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Diablo III |OT5| Finally out of Beta

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He measures in centimeters
I think I'm pretty much done too.

Paragon 7 and zero drops over 50k. Not much point in going on.

P8 here and made a grand total of 3.5m from gold and drops. 3.5m buys nothing.

Even if the AH aggregation of items makes the game 'balanced' as far as loot is concerned it is intrinsically NOT fun to have an incredibly small chance that a piece of loot will drop that is worth anything at all. Hoping someone else gets the drop you need and then mis-prices it on the AH so you can get a minor upgrade for all your gold is not a good mechanic.


Junior Member
Played for the first time in awhile and finally cleared Act 3. Super tanky barb. Takes me forever to kill anything but I didn't die, which is a nice change. Had a 975dps sword drop with 100int but no other stats. Best DPS ive ever found but a quick check of the AH says it's pretty much worthless.


Rodent Whores
The number of people dropping off after 1.04 is indicative of the design flaw that they still have failed to address - mainly that the AH is too much of a requirement to progress.

They could have dealt with this by having artisans be more than just glorified gamblers.

The early concepts of the Mystic looked promising. I have no idea why they felt the need to scrap it. The blacksmith should have elements that involve actual, you know, crafting. Sort of like a more involved Charsi imbue combined with the rerolling and crafting goodness of the D2 Horadric cube.

Path of Exile has a good approach to this, as you can take a shitty item and potentially mold it into a godly item, and this process requires consumables which have a value relative to their rarity/usefulness.


AH being "necessary" to progress isn't the problem, it definitely isn't anymore anyway, but rather that the treshhold to what constitutes a good item increases too quickly and visibly. Decent AH "starter" sets are already top <1% of all drops and if you are even moderately wealthy it's more like top 0.01%. Items never disappear, so the situation gets worse and worse. Since players jump straight to top 1%, drops never seem good and they feel they need AH for the top 0.001% or whatever.

There is no fix other than introducing new, better items every now and then or a path of exile esque item upgrading system, though even with that you reach a point where upgrading is effectively impossible.


I'd actually be pretty happy with the blacksmith if we could give him consumables to reroll the stats on a weapon but keep the affixes. So even a crappy ilvl 63 weapon that has the stats you want can be useful.


You don't need the AH to beat Inferno or progress... but when it comes to min/maxing your character and upgrading it so that something like a 4 man act 3 run becomes a joke to you...yea you aren't going to get 13 pieces of top tier gear for your character that easily.
Crafting is the one thing in this game that remains a glaring flaw. It just seems....pointless. Just a way to dump money when you have more than you know what to do with.


You don't need the AH to beat Inferno or progress... but when it comes to min/maxing your character and upgrading it so that something like a 4 man act 3 run becomes a joke to you...yea you aren't going to get 13 pieces of top tier gear for your character that easily.

That's really the entire point of D3. Farming as fast as possible.

But I guess I just get discouraged by the incredible amount of terrible loot I roll on. I think D3 is the only game where I can get really pissed. Killing a rare pack and getting two level 55 in ACT 2 is depressing. Because you know that they are going to be bad, it's almost impossible for them to be good. So, you literally wasted 5-6 minutes of your time.


Sucking cock through act 4 with an under resisted monk only to be rewarded with a level 58 quiver, 60 bracers and 57 boots in the end is unbeliveably rewarding.

Fuck this game.


Finally snagged a pair of the new nat boots with low rolls. Would love to have the nat helm next with crit chance but the cheapest is around 40mil. At the rate the AH is going I may never have enough gold now. :(


Black Canada Mafia
I feel like I no longer have many options for upgrades on the AH sub-10mil.

Conveniently, I have exactly 10mil.


Aw well, it's not like I don't do good - I guess I can just lurk and wait for better versions of my legendary 1hers.


Crafting is the one thing in this game that remains a glaring flaw. It just seems....pointless. Just a way to dump money when you have more than you know what to do with.

