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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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I played with a few gaffers yesterday and had a blast.

This game is so fun in a party group!

Shitty drops galore though


I am terrible at estimating value, but I think this amulet could be worth a ton. Any estimates?

26% lightning resistance
Attack speed increased by 6%
Critical hit damage increased by 55%
Critical hit chance increased by 7.5%
Reduces duration of control impairing effects by 9%


Non max rolls have gone down quite a bit. Search for just your IAS, cc and cd values. The other two properties don't add anything sadly.

If there were a primary stat or all resist or vit. Then you would be rich.
I am terrible at estimating value, but I think this amulet could be worth a ton. Any estimates?

26% lightning resistance
Attack speed increased by 6%
Critical hit damage increased by 55%
Critical hit chance increased by 7.5%
Reduces duration of control impairing effects by 9%

Yeah, the lack of main stat hurts it.

For instance, my ammy is 169 dex, 8 cc, 55 cd and I would lose over 3000 dps switching to yours.

Sorry man, but you may get someone to buy it just because it is a trifecta.


That kinda sucks, oh well. I'm at the point where upgrades cost a ton, but I'm happy farming MP3 so it's not too bad.


Does maths and stuff
That kinda sucks, oh well. I'm at the point where upgrades cost a ton, but I'm happy farming MP3 so it's not too bad.

Plenty of builds will gladly take that amulet over the DPS loss due to the lack of primary stat. (See CM Wiz)

Should still fetch a decent number on the AH.
At this point, even set items aren't worth anything. At least we keep finding stuff, but now to be able to win good gold you need to drop a set or legendary with very good stats.

Fiery, much better. Is it a great game? I dunno. I'm pretty addicted to it, but I don't think it's very easy to get into. It's very repetitive.


Simple question, how much better is this game than when it launched? On track to be a sweet game y/n?
A lot better that's for sure. Nevermind the server issues at launch, game was broke at inferno. Everything felt cheap and you either exploited or zerg rushed to progress in the game. People just ran chests/goblins since NV didn't reward elite kills that much. Act 2 was legitimately broke and, melee class were damn near unplayable. WD class was a joke. Legendaries were a joke, outclassed by even blues. Good loot was extremely difficult to come by, it was super hard to gear yourself for inferno without using AH.

It has come a long way since then but still has a long way to go.
Simple question, how much better is this game than when it launched? On track to be a sweet game y/n?

Didn't most people like the game when it launched? I thought the main issue was once someone reached level 60 and got to inferno "end game".

Either way ... they've made farming better and incrased legendary drop rates. They included Monster Power levels so that you can grind an alt to 60 faster and control difficulty past 60 as well. They gave us ring farming post 60 and fixed the multiplayer aspect of the game so that it doesn't "punish" one for grouping instead of going solo.

IMO the end game is much better now than it was. Since inferno scales now, it's easier to start progressing without hitting massives walls too.

EDIT: I'm presonally wearing 4 items that I found. At one point I was wearing boots I had found too. Though I swapped those out. So if you're the type of person who refuses to use the AH, it would seem that progression is now more capable than it was before.


Oh yea forgot about Inferno punishing multiplayer and averaging your MF.

People only liked the game from lvl1-59 at launch.
I do have to say, the quest for that legendary drop, that jackpot, that one split second of luck, is getting really old now.

I kept looking for it up until halfway through 1.03. When I finished Inferno the game seemed pointless, I had no more desire to search for gear.

I'm now progressing through paragon ladder and I am at level 56, but how long is searching for the jackpot going to keep me entertained? I'm almost at 500 hours, and the biggest sale I've had in the game was at 30m. 500 hours!

So that elusive search for an amazing legendary drop that you keep telling yourself is gonna happen is starting to get really, really old. The rest of the incentives in the game are just not enough to keep me from playing.

I guess I just need a break lol


You need to get more vit and life per hit(even at the expense of dps i do 42k unbuffed and i can farm mp5 without any problems) its a must with mp on, as enemies last longer and can get you good.

you can use rend, charge and vengance as health aid its works for me.

More armor (around 6000 if you can) and vit for sure. Aim closer to 40k life than 30, it helps a lot. You might be focusing a bit too much on resists, especially if you're still running with the +20% armor/res shout. And for your amount of damage, LoH would be more beneficial than life steal. Life steal is the way to go once you get closer to 100k damage, not 50k.

I'd say a bit more vitality and LoH would help you the most.

with the amount DPS you are doing, lifesteal is worthless for you. get life on hit. lifesteal only works when you have 100K unbuffed DPS.
your vitality needs a improvement as well, since you can't kill mobs quickly, you should invest enough life to withstand more punishments. total HP should be at least 40K. life % bonus on gear is a huge HP boost.

please check out my MP8 uber farming barb. not the best, but doable:

this is my friend's barb. a successful barbarian should look like this, this should be your goal:

Thanks for the help guys.

I traded one of my passives for the one with the %25 armor, so now I get 6157 armor and 7142 with War Cry

I also bought a weapon with LOH (V_Arnold also gave me one just earlier. thx man ;p), but I still die within seconds on MP3 while playing solo. How much LOH would be effective do you think? I'm trying to find a balance where I won't lose too much DPS while getting LOH. I think I might try amulets/rings.

BTW, found this.


Hope I can get a nice price for it


I'd say 100m on a slow day. Fantastic chest item you got there.

