Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!


Well last night was Jewelry night for me, I got another RORG on my first T6 cache, that was luck I think, 15 minutes and a RORG that I rolled the vit for a 48% damage for crits, is that good or should I roll a socket?

This one, is way better than my other one since this one boosted almost 100k dps:


+457 Dex
+5.0 Attack Speed
+48% CHD
+5.0 CHC

I thought that is good enough since I don't need that socket too urgent or I am wrong?

Also got Uroboros, obsidian ring of the zodiac, and a Solanium, all in teh span of half an hour doing bounties :).


Picked up mirrorball over the weekend. My weapon was a 2 handed staff with critical hit gems in it. I had to switch to a one hand weapon and my dps dropped a good 75k even with mirrorball equipped. Worth it? Mirrorball seems to just melt folks even with less dps.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I dinged 40 this morning! Loving this grind. I switched to hard also since it occurred to me that I'd never once, in forty levels, had any visible damage removed from my health bar much less needed to pop a potion.

My brother, Pons here in GAF, says I might want to consider the next higher difficulty since I put hundreds oh hours into D2.I seem to recall a big resistance game in the later areas so I'm going to see how things go on hard. If shit is a cake walk I'll bump it up I reckon.


I dinged 40 this morning! Loving this grind. I switched to hard also since it occurred to me that I'd never once, in forty levels, had any visible damage removed from my health bar much less needed to pop a potion.

My brother, Pons here in GAF, says I might want to consider the next higher difficulty since I put hundreds oh hours into D2.I seem to recall a big resistance game in the later areas so I'm going to see how things go on hard. If shit is a cake walk I'll bump it up I reckon.
Put it on Master and if you die a lot go back to Expert, Hard is way too easy.


Hey Grimlock sorry for the already Enchanted Blackthorns, I got confused and thought my other ones were the Dex ones and turned out they are Crusader STR ones.

Also I did lost the damn Thunderfury, is incredible teh mount oftimes this has happened to me, having a daughter that wants everything instantly lol.

Oh well hopefully it drops sometime, it was for my future Lightning monk, is not urgent.


Well i just discovered that instead porting back to town by using your "Town Portal" and then using the teleport to reach diffrent locations i can just bring up the map and port directly to diffrent areas by selecting them on the map. =) Why does the game didn't tell me that? So much playtime wasted with loading screens. ;)


Well i just discovered that instead porting back to town by using your "Town Portal" and then using the teleport to reach diffrent locations i can just bring up the map and port directly to diffrent areas by selecting them on the map. =) Why does the game didn't tell me that? So much playtime wasted with loading screens. ;)

hahaha yeah , for instance when bounty hunting, teleport to the first location and never go back to town till finished all.
Picked up mirrorball over the weekend. My weapon was a 2 handed staff with critical hit gems in it. I had to switch to a one hand weapon and my dps dropped a good 75k even with mirrorball equipped. Worth it? Mirrorball seems to just melt folks even with less dps.

Less DPS on paper, but you're throwing out 3 Magic Missiles instead of one now, so your DPS from MM alone has tripled. Just look for a good one handed now and you'll be good.


Hey, Raptor. You can have my Templar's Thuderfury if you can offer him a suitable replacement. :)

Have to check out my stash, but ain't that Templar a STR based one? I need a Dex one because is for my monk lol.

I have a bunch of legendaries including a Blade of the Prophecy that more or less is the same as thunderfury and is a Crusader based one if you want it.
Have to check out my stash, but ain't that Templar a STR based one? I need a Dex one because is for my monk lol.

I have a bunch of legendaries including a Blade of the Prophecy that more or less is the same as thunderfury and is a Crusader based one if you want it.
Oh, I think the TF actually has Int on it. lol

I just gave it to him because I didn't have anything better for him. :p We're visiting her mother now, but I'll look at it again when we get home.


can't get roland's helm for the life of me. decided to go the shield bash route instead and i'm glad i did. the burst is insane. t6 rift guardians go down in 5 seconds. still doesn't compare to perma-AC mode with the akkhan set, but i was able to clear g33 with it at least.


