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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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I'm pleasantly surprised that it was gotten as much attention as it has gotten. Maybe, just maybe, Blizzard will listen intently and integrate these ideas.


Or maybe it already partially aligns with what they are working on so they felt safe to bring attention to this. Either way, I am tempted to fire up this game once more, in preparation to the patch that might only be 100+ days awayyyyyyyy -.-


Seek victory, not fairness
Wait what? Macros to swap gear ingame? I never heard of this, sounds interesting, but "hard". I will look into it, thanks.

Yup, I use autohotkey and set all the delay parameters to 0. I'm sure there's friendlier software for it.

2h/1h swap is a bit annoying because you have to keep an inventory slot clear and there's a bit of a delay before you can equip the offhand.

Edit: Wow, they actually posted a fan's design suggestions? Good going, usually they avoid that kind of stuff


Yup, I use autohotkey and set all the delay parameters to 0. I'm sure there's friendlier software for it.

2h/1h swap is a bit annoying because you have to keep an inventory slot clear and there's a bit of a delay before you can equip the offhand.

Edit: Wow, they actually posted a fan's design suggestions? Good going, usually they avoid that kind of stuff

Hey...since you use autohotkey maybe you could help me out?

I downloaded this pre-made AHK script for my CM wiz:
;The 'MButtonSleep' variable is used to indicate an amount of milliseconds to sleep
;between some of the Send commands.
;The delays are absolutely required when sending multiple mouse buttons, or one won't
;fire at all.

;Armor gets auto-activated every 30 seconds while holding the activation key. Again,
;it won't refresh armor when you're just running around.

;Caps Lock toggles auto-triggering of Diamond Skin. There are fights where manual
;Diamond Skin control is desirable, such as A2 key warden.

;I added Scroll Lock as a toggle. Hit the activation key (default tilde/apostrophe),
;hold that down, then activate Scroll Lock and let both go. You will now fire events
;until you disable Scroll Lock.
;Alternatively, turn on Scroll Lock, then hit the activation key. Same deal.
;This ends up saving paper clips and key caps/switches.

;This script assumes the skills on asdf, and that the Shift key is mapped to stand still.

#NoEnv ;Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ;Recommended for catching common errors.

#SingleInstance Force
#MaxHotKeysPerInterval 9999999
#HotKeyInterval 9999999

SendMode Input ;Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

semPopArmor = 1 ;armor semaphore

; Things to tinker with
SetTimer, PopArmor, 30000 ;change armor semaphore every 30 sec
MButtonSleep = 2 ;see comment at the top!

SC29:: ;backtick(`)/tilde (~) key. Should you change the
;key, change other SC29 references as well!
IfWinActive, Diablo III ;make sure we're in game, works for FS and FS Windowed
While HotKeyDown()
; ** Armor **
IfEqual semPopArmor, 1 ;minimum timer expired
Send a ;a key has armor slot
semPopArmor = 0 ;reset semaphore

; ** Slow Time **
Send, {Shift down} ;make char stand still, don't move to target
Sleep MButtonSleep ;work around mouse Click bug -> don't remove!
Click Left ;fire primary attack (Slow Time)
Send, {Shift up} ;quit standing still

; ** Energy Twister **
If HotKeyDown() == False
Goto ExitKeyLoop
Sleep MButtonSleep ;work around mouse Click bug -> don't remove!
Click Right ;fire off Energy Twister

; ** Diamond Skin **
If GetKeyState("CapsLock", "T") != 1
Send s ;activate unless Caps Lock is on
If HotKeyDown() == False
Goto ExitKeyLoop

; ** Frost Nova **
Send d ;always fire
If HotKeyDown() == False
Goto ExitKeyLoop

; ** Explosive Blast **
Send f ;always fire
If HotKeyDown() == False
Goto ExitKeyLoop
} Else
Send {SC29} ;forward key to whatever app is running

;put anything that must be done on exit here!

