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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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A new monk legendary in RoS:

All Nirvana all the time!
This is coming from a bug report about the obvious implications with cooldown gear, lol.

I think they're probably just going to break Nirvana by stopping the WotHF DoT from counting as a spirit generator so it doesn't generate spirit any more with Infused with Light. I think they must know about the build at this point, so it would be silly to work to introduce such a broken thing if they didn't have a plan.

I've been thinking this for a while myself. It would be so broken. Especially with the way LpSS is modified by health globe gear.

They halved the spirit you get from IWL (from 8 to 4), plus the DoT effect on FoF only lasts 3 seconds as opposed to 5.

Those are pretty significant nerfs.

Meh, with all these cool down reduction items, even three seconds is enough I think.

Btw .... Happy thanksgiving to you American D3'ers


They halved the spirit you get from IWL (from 8 to 4), plus the DoT effect on FoF only lasts 3 seconds as opposed to 5.

Those are pretty significant nerfs.
Oh interesting I didn't know about that. I saw people using it and thought it worked like before.


DiabloFans put up a page with all the details of the new skills and passives in RoS:


Scrolls down to WD skills. Lots of skills has "No longer costs Mana" :)

This will most likely be my new passive skill along with Locust swarm and Piranha:
[New!] Creeping Death - Your Haunt, Locust Swarm and the damage amplification of Piranhas last almost forever

[New!] Midnight Feast - You can have 1 additional Zombie Dog summoned at one time. The damage of your Zombie Dogs and Gargantuan is increased by 50%
Wait, you can now have 5 Zombie Dogs? Also, they seem to have increased the damage output for Dogs as well, not sure if it´s enough to make a difference though?


Their damage out put doesn't matter as much as their proc chance. If they are procing more Crushing Blow than WD then they are worth using for sure. Pretty much why every WD on T6 has been using Plague of Toads.

I never read these changes before but damn they really buffed the Monk Ally skills.

Some of these changes don't make sense. How the hell is Entangling Shot twice the DPS of Hungering Arrow? Is the DPS spread among the targets?


SSS is just going to be sick with that zero cooldown Daibo.

Stack enough spirit regen gear and you'll be close to being able to perma-SSS
That's basically what I have been saying in that other thread. I have already theory crafted a SSS build. Probably going to post it in a bit actually.


Seven Sided Strike Monk build (Reaper of Souls)

With the introduction of the Clouds and Moon Legendary, I thought I would theory craft a build based around Seven Sided Strike. With no cooldown on the move, the only thing you have to worry about is keeping your Spirit up so you can use it without running out. By a combination of skills and items you can accomplish this. Because SSS essentially removes the Monk himself from the battle, its already a very powerful defensive skill in that Monk is invulnerable during the entire duration of SSS. If you can do SSS infinitely then you can't be killed meaning you can skip out on defensive skills even some attributes however it is still wise to have as much mitigation as you can have while still having enough DPS to clear higher difficulties.

Primary attributes that you need:

+ Critical Hit chance
+ Critical Hit damage bonus
+ Crushing Blow chance
+ Resource Cost reduction
+ Dexterity
+ % Damage bonus to Seven Sided Strike
+ % Holy damage
+ Spirit Regeneration
+ Maximum Spirit (hard to get on gear)

Pretty basic stuff here, Resource Cost reduction is very important in this build compared to other builds as the main limiter for this build is the high resource cost of SSS. If the Resource cost of SSS is reduced to below 30 then with the build even if you are at 0 Spirit you can just auto attack a couple of times and get enough Spirit to do SSS again. A lot of gear pieces can roll +% damage bonus to SSS which is great if you get it. +% Holy damage is only required if you are using the Fulminating Onslaught SSS rune.

