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Diablo III PS3/360 |OT| Bringing Hell to consoles

just hit 60 on my monk, get to play with this


Wish it had a socket :(


I guess I can totally understand the frustration people had with the PC version if Diablo 2 managed to give all of that in a much easier fashion. We all play games for such a long time to eventually get rewarded by the big old pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If that pot of gold turns out to be a pot of feathers I would be pretty pissed as well, despite the fact that the adventure was pretty amazing.

EDIT: Alright. This is the second damned time Tapatalk refuses to edit my post but just decides to post a new reply.

Their entire design was based around micro transactions on the RMAH. That's why the game was initially pay to progress and why so many people were bitching about Inferno difficulty. The drop rates were so awful that you really had to spend millions of gold, or real money just to get past Act 1 depending on your class. It was really stupid. In this case it was a matter of "l2p" (learn to pay) instead of "l2p" (learn to play). Inferno had some beyond cheap champ combinations and the damage all around was ridiculous.

The other reason people railed against the game is because the itemization itself was totally World of Warcraft and not Diablo 2.

It's why I am playing hard. I really find steamrolling enemies a total bore, and am in no rush to penetrate 60 at the fastest clip. I want loot to feel meaningful for the severe challenge presented and I want the satisfaction of dealing with enemy groups tactfully and intelligently. Hard has been great for players like me!

"Tactics" like, shoot, move instead of shoot, shoot, move? Yeah, Hard is real deep. All it does is raises damage and health, but tactics are pretty much the same on that difficulty. It just slows down your progress overall.

Don't worry, everyone steamrolled through Normal on the PC. In comparison, few people completed Inferno. It will get harder, for sure.

I completed it, as did many I played with. Completing Inferno wasn't the problem. The problem is that it just wasn't any fun at all to play in, and because the droprate sucked so much and the gear so boring, there was no reason to continue.


Neo Member
Told myself I wasn't going to double dip, but between having a few friends to co-op with on PS3, and hearing great reviews, I'm probably going to buy it.


"Tactics" like, shoot, move instead of shoot, shoot, move? Yeah, Hard is real deep. All it does is raises damage and health, but tactics are pretty much the same on that difficulty. It just slows down your progress overall.

That is some deep shit, man. I mean... I thought that what you did before looting is kinda different from looting first, moving around later, but now, my life has been turned upside down o_O


Told myself I wasn't going to double dip, but between having a few friends to co-op with on PS3, and hearing great reviews, I'm probably going to buy it.

I know Toys R Us has it for $44.99, but I don't want to wait for it. If I could nab it for that price in store, I'd be there in a heartbeat.
Congrats thread. You won. Now downloading for PS3. Was gonna get it for 360 but couldn't find it in the online store. Hoping for reduced price on PS4.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Almost no legendaries through the entire act 3 :O!

Well then! Act 4, then bed! Tomorrow infernozzz :3


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Holy shit, just got my first set item :D! #31, Immortal King boots. And they are fucking incredible.


So wait, this game is good now? No chance the changes they made work their way to the PC right?

There will eventually be a loot revamp on PC too, though where that puts the PC version relative to this version is still unknown. Drop rates will assuredly not be the same as the AH isn't going anywhere on PC. The controller support seems to be off the table as well.


This game is AWESOME! I'm playing it with my bf and we're having a blast, he came off from League of Legends so he was more familiar to the mechanics that I am, but this is a great game very fun. 100% Recommended.

Chris R

There will eventually be a loot revamp on PC too, though where that puts the PC version relative to this version is still unknown. Drop rates will assuredly not be the same as the AH isn't going anywhere on PC. The controller support seems to be off the table as well.

I'll have to keep an eye out for a sale then, really wanted to like the game on the PC but the loot/ah was an issue (and I'd kill for controller support).
Holy shit, just got my first set item :D! #31, Immortal King boots. And they are fucking incredible.

god damn the last day of vacation cannot end soon enough. this thread has made the week at the beach somewhat bearable.

cannot wait to get back home and install this bad boy.


Shit, I keep checking this thread waiting for the change to happen. For people to realize somethings terribly wrong with this game...that doesn't seem to be happening and I'm worried I'm going to have to buy this now.
I can see the first patch already

"Decreased drop rate on all legendary items by 70%"
"Decreased effectiveness of Magic Find on Master Difficulties"

All because of Yoshi.


I can see the first patch already

"Decreased drop rate on all legendary items by 70%"
"Decreased effectiveness of Magic Find on Master Difficulties"

All because of Yoshi.

The beauty of that is you could play online with those settings, delete your update data then play offline on the original version to get dem legendaries, update again and back online.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
There will eventually be a loot revamp on PC too, though where that puts the PC version relative to this version is still unknown. Drop rates will assuredly not be the same as the AH isn't going anywhere on PC. The controller support seems to be off the table as well.

Here's a blue post regarding current console changes vs loot 2.0 in the forums. Like you said though everything isn't completely clear yet. Quoted below for mobile.

Lylirra said:
Nah, it's not exactly the same nor is it completely different. Let me explain that further, though, since that's kind of a vague statement.