;this gets executed every 30 seconds. The reason is, sometimes you may not have
;the Mana to charge armor, but you don't ever want to be without. This gives you
;4 chances to fire it off before the 120 second armor timer expires in game.
semPopArmor = 1 ;pop armor semaphore

If GetKeyState("ScrollLock", "T") == 1 ;use ScrollLock to "lock" whatever activation key
Return True

If GetKeyState("SC29", "P") ;is backtick/tilde pushed?
Return True

Return False ;the default

Couple of things I want to do:

1) Change the activation key from "~" to "A"
2) Remove the autoclicking of RMB every however many seconds. Right now I have meteor set to RMB so it actually works out well, but for farming I'd prefer to use teleport on RMB so I don't want the macro to randomly teleport me to wherever my mouse pointer is at the time.

Are you able to let me know which lines I'd need to edit to do that?
I changed the spam skills to the actual keys I use but couldn't figure out those two.

cheers :)


Hmm, I'll post my code later tonight. It's a lot simpler than that one and easier to maintain.

Thanks! I just copied/pasted that one and tried to bastardise it into what I needed but couldn't figure those parts out.

Never used AHK before, but my N52 would randomly quit running my CM macro which isn't a good thing when you're doing MP10 in FoM and are surrounded by eleventy billion enemies.


Seek victory, not fairness
Thanks! I just copied/pasted that one and tried to bastardise it into what I needed but couldn't figure those parts out.

Never used AHK before, but my N52 would randomly quit running my CM macro which isn't a good thing when you're doing MP10 in FoM and are surrounded by eleventy billion enemies.

Here goes. This script uses scroll lock as a toggle to enable/disable the macro. Hit scroll lock (or enter) to turn off the script when you want to chat, and it'll turn back on the next time you click middle mouse to move.

1 = diamond skin
2 = freeze
3 = explosive blast
4 = storm armour
left = twister
right = slow/port/whatever
middle = force move

SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0 ; Move the mouse instantly.
SetMouseDelay, 0 ; 0 = smallest delay possible; -1 = no delay, 200 for watching
SetKeyDelay, 0 ; 0 = smallest delay possible; -1 = no delay, 200 for watching
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative ;relative to window, not screen

SetScrollLockState, on ; start with scroll lock on to indicate hot keys are active.

lastArmour := 0  ; timer variable for storm armour refresh

#IfWinActive, Diablo III   
; Hotkeys below only take effect while in the Diablo III window.

~Enter:: ;hitting enter to chat disables hotkeys; hit middle mouse or scroll lock to re-enable
	Suspend On
	SetScrollLockState, off

	Suspend    ;toggle
	if A_IsSuspended 
		SetScrollLockState, off
		SetScrollLockState, on

~MButton::    ; middle click to move re-enables script
Suspend off
	if A_IsSuspended 
		SetScrollLockState, off
		SetScrollLockState, on

$~a::              ; CM spam while A is pressed
 While GetKeyState("a","p") 
  Send, 1 ; diamond skin
  Send, 2 ; freeze
    MouseClick, Left ; twister
  Send, {LSHIFT UP}
  Send, 3 ; explosive blast
  if a_tickcount - lastArmour > 60000 ; if last armour over 60 seconds ago...
    Send, 4 ; storm armour
    lastArmour := A_TickCount ; reset timer to current time (in ms)

  Sleep, 25

The ~$ characters before the hotkeys tell it to handle the key presses in different ways to keep the macro from triggering itself. (might not be necessary any more with this version, but it works fine so I left it in)

I've done a lot more with this on my end since I'm coordinating the CM wiz / monk duo lately but this is a pretty solid framework. I made a separate hotkey to attempt freeze only once a second which helps out a bit, but it's overkill I think. The lastWhatever timer style can be used for stuff like intermittent meteor casts or keeping Overawe spammed on a monk.

Used to have a separate freeze-free hotkey as well but that's not needed any more since they stopped the siegebreaker eternal hug phenomenon.

Running the whole thing on a 25 ms loop makes it so the buttons appear to just stay pressed, which I find is less distracting.

You can press middle mouse and A at the same time to stutter step around. It's handy.for mowing through a crowd.
So I'm thinking of getting back into this game. I have a level 60 barb with paragon at 2. I'm confused about what I should be doing.

I'm on Act 2 Inferno. My DPS is about 28k which sounds like nothing compared to everyone else in this thread.

What should I be focusing on? Finishing Inferno for the first time? Paragon levels? Something else?

I have about 650k gold which also sounds like nothing. How are people getting tens of millions of gold?


