Is there a way to shut off voice chat? It's not that I don't mind it in general, it's just when you get people that won't shut up, or their chat just keeps breaking up while talking. The only option I've found is to either mute all volume or leave the game.
Also, as nice as it is to have multiplayer at all, the matchmaking system is terrible and I have no idea why they opted to do it the way they did it instead of the much more elegant PC method. It's not like you can't navigate up a vertical menu with a controller. You basically set your quest details and randomly hope that the game puts you in a similar game, but it seems like it's an 80/20, not in your favor. I've even had the game try to put me in NM while still finishing up Normal. The only other way to get non invites into a game with the same quests you're on is to just host it yourself and hope people eventually join (seems really sparse compared to PC for the first six weeks). No idea what the sales for PS3 were, but I know it was nowhere near the PC sales. Still feels like a wasteland though.
While I think the drops in general were vastly improved, at the same time it feels like it's been tailored way too much to the class you're playing when the items drop. That's good for a solitary experience, but it's not that good if you like to save gear for future characters. I guess it's not too terrible for the future character since they will get mostly tailored gear dropping frequently enough (on top of your smithing being almost all unlocked), but I miss the ability to twink out new characters with broken gear. Sure, you can still take advantage of raw armor and damage, but it's just kind of silly wanting to use the awesome legendary two-handed sword that procs an explosion around me that has 124 INT with a Barbarian. Yeah, I know that the Barbarian can use the INT for resists, but it's not needed at the point I'd be using that weapon.
Oh, and what the fuck is up with the UI? It's awful. In multiplayer you have player names and bars in a seemingly scattershot design. Top left corner, bottom right corner? Uh, why? Why not just put them all across the top of the screen from left to right, or stack them vertically on the right side? I also have no idea why the player UI is all the way on the left side. I'm assuming this was strictly done for local co-op so that everyone's UI is stacked on the left, instead of taking up the entire middle of the screen. Good for local, ugly for everything else. Wait, did they actually add that UI to the PC version too? I haven't played it since July of 2012, so I'm going off of the last incarnation I played. If they did change it on PC to the way it is on console...I can only shake my head.