to get my damage up a bit more though.
not sure what class you are, but if you're a barb you can spec into overpower/crushing advance and it lets you completely sit in plagues desecrates moltens and heal back to full with it. low cooldown too. i use it on my dual wield barb
You have to look at EHP, EHP increases linearly with armour and resist. Every 300 resist or 3000 armour increases your EHP by the same amount, something like 100% of your base EHP, no matter your resist/armour level.
Monk, unfortunately. I'm not sure there's a spec or gear we can have that we can sit in those things forever, unless you have crazy LOH or something. With a barb in my party pre patch I could sit in those things as long as I was attacking and be fine for a while. After that patch, though with a barb in my party I'm getting my health eaten away way too fast to stay for even a second, unfortunately.
Makes me wonder at the validity of Monk Retribution Aura tanking. Could be interesting if it has decent returns for sustain.
Just got to Inferno this morning with my DH, and have been pretty much running a glass cannon build ("I don't always get hit, but when I do, I die.") and I'd like to toughen up a bit.
Are there general Damage and Health numbers I should be striving for to increase my survivability?
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