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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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RoS will reset everything right? So all the gold and real money I made in vanilla won't carry over? Also, if they are removing the AHs, what will happen to my Blizzbucks in the RMAH?

RoS isn't resetting anything, you get to keep everything. It's just that the gear you get in RoS is a lot better than what you have now so everything you currently have will be useless pretty quick. I'm not sure how useful gold will be though.

No clue about RMAH stuff.


RoS will reset everything right? So all the gold and real money I made in vanilla won't carry over? Also, if they are removing the AHs, what will happen to my Blizzbucks in the RMAH?
Not everything is useless.

Gold is still some what useful as some of the stuff cost a lot of gold (like Enchanting). Some Legendaries will still remain some usefulness like Mempo or Inna's pants as long as you have godly rolls on everything except main stats which you can roll. Hell I would even say that Amulets/Rings from old D3 are good too if they have trifecta plus main stat because you can just re-roll the main stat.

Not sure if they will keep that stuff though ie. re-rolling legacy items or even let you carry over stuff but this is the trend that is followning in RoS.

Stuff that is definitely going to be useless in RoS:

*Gems (you get Marquise gem at the same drop rate as Flawless Squares)
*All crafting materials

Stuff that has retained some value:

*Pure DPS gear that only needs the main stat rolled
*Some Legendaries that rely solely on pure DPS stats (like Mempo, Inna, Witching Hour) which you can roll the main stat on


Here's a link you can read more on.

Most of this stuff will change and apparently Blizzard is saying that they will implement a change where you can upgrade your current crafting material to RoS level stuff (so basically 10 Brimstones for 1 RoS legendary mat). If that's the case then I would say its worth keeping your crafting materials.
Is there any way I can go about selling all my gear without listing the items individually on the AH ? Planning to completely strip 4 out of 5 characters because ROS loot will replace it anyway. I'd rather get some gold which will at least be useful for crafting.


Yeah I saw someone using it on stream recently. It looked quite good although I am not sure that if I would call it broke compared to the other stuff in the game.

When I saw that Legendary I knew someone was going to try it out to good result. I also think that with additional CDR people are going to be able to keep the Monk in Serenity for almost the entirety of a fight.


The changes to barbarian skills make me very sad for the most part as a WW Barbarian.

But looking through the changes there are a lot of things I'd love to experiment with outside of being a tanky build.

With the changes to Ancient Spear and Weapon Throw my dream of a ranged barbarian look like they could come true.


Upon re-reading...man, they really decimated everything I loved about the barbarian.

Just from the changes in passives and Battle Rage my barb is going to lose on day 1:

5% CC and 50% CD from ruthless
5% CC from Weapons Master
5% Damage from Battle Rage

Also, a few of the abilities just killed my interest in a ranged barb.

Battle Rage: Into the Fray only works against enemies within 10 yards and no longer grants a chance at extra fury on crits and the No Escape passive no longer grants extra fury on weapon throw crits.

I'm sure things will work themselves out and once gear starts dropping and paragon points start accumulating some of these things will be offset...but losing 10% CC and 50% Crit Damage just from 2 passives completely neutralizes the gains from paragon point allocation.

The 1% strength boost per enemy kill for 8 seconds from Rampage seems pretty awful.

Earthen Might with Avalanche+Earthquake could be interesting but getting the most out of that seems like it'd require a slower pace than I like to play.

Sword and Board looks pretty good, but then I'm stuck wearing a shield. And many of the skills look like they'd benefit more from a 2-handed weapon than dual-wielding or 1-hander+shield.

Lots of stuff here that look like you could build some really tanky barbarians but overall it looks like a slower, less offensive class.

Good thing I have a level 60 of every class (except Crusader)


The free passive crit chance/damage that Barbs got were quite unfair compared to the rest of the cast. Monks never had free crits like the Barbs did, now its more equalized. Even characters like DH who got some crit from specific weapons had their crits nerfed.

Barbs are really good in RoS still. Prior to the Pride of Cassius and Solanius nerfs they were the best class in RoS because they were unkillable in Torment 6. They are still pretty good because WW can procs lots of Crushing Blow for big damage.

Ranged Barb is also viable. Weapon Throw + Seismic Slam + Avalanche makes ranged Barb very good.


