I'm playing on normal. Maybe I'll drop it down to easy then based on your comments. Thanks
So no higher chance of item drops/better items from normal to easy? Or just not a big enough difference?
Eviscerating mobs is always fun in Diablo. Besides most people just want to power through the lower difficulties fast to get to Inferno as soon as possible.Why would you play on easy? That must be so boring...
Yes it's scaled up. Not by a lot so playing in groups is the best way to play the game if you are all semi coordinated.Just got a mate to buy this game so we can go three-man next weekend. Does the game scale up encounters if you have more people on board?
When a legendary drops and you pick it up, you'll have to "identify" it to reveal its stats. It's really dumb, I don't know why they do that. You'll see it fine on the ground when it drops.
Why would you play on easy? That must be so boring...
Those values are for Normal to Hell. Inferno has a different chart altogether.
Jump on it ASAP. It's the most addictive game you can think of.
It's the game people expected out of Diablo 3 so far. Complaints will naturally come out once people hit 'the grind' but if you have any interest in a loot games or action RPG this is the best choice on consoles bar none.
Hit level 22 on my Monk this morning. I'm really enjoying this game, and more importantly I'm really enjoying the Monk. It took me a while to warm up to the class but once you hit level 20 you really have such a wide range of spells to play around with that I never feel like I'm limited to one or two main skills in my fights. The gamechanger for me was the passive that heals you for every point of Spirit that you use, which means that spamming my abilities in combat heals me and gives me the survivability that I was previously lacking. I'm also running Deadly Reach with the Keen Eye rune, which increases my armor by 50% for 4 seconds on every third attack, so I'm able to survive fights much better than previously.
This is my current build. I'm trying to decide between Seven-Sided Strike and Mystic Ally. On the one hand SSS does a ridiculous amount of AOE damage and has a higher Spirit cost (i.e., it heals me for more), but the Mystic Ally is a consistent source of DPS. Not really sure which is better.
I absolutely love the game, BUT I have no interest in GTA V so I don't have that conflict. I find it hard to see how you would be able to play both these games at the same time, since they're both massive time sinks.
absolutely. this and GTAV are the only games I will be playing until next gen.
just beat normal, hard with same group since act 2 this morning. monk, barb, whizz and me the DH
9 legendaries so far- awesome job Blizzard, I am addicted.
Yep this game will be in rotation with GTA 5
The game is absolutely fantastic. Shits all over the PC version as sorry as I am to say that. I've got a 60 Barb and several other mid 30s characters on the PC version, and I know I'll never touch them again.
Game really needs a ladder system. Need some more dick waving community metrics we can show off.
Other than that the game is perfect and I have no idea why I am bothering to reply in this thread, when its wasting time I could be playing the game.
Its digital crack.
Looks like ill be doubling up on Diablo 3 and GTA V
As stated explicitly on interviews, they are not yet sure you will be able to play ps3 characters on the ps4 diablo... so that's a safe attitude.
I will wait as well.
You can share. Trading in the game is still in tact just like old school Diablo 2.With the rate they through loot at you, it's a bit overwhelming. I sort of wish I had it on PC (but I refuse to as always online), just to show off my loot. What's the point in getting it, if you can't share?
I never had a problem with it at first. It was like opening a birthday present. It wore off after a while when every present was a box of rocks, but still. I wouldn't have minded it here.Identifying Legendaries is hype.
At least be glad you don't have identify Rares like you do on the PC version. What a colossal waste of time that was.
So after reading the rave reviews from people in this thread I'm super set on buying this game. Quick question though, the only classes I played in D2 were sorceress and necro. I'm assuming the wizard class is basically the same as sorc... How does the witch doctor compare to the necro? What is the play style like?
Just saw a commercial during the football game and it didn't even mention an xbox version.
The Witch Doctor is.. very different. A lot of his abilities are damage over time and indirect. It's a hit or miss, if you want mass summons you wont get it with the WD. If you want straight up huge damage you won't find it on the WD. I leveled one up to 60 but couldn't enjoy it on the PC because the strongest spell is a an ability that requires proper positioning to get best dmg from or specific gear.
So yeah. Never going back to PC hahaha.
WD does summon stuff but the familiars aren't that strong.
Aren't all the major changes (except for dodge roll) that came to this version also coming to PC though?
I get stiffies at work thinking about this game.
I was mostly comparing it to the Necro class. Familiars are still strong in D3 (much, much better than what they were when the game first launched) but the Necro class in D2 was a beast.For dps, nope, but for tanking (ubers, high mp wardens/minibosses/elites), they are fine. Since they scale with gear, they will be more than viable for tanking/CC.
