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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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Pyro gettin dem drops son:



I'm sure most of you have seen some aspect of this:


Personally, I don't care for the drama that facilitated this response. I am quite happy, however, to see it has brought forth some new future D3 info direct from the lead designer.

Some key points that make me giddy:

I'm proud of the game we made together. We believe it's a great game. But Diablo III has flaws. It is not perfect. Sales mean nothing if the game doesn’t live on in all of our hearts, and standing by our games is what Blizzard does. Patch 1.0.4 is a step in the right direction, but we have no illusions that our work is done.

The new legendaries are a big step in the right direction, as are tweaks to item drop rates. But I'm not convinced that we've gone far enough. If you don't have that great feeling of a good drop being right around the corner -- and the burst of excitement when it finally arrives -- then we haven't done our jobs right.

we're planning more than just PvP for the next major patch.

On a daily basis we ask ourselves if the classes are satisfying to play, if rares and champions are fun to fight, if they’re tuned well relative to normal monsters. Can we make further improvements to social elements of the game? How can items be even better?


Some key points that make me giddy:

if rares and champions are fun to fight

since 1.0.4 hit I would have to say no... but that is just because I have had stupid bad luck lol
I am down to only 85% of my elites being reflect damage, with about 50% of them being reflect damage, shielding, and mortar but still...

Really I think elites need more affixes, and I am not talking about a few more, I am talking at least double what we have now so the same combos come up less, and each pack feels a bit more unique.
Just found the sickest enchantress weapon:


Whilst that wouldn't work on the ench, I'm seriously tempted to switch to her in the knowledge that you can now get such ridiculous stats on a wep. I just bought a pretty decent upgrade for the scoundrel but nothing that could come close to that.


Ugh, I'm still at sub 1k dex on my monk at the start of a3. 20k dps, 30k hp.

Still a chore just to deal with things.


Black Canada Mafia
I barely even spend gold these days, unless I buy something to flip in the rmah. Gold is overrated.

I need gold to buy better gear for my char. Mainly, I want better weapons. Ignoring my armor (its almost all MF armor) - can you think of any particular changes to my weapons I should be aiming for? In my head I think for my offhand I need a weapon with at least 600 LOH, 80% Crit bonus and 800 DPS for a serious improvement.

What does GAF think? Any obvious glaring short comings?



I'm pretty sure this is rubbish but i haven't touched Witch Doctor yet so i'm just checking in case it is worth anything. So yay/nay ?



Neo Member
In an attempt to better outfit my Monk with gear I was curious how much Dex I should think about having for the mid-high lvl range. Obviously the more the better and I see some here with 2K+ which I am no where near yet.

I currently have around 1700, is it okay to sacrafice that to say 1400 in exchange for other stats like crit %, All Res., Vit, etc..? If so whats a good number to aim for?


I'm going to buy Diablo 3 (70$... I haven't paid so much for a game in a long time. this better be good!) tomorrow. I finished the starter edition with all the classes except Witch Doctor and liked Demon Hunter and Monk the best and Barbarian probably the least, but I think I'm going to play as one with my first character for some reason.

I can only play normal at first and the next difficulty unlocks when I finish the game right?
Any tips or hints? :p


logged in for the first time in a couple weeks to judge the hype for myself...

what did they do to the difficulty!? they beat inferno senseless with a gigantic nerf bat... i grabbed 3 minor upgrades (+1000dps, +3000hp) and jumped into act 3 to clear out ghom (I am only missing him and the second last act 4 guy for full clear) and proceeded to steamroll keeps level 2 and 3. My DH used to be on suicide/repair progress for these areas. Died a few times at ghom but killed him once I threw away NV stacks and switched skills

Then I decided to try pony level for the hell of it..... what a fucking joke it has become... I used to struggle and die a lot to kite/clear a single elite pack and now I only die once to a molten pack that spawned right at the entrance

I don't understand how my progression gear has become end game farming gear in one patch

nothing dropped for me as usually so that part didn't change...sigh


Black Canada Mafia
I'm going to buy Diablo 3 (70$... I haven't payed so much for a game in a long time. this better be good!) tomorrow. I finished the starter edition with all the classes except Witch Doctor and liked Demon Hunter and Monk the best and Barbarian probably the least, but I think I'm going to play as one with my first character for some reason.