The free passive crit chance/damage that Barbs got were quite unfair compared to the rest of the cast. Monks never had free crits like the Barbs did, now its more equalized. Even characters like DH who got some crit from specific weapons had their crits nerfed.

Barbs are really good in RoS still. Prior to the Pride of Cassius and Solanius nerfs they were the best class in RoS because they were unkillable in Torment 6. They are still pretty good because WW can procs lots of Crushing Blow for big damage.

Ranged Barb is also viable. Weapon Throw + Seismic Slam + Avalanche makes ranged Barb very good.

Oh yeah, I'm not saying they're not good but rather I'll have to approach playing quite a bit differently. That isn't a problem in itself, but a few of the nerfs and buffs appear to be nudging barbs into a much slower class. Gonna have to do a lot of experimenting - I'm avoiding streams for the most part for various reasons so I haven't seen how the barb is playing right now. Still too far from release to know what things will stick and what things will be further nerfed or buffed.

My post just sounded more negative since I was posting about my excitement for a ranged build as I scrolled down the list. At first it sounded excellent, and then I saw the changes to the passives and my heart sunk.

The one passive that increases strength per enemy kill seems worse after thinking about it more. A maximum of 25% strength will only be reached when you're plowing through content quickly, but there are probably better ways of clearing content quickly without using that passive. It's completely useless for higher monster power and boss battle. I think a better adjustment would be to lose 1% strength from the passive for every second after the 8 seconds have passed than losing it all at once.

Barbs have had it really good, no doubt about that. I'll have to play around with it and try different things and hope I'll get gear that puts my mind at ease over these changes.

Things generally work out better in practice than what my initial thoughts tell me. I have an open mind, but can't blame a guy for being a little bummed over some of the changes :p


Not everything is useless.

Gold is still some what useful as some of the stuff cost a lot of gold (like Enchanting). Some Legendaries will still remain some usefulness like Mempo or Inna's pants as long as you have godly rolls on everything except main stats which you can roll. Hell I would even say that Amulets/Rings from old D3 are good too if they have trifecta plus main stat because you can just re-roll the main stat.

Not sure if they will keep that stuff though ie. re-rolling legacy items or even let you carry over stuff but this is the trend that is followning in RoS.

Stuff that is definitely going to be useless in RoS:

*Gems (you get Marquise gem at the same drop rate as Flawless Squares)
*All crafting materials

Stuff that has retained some value:

*Pure DPS gear that only needs the main stat rolled
*Some Legendaries that rely solely on pure DPS stats (like Mempo, Inna, Witching Hour) which you can roll the main stat on


Here's a link you can read more on.

Most of this stuff will change and apparently Blizzard is saying that they will implement a change where you can upgrade your current crafting material to RoS level stuff (so basically 10 Brimstones for 1 RoS legendary mat). If that's the case then I would say its worth keeping your crafting materials.

its not a bad time to buy necklace and ring right now... lol dex class players should buy an ancient serpent before price go back up again.


A lot of things (all?) that you are sad about are not being removed, they are just being replaced by the new paragon system. Who cares about losing 10% crit from passives when you can get like a million crit just from leveling up now (obvious hyperbole, but, the cap is retarded high). It's like I said back when they first talked about these changes, it looks like they are nerfing a lot of the passives for barbs (and probably others, but, especially barbs) because it would be insanely broken/dumb stacked on top of the paragon bonuses where you are getting exactly the same things.

I haven't actually done the math or anything like that, but, my paragon 2.0 level is going to be well over 100 at launch, my barb is currently sitting at plvl 82 (hoping for 100, but, having some IRL setbacks atm) and my other characters are around plvl 20 each. I am pretty confident that something like my crit chance will actually be higher than it is now when the changes come.

After watching a few videos and reading stuff for the beta I think barb will still be a lot of fun and in a good place, the new hurricane rune for WW looks as fun as I thought it would be, especially since I've became a firm believer in the awesomeness of HoTA.


Paragon bonuses are capped except for core stats. You can never get above 10% crit chance from Paragon points. And getting that much requires you to get Paragon 200.

Paragon points are honestly the least broken/OP thing about RoS.


Paragon bonuses are capped except for core stats. You can never get above 10% crit chance from Paragon points. And getting that much requires you to get Paragon 200.