I don't even understand how rolls works yet lol, in my mind that RORG I got is insane and may be weak for all I know lols.
Outside of a few uber famous and well discussed legendary/set items I have no idea what's useful for a build. For all I know I've salvaged good stuff and have a stash full of crap. :p


Grimløck;134416799 said:
that's the nature of the game. i've been gambling for roland's helm for the past 3 or 4 days and the game keeps trolling me with akkhan and invoker helms. i don't think the roland's set is that rare-- i have multiples of other parts.

i already used 'em man. sorry. the thing with gifts is that there's no indication what it is when it drops like other legendaries. i didn't even know i had one until i checked my inventory.

Multiple Roland's? I need! Trying to get the whole set to move away from Akkhans and stampede build.

Even if you can throw me one piece so my set is started lol.

PSN: Audioboxer

Thanks! :)


I also have a furnace sitting in my stash, and I can't actually remember what the rolls are like. :p
you should definitely use it. i only have one that dropped for my crusader but i use it with all the other classes because it's so good.

Multiple Roland's? I need! Trying to get the whole set to move away from Akkhans and stampede build.

Even if you can throw me one piece so my set is started lol.
i'll see which parts i have in the stash. i know for sure i have extra boots so i'll send those at least.


Outside of a few uber famous and well discussed legendary/set items I have no idea what's useful for a build. For all I know I've salvaged good stuff and have a stash full of crap. :p


I salvaged my first thunderfurry by accident lol, forgot to put it on the stash and went to salvage pressing X like a maniac, when all was empty I realize what happened ROFL!!

God damn your comment is hilarious, I imagine playing with pure garbage items and being destroyed on master having pure legendary great stuff on the stash.



It's funny, because I know my stats are good but I just can't push above T2/T3 so I know I'm not setup properly gear wise (using a cookie cutter pet build on my WD, no Mask of Jeram after around 700 shards spent). Part of that is luck of course, I can't make the game give me good drops.

Had a first attempt at a grift trial last night and got a key for level 16.

I love the game so much (granted I don't play as much as a lot of GAF, but this is still by far and away my game of 2014. Probably of the current gen in fact), but the odd carrot in sight would be useful every now and again! >_<


I cleared Grift 24 last night by myself and felt great, died a couple of times tho :(

Still going.

As for this game, is clearly become my game of the year by now, I have plans with this game on builds and what not for months to come, all my other games I wanted to buy are no longer relevant for me untill they become cheap as hell because I know I will not be playing them alot, this game clicked with me as no other since maybe mario bros 3 20 years ago or something, I like pretty much everything about it.


Just came back to this last night and I am totally lost. My buddy gave me what seems like a great legendary gem (increased damage by distance for my demon hunter), but I am lost as far as how to level it up. I ran some greater rifts and they were a lot of fun, but not sure if I made the right progression choices.


Neo Member
Just came back to this last night and I am totally lost. My buddy gave me what seems like a great legendary gem (increased damage by distance for my demon hunter), but I am lost as far as how to level it up. I ran some greater rifts and they were a lot of fun, but not sure if I made the right progression choices.

You level them up by defeating the Greater Rift Bosses. Once you've beaten them, an npc should appear offering you the choice either give you a higher ranked keystone (if you beaten the boss within the time limit) or the chance you level your legendary gem upto three times.


Did patch 2.1 drastically reduce the chances to enchant a socket? I've gone through well over 30 forgotten souls across two pieces and nothing. :(

EDIT: And now I'm out of forgotten souls and rubies, yay!


Did patch 2.1 drastically reduce the chances to enchant a socket? I've gone through well over 30 forgotten souls across two pieces and nothing. :(

EDIT: And now I'm out of forgotten souls and rubies, yay!