So I'm thinking of getting back into this game. I have a level 60 barb with paragon at 2. I'm confused about what I should be doing.

I'm on Act 2 Inferno. My DPS is about 28k which sounds like nothing compared to everyone else in this thread.

What should I be focusing on? Finishing Inferno for the first time? Paragon levels? Something else?

I have about 650k gold which also sounds like nothing. How are people getting tens of millions of gold?

28K DPS is damn low, you can't play Inferno with that.
You need more gold to start upgrading.
Post your character, your link in battle.net, but you better start farming some gold.


I'm back from not playing for months. I'm sure the community knowledge has grown since.

Any tips to squeeze some more juice out of my monk without spending 150+ million per item?


I'm trying to craft a better neck, but they all come out turds.


I'm back from not playing for months. I'm sure the community knowledge has grown since.

Any tips to squeeze some more juice out of my monk without spending 150+ million per item?


I'm trying to craft a better neck, but they all come out turds.

Thanks for posting d3up rather than bnet profile, that way I can check from work ;)

Looks like a group setup build? If so, switch BoH for Cyclone Strike Soothing Breeze. More dmg than BoH for you and your party, and everyone loves the grouping it provides.

Defences are solid, so lets look at ways to boost your dmg.

Int is a wasted roll on your helm. If you can find one for a decent price I highly recommend grabbing an Inna's with 10+ Fists of Thunder or Sweeping wind dmg. I stole mine for around 20m, yet it gives the same actual dps as a 6% cc mempho (just doesn't show up on sheet dps)

Those shoulders could be upgraded to ones with more dex and lightning resist pretty easily. Either that or hit up the blacksmith and keep crafting dex shoulders. Shouldn't take too long to craft something better.

That amulet is a real problem for you since it contains so much vit. Ideally you want a ton of dps rolls in that slot, and while you do have cc and cd, as well as a decent dex roll, the cc roll is really low, plus you're missing average dmg. Unfortunately, before you can upgrade to a more dps oriented ammy you'll need to move that vit to other pieces.

Chest is a great place to make up that vit. I highly recommend checking out a 240+ vit Tal's chest with 40+ lightning resist. If I subbed in mine you'd get around the same sheet dps (but more offsheet due to IAS = more cyclones, which d3up doesn't factor in) plus you'd gain 35k ehp, with the bulk of that being vit which would make replacing that amulet a little easier.

Gloves again you could craft a solid upgrade there. Or buy one on the AH. I think I have a pair of 160-odd dex, 47 light res, trifecta gloves on the AH right now for around 20-25m (hint, hint!)

Bracers: Nice dps rolls, but no resists at all - keep crafting until you get lightning resist and/or all resist in addition to the cc/vit.

That unity would easily be beaten out by a decent rare with avg dmg, cc, dex, IAS (and/or CD) and an ehp roll (maybe vit to help with the amulet replacement)

That Nat's set isn't bad, but a decent rare ring & Ice Climbers would beat it pretty easy. My rare ring and Ice Climbers (20m and 50m respectively) would give you +5k dps, and +30k ehp over your Nat's.

For weapons I can't recommend a socketed LS Won Khim Lau enough. Mine is pretty average, yet gives equivalent dps to a 1270 dps rare with 70% native CD...that's tough to beat.

Also, I'd suggest you try to stick to 1.4 attack speed or higher weapons. Might be less sheet dps than axes, but actual dps is significantly higher (I compared my mainhand to an 1150 dps axe with 130 dex and similar CD and my mainhand did more actual dps despite showing 5k less sheet dps)

Good place to check actual dps is the new version of Meto's spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B16HGMLxB14DWWRNTHZQVmhhLVE/edit?usp=sharing

Oh, I'm lightning resist too, so feel free to take a peek at my gearing if you're interested in ideas (currently set up for farming DE's in VotA): http://d3up.com/b/618190


Thanks for taking the time Shifty. That was pretty thorough.

I didn't notice it wasn't my normal build. I usually run with FoT + Hundred Fists + Combination Strike.

But yeah, I need to ditch the axes. I'll look into that Khim Lau and craft some more turds meanwhile.