Secondary attributes (mostly defensive stats so you can survive in higher difficulties:

+Stack a single secondary resistance on your secondary affix for a gear (like Poison/Lightning/Fire resistance) so you can use OWE passive
+All Resistance
+Life %
+Movement speed
+Life per Spirit spent (if you are getting this then the secondary affix on your gear must have the appropriate Health Globe bonuses otherwise this doesn't scale well at all)

Avoid attributes:

*Increased attack speed (does not scale well for this build and is not really needed)
*Reduced cooldown (there are no skills on this build that require a CD reduction if you are using the Legendary Daibo for SSS)
*Damage increase to your Spirit Generator/auto attack (you won't be attacking with your Spirit generator much so this is a wasted affix that can be used for something else)
*%Elemental damage anything except Holy (only Holy works on SSS with the Fulminating Onslaught rune)

Active Skills:

Seven Sided Strike - The core damage dealer of this build, the one move that this whole build is based around. With the 0 cooldown Legendary Clouds and Moon you can spam this ability as long as you have the spirit for it. The skill itself does a lot of damage in an area although its a bit randomized if you have a bunch of enemies around. While this skill is active, the Monk cannot be damaged at all which is what makes this build powerful if you are able to spam the move.

Rune options:

Sudden Assault : Solid rune to have for the raw damage.

Seven Sided Strike : The increased number of hits is great for when you have more Crushing Blow. Even without Crushing Blow this is a solid rune to choose as it would increase the time you would be in SSS animation which means more time that you can't get hit.

Pandemonium : This is mostly for tough bosses/ubers as the stun is pretty useful. Not that great for farming but still useful.

Fulminating Onslaught : I would use this rune if I have some Holy damage +% stacked up on Bracers/Gloves/Rings/Amulets.

The rune that reduces cooldown is absolutely useless for this build.

Mantra Options:

Mantra of Conviction - Overawe : This is the most damaging Mantra that the Monk has but you will be giving up the Spirit regenerating Mantra for it. Use it when you have enough Spirit gen to be in SSS mode for most of the fight.

Mantra of Conviction - Annihilation : I would use this when I am in need of Crushing Blow as CB is pretty powerful in RoS.

Mantra of Healing - Circular Breathing : Gives you 3 Spirit per second which is essential for the build.

Spirit Generators:

Fists of Thunder - Quickening : The best spirit generator for the Monk returning a whopping 18 Spirit per hit. It also comes with a very useful teleport now. You don't really need this move for anything other than Spirit regen, this is not your damage dealer

Sweeping Wind - Inner Storm : While the starting cost is high, once you have it up and can to max stacks it gives you 4 spirit per second.

Mystic Ally - Air Ally : On active it gives you 75 spirit instantly. On passive it gives 4 spirit per second. If you are low on Spirit you can turn on the active and can probably get off two more SSS with reduced cost reduction.

Breath of Heaven - Infused with Light : Spirit regeneration is going to be a key component of this build and you need a lot of spirit regen as the base cost of SSS is 50 spirit! This rune gives you 4 additional Spirit regen per second which is very nice.

I didn't opt to go for a pseudo "Nirvana" build with this because it might get nerfed in the future although that is still an option for this build.


Exalted Soul : Essential for this build. Both the increased max Spirit and Spirit regen is needed for this build. Now gives you 2 Spirit per second.

Chant of Resonance : Another source of Spirit Regeneration, this one gives you 2 additional.

Guardian's Path : Because you will be using a 2H and you would be needing a lot of Spirit Generation, this is another great passive to have for Spirit generation.

One with Everything or Seize the Initiative : You are going to be going all in on offense and Spirit regen so in that off chance that you are caught without SSS you can get blown up pretty easily. Getting one of these passives is pretty good, I would go with Seize the Initiative personally but if you have a lot of secondary Resistances stacked up OWE can be great too.

Fleet Footed : I would get this when you are at a point where you can get SSS off for the maximum duration of a fight and you don't have to worry about getting one shotted or killed easily. This will help you farm faster and get to mobs faster. Get this instead of OWE/Seize the Initiative when you can clear mobs with great efficiency.

Just from your skills, if you have max stacks of Sweeping Wind and Mantra of Healing up you would have around 20 spirit PER SECOND! Getting off one auto attack would mean you would have built enough Spirit for one Seven Sided Strike. Of course this build will be stacking some resource cost reduction as well which would mean you would have many chances to perform SSS in a big battle and if you are low you would only need 2-3 hits to get to enough Spirit to get off SSS again.