So, in the console version, items will drop less frequently, but will typically be of higher quality. There's a chance that when a white or gray item drops, that it will be automatically converted to gold too. These changes were made to help manage the flow of gameplay and keep players in the midst of combat (and out of their inventory screens) as much possible. Inventory management is a little more difficult on the console version than it is on the PC, where you have a mouse to quickly navigate through menus, so this was a pretty key tweak for the PS3 and Xbox 360. Crafting materials and costs were adjusted, as well, to accommodate for the fact that trading components isn't as easy on console as it is PC. Similarly, stats on crafted items were boosted to help smooth the leveling curve and ensure that players could reliably find upgrades.

Some of these adjustments are changes we'd like to make to PC, but many of them were inspired by plans we already had for improving itemization as a part of Loot 2.0 (for example, smart drops, Legendary items that can drop at all levels, and the whole "less, but better" strategy). The console team literally took elements of Loot 2.0 and added them to the PS3 and Xbox 360 experience, and then made some additional changes they felt best suited the console environment and playstyle.

Someone already asked in a different thread why we couldn't just get the changes that were added to console implemented for PC on their own right now, rather than waiting for Loot 2.0. That's a fair question and does relate to your original concern, so I've quoted it below (because, hey, why not make a long post longer):

09/03/2013 02:29 PMPosted by Lylirra
Something to keep in mind is that, not only does Loot 2.0 encompass a larger number of changes than those made for the console version, but it's also intended to complement other system updates that will likely have an affect on the item game, things like skill re-balancing, Paragon 2.0, and the addition of features like Loot Runs and Nephalem Trials (which are still in development, too). While we could implement some things here and there in a very piecemeal fashion, in the end it makes more sense--to us, at least (we understand if you might disagree)--that all the components of Loot 2.0 ship together, since they're so closely connected and are ultimately intended to support and build off one another. This does mean more of a wait, which we know isn't the perfect scenario for a lot of players, but it also means that, when Loot 2.0 does ship, it should be a much more fleshed out and complete experience than if various features were implemented on their own.

Also, since we use staggered development (meaning, the PC and console games more or less have separate teams and development cycles), though, it's possible that one game will receive changes before another. Over time, which game that is may switch back and forth depending on where each is in its development cycle. Even so, PC is the lead platform.

So, again: not completely the same, not completely different. The changes made to console contain elements of Loot 2.0, but the experience isn't identical nor is it as comprehensive (also keep in mind that some tweaks were specific to console and are not currently planned for PC).

Hope that helps!


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Boom! Level 60 + Diablo Hell finished :D!

He dropped one (AWESOME) legendary so that makes it #32!
If Blizzard wanted to make maximum profit then they would try to get all console version and PC version of Reaper of Souls on the same day or same week at least. The console version of D3 is gaining a lot of traction and they would be smart to capitalize on the momentum by releasing the expansion on the consoles sooner rather than later.

Part of me really wonders why they don't do this. Part of it thinks it may have to do with the fact that the console versions were apparently made by a much smaller group of devs from blizz. I imagine Blizz has all hands from the diablo team working on reaper of souls. They probably don't want to develop them at the same time because of this. Then there's patching, etc.

BUT! If they really wanted to get into the console business then same day releases for the expansions would be awesome.


Damn you, GAF... damn you. I said I wouldn't buy this until we got more information from Blizz. And now I've bought it. Curse you and your glowing reviews!!

As for Loot 2.0, I notice that they're shying away from saying that you'll see the same kind of drops under that as you do on console. That's the one part of the question that people really want answered, and they keep ducking it. It's like listening to a politician talk, they give you what sounds like an answer, yet contains no actual information.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Any barbs out there feel like Revenge doesn't proc enough? I rolled barb on PC and it seems like it hardly procs, at least compared to PC. I'm guessing maybe I'm just getting hit less frequently since its easier to evade incoming hits. Anyone else feel this way?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
#34! Boots that burns the ground I walk on :lol


I'm tired...got out of class and work not too long ago..played like an hour of it and told myself to take a break because of long the day was...and I can't stop thinking about this game....all I had to do was avoid this thread and everyone raving about it and shit. Now I'm thinking about loot combinations and what quest to go after next



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Guess I'll try Inferno now :3! Then bed-time!
So once a person is done with a playthrough on normal, what is the next step? Straight to the next difficulty level, or should one up the "sub difficulty" on normal and play that again?

Also, I've been playing on "normal" subdifficulty so should I change it to easy, since normal doesn't give you anything better?

Thanks for the help, this game is my favorite in a long time!


So once a person is done with a playthrough on normal, what is the next step? Straight to the next difficulty level, or should one up the "sub difficulty" on normal and play that again?

Also, I've been playing on "normal" subdifficulty so should I change it to easy, since normal doesn't give you anything better?

Thanks for the help, this game is my favorite in a long time!
Go to Nightmare mode then adjust difficulty there as needed.

It's useless to play Normal again because you would level up very slowly and the loot would be out dated now.


Yep, can't stop playing!

Question: I have these awesome pants, but they often go 'stinky'. And a cloud of stink emanates from the pants. Does this have some sort of status effect?


8 Legendaries so far. Just killed Azmodan on Normal.

Crafting is also super awesome now, I've never gotten something that's not tailored for my class.


I was bored of Diablo 3 on PC almost as soon as I started playing it, but I'm loving this so much on the PS3. It's just so much more fun.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

I am coming for you Yoshi ....

Your little green head will be on a stick by nightfall!!! Long live Winterfell!!!!!!!!


:D session 3 finished! Tomorrow inferno! (70k dps, ~500 resist to all, 6k armor, 84k health)! My fellow templar buddy has like 200k health so he better tank the hell out of inferno!
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