Just started getting back into this and I'm currently Paragon 2 with my DH. With a few hours of grinding for gold I've moved my DPS to 60,000, Resistances all 55-65%, HP to about 30k, ~45% CC, ~250% CD. I'm rolling through Act II Inferno so far.

Also- I had no idea about Elective Mode. And I can't believe I'm just now using vault, can't live without it.

Are there any sites that show player's gear? Sort of how WoW has that player gear site. I've been using diablo.somepage.com to figure out popular gear, but it'd be nice to see fully equipped characters.


Just started getting back into this and I'm currently Paragon 2 with my DH. With a few hours of grinding for gold I've moved my DPS to 60,000, Resistances all 55-65%, HP to about 30k, ~45% CC, ~250% CD. I'm rolling through Act II Inferno so far.

Also- I had no idea about Elective Mode. And I can't believe I'm just now using vault, can't live without it.

Are there any sites that show player's gear? Sort of how WoW has that player gear site. I've been using diablo.somepage.com to figure out popular gear, but it'd be nice to see fully equipped characters.

d3up has a bunch, along with some guides etc.

Here's my DH who usually runs MP8, but can survive in 10 (just takes forever to kill elites): http://d3up.com/b/252845
Gold floor's dropping again - new stack size is 50 million / 0.25, or 200 million per dollar.


LMAO. Almost worth dropping a couple bucks now. 5 dollars can build a sweet MP10 character easily.

I still find pride in my self built / self farmed account, though at these prices it might be worth thinking about that stance again.

I've been having a hard time acquiring more than 10 million the last few weeks I was playing. Nothing but the best of the best is worth anything anymore. I've never been one to sell un-ID'ed legos as I have to pull the slot machine.


Man oh man. Have yet to buy any ever since I came back or before, and have got my guy up to 270K dps in the last month or two, but damn if that is not tempting.

Good point though only the best stuff moves on this market.


LMAO. Almost worth dropping a couple bucks now. 5 dollars can build a sweet MP10 character easily.

I still find pride in my self built / self farmed account, though at these prices it might be worth thinking about that stance again.

I've been having a hard time acquiring more than 10 million the last few weeks I was playing. Nothing but the best of the best is worth anything anymore. I've never been one to sell un-ID'ed legos as I have to pull the slot machine.

That is just the floor. Right now $5 on secondary markets is <250M gold (<50M/dollar). It should up up a little more expensive than that through official channels, so there won't a be a huge difference from where it is now.
Good point though only the best stuff moves on this market.

Legendaries drop more, but enough have dropped that the market is totally flooded and very few drops will sell.

IMO, they really need to come up with a way to take items out of the market, but do so in a way that encourages the player to get rid of them. Raticus brought up the possibility of binding the item on account after trading hands one time, (I was reading even when banned) and I think this is the wrong tactic. IMO the negatives outweigh the positives.

I think something like re-rolls using Demonic Essences combined with a set gold amount and maybe another resource to enable could work. You have a green/brown/yellow drop. It's a mid to lower tier item. Might sell for 4-5 million on the GAH. Or, you can spend 1 million and resources for a re-roll. This re-roll has a certain chance to also permanently destroy the item.

I would rather see something like this than a ladder system as well. I agree that a ladder splits the community and IMO seems like a lazy fix. They just need to come up with a way to provide incentive for players to destroy items themselves.


Junior Member
I think something like re-rolls using Demonic Essences combined with a set gold amount and maybe another resource to enable could work. You have a green/brown/yellow drop. It's a mid to lower tier item. Might sell for 4-5 million on the GAH. Or, you can spend 1 million and resources for a re-roll. This re-roll has a certain chance to also permanently destroy the item.

This is a terrible idea. Random chance to destroy an item or revert a bonus is the worst kind of cancer plaguing some of the (particularly Korean) MMOs. And the reason it's a bad design is simply because it introduces a system that randomly kicks you in the balls and you have no control over it. It feels absolutely terrible, in case you haven't had a pleasure to deal with this kind of bullshit yourself and were wondering.

Moreover, depending on the implementation either the only part of the current market it would take care of would be the absolute shit tier legendaries from the pool of the potentially good legendaries (nobody would suddenly start rerolling Slorak's Madnesses to a degree that would actually influence the market) and there's already a system in place to get rid of the shittiest rolls, it's Brimstones - all that needs to be done is introduce an appealing brimstone-dump,

or it would actually reroll the same stat 'values' (with a few extra assumptions as to how much int is 100 thorns worth, there's probably already a way to gauge it for such a purpose), which would both further depreciate the value of currently mid-tier items (people wouldn't buy crit Zunimassa's Pox to reroll, they would reroll a high stat-value, critless one in hopes of getting some crit on it) AND introduce the 'oh, hey, fuck you and your items, tough luck' item destroy system. Not to mention making the AH search for potential reroll candidates an absolute nightmare.

I agree there is a need for an item dump, but this is not the way to go. An option to reroll or boost an item at a cost of making it account bound would be a much neater solution, for example. Or an option to reroll that would require two of the same item to create one. Rolling a bad legendary feels bad enough, and that doesn't come even close to how bad it feels to have the game randomly destroy an item worth millions (since those are actually the items that need to be taken care of the most - they look shiny enough to feel like they should be worth something, but the market for them moves too slowly).

I would rather see something like this than a ladder system as well. I agree that a ladder splits the community and IMO seems like a lazy fix.

But ladder system isn't just simply a fix to the market issues. It gives some (actually, a lot) of players a chance to experience an echo of the thrill of the release of the game, a new world where everybody starts with a clean slate. I loved ladders in Diablo 2, I loved ladders in PoE even though the game itself wasn't to my liking, and judging by what I've seen on various forums (admittedly, that's anecdotal) and the popularity of D2 and PoE ladders (and is just plain fact) I'm not alone. A ladder reinvigorates the community and the harm from splitting it is far outweighed by how much it does to keep the community thriving and alive.
This is a terrible idea. Random chance to destroy an item or revert a bonus is the worst kind of cancer plaguing some of the (particularly Korean) MMOs. And the reason it's a bad design is simply because it introduces a system that randomly kicks you in the balls and you have no control over it. It feels absolutely terrible, in case you haven't had a pleasure to deal with this kind of bullshit yourself and were wondering.

This is a very interesting criticism since,

A. This game is random. Like everything in it.
B. You don't have to gamble if you don't want to.
C. The example I gave is the opportunity to better lower to mid tier gear. No one is getting a kick in the balls for such gear being destroyed. Yet getting rid of lower to mid tier items could greatly increase price and farming capabilities of the lower tiered player, or myself after a crappy run.
D. If you're gambling on high gear re-rolls, you're already maxed out and shouldn't be bitching about a kick in the balls.

Brimstones are a nice dump for crap legendaries, but it's not even close to getting the job done. There needs to be a reason to dump mid level gear as well as high level gear too.

Meh ... I just don't like the ladder splinter idea. What if my friend wants to play and start? I just met some dude on PS3 who plays D3 occasionally and I agreed to help him with his character. How would something like that work with ladders? Hell there's people I play with on here who would probably be on a different ladder.

They need to keep the market fresh and figure out a dump. Maybe gambling on item re-rolls isn't the answer, but there is an answer out there and IMO would be better than a community splinter.


haven't played D3 since installing Brave New World. Will probably spend most of my gaming time with Civ5 until there's a new patch and content.


Junior Member
This is a very interesting criticism since,

A. This game is random. Like everything in it.
B. You don't have to gamble if you don't want to.
C. The example I gave is the opportunity to better lower to mid tier gear. No one is getting a kick in the balls for such gear being destroyed. Yet getting rid of lower to mid tier items could greatly increase price and farming capabilities of the lower tiered player, or myself after a crappy run.
D. If you're gambling on high gear re-rolls, you're already maxed out and shouldn't be bitching about a kick in the balls.

If the re-roll system would be supposed to impact anything other than market for absolute shit rolls, it would have to use the roll quality on original item as a base. Otherwise there would be absolutely no reason to put anything other than the cheapest <whateveritis> you could find into the slot machine. The rest of this post will assume that is the case.

A. It's not about something random, it's about a completely random chance for something objectively bad and potentially significantly bad to happen. If there would be such a system in place, players from all tiers would use it - not all players, mind you, just some players from each tier. This mean that every now and then, somebody would randomly lose a significant portion of their wealth.