Honestly this is like the only problem I personally have with the game (outside of Inferno's "difficulty", but that isn't the end of the world), crafting is utterly pointless. Leveling to 60 it's pointless since you can cheaply get something better off the AH than whatever random item you get from the blacksmith, and, at max level it's as much as a gamble on what you get than just going out and farming from mobs, not to mention you can't even make anything worthwhile without really rare plans.

Gems are bad too considering everyone uses the same type of gems in the same slots most of the time (as in, they are fluff, they add nothing to the game) all they really accomplish is making about half the chest/pant/weapon drops garbage. The fact you can't even salvage items or something to add gem slots to gear that would be amazing if they just had a slot is a horrible oversight.

Really though as it's been stated already the problem with it all is that neither gems or black smiths make any meaningful use of all the garbage loot you get. The game really could use some sort of enchanting system where you could salvage all your useless gear to imbue your other gear with more stats or unique properties.

Could balance it pretty well by making increments of some sort where the best enchants require tons and tons of salvaged gear. I mean, paragon levels are nice since they give some sort of grind for those that want it but only 1 grind can still bore people out. It's something I feel like they should have learned from WoW tbh. I know D3 isn't an MMO but having pvp progression, raiding progression, various faction/daily grinds, achievements/vanity item/mount hunting, etc. is what keeps people playing WoW. D3 really doesn't have the variety.

That said, I have over 200 hours into the game now and I'm still having plenty of fun. What drives me is combat mechanics and combat experimentation which D3 actually does an excellent job at imo. All the classes feel very different and outside of DH I actually enjoy all of them.


He measures in centimeters
You don't need the AH to beat Inferno or progress... but when it comes to min/maxing your character and upgrading it so that something like a 4 man act 3 run becomes a joke to you...yea you aren't going to get 13 pieces of top tier gear for your character that easily.

How about beating the game pre-1.0.4, farming a bit, and then getting to P8 without even 1 top tier piece drop? I'm not talking about a piece for my spec but any sort of top tier piece I could exchange for one I need.
If it makes you guys feel better. After I got 9 legendaries after the patch. I haven't gotten a single once since :p

Also I'm on Paragon 15 I think, almost 16. Or is it 16 lmost 17. or Maybe it's 14 almost 15. None the less, it's starting to move slow as hellllllll. Can't imagine being at 20 let alone 60 something like the guy on top.


How about beating the game pre-1.0.4, farming a bit, and then getting to P8 without even 1 top tier piece drop? I'm not talking about a piece for my spec but any sort of top tier piece I could exchange for one I need.
Sounds like you are in the same boat as I am buddy. I don't think I have gotten a 100 million top end item either from just farming/drops. I had beaten Inferno even pre-patch 1.03 with DH, beat it pre-patch 1.04 with my Monk but between those 2 characters I don't think I have a single thing equipped on them or have sold anything that I would even personally consider to be top tier.


I don't know if I am reading his items right but he basically just has two low DPS legendaries but one of them smite enemies. Sounds like he is just killing trash mobs over and over again with those insta kills. Looks like a bot to me personally...


I don't know if I am reading his items right but he basically just has two low DPS legendaries but one of them smite enemies. Sounds like he is just killing trash mobs over and over again with those insta kills. Looks like a bot to me personally...

Alkaizer trolls people. Logged out with an entire set consisting of "Troll ____" names last time. His real set is something like 110k dps WW build. However, I wouldn't rule botting out since D3 bots are already nearing the sophistication of their D2 counterparts.


Rodent Whores
Pretty good post regarding the past history and blue comments about the dev decision to limit characters to level 60 (which we now see was a misguided design decision)


bashiok said:
So just to reiterate some things and maybe draw it back to more specific bullet points of why a lower level cap is (we believe) better for the game:

# We want each level to feel like a significant boost in power.

# We want level benefits to be as clear as possible. Some people have suggested “Well, let us hit level 60, but then keep giving us points after that.” which isn’t a solution, it’s the same problem except worse because there’s no actual tracking mechanism built in (ie levels). We also want to avoid providing level benefits at irregular intervals (although this may be unavoidable for trait points), as some people suggest “Let us level to 99 and just give us the rewards every few levels”. This goes back to the first point: We want each level to feel like a significant boost in power. Trait points may not come every level, but the sum of the other increases from leveling, we feel, are still very significant and maintain our intent.