Legendary Daibo "The Clouds and the Moon"

THE MOST essential component of your build in terms of itemization. Without this item this build would not even work as you would need to waste precious affixes on Cooldown reduction rather than offensive stats to boost up the damage of your SSS. This removes the cooldown of your SSS completely meaning the only limiting factor to you spamming SSS against mobs is your Spirit quantity.

You generally want a Clouds and the Moon that comes with a high damage roll, high Dexterity, either crit damage or crushing blow and a socket for additional Crit Hit damage socket.


Gloves of Worhip will most likely be nerfed but until they aren't, these are BiS Gloves for this build. The Spirit regeneration is a great boost for this build and with the Empowered Shrine buff you can pretty much be in SSS forever under the effect.

On the gloves you need as many offensive stats as possible so we are looking at Crit chance, Crit damage, Crushing Blow, Dexterity. Some of these affixes are only available on the Gloves so you should prioritize crits over stuff like Resource Cost reduction and additional damage for SSS. If you are using Fulminating Onslaught rune then getting a Holy damage +% affix would be pretty damn nice too.


Similar concept to the Gloves, you need to stack offensive stats here mostly (Crit chance, Crit Damage, Crushing Blow, Dexterity, Resource Cost reduction, Holy damage). Anything you are lacking in other areas you can try to fill up here.

For Legendaries you can pick up the Legendary that gives you 20% resource on picking up Health Globe. Other than that there aren't many Legendary Bracers that synergize well with the build, pick any Bracer that has great rolls and a Legendary affix that you like.


For this type of Monk the only thing you really want a Socket for is Life %. If you can survive long enough to keep getting SSSs off then you don't need more survivability and you can even roll the Socket into something like Crit chance. Reduce cooldown Diamond on Helm is obviously useless, Gold is not really required and the EXP bonus isn't that high on high levels. You could socket a Magic find gem if you really want more items but other than that either go Life % gem or don't go socket at all.

An excellent Legendary Helm to get on this build is the "Pride's Fall" Legendary. The Legendary affix on this helm gives you a WHOPPING 30% resource cost reduction if you haven't been hit for 5 seconds. If you use this build right, you can keep spamming SSS and you can easily avoid getting hit for 5 seconds to enjoy the resource cost reduction bonus.

The Eye of the Storm Legendary is another good Legendary Helm that you can pick up as it can give you 3 Spirit per second along with other offensive stats.


On belts you generally want half defensive stats and half offensive stats. The offensive stats include Dexterity and one other offensive, stuff like Resource Cost reduction or a Skill% damage boost.

A Legendary that you can try out on this build is Cord of Heuer Men if you get a Dex roll on it. The Legendary affix confuses all enemies in a specific location which would make them easy to hit with SSS.


You pretty much want mostly defensive stats here as well with like one offensive stat depending on what the chest roll. The only good Chest piece for this build is Shi Mizu's Haori which gives you 100% crit when on low health. This could potential save you if you get low and having all your SSS hits crit is massive. Having 3 sockets is pretty huge on Chest pieces as you can fill them up with Diamonds for a ton of Resistances.


As with the Belt, you generally want defensive stats and 1-2 offensive stats (generally cost reduction and Dexterity). As far as Legendaries go, there aren't many that synergizes well with this build except for the Shoulder that gives you resource back from picking up Globes.


The best boots right now for pretty much any class are Ice Climbers. Same concept as Shoulders/Belts in terms of getting affixes, you want more defensive ones. The immunity to Frozen and other CC effects is HUGE as you do not want to be stunned and then get one shotted, you don't have a lot of defensive skills/abilities on this build so you cannot afford to get your rhythm broken. Until these get nerfed, these are the BiS boots for this build and most other builds as well.

While I haven't seen Boj Anglers in RoS, they are supposed to roll with a trifecta and if you get those with the right rolls then they would out DPS Ice Climbers easily. Its really a matter of choosing between offense and defense here.

Secondary affix should obviously have Movement speed and a secondary resist that you are stacking with OWE.