A.* If you think the system would have been used only by highest tier players
first of all, you're wrong, but that aside
, I don't see what would be their reason for rerolling anything other than high rolls, therefore the only segment of the market affected would be the high rolls, which is arguably the only segment that is relatively healthy.

B. Making a badly designed part of the game optional doesn't magically make it good design.

C. Sure they are. low/mid tier players. And, as I've argued above, such a system would have virtually no impact on low and mid tier item markets anyway.

D. If you're gambling on high gear re-rolls you would have to put high gear into the re-roller. I'm pretty sure Kongor would be just as pissed about randomly losing 2bil as I would be about losing 50mil.

If you have any ideas that would make this system clearly and transparently effective only when you're using gear that's worth about a hundredth of what you're currently wearing, it wouldn't be so shitty. But that would require a very high odds that the item would be destroyed and pretty slim odds for actually getting a better roll.

In which case instead of a random 'kick in the balls' item destruction, a simple 'combine 2 pieces of X to receive 1 re-rolled piece of X' would be a much, much better game design.


If anyone is interested in being involved with a community I am looking to improve my fansite - here.

Trying to find some people with PHP experience or willing to help write guides.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
They are going to reveal that at blizzcon i think. No logical reason for them to do it at gamescom instead of blizzcon.

They are probably going to announce the next wow xpac at blizzcon. I can certainly buy Blizzard deciding to drop a pair of announcement bombs over the course of a couple of months instead of one megaton at blizzcon, where each announcement might take focus away from the other.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Yep I don't see why they would announce the expansion anywhere other than Blizzcon.

Diablo 3 itself was announced in Europe the summer before a Blizzcon Maybe they want to keep the trend


Still haven't officially made an X1 announcement yet either. I suppose it could possibly be it, but are they having a specific event? I doubt that would fill that.

Anyhow I've been getting some great items lately and they are selling. Now farming MP10 only..... just whites for now. Plenty of demonic essences built up to this point. First 10 minute run I had three legendarys last night. Looking forward to more time tonight. Finally getting some items to move which feels good.


Hipster Princess
Free Skorn up for grabs if anyone wants.

Don't get too excited though

Send me a message on gaf.


Getting booted quite a lot recently ("disconnected from server), scary as fuck cause I play hardcore. Did some searching on the web and found a lot of WW barbs having the same issue. Thing is I play a WD and I don't spam bears or rally an entire map of mobs.

Looks like it always disconnects my char though but I'm scared one day it'll be the end of me...


Getting booted quite a lot recently ("disconnected from server), scary as fuck cause I play hardcore. Did some searching on the web and found a lot of WW barbs having the same issue. Thing is I play a WD and I don't spam bears or rally an entire map of mobs.

Looks like it always disconnects my char though but I'm scared one day it'll be the end of me...

I uninstalled this piece of shit because of this very same problem. DC every half hour, sometimes more. Problem is not on my end. Blizz ignores threads on this, or worse, blames end users. (EU here btw). No other game does this. disgusting....

12 million games sold and not a single fuck given, they still manage to keep servers in this state...


I uninstalled this piece of shit because of this very same problem. DC every half hour, sometimes more. Problem is not on my end. Blizz ignores threads on this, or worse, blames end users. (EU here btw). No other game does this. disgusting....

12 million games sold and not a single fuck given, they still manage to keep servers in this state...

Yeah I never had it until a couple of patches ago (or maybe even the last one), some suggestions are uninstalling AV and shit... can't really be arsed troubleshooting it atm being summer and all. But it sucks if I do want to hop in and play that I get booted after reaching my 5stacks, or even before...

At first I thought it was a problem with my modem with the heat here but internet is fine.
Getting booted quite a lot recently ("disconnected from server), scary as fuck cause I play hardcore. Did some searching on the web and found a lot of WW barbs having the same issue. Thing is I play a WD and I don't spam bears or rally an entire map of mobs.

Looks like it always disconnects my char though but I'm scared one day it'll be the end of me...
Running it fullscreen windowed and with vsync off fixed this for me on my WD when I was getting it a few days back. Had it on my ww barb before too


So guys, besides the story and writing, what was all the general hate on Diablo 3 about?