Paragon points are honestly the least broken/OP thing about RoS.

Yeah I forgot that they are giving out the bonuses in decimals and not whole numbers, but, that actually doesn't change my point really. Pretty much all the passive things barbs are losing in talents they are going to get again in the paragon system. It's not really that big of a nerf or anything, it's just shifting where you get the stuff.

I still think through all of this the only absolutely huge annoying nerf to barbs is the into the fray change, but, even that doesn't seem like a big deal in the videos I've been seeing of barbs in the beta.


Into the Fray was a core part of the Barbs being broke. It gave them infinite Fury generation.

Pretty much anything that gives a character infinite resource generation is going to get nerfed. Its why they nerfed Solanius instantly because people were pairing that up with the Bracers/Shoulders that gave resource on Globe pick up and getting infinite resources.


Into the Fray was a core part of the Barbs being broke. It gave them infinite Fury generation.

Pretty much anything that gives a character infinite resource generation is going to get nerfed. Its why they nerfed Solanius instantly because people were pairing that up with the Bracers/Shoulders that gave resource on Globe pick up and getting infinite resources.

I don't disagree, it's just in the current game without into the fray barb is a really shitty class. Looks like with other changes in the beta though it's not as bad to deal with.


Barbs are insanely good in RoS because of crushing blow. Their new spell Avalanche is pretty damn good too. It also depends on what they do with the Pride of Cassius belt, that thing made Barbs immortal in T6.

I honestly think DH are the weakest class. Their biggest saving grace is their new Smoke Screen which allows them to tank high Torment levels but other than that they are under whelming. A lot more of their skills are much better than before but they don't do enough damage for their short comings and they still lack survivability.

That Legendary which makes Rain of Vengeance lower its cooldown per enemy killed should just be a default ability of the move.


I've seen multiple DH's now go to town using the two set bonus on the Ninja gear which lures enemies to your spike traps (and seemingly works on ALL enemies) combined with Cluster Bombs. Also by forcing enemies away from you it partially solves the DH problem of being a ranged DPS class that was always forced to facetank. They also work better than in vanilla IMO in group play. They are probably still the weakest class though, but I've already seen enough stuff that will probably let me actually carry my weight in groups on higher difficulties in RoS, which isn't very doable right now.


Yeah the Spike Trap into Cluster Bomb gimmick is nice but you are still burning a ton of Hatred for not a lot of damage. And then you still have to worry about getting that Hatred back to do the combo again if they don't die.

DH is much better than before, don't get me wrong but so is pretty much every other class. I mean look at all the buffs that Monks got, insane.

I think pet DH might become a thing where you basically use that Legendary that increases your pet numbers and then use Sentries as well. Basically just have a bunch of minions who have a good Crushing Blow proc rate and then do damage that way while they take pressure off of you. I also think Rapid Fire - Bombardment might see play as it can also proc Crushing Blow well.

Group play in general is a lot better for every class. As long as you have some Crushing Blow and some supportive skills, you will contribute to fights. In that regard Monk is still the best class for group play because the Inna's set gives them 4 Mantras at one time. A couple of DHs were struggling getting past Torment 4 but with that Monk they were able to farm Torment 6 together as a group.


Yeah the Spike Trap into Cluster Bomb gimmick is nice but you are still burning a ton of Hatred for not a lot of damage. And then you still have to worry about getting that Hatred back to do the combo again if they don't die.

DH is much better than before, don't get me wrong but so is pretty much every other class. I mean look at all the buffs that Monks got, insane.

I think pet DH might become a thing where you basically use that Legendary that increases your pet numbers and then use Sentries as well. Basically just have a bunch of minions who have a good Crushing Blow proc rate and then do damage that way while they take pressure off of you. I also think Rapid Fire - Bombardment might see play as it can also proc Crushing Blow well.

Group play in general is a lot better for every class. As long as you have some Crushing Blow and some supportive skills, you will contribute to fights. In that regard Monk is still the best class for group play because the Inna's set gives them 4 Mantras at one time. A couple of DHs were struggling getting past Torment 4 but with that Monk they were able to farm Torment 6 together as a group.