Rings and Amulets:

With your Chest, Belt, Shoulders and Boots taking care of your defensive stats like Vitality/Life%/All res, this lets you go all out with picking 4 offensive stats on Rings. Pretty much any 4 combination of the Primary affixes I mentioned previously would work for this build.

Good Amulets for this build include:

Overwhelming Desire: Can charm enemies and you do more damage to them.

Ess of Johan: Pulls in enemies like a Cyclone so they are bunched up together so they are more targets for SSS to hit.

Eye of Etlich: No peculiar Legendary affix but it can roll 5 primary stats which can be pretty huge if you can get a lucky roll on this. If you get something like Dexterity, Reduced cost reduction, Crit chance, Crit damage and Crushing blow all on one Amulet then that might be BiS for this build.

Not many Rings that can synergize with this build outside of Stone of Jordan which can give specific boosts to stats in this build, you just want the Primary stats for this build and that can be gotten on pretty much any ring. Use the Ring you are most comfortable with.

Set Piece:

It might be worth getting the Inna's set piece bonus. For the 4th bonus you can get the Ring of Royal Grandeur to substitute for one piece so you can keep the SSS Daibo. With the Set bonus you can have all Mantras active at once with some additional Spirit regeneration.

You can even invest in two pieces of Natalya's (Boots and Ring) for the 7% Crit chance bonus.

Paragon Points:

Max these in the order provided:



(No need to put points in the other two as core stats have no cap)


Crit Hit chance
Crit Hit damage
Increased attack speed
Cooldown reduction


Resist All


Maximum Resource
Movement Speed or Magic Find (choose Magic Find if you have MS capped)
Gold Pick up Radius


Anyone got any Natalya's stuff to throw at me / gold to buy Natalya's Stuff? I'm looking for about 2M in gold to buy what I need. Just wanting to gear up a bit to finish off Inferno in style.


Anyone got any Natalya's stuff to throw at me / gold to buy Natalya's Stuff? I'm looking for about 2M in gold to buy what I need. Just wanting to gear up a bit to finish off Inferno in style.

What exactly do you need/trying to do? Not sure what you mean by finishing Inferno in style lol

Also EVERY single time I have leveled a character from 1-60 I have always actually turned a profit from low level drops. On my last two characters I found a single jewelry item that sold for 100 mil both times. Yesterday for no reason other than boredom and hating myself I got my second Barb from 1 to 60, found this and sold it for 200 mil:


Fucking crazy. Have also made a few million here and there off other items, and still have some stuff up right now. After spending maybe a total of 20 mil or so in buying gear for this character up to 60 as well as gearing her cheap at 60 I'm currently sitting on like 170 mil in profit.

Really good low-level armor already sells for a few million or more here and there (I have cleared 20-50 mil on really good lower level pieces), but jewelry especially is really valuable. Not even joking, I'm going to get the rest of the cast up to 60 now for acheivement purposes and for this. At this point I have seriously made more money selling lower-level jewelry from leveling other characters than anything I have made in the ~800 hours I have spent in Inferno. It's ridiculous.


What exactly do you need/trying to do? Not sure what you mean by finishing Inferno in style lol

Also EVERY single time I have leveled a character from 1-60 I have always actually turned a profit from low level drops. On my last two characters I found a single jewelry item that sold for 100 mil both times. Yesterday for no reason other than boredom and hating myself I got my second Barb from 1 to 60, found this and sold it for 200 mil:


Fucking crazy. Have also made a few million here and there off other items, and still have some stuff up right now. After spending maybe a total of 20 mil or so in buying gear for this character up to 60 as well as gearing her cheap at 60 I'm currently sitting on like 170 mil in profit.

Really good low-level armor already sells for a few million or more here and there (I have cleared 20-50 mil on really good lower level pieces), but jewelry especially is really valuable. Not even joking, I'm going to get the rest of the cast up to 60 now for acheivement purposes and for this. At this point I have seriously made more money selling lower-level jewelry from leveling other characters than anything I have made in the ~800 hours I have spent in Inferno. It's ridiculous.

Well actually someone helped me finish Inferno last night, but I was trying to get Natalya's Chestpiece, Ring, and Boots.


