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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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Shit, I thought I had a lot at 25-30 machines lol

Also note to self: feeling bad about playing as a DH in groups, then hopping in a MP10 game with Opiate with said DH doesn't improve that mood lol. I only died once or twice, but goddamn outside of dropping turrets and Valley of Death there's just not a lot of shit we can do in high level groups, feels bad man :(. I did get 5 Legendaries in like 30 minutes so that was cool though.

Edit: Wait, these drop with a 20 yard pickup radius, what the fuck??


I don't play a WD and I think this is only maybe the second one of these I've ever gotten, but that's fucking ridiculous. I don't think that's a good drop, but I've never seen higher than I think a 7 pickup radius on a single item, 20 is retarded.
those always drop with 20. WDs don't have any skills that get bonuses with crits just ones that get a bonus from pickup radius. so it's nice to have.

but yeah, it's kind of a bad one of those. the int is a little low and there's no socket and the max crit chance is 10%.

edit: you're basically going to see every WD running with the Grave Injustice passive which resets your cooldowns by 1 second for every monster death that happens within a certain radius(which is buffed by your pickup radius bonus).


Yeah, I just priced it and it sucks which is fine, I'd just never seen an item with anywhere near that high of a pickup radius on it, that's nuts.


You know what I meant :p

I've never played as a WD, and honestly any time I'm in a game with a WD there is honestly so much shit onscreen that I'm not noticing a frog. Which reminds me, I really wish there was some sort of option to either remove or tone down graphics visible from other players attacks/effects; I already can't see shit half of the time playing solo, playing 4 player with a Wiz, WD, Monk and DH the screen is just nonsense most of the time.
You know what I meant :p

I've never played as a WD, and honestly any time I'm in a game with a WD there is honestly so much shit onscreen that I'm not noticing a frog. Which reminds me, I really wish there was some sort of option to either remove or tone down graphics visible from other players attacks/effects; I already can't see shit half of the time playing solo, playing 4 player with a Wiz, WD, Monk and DH the screen is just nonsense most of the time.

yeah it's pretty funny. i have to watch my health bubble and hope for the best.

also apparently crit chance is a guaranteed roll and is always 8.5%. the info on both d3up and battle.net are out of date. I guess the item got changed during some patch.


Can do Ubers. PM me.

Edit: sitting around for the next 30 minutes. If someone wants a carry for MP10 ubers, let me know.
That's what I was afraid of. Despite the max life steal and max strength property, the all res is laughably low and there's no vitality on it.


I forget who was looking for it, but I picked up a couple of good deals on some relatively cheap Skorns w/ LS. You can have any of them at my cost:

1341 DPS, 5.1% LS, 163% CD, 292 STR - 130M or $3.05
1361 DPS, 5.2% LS, 164% CD, 308 STR - 250M or $5.86
1375 DPS, 5.8% LS, 166% CD, 299 STR - 320M or $7.50
I forget who was looking for it, but I picked up a couple of good deals on some relatively cheap Skorns w/ LS. You can have any of them at my cost:

1341 DPS, 5.1% LS, 163% CD, 292 STR - 130M or $3.05
1361 DPS, 5.2% LS, 164% CD, 308 STR - 250M or $5.86
1375 DPS, 5.8% LS, 166% CD, 299 STR - 320M or $7.50

That is very kind of you.


I got 4 Ivory Tower legendaries in 1 run. Cmon Blizz with this crap! Also loving my new barb toon. Got my DH with 500k dps to 100 paragon but I didnt like the irrelevancy at high MP's so I went barb and now I can handle MP10 with ease. Blizz buff DH's plz. ty.


I've done Act 4 a few times, there are some good parts now but I don't know if it's any more worthwhile than doing any of the usual Act 1/2/3 runs honestly.

Also Congrats to Opiate hitting p100!


Hi guys, I finally started playing again and I'm up to P7 on my barbarian, but I have very low DPS. All my gear is old (from before the paragon system mostly), and looking at my items, I guess I was trying to get more MF at the cost of other stats.

I don't even know where to start - I think I need more strength and crit all around, but I'm not sure what order I should start replacing things, what the 'good' barbarian builds are at this point.