Didn't they hilariously buff the cluster grenades damage or something though? I've seen DH's completely melt Torment 3/4 elites solo with that setup. I think we both agree DH's are still the "worst" class, but at least they're seemingly viable in group play now. Even at Paragon 100 with ~270k DPS and 500k eHP with no survivability issues I still feel pretty much useless in group play at the moment. The Grenade build is near useless solo, permastrafe only really works on very low MPs (and better solo), the only viable group play at high MP is a Rapid Fire build, and it's not super great in group play since bombardment is slow and the others mostly only hit single targets.


Didn't they hilariously buff the cluster grenades damage or something though? I've seen DH's completely melt Torment 3/4 elites solo with that setup. I think we both agree DH's are still the "worst" class, but at least they're seemingly viable in group play now. Even at Paragon 100 with ~270k DPS and 500k eHP with no survivability issues I still feel pretty much useless in group play at the moment. The Grenade build is near useless solo, permastrafe only really works on very low MPs (and better solo), the only viable group play at high MP is a Rapid Fire build, and it's not super great in group play since bombardment is slow and the others mostly only hit single targets.

GRENADES GONNA BE FUN SON yum yum my melee build


Didn't they hilariously buff the cluster grenades damage or something though? I've seen DH's completely melt Torment 3/4 elites solo with that setup. I think we both agree DH's are still the "worst" class, but at least they're seemingly viable in group play now. Even at Paragon 100 with ~270k DPS and 500k eHP with no survivability issues I still feel pretty much useless in group play at the moment. The Grenade build is near useless solo, permastrafe only really works on very low MPs (and better solo), the only viable group play at high MP is a Rapid Fire build, and it's not super great in group play since bombardment is slow and the others mostly only hit single targets.
The buffed almost every Hatred spender but they did that for every class. Aside from Bells, all of Monks Spirit spenders got buffed. SSS got a double DPS boost for example.

BTW something odd about DH is that Entangling Arrow does more damage than Hungering Arrow. Might be a mistake but still kinda funny.


So any of you guys actually bought gold from AH hoping he / she is able to sell it for more just before AH closes? Seems kinda tempting to do :p


GRENADES GONNA BE FUN SON yum yum my melee build

Grenades are largely ineffective in group play. Also they buffed grenade damage, but you only toss out one grenade now with the grenade skills so the Cluster Grenades skill isn't going to work like it does now.

The buffed almost every Hatred spender but they did that for every class. Aside from Bells, all of Monks Spirit spenders got buffed. SSS got a double DPS boost for example.

BTW something odd about DH is that Entangling Arrow does more damage than Hungering Arrow. Might be a mistake but still kinda funny.

Entangling Arrow should have always done more damage; I would have always used it over HA, but it's surprisingly annoying to use because it doesn't track enemies at all, only shoots in a dead straight line. Buffing the damage makes that trade-off possibly worth it now.


Grenades are largely ineffective in group play. Also they buffed grenade damage, but you only toss out one grenade now with the grenade skills so the Cluster Grenades skill isn't going to work like it does now.

We'll see, and I enjoy my solo play more than group play (since I barely have people who play with me anyway).


This guys speed monk build looks super fun (RoS) http://www.twitch.tv/invisuk

Yeah, been meaning to catch up on his vids now that he's back.

If you don't know Invis, he was one of the top (possibly the top) monk in terms of balance between dps and ehp.

Before his account got hacked he was something like 480k dps, 750k ehp. Unbuffed.

He was actually the inspiration for me going no LS nirvana spec :)

Ah, here we go: His d3up profile: http://d3up.com/b/1216212/invis



Came in the mail today. SUPER HYPE


Yeah, been meaning to catch up on his vids now that he's back.

If you don't know Invis, he was one of the top (possibly the top) monk in terms of balance between dps and ehp.

Before his account got hacked he was something like 480k dps, 750k ehp. Unbuffed.

He was actually the inspiration for me going no LS nirvana spec :)

Ah, here we go: His d3up profile: http://d3up.com/b/1216212/invis
It's a "is" not "was"
blizzard rolled back his account. all his items are account bound now.

PS: did they nerf the infinite spirit nirvana spec? how come I tried it and the spirit is not regenerating on bosses like seige breaker and ghom?


New patch notes for beta. They removed Crushing Blow and the immunity rings.