Maybe it's because I'm a "casual" player when it comes to Diablo, but I really really enjoyed Diablo 3. I finished it a few weeks ago and didn't really get the hate.
The animations are awesome and the impact of the attacks ( on the barbarian at least) is amazing and just feels really good to slaughter enemy after enemy, which I think it's what these games are about. ( that and customization )
I did feel like most item drops at the start were very very poor and useless, but it gets better later on. I also like the gem crafting system, even though it's pretty simple.
From what I understand there was also a big "bug" in the game which basically made even magic user characters greatly benefit from a weapon with a high amount of DPS instead of a "mana"-based stat, which is just mind-numbing how they let that pass considering the game has such a polished feel to it overall.

I just thought it was pretty top notch in quality all around. It's not perfect, but I don't understand when people say it's a terrible game and what not...

I'm just rambling a bit here, but I'm genuinely curious what is the "big flaw" that makes people dislike the game so much. Simpler customization ? Less Dark Fantasy atmosphere ? Recycled areas from previous Diablos?
I'm just rambling a bit here, but I'm genuinely curious what is the "big flaw" that makes people dislike the game so much. Simpler customization ? Less Dark Fantasy atmosphere ? Recycled areas from previous Diablos?

The game has improved a ton since release. There were lots of problems with the game back then and while some still remain, a lot of issues have been fixed. Anyone who plays the game now will not know of the problems back then. Crafting for example was utterly useless for months until they finally gave it some best in slot items recently.

Personally, the biggest issue I have with the game has always been the itemization. They went too far in the direction of randomizing stats on items. Getting a mage offhand with dexterity on it just never makes sense. Getting to level 60 in inferno and then getting a 200dps weapon to drop is absurd. This makes finding upgrades that much harder because you can end up with terrible stats on your item rolls. This problem snowballed to the point where people started to believe that the auction house was the only place to find gear upgrades. This in turn led to a lot of resentment towards the auction house which was supposed to be a convenience but turned into a necessity.

This feeling was magnified by the fact that inferno difficulty at release was super fucking hard. It was virtually unbeatable without exploiting game mechanics to just avoid fighting enemies. I believe there were clashing philosophies between gamers and Blizzard for what Inferno should represent and that cost Blizzard dearly. I think Blizzard went in with the idea that Diablo is a game you're supposed to play for months and years so they made Inferno extremely hard so that people wouldn't be able to beat it for a long time. (Apologies in advance for what I think will be an extremely contentious statement) On the other hand, I think most gamers now do not have that kind of patience anymore. I believe they thought that they should be able to beat inferno immediately after hell or within a reasonable amount of time after that but Blizzard never intended for that to happen. This is why inferno ended up being a brick wall and people just assumed that they were trying to push players to the RMAH instead of trying to extend the longevity of the game.

That's not to say that Blizzard didn't make tons of mistakes in tuning Inferno. They took the lazy route by making it hard and unfair and this combined with their poor itemization to make it impossible. It all kind of circles around to the itemization problem. Getting upgrades in inferno was rare enough, but even those upgrades were not good enough to actually take on inferno so it was really frustrating.

There were a lot of complaints about how only a few builds were viable and only a few stats actually mattered. This is usually the case in most games because gamers are min-maxers who will find the most effective skills/items to progress but since the difficulty was off the charts, people felt forced into playing certain builds and some stats just scaled way better than others and became the only ones anyone cared about. This again loops into being an itemization problem.

The game had a lot of problems and they fed into each other to amplify the issues. I believe these were/are the biggest problems with the game although of course this is just my opinion and there's obviously a lot of nuance in the arguments. That said, I do believe gamers overreacted with the negativity (a common trend in the last 4-5 years or so) and a lot of the complaints you hear about the game today are based on impressions from a year ago and not what the game has evolved into. Folks seem to forget that Blizzard changes and fixes things with every game (including D2) and it always keeps getting better. It's a shame the overwhelming negativity towards the game drowned out any possible conversation you could have back when it released.