I feel like a lot of skills/runes may be viable in builds now, but some of it also depends on legendary affixes and what other changes they may make between now and release so I can't bring myself to theorycraft too hard.

We need to get someone like Ratticus or Dahbomb in the beta.

Well actually someone helped me finish Inferno last night, but I was trying to get Natalya's Chestpiece, Ring, and Boots.

Do you still need any of the items? Were you just trying to complete the 3-set bonus?


I feel like a lot of skills/runes may be viable in builds now, but some of it also depends on legendary affixes and what other changes they may make between now and release so I can't bring myself to theorycraft too hard.

We need to get someone like Ratticus or Dahbomb in the beta.

Do you still need any of the items? Were you just trying to complete the 3-set bonus?

Yeah pretty much. And yeah I could use the Ring or Boots, really.


It really depends on your definition of viable. A shit ton of skills and builds are viable for Torment 3, maybe even Torment 5. After that the HP of mobs starts to become ridiculous and some builds start to lose efficiency.

Torment 3 is also that sweet spot where crit chance and crushing blow are normalized. You can use either and would be fine where as in Torment 6 without Crushing Blow you can't kill jack shit.

Something tells me that Torment 6 is a mode that is not supposed to be capable of being farmed efficienctly in its current state. Any build that can is OP and would get nerfed in the future.


It really depends on your definition of viable. A shit ton of skills and builds are viable for Torment 3, maybe even Torment 5. After that the HP of mobs starts to become ridiculous and some builds start to lose efficiency.

Torment 3 is also that sweet spot where crit chance and crushing blow are normalized. You can use either and would be fine where as in Torment 6 without Crushing Blow you can't kill jack shit.

Something tells me that Torment 6 is a mode that is not supposed to be capable of being farmed efficienctly in its current state. Any build that can is OP and would get nerfed in the future.

Makes me think they're using Torment 6 as a measuring stick. If you can farm it efficiently and fast, NERF.


Seek victory, not fairness
We need to get someone like Ratticus or Dahbomb in the beta.

Yarr, lemme at it. I tried posting suggestions on streams but no one really reads their comments (can't blame them considering what people post...). I got an email from Blizzard recently but it was just a reminder about the security breach last year, lol. Trolled hard.

Someone on /r/diablo just posted a formula I requested for the kill time at various levels of DPS and crushing blow effectiveness (expressed as % HP reduction via CB per second). I'm impressed: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comm...w_can_never_be_balanced_regardless_of/cdpoofr

KILLTIME = -(log((CB (DPS/CB+hp_max))/DPS))/(log(1-CB))

If you put that in Excel with HP in A2, HP%/sec in B2, and real DPS in C2, you can use this formula in D2 to get the kill time in seconds:


Should come out to 4612.8 seconds with 100 billion HP, 0.001 (0.1%) HP%/sec and 1 million real DPS. Playing with those numbers gives an idea of the effectiveness of CB in different scenarios.

The big problem with crushing blow right now is it needs to be a ridiculously low percentage of the target's HP to be balanced in these fights where mobs have HP pools that would take 5 minutes to whittle down with the max achievable DPS.


Yeah pretty much. And yeah I could use the Ring or Boots, really.

Sorry had to step away for a while for a bit of an emergency. It looks like you're on US, I'll send you a friends request in a minute, I'll hook you up. I'm looking at your profile though...are you running melee o_O

Edit: Sent you a request, I'll hook you up with some gear but I need to know first what exactly you're running. Your gear and skills confuse me lol


Sorry had to step away for a while for a bit of an emergency. It looks like you're on US, I'll send you a friends request in a minute, I'll hook you up. I'm looking at your profile though...are you running melee o_O

Edit: Sent you a request, I'll hook you up with some gear but I need to know first what exactly you're running. Your gear and skills confuse me lol

Yep I run melee lol. I like the slow methodical nature of it!


Yep I run melee lol. I like the slow methodical nature of it!

So is your gear specifically built around that then? Like I'm not clear on why you crafted Vit shoulders and gloves and why you have a helm of command? Only Barbs should be crafting any of the Vit gear (and ONLY for the shoulders), and for the helm are you specifically dying for that 8% block chance is or that just what you have?

