I agree, with the higher MP bonnus and NV, I dumped my Ruby on helm and HFR too.I don't think a hellfire ring or experience gem is required anymore. I'd rock a better ring + 18% life gem in the helm and run higher MP. The small bonus of the hf ring and gem on top of the absurd MP NV stack is insignificant.
(MP10 is still a waste of time though for anything other than ubers)
With no bonus xp gear at all I'm averaging around 100m xp/hr solo or 140m xp/hr on MP10, not to mention the bonus item drop from each enemy killed means a ton of legendaries dropping (averaging 6 an hour according to Finders Keepers)
I'm not even trying to min-max xp either - just running Festering-Leo's-Fields-HoA2
Got 114 million to dump onto my characters. Barb and WD in particular. Anyone have any advice?
I don't think a hellfire ring or experience gem is required anymore. I'd rock a better ring + 18% life gem in the helm and run higher MP. The small bonus of the hf ring and gem on top of the absurd MP NV stack is insignificant.
It's better to measure yourself, but it's a lot earlier than it used to be - I'm just throwing that out there as a ballpark. Being in a group helps a lot with that too
I had an idea that addresses some of the biggest problems with the auction house but has some tradeoffs. Brainstorming for future game design.
Posted in other spots:
http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/1ig7oa/bind_item_on_first_transfer_pros_and_cons/ (this one's doing horribly, lol)
"Bind on trade", game-wide. The idea is that an item can move to a different account once, then it's account bound. (e.g. when an item is bought on the AH, received via trade, dropped and picked up)
- "If you want better gear, don't play, just flip on AH" is gone
- the items being sold on the AH are going to people that will use them
- easier to find gear on AH because people wouldn't hoard it to control prices
- chance of finding a good deal because people wouldn't be running AH bots without the potential for profit
- can put up items for cheap to help out new players (without them just being bought by a flipper instead)
- more hardcore-like economy, items sell a bit more easily (especially for low-mid gear)
- bragging rights for self-found. Unbound = self found
- can't resell gear you buy
- can't loan stuff to friends
What do you think?
Some people said they expect high end gear prices to go through the roof but I was thinking the opposite. It's an interesting scenario. Adding to my someday-maybe game design doc.
Never going to happen. Blizzard wants players to use auction houses so they can profit on blizzard fee
Sounds legit.Did you see that 4chan interview post with a Blizzard employee on reddit?
Sounds legit.
i like buying low and flipping shit on the AH more than playing the game. i'd prefer that it stays the way it is.
Did you see that 4chan interview post with a Blizzard employee on reddit?
Sounds like Blizz was completely against the RMAH idea, but Activi$ion and the suits pushed it through as it would earn money.
Here's the link: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/1ii4jt/an_another_blizzard_employee_answered_some/
Nobody is stating that the game is designed around the RMAH. However people are stating that the Auction House in general has ruined the game, which is true. But it is only true as a result of the terrible itemisation problems with the game to begin with.There are very few people at large studios/publishers that know the complete picture for any decision. It turns into a giant game of telephone with people throwing in their own opinions and biases as the stories get passed along. It is very easy for people in management positions on either side to manipulate the staff below them by withholding relevant information.
People also ignore the option that developers have to say no or push back. If the suits don't know that a feature will cause problems, can you blame them for asking? Whose responsibility is it to point out the negative aspects? I get blaming the suits if someone went back to them and said it wasn't a good idea and explained why, but who knows if this was the case.
Those comments stand for all games. In this case I'm especially weary of commentary from anyone who blames the RMAH for all of Diablo 3's issues. It is behind itemization, a lessened sense of community, always online, act IV, the story and more in terms of problems with the game. I still haven't seen a compelling argument for how the game is designed around the RMAH.
Blizzard.Man I cannot believe they still havent gotten the next major patch out yet. It feels like its been an eternity.
Man I cannot believe they still havent gotten the next major patch out yet. It feels like its been an eternity.
Based on some comments that have been made by Blizzard employees, work is under way on the first expansion, and it may well be that we won't see another patch before the expansion. Blizzard pointed out that they have already included a lot of new content post-release (a lot more than Diablo 2 at an equivalent timeframe) and the next major development might be the expansion and it's accompanying patch.
Based on some comments that have been made by Blizzard employees, work is under way on the first expansion, and it may well be that we won't see another patch before the expansion. Blizzard pointed out that they have already included a lot of new content post-release (a lot more than Diablo 2 at an equivalent timeframe) and the next major development might be the expansion and it's accompanying patch.
I ain't comin' back until I sees me Itemization Update!!
Pretty much. They can push it if they want to, but Im not very interested in playing until they get the itemization patch out, along with some class changes.
Some dude put a lot of effort into proposing changes to make the game better. I don't agree with everything he suggests but it's a fairly interesting read nonetheless.
Edit: wish there were a way I could manage my items and play with the auction house outside of game login.
He suggest adding graphics to the legendary beam to distinguish its relative rarity
Provide benefits for identifying legendaries
He has a lot of creative ideas to make legendaries actually impact the game and increase the amount of builds
Any of you guys take a look at this guy's suggestion post?
This one fellow has taken the time to craft incredible ideas for Diablo 3, and provide a plethora of photoshopped images to accompany his creative solutions to the game. It's a fantastic read for anyone still enthused about the game.
I also recommend his 1.0.9 post and follow up:
I would pay for this guy to be hired by Blizzard. This would SAVE Diablo 3 for me.
The only sad part about this post is the game will never be that awesome, sadly.
Hey guys, remember that itemization patch? Is it still coming or something? Did they ever publish part 3 of their itemization blog?
Hey guys, remember that itemization patch? Is it still coming or something? Did they ever publish part 3 of their itemization blog?
For WOTB maintenance, I think it might be worth it to make some gear swap sets with macros - that way you have your skorn for rend time and can go quick DW (maybe swap in some APS gear too?) to refill your bar as needed.
I wish they would just add support for weapon sets in game. Recording those macros and editing out the delays is a bit of a pain and not for everyone.
For what it's worth, it got into the D3 front page: