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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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Got some gear for my monk today. Was a little too cautious and went too far in defensive stats (except resists). What should I change now to improve my DPS output?


The rings are an obvious choice but those are pretty expensive and I don't have a lot of gold. At the very least I should probably run a set of ubers on another character and craft a dex hellfire but there's no knowing what other stats it'll roll.

I was doing mp5 with my friend today and I only died a couple of times. Although he's pretty overgeared so it could be that he was carrying me through. My main job seemed to be to keep enemies debuffed for his bear army :p. Still, I do think this set is just about good enough for mp5 which really is my target but I do think some more dps would be very useful. Especially to keep my health up with LS.
- 200+ Dex Vile Ward
- Craft Dex Bracers STAT (your current ones don't even have AR so this should be easy to replace)
-Get more Dex on that belt (infact ... get the innas belt. It' cheap, will increase your DPS and will get you cheap SW for more EP's and Cylones )
-Craft a Dex Helfire Ring and not that STR one
-Upgrade both gems in your weapons. (this could be pricey for you, but at least get the 80% gems in there and then work up to the 90% and 100%)

Also: Drop Serenity ... you'll thank me after you get used to it. You're soft core anyway. Drop EDIT: Blinding Flash too. Play around with Cyclone and Exploding Palm in your current build. Specifically "the flesh is weak" rune. Exploding Palm (especially when playing solo) is one of the better skills in the entire game. It's almost OP. The explosions are just massive as far as damage. When you get good at timing the explosions with cyclone strike, you can take out huge packs very quickly.

As you progress, you should look into the backlash build as well for monk. You need two LS weapons. Essentially, you want to pull the largest pack you can get running after you. When you get a bunch, engage. They'll swing and miss you a ton. The backlash procs so much in large groups that I can stand in desecrator patches in MP10 and not lose health. It provides that much sustain. It also does good DPS around you as well. Combined with EP, this can be a very viable build that can get you efficiently farming 2 levels up from where you were before. This build is the reason my monk can farm MP10 solo.
Anyone wanna run ubers with me n jrmint?

I'll use my machines.


Sucks, there was a 340M nats ring that was wayyy underpriced at 1d12hr today. I was waiting on Blizzard funds to come through to buy it. Get my funds. Its now listed at 1.25B which is probably closer to what it should be listed at! Boooo. Someone just made bank.


Does maths and stuff
Gonna try to finish off p100 with my wiz pretty soon. What class is cheap to build and run MP10 with(cheap relatively speaking)?


Got some gear for my monk today. Was a little too cautious and went too far in defensive stats (except resists). What should I change now to improve my DPS output?


The rings are an obvious choice but those are pretty expensive and I don't have a lot of gold. At the very least I should probably run a set of ubers on another character and craft a dex hellfire but there's no knowing what other stats it'll roll.

I was doing mp5 with my friend today and I only died a couple of times. Although he's pretty overgeared so it could be that he was carrying me through. My main job seemed to be to keep enemies debuffed for his bear army :p. Still, I do think this set is just about good enough for mp5 which really is my target but I do think some more dps would be very useful. Especially to keep my health up with LS.

Those defensive stats aren't overkill at all.

DEFINITELY new rings. Not sure how little gold you have, but I paid 8m for my "Doom Harm" ring (see profile link above) just a week or so ago which would be 13k more dps over your hellfire (more dps than the Nat's ring too) ;)

Also: Amulet need more dps, less ehp. At bare minimum you want 6 cc, 60 cd, 100 dex and some avg dmg

@ suffah: Barb (ew) or WD
Could you expand on this a bit?

I too am pretty addicted to it. What defensive do you like to run in its place? Or no defensive at all?

The backlash build provides me with enough sustain that I don't need much defense. It's really crazy amounts of sustain. Other than that I move around if I have to. I dropped it a long while back. IIRC it was Ratticus that inspired me to drop it. I'm run with semi low EHP too and dropped OWE a long time ago as well. Still enough sustain to stand on desecrator. Stacked poison can be an issue at times now.

In general, you probably use serenity a ton when you really don't need to. It's just an easy button to mash though. This was my finding after I dropped it at least and I'm sure others will support me here.

Freeing up serenity allows you to use another spirit spender or damage modifier. It looks like Dashing Strike will get a buff soon too so Shifty's build will get even more rad after that for him. For me I use SW and Cyclone. Others use the bell a ton. There's really a lot of options depending on your DPS and build strengths. It's why I think Monk is such a great class. Tons of ways to inflict damage and run things at end game compared to others. Serenity stifles this. I would use it again if I played HC though.

This is what I'm running. I basically lay out tons of EP and Cyclones and don't have many spirit issue because of cheap SW.


My missing gear is on my WD right now.
- 200+ Dex Vile Ward
- Craft Dex Bracers STAT (your current ones don't even have AR so this should be easy to replace)
-Get more Dex on that belt (infact ... get the innas belt. It' cheap, will increase your DPS and will get you cheap SW for more EP's and Cylones )
-Craft a Dex Helfire Ring and not that STR one
-Upgrade both gems in your weapons. (this could be pricey for you, but at least get the 80% gems in there and then work up to the 90% and 100%)

Those defensive stats aren't overkill at all.

DEFINITELY new rings. Not sure how little gold you have, but I paid 8m for my "Doom Harm" ring (see profile link above) just a week or so ago which would be 13k more dps over your hellfire (more dps than the Nat's ring too) ;)

Also: Amulet need more dps, less ehp. At bare minimum you want 6 cc, 60 cd, 100 dex and some avg dmg

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I should probably mention that this is a fresh 60 character (as in, I started at P1 today). The idea was to have gear which is just good enough to handle mp5 or so and not necessarily high end stuff. I'm using some items which I found on other characters and some is from the AH. The amulet/bracers/gloves are obviously going to be replaced with crafts as and when I can get good upgrades although I'm not holding my breath because my luck with crafting is rotten :(

I'm not happy with the rings but unfortunately I can't do anything to replace them immediately. The Nat ring (and boots) were found on another char so I just used them for the cc bonus. The hellfire ring was made on another character (barb) and I used it while leveling the monk. I would obviously prefer to replace them with proper dps rings but jewelry is super expensive and I just can't afford upgrades right now. I'll get around to doing ubers on the barb and make a dex hellfire but again I've had absolute shit luck with hellfire rolls so who knows how that will end up.

Anyway I upgraded the gems to 80% cd. Going to craft some bracers now and see how it goes.

edit - yep, crafted 20 bracers before I ran out of essences and they were all bad. Sometimes I just hate this game. These were the only 3 that seemed not quite rubbish so which one would you recommend for now? (all are compared to the non BOA one at the left)


Badlands vessel has lower dps/hp but it has 85AR which is something I'm lacking. None of them have lightning res which is my OWE stat.


edit - yep, crafted 20 bracers before I ran out of essences and they were all bad. Sometimes I just hate this game. These were the only 3 that seemed not quite rubbish so which one would you recommend for now? (all are compared to the non BOA one at the left)

Badlands vessel has lower dps/hp but it has 85AR which is something I'm lacking. None of them have lightning res which is my OWE stat.

I'd probably keep your current ones for now. Badlands vessel has no cc at all so definite no on it.


So that's a million gold wasted :(

If it makes you feel any better I crafted over 200 amulets at 100k each before getting my current one.

Shoulders took a similar amount of rolls, gloves I probably rolled 300 pairs before I got my current ones. Bracers I lucked out and got in about 50 tries (I was fire resist originally, but after rolling those bracers and not being able to get any better ones that were fire resist I switched to lightning)
I'd do ubers tomorrow if you are going to be on, you can get a proper Dex Hellfire.

I crafted a few gloves today and got an upgrade on my 2nd pair and then I got this after about 10 and was like Oh myyyy


Now I just need to get Attack Speed onto them!

Heres an odd one. You guys think this would sell for anything. Tons of LOH and LS, High Crit Dam and a socket. Only thing is its 9xx DPS! Ughhh lol. Don't WD's want Doom Hammers cause the .9 AS?



Wondering which craftable gear would be most efficient to work on upgrading (amulet, shoulders, gloves, bracers). Been trying to get better gloves since the trifecta is somewhat low, but can't seem to roll anything good. http://www.diabro3.com/?armoryURL=ferr#1693&serverBox=us

I dunno man, those all look really solid.

Possibly shoulders as the dex is on the low side, but those ehp rolls are sick. Same with amulet really...you got 3 of the big 5 dps rolls but that huge vit roll will make replacing it tough too.
So that's a million gold wasted :(

200 x 100k is about 20 million in crafts. His amulet bought of the gold AH with the same stats would be more. This is the same for each piece I've crafted and probably true for each piece he's crafted regardless of how long it tool to roll a good craft.

Bracers are one of the easier to roll because you really only care about 4 stats out of 6 rolls. Anything on top of Main STAT, VIT, AR and CC is a bonus. Gloves are harder because you really want 5-6 of the 6 possible rolls. Shoulders are the cheapest roll I believe as it's just money and DE. Dex shoulders would be a good item for you to give a shot at as well.
Just realized yea my Vile Ward's were a bit weak so I crafted 20, 20 and then 19 and on the last one #59 I got this


Now I can sell my Vile Wards which are about the same but 12% life and 191 dex.

I know I can get higher upgrades to so keep crafting it is!
Yes but I noticed some of the upgrades game me like 9K dps upgrade those ones only gave me 1.7K so it looks like theres a ton of room for more Dex and Vit? I think? Or a double resist in case I want to switch from DH to Monk soon.


I've been seeing a lot of talk of Loot 2.0 in the other threads, and I think a lot of people have some very wrong ideas about what it's going to be, so I have to ask: What do you folks actually believe will be the outcome of Loot 2.0?

I see a lot of people that seem to believe that it will completely fix the loot system of the game, resulting in near-constant drops of class-specific items. One comment in particular over in the Console thread stated that the game couldn't possibly be running any kind of enhanced loot system because it had the gall to drop a piece of gear that wasn't usable by any of the players involved.

Is that what people really think? That every drop will be useful? If that's the case, this thread will be flooded with QQ the day Loot 2.0 drops, as soon as people jump in the game, kill a couple mobs, and get more gear that's only good for the AH.

What I expect is for the chance of class-specific drops to go up by maybe 5%. That maybe, maybe, one out of ten drops might be remotely useful to your class (so a Monk/DH might see Dex on maybe 10% of drops, which is a significantly higher chance than it is today). And out of those "useful" items, maybe one in ten could even be possibly considered as an upgrade. I expect more people to actually pick up the worthless items, since they might be useful for AH or disenchanting for mats.

On the whole, though, I don't expect Loot 2.0 to actually change much of anything about the game, and I certainly don't think it's going to be the "second coming" of D3. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I have a sinking feeling I'm going to be standing here on L2 day saying "Told ya so".
So Walmart has this for $42 and I have a $10 Walmart. Thinking about buying it in a few minutes. Any other low level gaffers around or are all of yall min maxing like crazy :p


Been streaming for 5 hours or so now. Not a single legendary drop.


What paragon? When I stream for ~6 hours I usually get 5+ legendaries. Didn't really get any before para 30 though.

edit: also cant wait for account wide paragon so i can try other classes than barb. and hopefully more than 100 friends.
I've been seeing a lot of talk of Loot 2.0 in the other threads, and I think a lot of people have some very wrong ideas about what it's going to be, so I have to ask: What do you folks actually believe will be the outcome of Loot 2.0?

I see a lot of people that seem to believe that it will completely fix the loot system of the game, resulting in near-constant drops of class-specific items. One comment in particular over in the Console thread stated that the game couldn't possibly be running any kind of enhanced loot system because it had the gall to drop a piece of gear that wasn't usable by any of the players involved.