Basically I'll hook you up, but I wasn't prepared for a melee DH so I don't want to make any assumptions about what I should actually get lol


So is your gear specifically built around that then? Like I'm not clear on why you crafted Vit shoulders and gloves and why you have a helm of command? Only Barbs should be crafting any of the Vit gear (and ONLY for the shoulders), and for the helm are you specifically dying for that 5% block chance is or that just what you have?

Basically I'll hook you up, but I wasn't prepared for a melee DH so I don't want to make any assumptions about what I should actually get lol

Hahaha yeah I hear you. The shoulders are Vit because my life was severely lacking (I'd get destroyed in a couple of hits) and what I had previously sucked.

Helm of Command is for block chance, yeah. It makes a WHOOOOLE world of a difference. Earlier today I tried to play without it and Stormshield, got fucking annihilated easily.

Just trying to up my DPS while staying tanky, which is a tough sell.

edit: holy shit I just saw Justice Lantern. 11% chance to block lol


Hahaha yeah I hear you. The shoulders are Vit because my life was severely lacking (I'd get destroyed in a couple of hits) and what I had previously sucked.

Helm of Command is for block chance, yeah. It makes a WHOOOOLE world of a difference. Earlier today I tried to play without it and Stormshield, got fucking annihilated easily.

Just trying to up my DPS while staying tanky, which is a tough sell.

Well your Stormshield only has a 22% chance to block, you can get up to 34%(?) I think. I see you added me, after dinner I'll message you in-game and figure this out.


God bless you and your crazy melee build man. All of the gear I gave you will work for any DH build really except obviously the weapon and shield, so if you ever decide to be normal it'll still all work :p.

I think the main problem running a melee DH build is just having a hard time getting enough DPS with the weapon being the chokepoint; aside from not generally rolling as high DPS wise, you also don't have the huge benefits from a quiver (IAS/Dex/CC). I think you'll have to try to run tanky. The only semi-serious melee DH's I ever heard of used a Sever, but I don't know the particulars of that or if that was actually any good or not.


God bless you and your crazy melee build man. All of the gear I gave you will work for any DH build really except obviously the weapon and shield, so if you ever decide to be normal it'll still all work :p.

I think the main problem running a melee DH build is just having a hard time getting enough DPS with the weapon being the chokepoint; aside from not generally rolling as high DPS wise, you also don't have the huge benefits from a quiver (IAS/Dex/CC). I think you'll have to try to run tanky. The only semi-serious melee DH's I ever heard of used a Sever, but I don't know the particulars of that or if that was actually any good or not.

Reading about it, it's unclear whether or not it's worth it, but damn dude you really helped out.

Thanks MrDaravon for Pimping My Ride!

Ahahah pulling enemies with the chain is fucking amazing, I love the Butcher's Scythe


Reading about it, it's unclear whether or not it's worth it, but damn dude you really helped out.

Thanks MrDaravon for Pimping My Ride!

No problem, if nothing else I figure that spending a bit of my gold to help people out now will pay off somehow later when we're all in the GAF clan on RoS :p

Also here's that website I mentioned: http://d3up.com/

You can have it automatically pull what's on your bnet profile, then you can manually tweak values and add items. It's pretty much a requirement to figure out upgrades and whether or not tradeoffs are worth it (trading Vit for AR, CC for IAS, etc). You can see what a full profile looks like on one of my characters here: http://d3up.com/b/607427/minerva . This is what people primarily use when you see people talking about needing to get up to 300k eHP or whatever.

COMPLETELY unrelated: I've never played Diablo 1 and only played a tiny bit of Diablo 2, would it still be legitimately worth it to play them at this point? I played Diablo 2 for a few hours once, felt like I was doing everything wrong skill-wise, and was annoyed at having to pick up gold manually lol. The atmosphere and music were fantastic though.


