I could use them. Let me know if they don't sell.Just got the Zuni boots ... Not a very sweet roll. A set piece none the less though. I'm hoping I get 15 mil.
I could use them. Let me know if they don't sell.Just got the Zuni boots ... Not a very sweet roll. A set piece none the less though. I'm hoping I get 15 mil.
Just played a public game. Within five minutes of joining a legendary Two-Handed Axe dropped.
Doesn't seem to be worth a lot because of all the low damage rolls? Even though I got double Int and some Vit. I see better ones starting at 28m.
Maybe I'll just give it to my witch doctor, though if I sell it now and hang on to the gold until after the patch, maybe I could get something just as good for cheaper later? Decisions...
I wonder where I'd be in life if I dedicated half of the time I put into Diablo 3 for things that actually matter
What the fuck....literally WTF. both of these drop within 3 mobs of each other
and they're exactly the same.
There are of course people who just plain get lucky, it's in the nature of the thing. But you have to be careful judging these things by feel, because we tend to fool ourselves believing in streaks and such. What matters most is how maximized someone's chances are. How many times do you get to you the wheel in an hour, basically. How much does someone play, how efficient are they and what is their P-level. Chances are these all differ from person to person. In that sense, yes, Blizzard knows. They made it that way.And then a lot of people describe runs where many legendaries drop within a few minutes of each other.
What the fuck....literally WTF. both of these drop within 3 mobs of each other
and they're exactly the same.
There are of course people who just plain get lucky, it's in the nature of the thing. But you have to be careful judging these things by feel, because we tend to fool ourselves believing in streaks and such. What matters most is how maximized someone's chances are. How many times do you get to you the wheel in an hour, basically. How much does someone play, how efficient are they and what is their P-level. Chances are these all differ from person to person. In that sense, yes, Blizzard knows. They made it that way.
Besides MF though, the most important part is how many mobs you kill. When Alkaizer raced to P100, he had a ton of legendaries drop, owing mostly to the fact that he killed a LOT of things (and since he was gaining MF with ever P-level, the rate increased). It's no wonder most legendaries drop from white mobs (and previously weapon racks and such), there are simply a lot more of them.
Not sure if anyone else has used it, but my roommate and I use this program called LootAlert. You can have it set to make a sound whenever a legendary or plan drops. You can also set it to make a sound whenever a goblin is near or a level 63 (62 ring and amulet) drops. I mean, you can set it to any level but those are the defaults and the settings I'm sure most people would be interested in. Makes farming more efficient and greatly reduces the risk of missing a legendary or plan/design on the ground.
Well, yeah. That is very likely some sort of glitch, considering how difficult it is to find two rares with the same stats on the AH. Too many variables.Well, I'd say that there is a "feel" for what is going on and then there is hard evidence of things not working "right" when two of the exact same items drop.
Well, we're in the realm of streaks or perceived streaks. I'm not sure those people exists, or if so, how big their number is in relation to unlucky people like us. Outside of one very lucky bugger in this thread, whose name I forgot (sorry) I can't think of any serial jackpots. I don't even know how much he plays so he might not even be lucky, just maximizing chances. (That said, outliers stick out and make a stronger impression than masses of non-outliers. Something to keep in mind.)Meanwhile folks with much less time are rolling in legendaries and hitting huge jackpots fairly routinely. My chance of getting a "jackpot" before their next jackpot? Exactly the same in theory...in reality...I'm not so sure...I'd bet on them.
Sounds awesome, but can it get you banned?
What it does
Plays a sound everytime a new legendary (or other items depending on settings) is dropped. Here is an image that shows the approximate range: http://i.imgur.com/vRjli.jpg. Left side is where I dropped the item and right side is where I heard the sound.
How it works
Uses memory reading to detect items. Sound files and exe must be in the same folder. You can replace the sound files with whatever you want, just make sure the name doesn't change.
Why I made this
I play a barb with the Sprint/WW build, and mobs usually die offscreen. This makes sure I do not miss any legendaries or set items that drops.
I would use that program... But I don't get legendaries, so I'm not concerned about it. Haha.