Is that what people really think? That every drop will be useful? If that's the case, this thread will be flooded with QQ the day Loot 2.0 drops, as soon as people jump in the game, kill a couple mobs, and get more gear that's only good for the AH.

What I expect is for the chance of class-specific drops to go up by maybe 5%. That maybe, maybe, one out of ten drops might be remotely useful to your class (so a Monk/DH might see Dex on maybe 10% of drops, which is a significantly higher chance than it is today). And out of those "useful" items, maybe one in ten could even be possibly considered as an upgrade. I expect more people to actually pick up the worthless items, since they might be useful for AH or disenchanting for mats.

On the whole, though, I don't expect Loot 2.0 to actually change much of anything about the game, and I certainly don't think it's going to be the "second coming" of D3. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I have a sinking feeling I'm going to be standing here on L2 day saying "Told ya so".

You should maybe try not to project imaginary problems people are having with an unseen version of the game on the people here who actually do know the issues with the game and aren't expecting absurd shit like 'every drop will be useful'.

What paragon? When I stream for ~6 hours I usually get 5+ legendaries. Didn't really get any before para 30 though.

I get a legendary or two every day and that's with low paragon characters (1-15 range). Pretty much the same rate as my friend who has a level 100 Barb. I think you'd have to poll data over a very large period of time to come to notice a significant increase in legendary drops due to higher MF.


I get a legendary or two every day and that's with low paragon characters (1-15 range). Pretty much the same rate as my friend who has a level 100 Barb. I think you'd have to poll data over a very large period of time to come to notice a significant increase in legendary drops due to higher MF.

really? my paragon 100 barb on mp8 would usually get 1-3 legendaries per run, though im working on a new barb. i only play weekends and usually stream for ~6 hours and typically end up with a decent amount. had 5 earlier in a test run of 25 mins.

you really (or at least i do) notice a difference once you pass the 35-40 paragon mark, and moreso around 75-80 imo.


Decided to hop back on and messed around some with permastrafe with my p86 DH. I never messed around with permastrafe much, so I'm pretty terrible at it but it's pretty fast paced and amusing. Given that DH's are just kind crap compared to every other class at high MP figured I would maybe do this for a while at MP1 for a change of pace and more importantly for XP since that'll be relevant later on now. I hope they do something with the DH in the expansion to bring them up to speed with the other characters; I have no idea what, but I love the DH but they make me super sad at high MP :(.

Every time I get on and play with my Barb it's super easy mode but it's boring as hell, I can never do it very long.

really? my paragon 100 barb on mp8 would usually get 1-3 legendaries per run, though im working on a new barb. i only play weekends and usually stream for ~6 hours and typically end up with a decent amount. had 5 earlier in a test run of 25 mins.

you really (or at least i do) notice a difference once you pass the 35-40 paragon mark, and moreso around 75-80 imo.

Agree with this. When I'm running with my mid-80s DH I'm actually surprised if I don't get 1 or 2 legendaries a run. I've never had anywhere near as low a drop rate as 1 or 2 in a day of playing with that character, that seems crazy for a p100 to be getting that but RNG gonna RNG. Or he's just mistaken.
I was playing with my paragon 40 DH. I got one Sloraks the whole day. I was streaming so its probably recorded.I wasnt super mad though since I did craft those upgrades.N I got a buncha Paragon XP anyways.

Today I got a bunch though on my DH.

Usually on my Barb I get like 7-10 a day. Lately though its been 1-3 a day, Paragon 100. However I've never been too sold on the Paragon MF actually effecting how many Legendaries I get. I really just seem to have highs and lows.

Daravon can you link me your dude? What MP do you usually farm? We might be able to farm faster with that bonus XP. I'm playing a permagloom type tank build where I just run up and start bola shotting and just tank then when I get the swarm down to a few I finish off with Rapid Fire. Its pretty fun and fast.