# Because of the extreme leveling curve in Diablo II, balance really couldn’t be adjusted around level 99 characters.

# We can have long term status symbols people can go for that are extremely visual, show to others the effort you’ve put in, but not attach that to something like a character level. Along with artisans, achievements, gems, runestones, and all the other various character customization progressions, we still have some surprises left in store on this front.

The real bottom line is that we understand people like having those long term goals, and those feel good to chase and eventually achieve, but we do not feel one needs to be character level, and in fact making character levels a long term goal brings a great many negative effects with them (keeping in mind our goals for how important each level should feel).
bashiok said:
So, we’re working with a lower level cap for a myriad of reasons but really the main point that they’re more or less all linked to is that we came to the conclusion that a cap of 99 exists for the sake of itself. Meaning that it’s a really high number despite all sorts of good things like meaningful player/skill/power pacing, item distribution, balance, etc…

Of course it all comes down to an XP curve. We could, for instance, say the level cap in Diablo III is 60 and then pace that curve and gain out over what we estimate it took someone to reach 99 in Diablo II. Of course we wouldn’t do that but it should help illustrate that the time from 1-60 in Diablo II does not equal the amount of time it will take to reach 60 in Diablo III…

The leveling experience is always going to stop somewhere because the real game is the item hunt. So, instead of letting it drag out to a less meaningful 80 or so levels like most people saw in Diablo II we have 60 levels of awesome; at every level you’ll get a meaningful and noticeable increase in power. It has a ton of other benefits and fixes a lot of problems a higher cap causes, but I’ll take pause.

These quotes are from 2010 and 2011, and despite many in the community saying how Diablo III endgame was gonna suck as a result, they still went ahead with the level 60 cap. In fairness, their justification does sound somewhat okay. The problem is that all the cool stuff that they were gonna put into the game so that you have stuff to do after 60...didn't get put into the game at all.

As I pointed out during the beta, it's amazing how they put so much work into leveling your character from 1-60, when by design, that entire leveling process is ultimately pointless since 90% of your gameplay will take place after 60.
Anyone interested in a full set of WD (and tons of other) gear? 50k dps, 60k hp. Looking to quit, and don't want to bother with the RMAH, willing to liquidate for pennies on the e-dollar! PM me.

edit- as a whole, ideally.
Sorry, one more PC on an item, can't find anything similar to it on the AH. Don't think it'll be worth much but seems okay.

I found nice source for wizard today (8% cc, 6 apoc, 230 int, some vit and not bad dmg) which made me thinking it could be good pairing for my 950 dps wizardspike which didn't want to sell for 4 days already. So i log in and go to rmah to cancel auction and i see transaction processing... ;)
This is my second time cashing out from paypal, spoiler alert, the first time was a higher number :O

But alas, I'm definitely quitting by the end of September. The game has done good for me. But I feel like I'm winding down. What helped me go on with it was that there was nothing else to really play for me. But come Fall, I will be distracted by another year of university, more games coming out, etc...

Couple more weeks left. But this might be my last cash out depending on if gold is going for anything good in a couple weeks. If not I will bestow it on a poorer citizen of neogaf.


I wish I could figure out a good way to cash out my almost max battlenet balance without linking my Paypal account. I don't have any trust-worthy friends who play D3 :(


I think I'm pretty much done too.

Paragon 7 and zero drops over 50k. Not much point in going on.

I've seen you make similar posts in here over the past couple of days and my conclusion is that you must be terrible at judging the value of your items.

I am at P8 and I've found a few items that sold for over a million and several more that sold for a few hundred k. Your RNG luck can't be that bad.


This is my second time cashing out from paypal, spoiler alert, the first time was a higher number :O

But alas, I'm definitely quitting by the end of September. The game has done good for me. But I feel like I'm winding down. What helped me go on with it was that there was nothing else to really play for me. But come Fall, I will be distracted by another year of university, more games coming out, etc...

Couple more weeks left. But this might be my last cash out depending on if gold is going for anything good in a couple weeks. If not I will bestow it on a poorer citizen of neogaf.

