Anyway was this posted? Some information on the upcoming patch 2.1:
Seems like they are basically confirming Ladder exclusive Legendaries.
Good. Ladder exclusive items aren't new to the genre. Heck its not even new to Diablo. The complaining and whatnot will rightfully fall on deaf ears. I cannot wait.
It's the only way they'll get people to play seasons.
Well, thats not true at all. My playing time has cratered, because Im waiting specifically for the ladder. The softcore treadmill is just, a little boring at times. Bunch of folks brought billions of gold over and more. I just want a full reset with some competition. Thats where the real end game is for me. Frequent resets.
There were Ladder-only Uniques in D2. What's the new fuss about? I thought people wanted an Authentic Diablo Experience?
Exactly this. I don't feel like anyone should be surprised. The population of the softcore normal servers will drop when ladders start, but it won't be because of the ladder specific legs, itll be because of ladders period.