DH's seem great now. I think I just needed a break along time ago.
Agree with this. When I'm running with my mid-80s DH I'm actually surprised if I don't get 1 or 2 legendaries a run. I've never had anywhere near as low a drop rate as 1 or 2 in a day of playing with that character, that seems crazy for a p100 to be getting that but RNG gonna RNG. Or he's just mistaken.

When I say 1-2 legendaries a day I'm referring only to the time we play together which is typically just 2-3 hours. MF is a multiplier on an abysmally low percentage so the result is also abysmally low :p. It's well within the purview of the RNG to give me a a legendary and him nothing in the same amount of time played even though he has 250MF more than me. That's why I said you'd need to gather data over a very long period of time to see just how much paragon levels are helping with drop quality.


I see a lot of people that seem to believe that it will completely fix the loot system of the game, resulting in near-constant drops of class-specific items. One comment in particular over in the Console thread stated that the game couldn't possibly be running any kind of enhanced loot system because it had the gall to drop a piece of gear that wasn't usable by any of the players involved.
You sort of misunderstood what I said.

One of the features of Loot 2.0 is that when you kill a new boss, it will drop a guaranteed Legendary and that Legendary will be for your class. This only applies when you kill a boss for the first time. This is what was happening in the demo at Gamescom where people played the Crusader and when they killed the boss they got the Flail legendary.

I don't expect this to happen in normal games but I thought Blizzard said that this would happen for new bosses under Loot 2.0. Of course after you beat them it would go to standard loot tables, no guaranteed legendaries and not guaranteed to your class.


You sort of misunderstood what I said.

One of the features of Loot 2.0 is that when you kill a new boss, it will drop a guaranteed Legendary and that Legendary will be for your class. This only applies when you kill a boss for the first time. This is what was happening in the demo at Gamescom where people played the Crusader and when they killed the boss they got the Flail legendary.

I don't expect this to happen in normal games but I thought Blizzard said that this would happen for new bosses under Loot 2.0. Of course after you beat them it would go to standard loot tables, no guaranteed legendaries and not guaranteed to your class.
I think there's a lot of confusion over the console's loot system and Loot 2.0. While the console loot system (which doesn't have a name) has some shared elements between it and Loot 2.0, they're definitely not the same. I think they've been avoiding calling it by any particular name for the people that have never played the PC version, "2.0" wouldn't mean anything to them because they've never seen 1.0.

I wasn't trying to call you out specifically, it's just that your post wrapped up a few things that I saw throughout some other posts as well.. :) I've seen a lot of people talk about Loot 2.0 as if it's going to be the ultimate fix for the game, and I just don't think that's going to happen.


I don't think Loot 2.0 is going to change up the loot that much, it would just be an improvement. Here's what I expect based off of what I got from Blizzard's PR:

*Less whites, blues and yellows. The yellows that drop now will be overall better in quality. More legendaries drop now, about the same as before.

*Legendaries scale up with levels. Guaranteed Legendary after beating a boss for the first time and that Legendary will be something that your character can actually use.

*More class specific drops to the class you are playing. By this I mean that if you are playing a DH you should see way more bows, xbows and quivers than any other class specific item (meaning less wands, fist weapons, mighty weapons, mojos etc). Furthermore, these items have much higher chance of rolling Dex than Strength/Intel. Honestly speaking Strength/Intel rolls should be removed from Quivers completely.

This is the bare minimum stuff I expect. Here's what I would like to see as well:

*More tightening of loot tables so the item drops are more in line with your own level. I don't want to be lvl70 and still be finding lvl65 gear.

*Chance of Legendaries increased for killing bosses. Right now killing bosses barely feels more rewarding that killing Elites. On that same note I wish they would buff Uniques but also let them drop guaranteed Rares with NV stacks.

*Back on the whole Smart drop stuff... if I am play Wizard my items should have a higher chance of rolling Intel on all my items not just my Wands and Sources. Same for some class specific rolls like on Helms.

*NV stack cap raises to 10.

