Did noone else play Diablo II and notice that while having no AH it still managed to have a gradual loot incrementing system that didn't just hand you the best items immediately? Its not our logic thats the problem, I think you may be going out of the way to argue against something noone is actually saying.
Uhm no...
D2 having no in game ah was a plus, but ppl organizza trade and ah on various site for items, because sure you might be' luck, but luck in d2 was not enough..
To get real end game stuff you either had to BOT or to trade with people that most likely botted...
Sure buriza was cheap, you could farm perfect gem, say 20-30 and you could get a low all buriza..
Now high end windforce?
Yes like... No...
What most people try to forget blatantly is that unless you were a rng deity, to deck a char at end game/bis level you needed astronomic amount of time or of tradable gear..
Most ppl star blissfully ignorant of this because in d2 the hot stuff was clearing hell.. Or later doing ubers for those dedicated enough.. But for clearing hell you didn't need zomg-gear..
In diablo 3 clearing hell is not the end, mp10 and finishing hell might ne the top tier.. And to reach that top tre the gear/farm requirement is bollock
Both d2 and d3 have defect in gear aquisition curve, but i. Reality in d2 there was no end game that could benefit greatly of top end gear, in d3 there is (mp10) and ppl feel let's say cheated for having content out of their reach lest they farm ah or play A LOT..
Btw d2 veteran in sc and hc ladder for MANY years, as well as pre paragon level d3 addicted