I can only play normal at first and the next difficulty unlocks when I finish the game right?
Any tips or hints? :p

If you want to level fast, spend your money on the AH early and often. It makes your character really OP at first.


Yeah so CM wizard is pretty much dead. Got 40% crit but WW doesn't do shit, constantly running into CDs. And Meteor is way too fucking slow to be of any use.

And I hate the new weapon drop animations. The items are bigger and drop slower, fucking annoying. They also fucked up "always display health bars": They now only display the health bars for nearby enemies. Fucking shit.
I need gold to buy better gear for my char. Mainly, I want better weapons. Ignoring my armor (its almost all MF armor) - can you think of any particular changes to my weapons I should be aiming for? In my head I think for my offhand I need a weapon with at least 600 LOH, 80% Crit bonus and 800 DPS for a serious improvement.

What does GAF think? Any obvious glaring short comings?

monk is the one class I really know nothing about. Sorrrrry.

I'm going to buy Diablo 3 (70$... I haven't payed so much for a game in a long time. this better be good!) tomorrow. I finished the starter edition with all the classes except Witch Doctor and liked Demon Hunter and Monk the best and Barbarian probably the least, but I think I'm going to play as one with my first character for some reason.

I can only play normal at first and the next difficulty unlocks when I finish the game right?
Any tips or hints? :p
yeah it goes normal nightmare hell and inferno. You'll sink 100s of hours into the game even if you don't like it, lol. So it'll be money well spent. And if you get lucky enough in later difficulties you could make that money back.


I'm pretty sure this is rubbish but i haven't touched Witch Doctor yet so i'm just checking in case it is worth anything. So yay/nay ?


You can get up to 300 INT on helm so not getting any is too much to give up unless that proc is ridiculously good.

also lack of crit, socket, mana regen


If you want to level fast, spend your money on the AH early and often. It makes your character really OP at first.

It also makes the game so boring to play that I'd rather watch paint dry. Some people enjoy mindlessly one-shotting everything in sight for countless hours on end while leveling to 60, but I don't see how.

It can also cause problems for people when they hit the later acts of Inferno. They'll have spent all that time playing, but never learned how to actually play. Probably not a problem anymore with the nerfed Inferno, though.


It can also cause problems for people when they hit the later acts of Inferno. They'll have spent all that time playing, but never learned how to actually play. Probably not a problem anymore with the nerfed Inferno, though.
That can become a problem when you get to Hell, even. Suddenly, defense becomes an issues.


So are item drop rates for inferno items the same as they were in the last major patch (1.0.3 I think it was?) with the only change being more legendary items dropping? Also is it possible for lvl 61 and 62 weapons to actually spawn with good damage and stats now?


So are item drop rates for inferno items the same as they were in the last major patch (1.0.3 I think it was?) with the only change being more legendary items dropping? Also is it possible for lvl 61 and 62 to weapons actually spawn with good damage and stats now?

Magic/Rare items should drop four times more often from trash enemies. ilvl 61-63 weapons can all roll the same +Damage% mods.


Decent ilvl60-62 have been dropping for me all day long. I actually got a weapon upgrade from a lvl62. 2h have been pretty nice too, there was one Daibo I got that had insane stats but like late 900 dps so I decided to sell instead of use.

Weapon market has pretty much crashed.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I'm going to buy Diablo 3 (70$... I haven't paid so much for a game in a long time. this better be good!) tomorrow. I finished the starter edition with all the classes except Witch Doctor and liked Demon Hunter and Monk the best and Barbarian probably the least, but I think I'm going to play as one with my first character for some reason.

I can only play normal at first and the next difficulty unlocks when I finish the game right?
Any tips or hints? :p

Learn which mod combineations are useful and sought after.

It will help you properly gear your character and identify valuables that are worth keeping or trading.


I am actually pretty excited to play again. I got burnt out after 250 hours in two months. It sounds like I should be able make some pretty awesome wd summoning builds now.