*This is a super far out request but with new Paragon level stats I really hope they take out stuff like pick up radius rolling on items. If you want that stuff you can add it through Paragon points. Personally they should just passively increase your Radius after each Paragon level.


*More tightening of loot tables so the item drops are more in line with your own level. I don't want to be lvl70 and still be finding lvl65 gear.
Did you play at all since Monster Power got introduced? This is already solved.

*Chance of Legendaries increased for killing bosses. Right now killing bosses barely feels more rewarding that killing Elites. On that same note I wish they would buff Uniques but also let them drop guaranteed Rares with NV stacks.
Agreed, they said that they are working on both.

*Back on the whole Smart drop stuff... if I am play Wizard my items should have a higher chance of rolling Intel on all my items not just my Wands and Sources. Same for some class specific rolls like on Helms.

THIS is smart loot, not that you will have a higher chance for your class items to drop.

*NV stack cap raises to 10.
Not gonna happen. Invalidates the idea of 15-20 min loot runs. It would be now "stack up to 10, then 15-20 min loot run"

*This is a super far out request but with new Paragon level stats I really hope they take out stuff like pick up radius rolling on items. If you want that stuff you can add it through Paragon points. Personally they should just passively increase your Radius after each Paragon level.

How out of touch you have to be to demand this? Witch Doctors rely on this, Paragon increases alone will not do. You have your Mystic, you are free to remove that pickup radius and put something else on it.


Blizzard said:
We think the expansion is a great time for it, so we'll be giving all of the existing classes (Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor, and Wizard) skill updates in Reaper of Souls. We're looking to make adjustments that improve the experience for skills that are currently underused, or have balance issues. These changes will likely be part of the pre-expansion patch, but new skills will require players to purchase the expansion to access them.



I really don't know where to go with my WD now. I can farm MP6 easily but I want to go higher without spending much =[ http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/liferebooted-1675/hero/1228571

Radiant star ruby would give you more dps than the emerald.

I'd try for more crit dmg on the skorn (170 minimum) even if you drop to a lower dps one your overall dps will increase (sim on d3up first obviously)

Crit chance on your helm - can be done for under 10m.

Life regen & thorns are both wasted rolls on that chest. You can get 150+ vit for fairly cheap then something else useful.

Witching Hour could use some vit or life %

Arc resist is a wasted roll on those pants. I got a pair of depth diggers with ~200 int, ~200 vit and armour for 7.5m just the other day.

Zuni pox could again use crit chance. Fairly cheap for a 3 or 3.5% one.

Hellfire ring is pretty bad. I'd either keep farming for a better one or replace it with a good rare. Extra dps/ehp may allow you to do a higher mp level which would negate the lost xp bonus.

Anyway, I'm on a tight budget too and didn't spend more than 20m on any one piece of gear on my WD and he can do MP10 no problem so feel free to take a look if you like: http://d3up.com/b/8673/shakazulu


I was playing with my paragon 40 DH. I got one Sloraks the whole day. I was streaming so its probably recorded.I wasnt super mad though since I did craft those upgrades.N I got a buncha Paragon XP anyways.

Today I got a bunch though on my DH.

Usually on my Barb I get like 7-10 a day. Lately though its been 1-3 a day, Paragon 100. However I've never been too sold on the Paragon MF actually effecting how many Legendaries I get. I really just seem to have highs and lows.

Daravon can you link me your dude? What MP do you usually farm? We might be able to farm faster with that bonus XP. I'm playing a permagloom type tank build where I just run up and start bola shotting and just tank then when I get the swarm down to a few I finish off with Rapid Fire. Its pretty fun and fast.

DH's seem great now. I think I just needed a break along time ago.