No problem, if nothing else I figure that spending a bit of my gold to help people out now will pay off somehow later when we're all in the GAF clan on RoS :p

Also here's that website I mentioned: http://d3up.com/

You can have it automatically pull what's on your bnet profile, then you can manually tweak values and add items. It's pretty much a requirement to figure out upgrades and whether or not tradeoffs are worth it (trading Vit for AR, CC for IAS, etc). You can see what a full profile looks like on one of my characters here: http://d3up.com/b/607427/minerva . This is what people primarily use when you see people talking about needing to get up to 300k eHP or whatever.

COMPLETELY unrelated: I've never played Diablo 1 and only played a tiny bit of Diablo 2, would it still be legitimately worth it to play them at this point? I played Diablo 2 for a few hours once, felt like I was doing everything wrong skill-wise, and was annoyed at having to pick up gold manually lol. The atmosphere and music were fantastic though.

Diablo 1 and 2 are fucking awesome. Much much slower game pace than what you're used to, but awesome nonetheless. I'd go in with an idea that everything is a little backwards than what you're used to.

D1 is super old though, and D2 is aged considerably. D2 still has the best class I was using, a Pally. But D3 the Crusader is all mine!

Here's a gif of the Butcher silliness:



Diablo 1 and 2 are fucking awesome. Much much slower game pace than what you're used to, but awesome nonetheless. I'd go in with an idea that everything is a little backwards than what you're used to.

D1 is super old though, and D2 is aged considerably. D2 still has the best class I was using, a Pally. But D3 the Crusader is all mine!

Here's a gif of the Butcher silliness:

Wait, the sickle procs while you're dropping Grenades? If so that's kind of hilarious.


If you were annoyed at picking up gold in D2 then you would probably get annoyed with a lot of the stuff in that game. I have gotten too used to not having to use Scrolls to ID inventory or not having a stamina bar or not having to memorize every crafting recipe/have the wiki open all the time.

Honestly if you have the urge to play D2, instead just play PoE. A lot of similarities between the two (still have to ID items with scroll but no stamina bar) but class skills work very differently. If it weren't for the radical skill gem/passive tree system of PoE, it would've been an exact Diablo clone. Those systems are worth trying out.


If you were annoyed at picking up gold in D2 then you would probably get annoyed with a lot of the stuff in that game. I have gotten too used to not having to use Scrolls to ID inventory or not having a stamina bar or not having to memorize every crafting recipe/have the wiki open all the time.

Honestly if you have the urge to play D2, instead just play PoE. A lot of similarities between the two (still have to ID items with scroll but no stamina bar) but class skills work very differently. If it weren't for the radical skill gem/passive tree system of PoE, it would've been an exact Diablo clone. Those systems are worth trying out.

Well I was thinking of going through D1 and D2 just more as historical curiosities then to get into them hardcore or anything.

I messed around with PoE for a bit ~8-10 months ago, came back to Diablo mostly because the combat in that game just doesn't feel as good honestly. I'll have to try it again at some point, but I'm also (personally) very offput by being unable to respec and the tons of different currency items. They're both completely valid design choices, but being told to make a new character to try this build out is the exact opposite of what I want; I want to continue to build a character up, and if re-specing is somewhat difficult or expensive that's fine, but I'm very much not into hardcore and/or making new characters. Also I found the multiple currencies very annoying, I'm fine with that for crafting but having people direct me to charts for what converts to what and having to manage that was just really annoying. All respectable choices though and they've done a lot of great stuff, just not really what I want.


If you were annoyed at picking up gold in D2 then you would probably get annoyed with a lot of the stuff in that game. I have gotten too used to not having to use Scrolls to ID inventory or not having a stamina bar or not having to memorize every crafting recipe/have the wiki open all the time.

Honestly if you have the urge to play D2, instead just play PoE. A lot of similarities between the two (still have to ID items with scroll but no stamina bar) but class skills work very differently. If it weren't for the radical skill gem/passive tree system of PoE, it would've been an exact Diablo clone. Those systems are worth trying out.

That is pretty terrible advice.

There is nothing wrong with going back and playing D1/D2. Infact, D2 ladder just reset a few nights ago, and there are quite a few people back playing it online. If you get the urge to play it, play it. Just go in knowing it's an old game and therefor has old game mechanics/deisgns. Same goes for D1.

