MF doesn't affect item quality but it does increase your chances of finding rares with more affixes.
ok thats what I the max 6 still for rares or 8
MF doesn't affect item quality but it does increase your chances of finding rares with more affixes.
so guys does MF at 300 just get you more rares and legends or it it for the quality as well... because I've never had more than 200 :/ I had loot gear but with the levels and stuff I only use a amulet with 35%mf and a ring with 18%.... that's 150% max mf with nv5 on act one. :/ am I fucked at ever getting a great drop. :/ I'm pL 5 also...
Can anyone please give me a pricecheck on this? (EU RMAH)
lol guess I'm fucked til Plevel 80As far as I know, the way it works is that when a monster is killed, an item is generated - the frequency of item drops I think JUST depends on the monster you are killing - ie, small monsters generally drop items less frequently, while rares/big monsters drop almost always and sometimes more than one item.
After an item is 'true' for dropping, the item level is decided, and the item 'name'. Ie - Golden Talon, iLvl 63 fist weapon drops.
After this, comes the MF - The higher your MF, the more likely that this Fist weapon will be a blue or a yellow.
Not sure how legendaries work, but I assume every time you kill a monster, it has a chance that it will drop a legendary - a scary small number, also multiplied by MF.
MF only affects item quality... (magic/rare/set/legendary)MF doesn't affect item quality but it does increase your chances of finding rares with more affixes.
Can anyone please give me a pricecheck on this? (EU RMAH)
MF only affects item quality... (magic/rare/set/legendary)
The impact on affixes is very, very minorno, it affects how many affixes you get too. When you kill amonster it determines from a top down order as to what drops, first it checks if you will get a legendary/set, then a 6 affix rare, 5 affix rare, 4 affix rare, magic, normal etc. your MF will increase the % chance of these drops
I should mention that MF does not affect chance of higher ilvl drops or chance of rolling better item stats
WTF. time to start playing again.Woke up today, sold another auction for $70. I'm 150 away from 1K. Do I retire then, is the question. Also awesome Mace up there. Should be worth plenty.
Oh my Maximus + Exploding Palm Essence Burn + Sweeping Wind - Fire Storm = total destruction. Thank you based Rentahamster.
The impact on affixes is very, very minor
God dammit, this is getting so boring and repetitive, must have done like 15 runs of leorics manor, backtracking all the way to the cathedral, then the festering woods, have only got 1 decent item and it isn't selling.
I hate you blizzard, my MF with NV and Paragon is 258. Sigh.
Why are you doing act 1? Shouldn't take much to do act 3 at this point.
My gear absolutely blows, I die like twice before I can kill a blue/yellow in Act 2, have barely started act 2. So farming to get better gear.
What class are you
Wizard my build is:
Diamond Skin- Crystal Shell
Archon- Improved Archon
Hydra- Arcane
Blizzard- Stark Winter
Shock Pulse- Piercing Orb
Teleport- Wormhole
Passive Skills:
Glass Cannon
Cold Blooded
35953.45 DPS
Resists range from 400-500
I don't remember the math, but I recall it was something like a few % higher chance of 6 and 5 affix rares when going from 75% to 300%Can you elaborate how minor? I just wanna have some info to pass down to some of my friends who bitch for minutes everytime an elite dies before they switch.
It'd probably be a good idea to not focus as heavily on MF as well, I imagine that going for MF on gear still drives up the price as well.
Better to get gear that makes your character stronger and able to do later acts, rather than be stuck farming act 1. Though that's just my take on it.
Use the passives galvanizing ward and evocation
Use defensive skill energy armor - prismatic
Wizard my build is:
Diamond Skin- Crystal Shell
Archon- Improved Archon
Hydra- Arcane
Blizzard- Stark Winter
Shock Pulse- Piercing Orb
Teleport- Wormhole
Passive Skills:
Glass Cannon
Cold Blooded
35953.45 DPS
Resists range from 400-500
ALL wizards use Energy Armor with either the Force Armor or Prismatic Armor rune. Drop Archon for it.
Both those passives seem kind of useless for me, the only spell that has a long cooldown is archon, and I usually keep it up long enough for a large amount of the cooldown.
Wizard my build is:
Diamond Skin- Crystal Shell
Archon- Improved Archon
Hydra- Arcane
Blizzard- Stark Winter
Shock Pulse- Piercing Orb
Teleport- Wormhole
Passive Skills:
Glass Cannon
Cold Blooded
35953.45 DPS
Resists range from 400-500
Galvanizing ward is kinda useless, sure. But I'm just assuming you have no health regen and every little bit counts
Cool downs are also very important, especially when using your diamond skin
It will save you
Remember, at roughly 30 k DPS, you can dish out damage- you have to mitigate incoming or else you flake out too fast
Buff your armor and resists, work on defensive skills. Survival is so important.
You may even want to drop archon... It's efficacy over time makes it less valuable than it seems. Really good for high DPS but if you can't survive, use defensive instead. When you can use like 4 at a time, you know you're well off.
Use slow time- but do make sure you get energy armor and drop glass cannon. Your survivability will be a LOT higher
1. Switch Archon to Energy Armor (Prismatic rune)
2. Switch Glass Cannon to Blur
3. Switch Wormhole to Fracture
4. Go farm act 3.
Ok, so my new build is:
Shock Pulse- Piercing Orb
Teleport- Fracture
Diamond Skin- Crystal Shell
Energy Armor- Prismatic Armor
Hydra- Arcane
Slow Time- Time Warp (wasn't sure what to use with it
Passive Skills-
Is this good?
Give it a whirl!
Will do! Just going to quickly check the auction house then try Act 2 again.
Thanks for your help everyone!
I wonder if they'll nerf it.
Also, I guess it would be a great way of getting the "gearless" achievements in Hell, if people haven't already figured out a simpler way of doing it.
Edit: And I've found goblins pretty hard to kill with it! It's kinda tricky to get them to take damage from the trail for some reason.
Hmm after trying the new build, the survival is really high, but the damage isn't enough it takes three times as long to kill elites.
That's not a bot, they just bid a very high maximum.
Say I bid 5 million and the current bid is 100k, and u bid 500k, it will automatically say I'm winning at 550k. And if u bid 1 mil, itll auto update to me winning at 1.05 mil. It'll keep updating til u beat my Max bid, which was 5 million
Trying to get back into this game, but kinda lost with my monk. What's the order of importance of what to stack? And a great build/rotation and weapon type? It's been too long
Trying to get back into this game, but kinda lost with my monk. What's the order of importance of what to stack? And a great build/rotation and weapon type? It's been too long