Still messing around with this build a bit and getting used to it; still running into occasional resource issues which I know I shouldn't be with my gear/stats. It's running much better now that I switched to Shuriken Cloud as my other dps skill. Before when I was running Bola/BL/etc with Strafe I found myself needing to pop Gloom fairly often, but with Shuriken Cloud it snapshots when you activate it, so I can pop Gloom then Cloud and that's 2 minutes of lifesteal from the Cloud which is just enough in most cases to keep me going fine without needing to re-pop Gloom except for bad affix combos. Right now my only problems with it are Jailer elites with other bad affixes (since you can't strafe while jailed, but having to vault constantly out of being jailed kills all my disc) and accidentally activating Shuriken Cloud occasionally in mobs and not realizing it so I lose my snapshot, but I've gotten much better about the latter. Right now I'm just doing MP1 with this build while I'm trying to get used to it. Unfortunately I've never been super "efficient", otherwise with the time I have in the game I'd have probably at least two characters at p100 lol. I'd imagine I could probably go up to MP2 or maybe MP3 once I get my shit together potentially though. I probably need to swap out my Vit gem for an XP one in my helmet, but I'll have to get one of my rubies off my Barb. Ideally I'd also swap out one of my rings (not sure which) for a hellfire, but I still have yet to get a decent Hellfire. I'll take a look, I think I have one that is decently high dex with CD, but that's the best I've gotten, but it still might be good enough for MP1 runs. Hmm.

Also I don't know that I'd say that DH's are "great"; they have good low MP exp running abilities (but so do other classes), but they still suffer with eDPS issues at high MPs pretty bad. I can facetank MP10 with this DH using a Grenades build, but it takes two to three times longer than most (all?) other classes. Hoping they get something to even the odds a bit with expansion changes. Hell, even just making it so Spike traps trigger instantly without the initial wait time would be huge, especially since that's probably the biggest DPS skill we have.


Thoughs on using Andariel's Visage? I get like 10-20K damage increase but lose in some EHP.. and of course there's that increased Fire dmg. It's cheap compared to a Mempo with crit chance on it..


Thoughs on using Andariel's Visage? I get like 10-20K damage increase but lose in some EHP.. and of course there's that increased Fire dmg. It's cheap compared to a Mempo with crit chance on it..

AV is a good entry-level helm, but it looks like you already have a decent non-crit Mempo. Like you said, you'll get a decent DPS boost but you're going to lose a lot of EHP between the vit/life%/AR loss. I guess if you're totally swimming in high Vit and AR already it maybe wouldn't be the worst choice (you can get low enough fire damage % where that's largely a non-issue), but at that point you might be able to just get a rare helm with higher crit % than the AV's 4.5% to make up for the IAS% on the AV.

So unless you already have ridiculous eHP and really really need the additional Crit % I'd say probably not.


I actually have played since MP levels were introduced and even now I get gear below my level. Yea it's not as bad as before but it's still bad. I should not be getting below i61 in MP1 or higher Inferno.... those items are worthless.

On the note of Pick Up Radius, I said that it should just be a passive increase per Paragon level (like Gold find/Magic find). This is not an unreasonable request and it would not hurt WDs at all as along as they have a good Paragon level.

And please don't give me this "how out of touch are you?" crap. I am not your average D3 player who played for a week then dropped it. I have played since launch and have played again whenever there was a big patch. I know what has been changed since that time and have experienced it. The game is still far from being fixed in terms of loot, itemization, affixes and stats... which I don't even know if the expansion will fix but I am curious at least.


I actually have played since MP levels were introduced and even now I get gear below my level. Yea it's not as bad as before but it's still bad. I should not be getting below i61 in MP1 or higher Inferno.... those items are worthless.

Their stats already depend on the monster's lv that dropped them. And on Mp1 and above, all monsters are ilvl63.


Their stats already depend on the monster's lv that dropped them. And on Mp1 and above, all monsters are ilvl63.
Then why do I still get i60 and below items in MP1 or higher? MP1 increases your chance of getting 61-63 but it's not exclusively among those levels. Anything below 60 is not even Inferno quality loot!


So according to a blue on twitter, the new ilevel cap is going to be 70 (as opposed to 73). Wonder what that means for end game stuff exactly.
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