For that to happen you'd have to stop using AH alltogether. You're just simply bound to find more stuff others might find useful, and once you sell that stuff you'll have money for gear that would suit you, it's not the fault of the game, it's the nature of an easily accessible, open market.
Even if you assume there's just 3 different kinds of good stuff, Dex upgrades, Str upgrades and Int upgrades, for every piece that would be an 'upgrade' for you you'd find 2 'upgrades' for someone else. Sell those and you're able to buy an even better 'upgrade' for yourself, so when the piece that would have been an upgrade for you drops, you'll already have an equal or better thing from the AH 66% of the time.
The only thing this patch will change about finding upgrades for yourself is that if you'd go for a 'no AH' playthrough you'd find the upgrades more easily. But as long as you keep using the AH, most of the gear you'll wear will come from the AH.