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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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Hardcore barb hit 60 yesterday, had one huge near dead experience so far, in hell act 2... shit...

Almost finished act 1 inferno with him now, think I'm going to stay in act 1 for a while to gear up, I'm using pretty crappy gear atm... Prices on the EU HC Auction House are pretty high imho; certainly for a fresh 60, still using a lvl 40 helmet and silly shit like that. Identifying rares means something again though :lol

If you want to have a laugh -> http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/koji-2671/hero/21929526 (check ring and helmet, so boss)


Gonna work slowly to increase my CC/CD and keep on stacking AR, blew all the money I had this morning on my amulet (500K)


It took me about an hour and a half to get the 15 packs and keywarden down. However, 6 of the packs were reflect damage, and took significantly longer. If there's no reflect, one pack takes me about 2-3 minutes. Reflect with extra health can take up to 10 minutes per encounter.

I'll try to do one of these rooms once a night, hopefully with more packs next time.

That's actually pretty cool of you, I'll have to try to get it on one of these.

(Referring to the Witching Hour above) That someone thinks 15-20 mil for an item is "jack" saddens me. I wish I could afford one :(.

Me referring to 15-20 mil as jack was relative to what they were going for 2-3 weeks ago (aka twice as much) :p. That's still a pretty decent amount of money, but at this point for me that won't get me a single upgrade outside of I guess a Radiant Star for 8 more Dex -_-.

Edit: Holy fuck, I found my first Manticore, and it's a 2 socket!



I actually did the math and if I plugged two radiant stars in there it would be like a 9k damage increase (along with 26 all resist I guess), but the ~16 mil that would cost me to make another radiant star along with losing 10k HP is totally not worth it. Might be able to get a few mil on the AH for it, but fuuuuuck. So goddamn close to being awesome.


Too bad about the intelligence roll. That Skorn is almost perfect

Ah. The barb roll was your one random prop and max dps is 100 higher. But still pretty good.
Started a hardcore character. Playing on hardcore is so much more fun.

Check the ah all the time. Go for insane amount of hp. Take every ennmy as a serious threat. don't hesitate to run, take every elite one by one, place yourself carefully, put every situation and every fight in your favor.

Hitting level 60 and beating hell in the best achievement in the game.

Inferno hardcore does not exist


M.D is playing the outfitters right now, I feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman ...

Thank you so much for all those items ...


Quick question.

What is the "proper " group build for Witch Doctors in Ubers? Thanks.

I run Übers on MP6 with stunning poison dart (snake in the face), bears, gargantuan (stun type/enrage type), 3 zombie dogs (-10% damage taken for me variant), big bad voodoo (+20% ias, +20% movement, +30% damage variant) and spirit walk (hp/mana regen type).

For passives, it is Vision quest, jungle fortitude and your choice for third. But I have 4 set zunimassa bonus, so keep that in mind.


You know things have changed a lot when I just found a Stormshield that doesn't even go for 15k on the AH. Salvaging Stormshields. lol

Also I think I'm up to 7 successful key runs across any act in a row on MP3 now. RNG, how does it work


I've got machines, but not I'm just not usually on with any consistency in the evenings. If I can't hook up with any GAFers in the next few days, the holiday weekend might be a good time to hook up with some people to do them. I've only gotten to do each of the ubers once, and that's it, so I'm not really sure what I could handle them on. When we did it we did it I think on MP7, and I got two of the three organs.



I'm having difficulty accurately pricing this... any help?

Assuming you're on US, I'm not really sure either. I've never played a Wizard so I don't have any great insight on what specifically to look for, but just based on the stats on the item (and ignoring the Str) I didn't see anything really comparable that had a DPS higher than 963. Items in the 900+ range seemed to be all over the place price-wise at anywhere from 10-150 million. If nothing else I'd say price it high with no buyout. Someone else can probably chime in with something a bit more useful though.
Thanks for the info so far, guys/gals. :) Yeah, wasn't seeing much else with this high of DPS, either. And also haven't played a wizard for more than 10 minutes yet, haha


Hates quality gaming
I think that the wand might be lower nine digit range.

It's 1K DPS and has the base crit with socket. It's black. Every Archon Triumvirate wizard will want something like that if they don't already have something similar which has LS. Wizard can just use Blood Magic to make up for the lack of LS regardless.

I need to update my friend list with more posters here. Be on the look out for me. I've had a few nights lately where I haven't had full four man runs, and that makes me depressed.


Not too shabby. Hopped on to do a little bit of act 3. Got a ring that gave me a 3k upgrade in dps for my barb. Pushing me over 80k dps.

Also hit plevel 20. Now I can not play for a few days without being discouraged. (on tour for two weeks)
Not too shabby. Hopped on to do a little bit of act 3. Got a ring that gave me a 3k upgrade in dps for my barb. Pushing me over 80k dps.

