Rebel Leader
anyone playing nightmare (preferably hard) on ps3?
Well, the console version is definitely the better version out there right now. I think I'll hold off until the PS4 version/expansion is released though, I'm still a bit sour over the way they handled the PC release.
I would triple dip if the PS4 version comes with the expansion.
How is it that all resistance seems so unnecessary now. I feel that the loot has improved up until inferno, but then it's just downhill with legendaries beating all rare drops...
That's how it's supposed to be.So i got 60 yesterday, and first hell diablo kill I get skorn at 1450dmg and socket... 230 dps At paragon level 8, barbarian.
How is it that all resistance seems so unnecessary now. I feel that the loot has improved up until inferno, but then it's just downhill with legendaries beating all rare drops...
So those that pre-ordered and got the infernal helm, how long are you keeping it before equipping something else? Does the 25% xp outweigh yellow or gear with alot more armor. I know it's a subjective question just curious what people are doing.
Many skills and abilities are actually crappy without any runes, there are builds that center around Explosive Blast. It takes time for it to detonate, so you have to really use yourself as some kind of ticking bomb for it to work properly.
The rune Short Fuse will make it instantly explode for physical damage, making it somewhat useful.
Its kinda fun, but takes too much micromanagement compared to other Wizard abilities so i usually stay away from EB
You will get Disintegrate at lvl 21 i believe, its basically this except from your hands:
I'm wondering how this is going to work on console. Nephalem Glory seems to be a different thing than Nephalem Valor, and it's also time-limited.. once you get to full 3 stacks, you'll have about thirty seconds to find and kill one of the wardens. I'm guessing they're probably changing how this works.You acquire the keys as follows. You basically get max stacks of Nephalem Valor (on console that's 3 stacks) and then go find the Key Warden in those areas.
#37, 1H mace
It takes my DPS from 27.8k to 60.6k. I'm still in Act 2 Hell.
It takes my DPS from 27.8k to 60.6k. I'm still in Act 2 Hell.
Why the hell would you want to trade a non-Dexterity cross bow? Or a better question is why would anyone even want a non-Dexterity bow?I just wish items like that would drop that you could trade to other people that don't share the same stat. Seems like every single legendary item that drops is catered to your primary stat. I like it, yet don't like it at the same time.
It takes my DPS from 27.8k to 60.6k. I'm still in Act 2 Hell.
Another man who played Sacred 2. I swear to fucking god I must be the only one on gaf who played the shit out of that game.Dryad=win.
MrDaravon, my girlfriend found a bow with the same name on lv54, only with 1240 dps...
until I found her an upgrade even from there - 1290 dps, Bow of Ravens or whatever.
Both shoot with 1.6 attack speeds (or 1.7 with ravens), so...yeah, kinda amazing. 60k+ dps on hell...
It takes my DPS from 27.8k to 60.6k. I'm still in Act 2 Hell.
I raise you... my level 48 Dawn. (I gave away already)
I coop-ed the game all the way from bronze to niob with a buddy. Took me 203 hours and 113 levels with just my shadow warrior. he is beast though
That level reduction makes it, pretty nuts.
What does that do?
with my SW i died 3 times up to level 15 because i was an idiot.. then no deaths till the end. took me nearly 100 levels to get my survival bonus to 94%. Its getiing ridicoulusly slow once you hit 90% i think those last 4% took me 25 levels alone. I guess i have to play to the level cap to get it to 100%I had to restart as my PS3 died. Still trying to get a deathless run.
All this DH talk/gear is making me want to stop leveling my Wizard and level up my DH.
I don't think them missing the PS4 launch window was coincidental. I expect to see that version timed with the expansion. And yes, I will be triple-dipping as well. I just hope they find a way to make the saves compatible between PS3 and PS4.I would triple dip if the PS4 version comes with the expansion.
Save them unless they're class specific and I know I won't need em. I do hold onto a few of the nicer class ones to pass on to randoms I play with, though.So what you guys do with ur legendaries when you don't need them anymore?
Stash'em, sell'em, salvage'em?
Welp, woke up this morning to start Nightmare, and now at 6pm I just started Hell. Can't believe how much fun I'm having with this after putting 3-400 hours into PC.
I coop-ed the game all the way from bronze to niob with a buddy. Took me 203 hours and 113 levels with just my shadow warrior. he is beast though