Below you will find a list of hotfixes recently implemented in our Friends & Family Beta that address various bugs and mechanic tweaks. These have been implemented to encourage experimenting with other items, skills, or mechanics while we revisit them for the next patch.

These hotfixes should not require you to download a new patch for the Friends & Family Beta. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented while others may require a restart of the game to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch. Also note that changes to certain abilities will not be reflected in its tooltip until a patch is issued.


December 4, 2013


Crushing Blow is being temporarily disabled.
Since Crushing Blow is currently adversely skewing data and feedback from the beta, we're going to remove it for the time being. We'll be continuing to iterate on this stat in the meantime.


Gloves of Worship
The duration increase to shrines is being changed from 60 minutes to 10 minutes.


November 27, 2013

Adventure Mode

Completing individual bounties will no longer reward a Horadric Cache.
Completing all five Bounties in an Act now also provides Blood Shards.
Completing a Nephalem Rift now also rewards a Greater Horadric Cache.
The XP and Gold rewards from completing Bounties have been reduced; the new values at level 70 are 85,000 XP and 11,800 gold.


The following immunity Rings will no longer drop and have had their unique power disabled. Please note that immunity powers will be revisited in a later patch.
Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac
The Tall Man's Finger
Rogar's Huge Stone
Rechel's Ring of Larceny
Solanium will now produce Health Globes on Crushing Blow less frequently.
Pride of Cassius has had its unique power disabled. Please note that this item's power will be revisited in a later patch.
Removing and re-socketing a Helm or Sword with a Diamond gem no longer continuously increases the CDR and Elite Damage bonus


Active Skills
Heaven's Fury
Bug: Now properly deals 1500% weapon damage over 5 seconds.


Active Skills
Shock Pulse
Skill Rune - Living Lightning
Proc coefficient has been lowered from 0.2 to 0.042.

Passive Skills
Duration increase amount reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds per stack.
Shield amount reduced from 27,323 to 16,394 (at level 70).
Stun chance reduced from 20% to 15%.
Bug: Fixed an issue where Electrocute was generating too many procs from Paralysis.


It's a "is" not "was"
blizzard rolled back his account. all his items are account bound now.

PS: did they nerf the infinite spirit nirvana spec? how come I tried it and the spirit is not regenerating on bosses like seige breaker and ghom?

Nirvana still works fine.
You need the DoT from FoF on at least two targets though - it doesn't work on just one. Using that spec against ubers I always try to target the highest HP enemy with the bells, as if it's just one target left the spec is all but useless


I wonder how they are going to rework Crushing Blow. They would probably have to sort of rework Splash Damage too because right now it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to get it over other stats.


I wonder how they are going to rework Crushing Blow. They would probably have to sort of rework Splash Damage too because right now it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to get it over other stats.

I guess different percentages depending on the type of monster you're facing.

25% Normal
20% Champion
15% Unique
10% Rare
5% Boss

Or give mobs some sort of "Crushing Blow resistance" stat.


They already have different percentages. Problem is that you spend most of your time fighting regular mobs and sometimes Elites which have a 12.5% modifier. You rarely fight bosses in loot runs. And even then it doesn't solve the issue of linearity.

Here are my suggestions:

*Divide Crushing Blow chance by your attack per second. This is going to make CB just as strong on 2H weapons as faster 1H weapons.

*Adjust proc coeffecients for various other spells and minions.... preferably give then a different proc coeffecient for Crushing Blow and reduce their amount ie. A Templar can only CB for half of the default value.

*Separate Crushing Blow chance and Crushing Blow value like how it is for crits. So you need to invest in CB chance and CB damage % to get good value. No piece of gear can roll over 5% of HP taken from a CB and its capped at 25% HP removal with a minimum of 1% CB hit damage.

*This is the most important fix and that is simply to reduce the monster health so that Crits and CBS provide a reasonable choice. Right now you can't farm T6 solo without bugged skills because CB is disabled. Most characters however at top end DPS gear can farm T4. I also say increase monster damage because the whole high HP mob mentality is a bit boring.

On a side note they probably have to rework splash damage too.


*Divide Crushing Blow chance by your attack per second. This is going to make CB just as strong on 2H weapons as faster 1H weapons.

I still think this is horribly unintuitive. There are better ways to deal with the problem than this.

