23% dmg? Mother of god...
IIRC the possible roll on that item is 20-30%.
23% dmg? Mother of god...
What'd it cost you roughly for a full set?
Found this too.
Having trouble pricing this. Found a similar one with lower damage and life on hit but no armor for 1m bid no buyout. Is this worth much more than that? I don't know how much people value armor.
I'm surprised the other one is selling at all; does it actually have bids? I think for a ring that's pretty damn good LOH, but no primary stat would seem to completely kill it being worth anything.
I'm surprised the other one is selling at all; does it actually have bids? I think for a ring that's pretty damn good LOH, but no primary stat would seem to completely kill it being worth anything.
Probably not. It was at 1m on the dot.
If you want to check if something has bids on it, select Bid. If the bid price that is in the input field isn't higher than what was shown in search, then nobody has bid on that item.
i checked similar items but there was none with armor that high so i just charged it that high. maybe i set the bar
It's very close to best possible rolls for the chest, you probably did underprice it. It rolled high base int, high base vit, high int+vit and almost max armor.oh my f, i found a set chest piece, and arbitrarly posted it at 400 million gold.
it sold instantaneously, did i underprice this??
Men, I can't seem to upgrade my barbarian anymore everything has become very expensive and I only have 17 mil to play around with. Help me on what to upgrade next please. :x
The only way for me to enter the 100k dmg range is to use my newly found skorn, and buff myself with berserker which gets me 120k dmg but the skorn is soo slow and boring.
after a few days of terrible drops, finally something good
i think it's desirable to every class? (it's quite an upgrade for me at least) if it had a main stat or vitality i'd be rolling in dough probably
after a few days of terrible drops, finally something good
i think it's desirable to every class? (it's quite an upgrade for me at least) if it had a main stat or vitality i'd be rolling in dough probably
So my best friend who hadn't played in 2-3 months started playing again a couple of days ago. He was level 40ish, and I noticed that all day yesterday and today he seemed to be on Act 2 Hell on the Black Soulstone quest. I didn't think much of it, until today I saw he hit 60. I thought maybe he was stuck or something, so I messaged him and he didn't reply. So I just gave him a call, he said he hasn't played in months, and there's no one else that would be playing his character. He said that he got a bunch of emails from battle.net about his account being suspended because of something, but he never bothered to do anything about it since he didn't care and didn't play anymore lol.
So aside from that, what possible purpose would there be to someone getting access to an account, but then leveling it and playing the same quest on Act 2 Hell? Outside of getting access to an account, stripping it and ditching it the only thing I could see is if the character had good shit you could maybe use it to farm. But this guy's gear is fucking terrible, and he's doing Hell so I don't know what the point of this is.
The person who stole your friend's account is obviously botting with it (for gold, I suppose)
How much to craft a legendary item?
It depends on the item. My stupid legendary boot plan costs 9,400 and some essence. I'm sure good ones and set pieces are considerably more costly.
Holy shit, I have had the most amazing weekend playing this game...
For months I have struggled to get a single decent item to drop for me. I've had to bite, scratch, and claw my way up by picking up gold drops and whatnot the entire time.
I play monk.
Yesterday I found a 2h crossbow w/ 1393 dps, 139 vit, 700+ loh, and open socket.
Sold it for 50m.
Today I was browsing the AH to buy a new weapon for my monk (i was using a 700dps, 700 loh axe b/c that's the best that has dropped for me) and I found the fist weapon in my profile for 29m. And here's the kicker... it had the radiant star emerald in it already which is worth 15m by itself.
Here is a link to my profile:
9,400 gold only? The seven sins plan makes the vile wards shoulders or the older kind (Seven sins legacy?)
Waaaaaaaait a second, I just thought of something. Does the new /players command mean that since Act 1 is my favorite act, that instead of farming Act 3 (which I hate) I can just '/players 8' or something then farm my favorite Act with increased difficulty and drops equivalent to Act 3/4?
I highly doubt it will affect drops, only difficulty.
Why's that? That's the way it worked in D2.
I highly doubt it will affect drops, only difficulty.
For people in this last group, 1.0.5 is bringing the "Monster Power" system. The details of this system will be outlined as we get closer to 1.0.5, but in short this is a callback to the Diablo II players X option, allowing you to increase the level of challenge for increased rewards.
In d2, the /players command simulated extra players in the game, raising the monster levels and difficulty, and in turn raising the ilvl of drops/experience gained. In diablo 3, additional players do not change the monsters level and thus do not change the chance of higher ilvl drops/experience, so I don't think they would make the command do so.
(all speculation)
I can't even comprehend what 400 million feels like.