Also, someone said lifesteal is worthless unless you have 100k unbuffed DPS. That's simply not true, at least not always and not at all for barbarians. Depending on your class/build your paper DPS is but a fraction of your actual damage output. My unbuffed dps is about 100k (goes a little up or a little down depending on MP I play at or if I have my follower or not) and with 5.8% lifesteal I can solo the ubers on MP6 because my life is nearly always full. When I switched to life on hit of 700ish with 2.8% lifesteal I didn't have nearly as easy of time with the ubers even on 2 MP levels lower. The low proc rate of LoH from whirlwinds and tornados for barbs makes lifesteal better and more predictable, and this was the case after the patch when I was sitting on about 80k unbuffed DPS as well.

Here's my barbie for reference. With the amount of lifesteal I have mp6 is little problem unless I get in a really bad combination of elite affixes.


I'm not sure cause I'm on my way towork but pretty sure I've seen zuni chest with similar stats for 24M buyout when I did the similat items search.. go get it!
Wow @ that archon, what a find.

I'm glad I made a point to not have any auctions end in the mornings. I got screwed 3-4 times by this due to either scheduled or random outages. I have them all end in the evening now, just a suggestion.


Welp, I guess my account is gone. I have the mobile authenticator on my htc incredible. My phone went buggy last night and erased all my apps. I reloaded the app and tried to do a restore. I can't use the battlenet restore option, it tells me my serial code and restore code don't work. Should I make a support ticket? I can't even access my account on battle.net website.


Does maths and stuff
Welp, I guess my account is gone. I have the mobile authenticator on my htc incredible. My phone went buggy last night and erased all my apps. I reloaded the app and tried to do a restore. I can't use the battlenet restore option, it tells me my serial code and restore code don't work. Should I make a support ticket? I can't even access my account on battle.net website.

Yea, call Blizzard.


I think my internets are finally working! I'll be home in a couple hours to check, but it sounds like I'll finally get to stop being a caveman and join the rest of the civilized world again. Hopefully I'll get time to play later tonight.


Are people still buying rings without AS or CC/CD?
That's a good defensive ring but these times people are going full damage instead of defense, but what do I know :p, still that's a nice ring.
Are people still buying rings without AS or CC/CD?
That's a good defensive ring but these times people are going full damage instead of defense, but what do I know :p, still that's a nice ring.
I found one of those just this morning and was thinking the same thing. Neat stats, but I didn't expect much money at all out of. I usually just put stuff I'm not sure about with a low initial bid and no buyout and just hope that there's some demand for it.


I seem to have some luck when it comes to chest pieces. first the IK chest and now this.. by far the two most valuable items I've found.

I found both on MP1 on act 1 so maybe that's the secret :p I'll put it up for bidding when I come back from work, and hopefully I'll be able to afford some awesome gear for my barb soon :p


Had 4 legendaries drop while doing key runs in A2/A3 this afternoon. Unfortunately all were bad. Gavel of Judgement, Pus Spitter, Tzo Krin's Gaze and a <900 dps Sky Splitter.
Can someone please give me some recommendations? I feel like I can finally survive most encounters but it takes 5 years to kill anything elite. How are my stats and what sort of things should I get to improve? since having like 28k damage unbuffed pretty much blows when im reading about people having 200k


You have good crit % but only 67% crit dmg. You need more crit DMG. I would personally move some crit % to my helm and bracer and drop the shield for a dual wield. Then get a weapon with both crit DMG and a socket for a green gem.

You also only have one damage modifier on all of your rings and ammys. People who have 200K are shooting for the trifecta of all three. I would at least try and get some IAS on those rings and some more CRIT DMG on that ammy.


Strength is also pretty low, get armor with sockets and high strength aim for 2000+ from gear. Upgrade gems to at least Star quality. And yea crit damage is very low.
Yeah you can stack crt % all you want and if it's not done with crit DMG it doesn't make much of a difference. Vice Versa.

I think I have 350 or so CRIT DMG. His DPS will climb fast with teh addition of a socket to that weapon or a dual wield build. He needs to move the last crit % from that sheild to his helm and maybe lacunis for bracers.


I found an upgrade bow for my DH just now. Almost put it on her but then got greedy and put it on AH for 5 million. I have gone full Monk now... and not a single fuck was given.


Junior Member
I found an upgrade bow for my DH just now. Almost put it on her but then got greedy and put it on AH for 5 million. I have gone full Monk now... and not a single fuck was given.

Welcome to the dark side. Of people who switch their mains. I've switched about 8 times now, always selling pretty much all my eq from the previous main on AH, which means I'm on a DH who does 70k dps with ~32k life, 3.7k armor and 400 allresists, with about 400 hours of game time split evenly across all 5 classes and 10 being my highest paragon level.
don't fall into this trap
Welcome to the dark side. Of people who switch their mains. I've switched about 8 times now, always selling pretty much all my eq from the previous main on AH, which means I'm on a DH who does 70k dps with ~32k life, 3.7k armor and 400 allresists, with about 400 hours of game time split evenly across all 5 classes and 10 being my highest paragon level.
don't fall into this trap


I've thought about swapping class and if so which one would I want to be. I think I would like to try Wiz or WD.

Though the temption for DH is there as well because 50% or more of my current gear with dex would transfer.


Neo Member
A question for the Barb Gaf

Does weapon mastery only take into account your main hand? If you were dual weilding with say an axe and mighty weapon.
If I transferred my Monks gear to my DH and used that bow I found she would do around 100k dps easily (no SS).

Yeah ... with the exception of my helm ... all of my gear would transer. I would probably have about 450-500 AR too.

I could probably pick up a semi cheap helm, a failry decent bow and possibly even a DML with the money I have currently.

It's tempting because it would be failry easy.

In order of actualy interest though I would say WD > WIZ > DH > BARB. I've been a melee for 500 hours. I wouldn't mind playing something else.

It's just that ... paragon level thing man!
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