Hi guys, I finally started playing again and I'm up to P7 on my barbarian, but I have very low DPS. All my gear is old (from before the paragon system mostly), and looking at my items, I guess I was trying to get more MF at the cost of other stats.

I don't even know where to start - I think I need more strength and crit all around, but I'm not sure what order I should start replacing things, what the 'good' barbarian builds are at this point.


What kind of funds are you working with here?

As far as good builds, anything that uses battle rage/into the fray and WOTB thrive on chaos w/ sufficient aps and crit% is OP as fuck.


Someone over on the Monk subreddit did a crazy in-depth analysis on the Nat boot/ring versus Ice climbers/rare ring comparison. Short version is that the Nat sat is best in endgame, but for mid-tier Monks Ice Climbers + Rare Ring is probably best. Gonna give this a shot and see how it goes, to be honest was getting a bit annoyed with my Monk in mid-to-upper MPs where I would be fine but then certain things (desecrator and poison pools come to mind) were just wrecking me for some reason. Just to check this out I sniped a pretty good double resist Ice Climbers for 10 mil and an okay quadfecta + single resist rare ring for 5 mil, I actually only lost about 5k dps (so at ~139k down from 144k) but gained about 45k ehp (600k now), but that also netted me about 80 more AR total which takes me up to just under 700 which I'm hoping is what makes the real difference. Only thing that's gonna kill me is the loss of movement speed from the Nat boots, can't anywhere near afford a Lacuni that wouldn't be a huge drop dps and ehp wise, but I guess I can live with only 12% MS for a bit to check this out if nothing else.

Edit: MP6 seems to go better with this setup, could probably spend a bit more money and get a better rare ring for better results as well. To help offset the movement loss I finally bit the bullet and took Shifty and Fender's advice and switched over to using Combo Strike, and dropped Breath of Heaven & Serenity for WotHF & Exploding Palm, since the 3 stack 15% move bonus off WotHF helps mitigate the MS loss from my Nat boots as I move between packs :)

I can't find your old post on this shifty, but what was your recommended setup for the sequence of ability use when starting encounters with this setup? Swapping out multiple abilities and new micromanagement is definitely taking me some getting used to, but what I'm trying to do right now is:

Start encounter with WotHF to get 3 stacks - > Switch to FoT -> Throw out EPs randomly until I run out of Spirit because oh god I can't micromanage this yet -> alternate between FoT and WotHF as needed (to keep the 3 stack going)

I'm having to use all kinds of hotkeys I've never had to actively use in combat on either of my characters so I'm half hitting my keyboard like an idiot, but I think that's the general flow idea? I do immediately see how this works out though, since before with BoH active my DPS was something like 167k, with this setup and Combo it puts me at 187k, as well as having the added bonus of attacking faster (so faster LS%) and doing more damage with Backlash (due to the increased IAS%). Now if I could stop dying on elites only because I spend too much time trying to micromanage and not actually attacking to get LS as well as getting used to not having Serenity or BoH I'd be golden haha. I do see some people who use Serenity instead of Cyclone Strike, but I'm not gonna lie, Cyclone Strike is like half of why I enjoy playing my Monk, so I'd prefer not to drop it.


What kind of funds are you working with here?

As far as good builds, anything that uses battle rage/into the fray and WOTB thrive on chaos w/ sufficient aps and crit% is OP as fuck.

At this point I have about 3 million gold and a bunch of stuff that I'm not sure is worth selling. I am unfamiliar enough at this point that I feel like I need to spend as much time on the auction house as playing to find out what gear is worth. Not enough hours in the day, it feels like.


I can't find your old post on this shifty, but what was your recommended setup for the sequence of ability use when starting encounters with this setup? Swapping out multiple abilities and new micromanagement is definitely taking me some getting used to, but what I'm trying to do right now is:

Start encounter with WotHF to get 3 stacks - > Switch to FoT -> Throw out EPs randomly until I run out of Spirit because oh god I can't micromanage this yet -> alternate between FoT and WotHF as needed (to keep the 3 stack going)

Yeah, that was a good write up Sol did there. I've been preaching IC's & rare for most monks for a long time now :)

That combo is about right. It's basically get wothf stack then hold down FoT and tap wothf again as needed. With elites I tag as many things as possible with EP, esp once they get close to death. Tag the elite too for the 12% extra dmg it'll take when your other EP's go boom.