Itemization, definitely. The game was designed around pushing users to the auction house to get their gear, rather than actually picking it in-game as loot. I'm convinced that this was done intentionally, even going so far as to nerf the chances of actually getting a piece of gear useful to the class you're playing. When I was leveling my monk, all I got was strength and intelligence gear. Practically zero dexterity drops. Considering it's one of three main stats, you'd think the drop chance would be about 33%. It's more 5-10%. Now, if I switch over to a wizard or barbarian, then bam.. there's suddenly piles and piles of dex gear. Once I realized this was happening, it started to really piss me off whenever I saw it.

Call me old-fashioned, but I'd rather gear up using the game itself. I didn't buy D3 so I could spend all my time playing the auction house just to get the millions, even billions of gold necessary to simply buy the gear that I'd need at endgame. It's ridiculous.

I'm hoping this is something they can fix with Loot 2.0. Which, despite all the chatter, no one seems to actually know anything about. "Better loot". WTF does that even mean? Does it mean that my monk will actually get decent dex drops? Based on their attitudes toward itemization and drops in general, I'm going to go out on a limb and say "no". It'll just end up being better quality drops... for every class except the one that I'm actually playing.

I have some small hope for the console versions of the game in this regard, since they're built without the AH at all.. players will have to get their gear in-game. But I have a sneaking suspicion the drop chances will remain as they are now, and the only way to really gear up will be to level three or four characters, so each one can get gear for your other classes. Since I'm holding out for the PS4 version, at least I'll know well in advance whether that's going to happen, based on feedback from the PS360 versions.


The game has improved a ton since release. There were lots of problems with the game back then and while some still remain, a lot of issues have been fixed. Anyone who plays the game now will not know of the problems back then. Crafting for example was utterly useless for months until they finally gave it some best in slot items recently.

Personally, the biggest issue I have with the game has always been the itemization. They went too far in the direction of randomizing stats on items. Getting a mage offhand with dexterity on it just never makes sense. Getting to level 60 in inferno and then getting a 200dps weapon to drop is absurd. This makes finding upgrades that much harder because you can end up with terrible stats on your item rolls. This problem snowballed to the point where people started to believe that the auction house was the only place to find gear upgrades. This in turn led to a lot of resentment towards the auction house which was supposed to be a convenience but turned into a necessity.

This feeling was magnified by the fact that inferno difficulty at release was super fucking hard. It was virtually unbeatable without exploiting game mechanics to just avoid fighting enemies. I believe there were clashing philosophies between gamers and Blizzard for what Inferno should represent and that cost Blizzard dearly. I think Blizzard went in with the idea that Diablo is a game you're supposed to play for months and years so they made Inferno extremely hard so that people wouldn't be able to beat it for a long time. (Apologies in advance for what I think will be an extremely contentious statement) On the other hand, I think most gamers now do not have that kind of patience anymore. I believe they thought that they should be able to beat inferno immediately after hell or within a reasonable amount of time after that but Blizzard never intended for that to happen. This is why inferno ended up being a brick wall and people just assumed that they were trying to push players to the RMAH instead of trying to extend the longevity of the game.

That's not to say that Blizzard didn't make tons of mistakes in tuning Inferno. They took the lazy route by making it hard and unfair and this combined with their poor itemization to make it impossible. It all kind of circles around to the itemization problem. Getting upgrades in inferno was rare enough, but even those upgrades were not good enough to actually take on inferno so it was really frustrating.

There were a lot of complaints about how only a few builds were viable and only a few stats actually mattered. This is usually the case in most games because gamers are min-maxers who will find the most effective skills/items to progress but since the difficulty was off the charts, people felt forced into playing certain builds and some stats just scaled way better than others and became the only ones anyone cared about. This again loops into being an itemization problem.

The game had a lot of problems and they fed into each other to amplify the issues. I believe these were/are the biggest problems with the game although of course this is just my opinion and there's obviously a lot of nuance in the arguments. That said, I do believe gamers overreacted with the negativity (a common trend in the last 4-5 years or so) and a lot of the complaints you hear about the game today are based on impressions from a year ago and not what the game has evolved into. Folks seem to forget that Blizzard changes and fixes things with every game (including D2) and it always keeps getting better. It's a shame the overwhelming negativity towards the game drowned out any possible conversation you could have back when it released.

Thank you very much for your reply, it really clarifies things.
Hopefully they will keep on improving the game with patches, and specially with future expansions.
Cheers once again for taking the time to answer :)
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