I almost don't want to ask because it's going to make me look insignificant in comparison, but how much do you have?:lol

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I've seen you make similar posts in here over the past couple of days and my conclusion is that you must be terrible at judging the value of your items.

I am at P8 and I've found a few items that sold for over a million and several more that sold for a few hundred k. Your RNG luck can't be that bad.

This. It's pretty rare for me to not make at least 6 figures off of just q quick 15 minute keep depths run.
I almost don't want to ask because it's going to make me look insignificant in comparison, but how much do you have?:lol
well I just spent about 100 mil buying more stuff to flip in the RMAH, might as well try to make more money, I have 50 Mil left, and some more items I can sell for plenty more millionz.

Honestly gold is useless to me in this game. The gear I have I either got from farming or bought for cheap in the AH. I never upgrade really. So when I do get gold I just spend it all on stuff to sell in the rmah. If crafting was better I'd use it on that.

also if you meant how much do I have from the RMAH, I passed my goal of $1000 :)


I've seen you make similar posts in here over the past couple of days and my conclusion is that you must be terrible at judging the value of your items.

I am at P8 and I've found a few items that sold for over a million and several more that sold for a few hundred k. Your RNG luck can't be that bad.

I wish I was kidding.

But that's how the past few days have been. Keep in mind that random stats are random. You might just be "lucky". I sure as hell haven't been. :)


I wish I could figure out a good way to cash out my almost max battlenet balance without linking my Paypal account. I don't have any trust-worthy friends who play D3 :(
I'll help out for a percentage. Have some feedback in the gaf buy sell trade thread if that helps.
I've seen you make similar posts in here over the past couple of days and my conclusion is that you must be terrible at judging the value of your items.

I am at P8 and I've found a few items that sold for over a million and several more that sold for a few hundred k. Your RNG luck can't be that bad.

I haven' hit the jackpot with any a great item yet either. Level 8. But I guarantee you I have sold something worth a lot by accident.

I'm not saying this applies to everyone but I bet it is the issue for some of us. Since I only play one character mostly and haven't delved in to the expensive layer of the AH, I am just ignorant to that higher tier market.

I am still enjoying myself a lot though and I know I will eventually catch on as time goes on. I hope everyone else that is being discouraged hits the lottery soon!


well I just spent about 100 mil buying more stuff to flip in the RMAH, might as well try to make more money, I have 50 Mil left, and some more items I can sell for plenty more millionz.

Honestly gold is useless to me in this game. The gear I have I either got from farming or bought for cheap in the AH. I never upgrade really. So when I do get gold I just spend it all on stuff to sell in the rmah. If crafting was better I'd use it on that.

also if you meant how much do I have from the RMAH, I passed my goal of $1000 :)

I knew it was going to be so far beyond anything I've made, both GAH and RMAH. I've only broke 10 million gold once and that didn't last very long. I've made maybe $30 off of the RMAH?:lol It's just hard to get upgrades at this point. I don't get as good of drops as you and it costs tons (at least in regards to my current gold) for minor upgrades on a lot of my gear.
I knew it was going to be so far beyond anything I've made, both GAH and RMAH. I've only broke 10 million gold once and that didn't last very long. I've made maybe $30 off of the RMAH?:lol It's just hard to get upgrades at this point. I don't get as good of drops as you and it costs tons (at least in regards to my current gold) for minor upgrades on a lot of my gear.
The only things I've gotten from drops that I currently wear is my gloves (which I admit I got very lucky for), and my pants. Everything else I just bought cheap. And by cheap I mean 1 mil-ish or less each. Other than that I've never ever spent gold for myself, only to flip items.

I have gotten lucky on items I can sell though. Also for DH I guess it's easier to gear up for act 3 farming. A glass cannon build isn't that expensive. Sucks for other classes. What class are you? What's your gear?


The only things I've gotten from drops that I currently wear is my gloves (which I admit I got very lucky for), and my pants. Everything else I just bought cheap. And by cheap I mean 1 mil-ish or less each. Other than that I've never ever spent gold for myself, only to flip items.