For example, you could just lower the crushing blow on everything except 2H weapons and maybe increase how much you get on 2H weapons.

Another alternative is to give each weapon its own crushing blow chance and have crushing blow on other equipment act as multipliers to that chance (similar to how attack speed on items multiply the attack speed of a weapon). So a 2H mace may have 10% crushing blow and a dagger has 3%. If you stack 100% crushing blow on other items those change to 20% and 6%.

*Adjust proc coeffecients for various other spells and minions.... preferably give then a different proc coeffecient for Crushing Blow and reduce their amount ie. A Templar can only CB for half of the default value.

Just lowering the amount of crushing blow chance you can get in the first place is basically the same. Proc coefficients should be tuned because of how often/how many enemies they hit to keep all skills "even" in terms of procs. That doesn't really have anything to do with crushing blow.

*Separate Crushing Blow chance and Crushing Blow value like how it is for crits. So you need to invest in CB chance and CB damage % to get good value. No piece of gear can roll over 5% of HP taken from a CB and its capped at 25% HP removal with a minimum of 1% CB hit damage.

This is an interesting idea. It forces you to use up two affixes instead of one to run crushing blow builds. I'm not entirely sure it fixes the problem since you probably still want to max it anyway. But maybe it's enough of a nerf.

*This is the most important fix and that is simply to reduce the monster health so that Crits and CBS provide a reasonable choice. Right now you can't farm T6 solo without bugged skills because CB is disabled. Most characters however at top end DPS gear can farm T4. I also say increase monster damage because the whole high HP mob mentality is a bit boring.

Sadly, I don't think this fits into their vision of the game. It's also kind of difficult to balance in the current state of the game since player DPS can increase so much, so they needed to do an HP exponential scaling for difficulty. If they can make it happen, I would be fine with it, but I'm not holding my breath.

On a side note they probably have to rework splash damage too.

I keep forgetting that splash damage is even a thing. It does seem kind of pointless since AoE skills are more effective anyway.


Another alternative is to give each weapon its own crushing blow chance and have crushing blow on other equipment act as multipliers to that chance (similar to how attack speed on items multiply the attack speed of a weapon). So a 2H mace may have 10% crushing blow and a dagger has 3%. If you stack 100% crushing blow on other items those change to 20% and 6%.
I kinda like this idea better.

Just lowering the amount of crushing blow chance you can get in the first place is basically the same. Proc coefficients should be tuned because of how often/how many enemies they hit to keep all skills "even" in terms of procs. That doesn't really have anything to do with crushing blow.
I think right now Blizzard has tuned crit chance with proc coefficients but I don't think they should be using the same formula for crit chance procs as crushing blow. Like you need good proc chances for crit on some moves especially minions but Crushing Blow on that same/skill is kinda broken which is what is resulting in all these imbalances.

Sadly, I don't think this fits into their vision of the game. It's also kind of difficult to balance in the current state of the game since player DPS can increase so much, so they needed to do an HP exponential scaling for difficulty. If they can make it happen, I would be fine with it, but I'm not holding my breath.
I honestly think they need to re-buff reflect damage affix on mobs because right now reflect damage is a joke. Something in the middle of what it was in Vanilla and what it is now.


After just getting back into the game after a long hiatus about a month into it, I finally just hit 60 on my barb and equipped a bunch of the gear I bought a while back but my dps just never seems to go over 105-120k or so. I am so clueless about the 'end game' of d3, I tried just going in ala-wow and picking my primary status but it seems I kinda screwed up somewhere along the way, or the advice I got in the infancy of the game is no longer really valid.

Can anyone offer some quick tips? I hit 60 last week and I'm doing mp5 right now 'ok'. Thinking of picking up my DH again after farming some gear for a while. I was just wondering what is really realistic for me at this time. I have about 390m in gold, but not sure if I want to pimp this guy or gear up my dh.