Decent ilvl60-62 have been dropping for me all day long. I actually got a weapon upgrade from a lvl62. 2h have been pretty nice too, there was one Daibo I got that had insane stats but like late 900 dps so I decided to sell instead of use.

Weapon market has pretty much crashed.

Wait a weapon upgrade? That's impossible, you should only be getting loot from the AH because that's how Blizzard made the game!


Magic/Rare items should drop four times more often from trash enemies. ilvl 61-63 weapons can all roll the same +Damage% mods.

Ilvl 60 weapons can roll high damage as well; yesterday I got one with 850 dps.

Wait a weapon upgrade? That's impossible, you should only be getting loot from the AH because that's how Blizzard made the game!

Give it a few weeks. Weapon prices will crash, everyone will buy new weapons, and then standards for what constitutes a decent weapon will shift. Once that happens, everyone will be back to complaining about how they never find good weapons. Well, assuming they're still playing. The difficulty of Inferno was a carrot for a lot of people; I wonder how many will quit once that carrot is gone.


Wait a weapon upgrade? That's impossible, you should only be getting loot from the AH because that's how Blizzard made the game!
To be honest the only thing I got on the AH for my Monk has been the helm.

If you keep using the AH for upgrades then you are less likely to find upgrades yourselves.

And yea people will go back to complaining when they all have 800-900 dps 1h with crit and loh. Market is crashing on weapons as we speak, it's only a matter of time.
In an attempt to better outfit my Monk with gear I was curious how much Dex I should think about having for the mid-high lvl range. Obviously the more the better and I see some here with 2K+ which I am no where near yet.

I currently have around 1700, is it okay to sacrafice that to say 1400 in exchange for other stats like crit %, All Res., Vit, etc..? If so whats a good number to aim for?

Use this http://d3up.com/
get your Res up to 700-800 ish dps around 25-30k for act III.


If you want to level fast, spend your money on the AH early and often. It makes your character really OP at first.

I'm in no hurry to level up :)

yeah it goes normal nightmare hell and inferno. You'll sink 100s of hours into the game even if you don't like it, lol. So it'll be money well spent. And if you get lucky enough in later difficulties you could make that money back.

Oh that could be quite awesome!

Learn which mod combineations are useful and sought after.

It will help you properly gear your character and identify valuables that are worth keeping or trading.

A good start would be knowing what exactly are mod combinations? ;p

Are system like crafting and such more relevant to higher levels?


7 sided strike + fulminating onslaught is legit now. My new pure dps Monk build for farming is MoC Overawe, Fulminating Onslaught, Breath of Heaven, Deadly Reach (last rune for damage boost), Sweeping Wind Bladestorm and Blinding Faith which gives damage boost.

Plan is to switch to a 2h with Guardian Path so I can spam MoC and 7 sided strike while also keeping up Sweeping Wind.


Well did you buy gear from the AH prior? I mean if you are farming act 3 you must have gotten it from somewhere. The better your gear the harder it is to find upgrades.
Haven't got anything worth much since 1.0.4. Constantly got shit in 1.0.3. :(

The thing now is that 61 and 62 (60 as well?) weapons aren't automatically trash since they can roll high DPS. So there's a lot more viable weapons out there.

I'm thinking I need to finish leveling my Wizard (50) or maybe work on my Monk/Barb (WD I haven't even started). Demon Hunter play in Inferno has gotten a bit tiresome - the one-shot deaths have started to grate on me again now that I'm in Act 3. Act 1 is a such a breeze in comparison and Act 2 has too many annoying enemies to make it worth farming for me (though I may try now since it got nerfed a bit.) Act 3 has certainly been slower, but there are considerably more higher-level drops. If I can get a more tanky character up there, it'll be easier to farm, even if it's slightly slower (and possibly faster, due to fewer deaths.)


I just think its funny that my barb only has 25k hp and I easily finished act 2 after seeing other act 2 barbs with 50k hp lol

HP does not mean anything. I farmed act 3 with my barb before patch at 22k hp. Armor/resistances will be more important, especialy if you use a lot of LoH etc.


No luck for me this patch. Almost level 6 and haven't had a single good drop. Well, a 18% MF ring I sold for 120k =/
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