This is my current setup: http://d3up.com/b/618190

Still trying to bring my EHP up since I sacrificed vit on a few recent dps upgrades, but MP10 is still no problem at all (except real bastard affix combos)


Backlash is stupid overpowered for sustain (and probably damage done also) when you are running a solo game.

Its comical how much life it returns via lifesteal. And although its hard to tell when you are surrounded by 100 enemies on screen with tornadoes and numbers everywhere, it seems to deal a lot of damage too. I love doing the Oasis in Act 2 with it in particular.


Yeah, that was a good write up Sol did there. I've been preaching IC's & rare for most monks for a long time now :)

That combo is about right. It's basically get wothf stack then hold down FoT and tap wothf again as needed. With elites I tag as many things as possible with EP, esp once they get close to death. Tag the elite too for the 12% extra dmg it'll take when your other EP's go boom.

This is my current setup: http://d3up.com/b/618190

Still trying to bring my EHP up since I sacrificed vit on a few recent dps upgrades, but MP10 is still no problem at all (except real bastard affix combos)

Starting to warm up to this now; I'm still shit at micromanaging this, I think I made way too many dramatic changes at the same time. I might temporarily change out either EP or Cyclone Strike for Serenity while I'm trying to get used to it, but so far so good. I'm running MP7 and realized that part of my problem is that I'm trying to micromanage too much, but the reason I'm having problems micromanaging is that I am killing most things so fast that I'm just wasting time juggling things. I've seen a few people throw this around for a general MP10 guideline for Monks:

91% damage mitigation percentage
> 600 AR
HP:EHP ratio of > 1:11
> 4800 armor
> 40k HP
> 5% LS
> 500k EHP

IF this is accurate I should give it a shot; aside from being 33 points short on armor, I'm exceeding everything else. And if nothing else fighting things that don't die immediately might allow me to start figuring out a groove on this. Also starting to think I got really lucky when I picked up this pair of Ice Climbers for 10 mil at 1d12h; since this seems to be working out I went to price either a better pair or one with MS% on it, and nothing even close within the budget I was looking at (20 mil). I do need to get a better rare ring though at least.

Edit: Tried a MP10 run, doable but probably not productive right now. Died several times, however all but one of them were due only to plague pools. For some weird reason I can facetank arcane and desecrator, but plague still just seems to instantly destroy me. Higher DPS would help for sustain purposes obviously, but it's still bizarre that one particular thing is the main problem. MP8 is probably pretty ideal right now for me, but playing MP10 did let me start to get a bit of a rhythm in my skills. Still have all kinds of bad habits of spamming the wrong thing at the wrong time (find myself spamming WotHF and EP way more when it's not needed and I should just be doing FoT) but getting better.


Starting to warm up to this now; I'm still shit at micromanaging this, I think I made way too many dramatic changes at the same time. I might temporarily change out either EP or Cyclone Strike for Serenity while I'm trying to get used to it, but so far so good. I'm running MP7 and realized that part of my problem is that I'm trying to micromanage too much, but the reason I'm having problems micromanaging is that I am killing most things so fast that I'm just wasting time juggling things. I've seen a few people throw this around for a general MP10 guideline for Monks:

Yeah, plague REALLY hurts. Don't even bother trying to tank while in it - just move elsewhere. If you want to keep serenity ditch BF (or cyclone strike) if you're running that instead - EP is so overpowered for solo play it's not even funny.


EP is unfuckingreal for solo play. I wish it scaled better for parties but it'd probably be overpowered as fuck. I was just running dashing strike + EP, dashing around the map and pulling like quarter or more of the map together then just simultaneously killing the entire pack of 50+ enemies at once. So awesome lol


Yeah, plague REALLY hurts. Don't even bother trying to tank while in it - just move elsewhere. If you want to keep serenity ditch BF (or cyclone strike) if you're running that instead - EP is so overpowered for solo play it's not even funny.