*I also have a 1407dps skorn, but like I said I'm clueless on builds so I'm not sure if I should be dw or 2h or what an efficient build is for going through inferno the first time with this level of gear. Halp a noob.


dont bother gear up your DH. DH is the weakest class with the lowest effective HP and lowest effective DPS. D3 is not about playing skills, because entire game is a gear check, entire game is about facetanking and recover, damage cannot be avoided doesnt matter how skillful you are at kiting.

gear up your barb.

for your barb:
your necklace is really terrible, so is your gloves. these are the place to get huge DPS boost.
I want to suggest you craft your own bracers, then you gonna lose the 24% move speed. still your bracers are missing crit chance, 0 out of 6.
dont craft shoulders untill loot 2.0 come. craft vitality shoulders, not strength shoulders.

a guy from my friend list, pretty much the standard barb gear set:


for your barb:
your necklace is really terrible, so is your gloves. these are the place to get huge DPS boost.
I want to suggest you craft your own bracers, then you gonna lose the 24% move speed. still your bracers are missing crit chance, 0 out of 6.

Thanks for the advice. I guess my question is, why are they so terrible? I just want to know what I should be looking for because I honestly am not sure what stats I should be stacking. Attack speed % and crit chance? I guess what are the stat priorities.

Also, I only have 390m, I don't think I could even buy one pair IK gloves or an amulet with those stats for twice or 3 times that amount. What should I shoot for in budget?


Thanks for the advice. I guess my question is, why are they so terrible? I just want to know what I should be looking for because I honestly am not sure what stats I should be stacking. Attack speed % and crit chance? I guess what are the stat priorities.

Also, I only have 390m, I don't think I could even buy one pair IK gloves or an amulet with those stats for twice or 3 times that amount. What should I shoot for in budget?

I spent under 100m on my barb and he can run MP10 fields/crypts with no issues at all: http://d3up.com/b/8672/wulfgar

DH has a real problem of WYSIWYG pretty much in terms of dps.
My DH is ~240k dps, but has about the same actual dmg output that my monk did when she was at around 130k dps.


God, this is driving me insane.

I can't login from 7pm-11pm, can log in fine to the US and Asian regions but not Europe? I get a whole string of errors. The game just hangs at Retrieving hero list until the errors pop up.

"there was an error during game account logon error 3006"
"There was an error joining the channel: 3006"
"There was an error switching characters: 3006"

Online DRM in a single player game. Smh Blizzard.


Thanks for the advice. I guess my question is, why are they so terrible? I just want to know what I should be looking for because I honestly am not sure what stats I should be stacking. Attack speed % and crit chance? I guess what are the stat priorities.

Also, I only have 390m, I don't think I could even buy one pair IK gloves or an amulet with those stats for twice or 3 times that amount. What should I shoot for in budget?
Necklace can roll damage (min - max), attack speed (9%), crit chance (10%), crit damage(100%). Crit chance and damage are must have stat on necklace, if you could get 3 of those near perfect stats on the necklace then it is a GG necklace (example 200 str, 90 vit, 8 ias, 9 cc, 80 cd) spend about 50 mil to buy a cheap one for now (stats: 100 str, 7ias or 30 damage, 8 cc, 50 cd) then craft your GG necklace later
Same thing for gloves, you want a near perfect trifecta ( speed, crit c, crit d) craft those


Yea, I'm lvl 16 with almost 500 dps atm xD Still got 700 mil to spend ;)

Why...why would you spend that much money on level 16 weapons? As soon as you hit level 15 weapons just buy ones with sockets and sick high level rubies in them. My level 15 wizard has 1200 dps and I spent about 400k on all gear slots except for the weapon and I'm already one-shotting everything. I dropped 3 mil to get a Scrimshaw with a socket since it's one of the earliest low-level movement speed items, and I've used it on every character I've power-leveled.


I haven't been able to find anyone who has seen a SoJ drop in the beta, has anyone else? That's one of the very few things that could potentially be still worth picking up going into RoS, and if so would rather do it sooner rather than later, especially now that I'm almost done leveling and gearing all my toons to 60.


I haven't been able to find anyone who has seen a SoJ drop in the beta, has anyone else? That's one of the very few things that could potentially be still worth picking up going into RoS, and if so would rather do it sooner rather than later, especially now that I'm almost done leveling and gearing all my toons to 60.
The Legendaries that mostly drop in RoS are mostly the ones with the new affixes. That's why hardly anyone has a RoS Mempo or Bonesaber.

This is mostly for testing purposes, they want to test the new Legendary affixes.

Blizzard nerfed the Gladiator Gauntlets that dropped a ton of gold.... lol why? As if getting a ton of gold for massacre bonuses was OP.
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