Str affects dps so equip weapon and take a look at stat changes.As a lowbie barb I'm curious how I should choose which weapons I want to use. Should I focus on pure dps, decent dps but lots of str on the weapon, or are stats more important than dps (meaning 20 str but 6 dps less than another weapon)?
Aren't all the major changes (except for dodge roll) that came to this version also coming to PC though with loot 2.0?
It's a bug that has already been exploited to get insane stats on characters aka "hacked" characters. Saw a Barb running around with 4 million DPS!Str affects dps so equip weapon and take a look at stat changes.
Also - dunno if it's a bug: equipping something I find will add to your current stats as if the previous item still existed. Exiting the inventory screen then coming right back (hit select twice) will reflect proper changes. PS3 version.
I like the sense of anticipation when identifying a legendary.When a legendary drops and you pick it up, you'll have to "identify" it to reveal its stats. It's really dumb, I don't know why they do that. You'll see it fine on the ground when it drops.
Yeah, you can't upgrade your inventory. But with quick access to town via the portals and the junk system it takes seconds to free up space.I just spent 20,000 upgrading my stash. For some reason I had that confused with my inventory space.
I decided to hold off on GTA until the PS4 version. Glad I did now, there's no way I'd have time for another game (still need to finish The Last of Us. Starting Diablo was... a mistake for that game).Looks like ill be doubling up on Diablo 3 and GTA V
Not the amount of high quality loot items. If you read any blue posts, they always go into how console has reduced drops and better quality. They're saying loot will not change much on PC because AH. What separates 1.5 and 2.0 is the new loot that comes in that affects abilities a lot.
Magic Find is irrelevant on the console version.On Master 1 Inferno it's +150% MF and +214% (what an odd number) XP gains. I'm glad you actually brought that up or I probably wouldn't have noticed for a while. I'm at a point where Easy, Medium and Hard are laughable in Inferno, and I've been keeping items with higher damage/mitigation in the chest because they didn't have MF. I'm only at 60% MF now, so I may as well bank my MF crap and go for higher stats and switch to Master 1.
But they specifically said they're going to have the same mindset of less drops but all higher quality just like the console version.
Considering the difference is no AH and offline only mode, I'm just being cautious and considering that console has rolls upped and drop rates up higher than 2.0 on PC.
I don't see how any of the AH stuff really matters if you only ever play solo, which seemingly most people do if you see the amount of people asking for offline play.Yeah Kripparian was talking about this when people were getting super hyped for the console version loot and what it means for the PC version with Loot 2.0.
Making the loot "good" in the AH environment means that the difference between super expensive items and not that expensive item is narrower. If say tomorrow they just ported the loot system from console to PC, then people will soon realize that their 200 str, crit/LS, socket 1200 DPS Echoing Fury is WORTHLESS on the AH when it's competing with 1600 DPS 1Hs. All this does is change the requirement for what is considered "good".
Right now the console version is nice because without readily available gear you see people running with different types of gear. I have seen like 10 different 1H legendaries being used by Barbs when on the PC everyone is running around with an Echoing Fury or if it's a 2H it's a Skorn. Once this loot is put on the AH it will further homogenize gear so that people will just get the best of the best because it's readily available. And of course the gold economy will still go to shit where as right now gold is still decently valuable.
I guess all it will change is that it would be easier to self gear for MP10 but you will always be out classed by someone who uses the AH. It's just a fundamental problem with the PC version that better loot won't necessarily fix... it's only fixable by a non AH Ladder system. Scaling Legendaries and more skill build changing Legendaries is also a step in the right direction, it at least makes the pool of end game viable Legendaries much higher.
How do I get the Templar follower to join my local coop party?
Because most people DON'T play solo, they play with others in groups because that's the best way to play the game. The people who want to play offline are also a sizable group but that's because they want to play the game without lag on Hardcore. Softcore players who make up the majority are fine playing with online but playing online means you are playing with people with AH gear. Your non AH gear is going to slow down the farm of your teammates and they are basically carrying you through farm runs.I don't see how any of the AH stuff really matters if you only ever play solo, which seemingly most people do if you see the amount of people asking for offline play.
By all accounts the 360 version is slightly better, technically. Close enough that the decision will probably be better made on your choice of controller, and co-op options.Would you guys recommend ps3 over 360 version?
Separate loot for each player. If you want him to be able to see it, once you drop it it's visible to all.