I have gotten lucky on items I can sell though. Also for DH I guess it's easier to gear up for act 3 farming. A glass cannon build isn't that expensive. Sucks for other classes. What class are you? What's your gear?

I guess I just miss out on those good deals for the most part, and I even check somewhat often! I'm a demon hunter as well, here's my character http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Natiko-1906/hero/20793859


I hope everyone else that is being discouraged hits the lottery soon!
This game is sometimes nuts... you get bad rolls after bad rolls per runs for days and just as you are about to quit... you hit big. It reinvigorates you just enough to push to the next "big" find.

I guess I just miss out on those good deals for the most part, and I even check somewhat often! I'm a demon hunter as well, here's my character http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Natiko-1906/hero/20793859
I think you need to upgrade your Helm to one that gives you some more crit chance and a better weapon. A chest piece with some +Dex would also be pretty sweet, it's not that expensive to get if you skimp on the Dex/Vit a bit. Better weapons above 1000 DPS are very cheap now and you definitely would benefit greatly from one. Seems like you are going for the standard glass cannon high DPS build too and most of your pieces provide enough DPS so getting those 2 crucial pieces will allow you to farm Act 3 more consistently.

I would also switch out RoV for Preparation. It's fairly crucial. Also experiment with more Hatred users like Cluster Arrow/Cluster Bomb, that one does a ton of damage if you land it. Once you get your crit chance over 20% I also recommend switching out Sharpshooter for a more stable skill. I recommend getting your Scoundrel a cold arrow and using the Cull of the Weak passive.


I think you need to upgrade your Helm to one that gives you some more crit chance and a better weapon. Better weapons above 1000 DPS are very cheap now and you definitely would benefit greatly from one. Seems like you are going for the standard glass cannon high DPS build too and most of your pieces provide enough DPS so getting those 2 crucial pieces will allow you to farm Act 3 more consistently.

Is it worth upgrading to above 1000 DPS at the expense of crit hit damage and/or some form of life on hit/life steal? I've tried looking for a better weapon but those usually hold me back some. I know I need to get a better helm, been trying for a few here and there but usually get outbid at the end.


From a couple hours of farming last night, I was able to find a rare couple of items I didn't think were that great but managed to sell for 2M and 25M. The only legendary I've found post-1.0.4 is Kymbo's Gold I am having a hard time selling.

-Pyromaniac- has inspired me to actually start selling things on the RMAH. I'll have to start studying the RMAH to understand the market.


This game is sometimes nuts... you get bad rolls after bad rolls per runs for days and just as you are about to quit... you hit big. It reinvigorates you just enough to push to the next "big" find.

I think you need to upgrade your Helm to one that gives you some more crit chance and a better weapon. A chest piece with some +Dex would also be pretty sweet, it's not that expensive to get if you skimp on the Dex/Vit a bit. Better weapons above 1000 DPS are very cheap now and you definitely would benefit greatly from one. Seems like you are going for the standard glass cannon high DPS build too and most of your pieces provide enough DPS so getting those 2 crucial pieces will allow you to farm Act 3 more consistently.

I would also switch out RoV for Preparation. It's fairly crucial. Also experiment with more Hatred users like Cluster Arrow/Cluster Bomb, that one does a ton of damage if you land it. Once you get your crit chance over 20% I also recommend switching out Sharpshooter for a more stable skill. I recommend getting your Scoundrel a cold arrow and using the Cull of the Weak passive.

Except, I've never gotten that one big item. People don't seem to believe me, but I have never gotten a good drop. The one thing I've sold the most was 100k, and that was near the beginning when the game was new. I know what items I have are worth, I have played hundreds of hours of this game, and have researched all the stats that different classes need. The piddly shit I do get, even when undercutting, I still cannot sell it. The most gold I've ever had is 1.2 million, which is what I have right now because I've sold two radiant rubies and my tomes of secrets and essences. I've never gotten an upgrade for my monk from playing the actual game. Every item I have is from the AH. This is why I'm quitting the fucking game. My luck really is that bad. Only one legendary ever (Cindercoat of all fucking things), and not one set item.

I would be content with just getting that one big jackpot item, but alas, it was not to be.
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