Also hit plevel 20. Now I can not play for a few days without being discouraged. (on tour for two weeks)

Is that 80k with buffs or before?

I'm assuming maybe you dont use Buffs and its pure Dps?


Bah I'm still around 35k dps on my monk lol. Still trying to get the A3 key and A4 plan.

Link to your armory profile?

Feel free to add me at FaidSint#1586

I went through the process of gearing my monk pretty recently up from around where you are to where I am now (71k unbuffed). Not that I'm an expert or anything but I'd be happy to take a look and see if I can help or if I have any backup items lying around.

At first I was pissed that the keywarden I killed on mp8 didn't drop the key. Then I ID'd the amulet he dropped.


Damn I need a drop like that. Everytime I ID an amulet I'm so sure its gonna be great, and then so let down by how garbage it is.


Really nice ammy!

I was going to do another near-clear of Act III MP10 tonight, but I got home from work really late, so I won't be able to do it. Maybe tomorrow.


I'm pretty sure I've finally got Diablo 3 down. "That drop" would have always come 5 minutes after I quit playing for the night, I'm sure of it!


MP10 is so satisfying. Ghom and SB/ZK are easy... But Maghda/SK was a bit challenging. 2 Minutes to spare too!

Wizard OP, so I got myself a wizard army!



Hardcore GAF, should I bother farming inferno hardcore and leveling up paragon and shit? Or should I just focus on clearing inferno and be done with hardcore when I've downed Diablo?

What should I do GAF! Doesn't look like there is much of a hc community judging by the amount of items on the EU AH...

In other news, looks like I've managed to vendor a vile ward on my SC WD, bought a new one with the same stats for 5 mil, the one I had cost me 15mil a couple weeks ago.


Is there anyone on the EU servers for some key\uber\whatever farm? I'm not very active as I'm trying to get rid of my backlog for the wii U launch, but I'd still like to enlarge my friend list.



Sigh, I desperately need a ring. Doesnt matter if I get bad rolls, I just really want to work on my Paragon exp, and I cant efficiently do that as well without a freaking ring...

Think Im gonna start grinding out some MP5 key master kills until I get 5 of each, then work on the pattern.


paid requisite penance
I think that the wand might be lower nine digit range.

It's 1K DPS and has the base crit with socket. It's black. Every Archon Triumvirate wizard will want something like that if they don't already have something similar which has LS. Wizard can just use Blood Magic to make up for the lack of LS regardless.

I need to update my friend list with more posters here. Be on the look out for me. I've had a few nights lately where I haven't had full four man runs, and that makes me depressed.

Could someone clarify this? What do you mean, "it's black"? Does that mean its DPS is non-elemental? What's the benefit?
And I'm afraid I still have no idea how Triumvirate works. Has it become the best source for DPS or something? How are the three elemental bonuses counted?


Could someone clarify this? What do you mean, "it's black"? Does that mean its DPS is non-elemental? What's the benefit?
And I'm afraid I still have no idea how Triumvirate works. Has it become the best source for DPS or something? How are the three elemental bonuses counted?

Triumvirate adds elemental damage to all, and as far as I know, the physical portion will get multiplied by the bonues. The bigger the phys portion of your weapon dps, the bigger the gain. Therefore, it is best to have no elemental damage on it for this reason.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Could someone clarify this? What do you mean, "it's black"? Does that mean its DPS is non-elemental? What's the benefit?
And I'm afraid I still have no idea how Triumvirate works. Has it become the best source for DPS or something? How are the three elemental bonuses counted?

Yes, it means that the DPS bonus is non elemental.



Non elemental bonuses don't have a background behind the DPS. It's just black. Thus, "black" damage.

And yes, + elemental damage affixes like the ones on a triumvirate apply to that black bonus damage on a weapon, but it doesn't apply to bonus elemental damage unless it's the same elemental damage type.


paid requisite penance
Triumvirate adds elemental damage to all, and as far as I know, the physical portion will get multiplied by the bonues. The bigger the phys portion of your weapon dps, the bigger the gain. Therefore, it is best to have no elemental damage on it for this reason.

Yes, it means that the DPS bonus is non elemental.

Non elemental bonuses don't have a background behind the DPS. It's just black. Thus, "black" damage.

And yes, + elemental damage affixes like the ones on a triumvirate apply to that black bonus damage on a weapon, but it doesn't apply to bonus elemental damage unless it's the same elemental damage type.

Thanks. Pretty cool. I like that there are 3 viable legendaries/set off-hands for wizard. This, The Oculus and Chant's Force are all great, though I would rate The Oculus a bit below because after a while you don't really need the cooldown reduction on teleport.


MP10 is so satisfying. Ghom and SB/ZK are easy... But Maghda/SK was a bit challenging. 2 Minutes to spare too!

Wizard OP, so I got myself a wizard army!

Nice, I guess that's the only way to make sure you get that damn spine. I've got 5 eyes and 7 fangs but 0 spines right now.
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