Why the hell does Plague hurt so much more than desecrator though? Makes no sense. I used to have the opposite problem on my DH. Weird. I might try swapping Serenity for Cyclone Strike and see how that goes, still kinda messing around a bit.

Edit: Yup, switching out Cyclone Strike for Serenity makes a huge difference, if not practically at least for helping me manage all of the new stuff, going much better now. MP10 is doable except for Plague, and super bad combos like Arcane + Waller, etc. Will probably bump it down to MP8 which should go fairly smoothly. At this point my Monk is probably more efficient at ~90 hours and ~300 mil then my 700 hour 1+ billion DH is. FIX YO SHIT BLIZZARD

Also why are Exquisite Essences selling for more than double what Iridescent Tears are? Seems weird. Seems like right now you could actually make a decent profit maybe by doing runs but picking up blues and just salvaging and selling them?


Also why are Exquisite Essences selling for more than double what Iridescent Tears are? Seems weird. Seems like right now you could actually make a decent profit maybe by doing runs but picking up blues and just salvaging and selling them?

Probably because more essences are needed when doing crafting so there's more demand for it.
I still pick up blues based on that reason. I wish there's lv63 weapon crafting tho.


paid requisite penance
So when is it better to use a Triumvirate (as opposed to a Chant's or Tal's)? Are there even cases when it's clearly the better option anyway?


Probably because more essences are needed when doing crafting so there's more demand for it.
I still pick up blues based on that reason. I wish there's lv63 weapon crafting tho.

I have no idea how you have the patience for this; I just tried picking up blues, after I had to make 5 trips back to town in JUST the Weeping Hollow alone I stopped. Even if it's a potential money maker, the time you spend doing that probably kills that, unless you need the mats yourself for crafting I guess.


Can do Ubers. PM me.

Edit: sitting around for the next 30 minutes. If someone wants a carry for MP10 ubers, let me know.

Pretty good games yesterday with you and J. Your monk is insane! I really need to go back to it since its the other character with the highest PLs... I just forgot how to really play them. I hope one day they have a new set or Leg for the monk that gives like 30 movement speed or something that's the only thing I really dislike about the class, even with %35 MS its just sooo slow once I've gotten used to sprint on my barb.
Thanks again for that Achievement.. lol really didn't know it existed til recently. I find for me getting 100 percentage, will me impossible because of the hardcore onces. I have terrible frames per sec on my game since the new patch.. I got as low as 17fps lol with a bunch of enemies on screen. I even tried putting everything to the lowest settings and it still happens.
Does anyone know a program that wouldn't get me bant to make the fps 60+ always.. turning off v-sync does fix it but the screen tearing is ridiculous... I forgot the name of that one program "Doverloader" or something like that, but I don't think it works with Sweetfx 1.4. Using Trip-buffering on my card does work either. :( I really enjoy using that because it just looks sooo damn dull without it.. I like having more colors and the MSAA is sooo much better than in game FXAA..


So when is it better to use a Triumvirate (as opposed to a Chant's or Tal's)? Are there even cases when it's clearly the better option anyway?

Triumvirate is best with a black damage weapon, but only if you don't need the APoC or attack speed. Generally people use it for archon builds.


I have no idea how you have the patience for this; I just tried picking up blues, after I had to make 5 trips back to town in JUST the Weeping Hollow alone I stopped. Even if it's a potential money maker, the time you spend doing that probably kills that, unless you need the mats yourself for crafting I guess.

I usually listen to music/podcast when I'm playing this game so it really doesn't bother me since everything's so mechanical and doesn't require much attention. I can net about 500 Essences and 100 Tears per short run and 1500/300 per long run. That's about 1 million and 3 million just for materials. I also keep any max or near max MF/GF/Lv Reduce gears since those will sell on the AH as well.

I guess it's not exactly efficient but personally I enjoy it more than repeating those mathematically proven runs.


paid requisite penance
Triumvirate is best with a black damage weapon, but only if you don't need the APoC or attack speed. Generally people use it for archon builds.


What about Lifesteal? I remember reading that, unlike LoH for instance, LS disregards proc rates (meaning it's triggered with every single hit I suppose?). Is that true?
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