Well, yeah. That is very likely some sort of glitch, considering how difficult it is to find two rares with the same stats on the AH. Too many variables.
Well, we're in the realm of streaks or perceived streaks. I'm not sure those people exists, or if so, how big their number is in relation to unlucky people like us. Outside of one very lucky bugger in this thread, whose name I forgot (sorry) I can't think of any serial jackpots. I don't even know how much he plays so he might not even be lucky, just maximizing chances. (That said, outliers stick out and make a stronger impression than masses of non-outliers. Something to keep in mind.)
There's no reason to believe that those people are 'streaking' or that their drop rates are somehow operating differently than ours. Take a pair of dice and have two people roll them a hundred times. It may very well be that one person will roll two sixes a lot more often than another. Do it a thousand or ten thousand times and both rates would level out eventually. It's just the nature of the thing, it's random. Humans look for patterns and whether or not they are there, we tend to find them.
I'd be inclined to agree with you about the perception of 'streakiness' of the game but the duplicate item glitch combined with my perception that there are 'streaks' based on what players report...I'm thinking there is something going on in the background. What, I do not know. I do know that if I find a legendary I will not exit my run until everything in the act is killed...just in case.
Also, it is poor system as we've noted before. Pure chance is stupid. They really need to give players a way to improve their chances if they haven't had a legendary drop in a while. Either increase %s based on xp since last drop or let us sacrifice rares or something to improve the % chance.
I'd rather have a way to customize gear, but they cut that because they felt it was redundant (they actually ran out of time/didn't really know what they were doing). Give me some way to customize my character beyond having to grind for drops. Something.Also, it is poor system as we've noted before. Pure chance is stupid. They really need to give players a way to improve their chances if they haven't had a legendary drop in a while. Either increase %s based on xp since last drop or let us sacrifice rares or something to improve the % chance.
Also, it is poor system as we've noted before. Pure chance is stupid. They really need to give players a way to improve their chances if they haven't had a legendary drop in a while. Either increase %s based on xp since last drop or let us sacrifice rares or something to improve the % chance.
Check out my wizard's sweet pompadour! Somehow her hair got blown on top of her head... it was pretty awesome.
She also needs help. I'm pretty terrible still at playing wizard, not sure if archon is the way to go or what is useful as far as skills go. I think most of her equipment is more or less okay minus the rings. Any helpful wizard tips would be fantastic.
I haven not been active in D3 since OT 1. How are the drops now?
What I mean is do I still have to use the AH to get stuff for my character? Or is stuff actually dropping that I can use? Over 200+ hrs and barely got any upgrades that dropped in inferno, had to use AH for everything.
Check back in a week or two when the New patch is out
I don't see how Cold Blooded is helping you any since you aren't using any ice spells. Look into Evocation if you have trouble keeping Archon up.
And yes, with those stats, Archon is probably the way to go. Just make sure you don't get hit!
Things are a lot better than before, but the new patch is going to get it closer to where it needs to be. Double legendary drop rates, affixes based on enemy's level, improved mf and exp with monster power levels (basically an option to increase the difficulty within an act for better rewards), and an event to get a ring that'll be quite good and potentially BiS depending on the affixes. 1.04 added a lot of good stuff, 1.05 is going to be fixing even more. This really has been like a beta, but I'd rather that than blizzard never improving the game.Ya figured everything was the same, my friend has been on that public realm for 1.05 and loves the changes. Oh well =/ Thanks for reply.
There are never any "safe" upgrades. If you think the upgrade will not allow you to farm more efficiently either right now or right when 1.05 hits, I suppose it's safer to wait a bit. Prices aren't going to tank immediately when 1.05 hits, only when the market is saturated enough for the demand to go down. Presumable 1.05 will also bring some players back so the demand might be higher for a bit.
Any gaffers with monks do monster power 10 yet?
Oh, I have cold blooded on because I use the Scoundrel follower with multishot and a cold bow. Or, was planning to, I think he still needs geared. I might switch it though, because I get eaten alive if archon isn't charged up again yet. I read that Living Lightning and WW Storm Chaser proc CM the most for charging Archon, is that accurate?
Any gaffers with monks do monster power 10 yet?