PoE, for all its similarities, is still quite a different game. Also the PoE combat is complete ass, even compared to D2.


Seek victory, not fairness
Hmm, I think One With Everything is going to become even stronger than before in RoS. All Resist eats up a primary roll on the item, but single resists are secondary. That leaves more room for DPS rolls.


Hmm, I think One With Everything is going to become even stronger than before in RoS. All Resist eats up a primary roll on the item, but single resists are secondary. That leaves more room for DPS rolls.

I saw that thread on Reddit/bnet this morning, meant to post it here. Seems very possible, but want to wait a bit to see how that pans out in Closed beta.


Hmm, I think One With Everything is going to become even stronger than before in RoS. All Resist eats up a primary roll on the item, but single resists are secondary. That leaves more room for DPS rolls.

Not only that, but single resists seem to roll up to 140 or 150 from what I've seen. Still have yet to see an item woll both AR and single resist, so maybe they did away with that combination like they'd hinted about.


Pretty sure All Res Primary and Secondar Res can roll together. Or at least they should, one is a Primary the other is a secondary.


They said awhile back that they're changing resists so they can't stack on the same item. So if no one's seen them rolled together, I'm doubting they can. Especially since the single res roll can go up to 140 or so (which is another thing they said they'd change).

In theory, OWE will be more powerful, but with lack of trading, it's going to be harder to stack that resist. You can reroll for your res, but that uses up your one affix reroll, so I don't know how efficient that's going to be in practice.


Speaking of specific resists, are damage types meaningful now? I remember reading they were changing them for RoS. (i.e. Fire catches the target on fire, cold still slows targets, etc.)


Thought I'd reinstall this so I could grab a few Paragon levels every now and then before Reaper of Souls hits.

Are they still planning to release a loot update for D3 before RoS? Or have they sort of just put off updating D3 all until then?


Thought I'd reinstall this so I could grab a few Paragon levels every now and then before Reaper of Souls hits.

Are they still planning to release a loot update for D3 before RoS? Or have they sort of just put off updating D3 all until then?

IIRC loot 2.0 is hitting before RoS, but even if I'm remembering that correctly we have no timeframe for release on any of this stuff.


Seek victory, not fairness
I saw that thread on Reddit/bnet this morning, meant to post it here. Seems very possible, but want to wait a bit to see how that pans out in Closed beta.

Lol, seems like everyone had the same idea at once. I just clued in while reading another discussion.

Here's the reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/Diablo/comments/1rrslp/monk_owe_in_ros_to_be_bis_with_current_secondary/

Personally I think they should take advantage of the de facto gear reset and drop OWE in RoS.


Isn't it all speculation? I can't imagine loot 2.0 hitting before the AH goes but who knows.

I'm 99% sure that they said vanilla D3 is getting loot 2.0 prior to RoS hitting, but I agree there's no way that's happening before the AH goes down since that would partially defeat the purpose. It makes me sad, but at this point I'm guessing loot 2.0 hits the day of or very shortly after the AH gets shut down, and RoS is April/May.


Removing OWE makes Monks worse than Barb by default.

I am actually starting to believe this "All Res can't roll with Single Res" thing even if something like Firewalkers can roll All res and Fire res... that might be a Legendary only attribute. That might balance OWE and having all offensive stats on one item.

Even if its not the case and you can in fact roll All Res with Single res on items... I think they should implement it anyway. It would be harder to get that type of gear for Monk but once they do they will have more resistances than any other class.

Edit: Actually I am starting to believe that you in fact cannot get All Res + Single res on a piece of gear. I thought Kripp's Firewalkers had All Res + Fire Res but that's not the case actually. I guess I wait for proof of this because the more I think about it the more true it is.

Still this doesn't change my theory crafted build at all, in fact this leaves more room for more offensive stats instead of relying on All Res. It would be harder to get in the long run but once you do stacking up all those 140-150 single res adds up.


RoS will reset everything right? So all the gold and real money I made in vanilla won't carry over? Also, if they are removing the AHs, what will happen to my Blizzbucks in the RMAH?
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