Has always been the same for me, like 5 or 6 forgotten souls a piece.

Sometimes I only farm to enchant lol, really expensive.
I cleared Grift 24 last night by myself and felt great, died a couple of times tho :(

Still going.

As for this game, is clearly become my game of the year by now, I have plans with this game on builds and what not for months to come, all my other games I wanted to buy are no longer relevant for me untill they become cheap as hell because I know I will not be playing them alot, this game clicked with me as no other since maybe mario bros 3 20 years ago or something, I like pretty much everything about it.

I solo'd a g rift 21 somehow and spent like three hours trying to beat it haha. I need to finish this akkan or Roland set
we should get an active player PSN list going, I don't think I have half of the active contributors to this thread on my friends list

Anyone interested in a 99% Mask of Jeram? I need a better weapon for my firebird wiz


we should get an active player PSN list going, I don't think I have half of the active contributors to this thread on my friends list

Anyone interested in a 99% Mask of Jeram? I need a better weapon for my firebird wiz

Add me



I awnt to have pure D3 players on my list, love nemesys!!
I'm active, though currently out of town. Feel free to add me and weetziestarr for Gifts and stuff.

Can a nemesis spawn during local co-op? I've never seen it. Do you actually witness the creation? I thought so…


Also is good to send gifts to people that are indeed playing lol not that are playing Destiny or other game, imagine gifting a fate of the fell to some gaffer that no longer plays lol.
quite a shame, 90% of the gifts I send are for players that haven't been online with diablo since launch

BTW I love the firebird build so far, I just kite through the map while spamming and can clear a rift in no time, also upped my record for enemies killed to 378! experience going through the roof!
I'm missing the shoulders and hands from both Roland an akkan. Does having them equipped help your drop rate or anything like that? Getting a bit burnt out in running and rerunning rifts


A crusader. I'm currently wearing a full set of Akkhan gear and focus on Akarat's Champion, Heaven's Fury, and Phalanx skills (I have an Unrelenting Phalanx shield for it) if that factors into anything.

You can drop the akkhans helm and used a leoric crown instead. With the legendary bonus of the crown (It boost gem effect in it by 50 to 100%) over 90% put a diamond in there you will gain more CDR. Or you can run 2 pieces captain crimson (craftable) so you have full akkhans bonus and 10% from captain crimson. The goal is to reach 55% CDR so Akarat Champion cannot be down.


You can drop the akkhans helm and used a leoric crown instead. With the legendary bonus of the crown (It boost gem effect in it by 50 to 100%) over 90% put a diamond in there you will gain more CDR. Or you can run 2 pieces captain crimson (craftable) so you have full akkhans bonus and 10% from captain crimson. The goal is to reach 55% CDR so Akarat Champion cannot be down.

Hmm. I'd like to try this out on my shotgun crusader.

Anyone know if there are specific mobs more likely to drop a Leoric's Crown? I've run a bunch of rifts with no luck. :/


You can drop the akkhans helm and used a leoric crown instead. With the legendary bonus of the crown (It boost gem effect in it by 50 to 100%) over 90% put a diamond in there you will gain more CDR. Or you can run 2 pieces captain crimson (craftable) so you have full akkhans bonus and 10% from captain crimson. The goal is to reach 55% CDR so Akarat Champion cannot be down.

Thanks for the advice. I guess it's time to start begging Kadala for a crown.


Goddamn Blacksalad you melt all on T5 and you gave me luck because that first rift gave me a Sunwuku piece and the piro plan and some other stuff, legendarios were dropping like candies for me :)


If you see me playing you can join or invite me, is very fun playing coop.


I really wish they let us choose who to send a gift, or at least put priority to people who are active for the last few days. I rarely found any gift, and when I do, it's for people who are playing Destiny and haven't touched D3 for more than a week.

Maybe I should filter my friend list.


I really wish they let us choose who to send a gift, or at least put priority to people who are active for the last few days. I rarely found any gift, and when I do, it's for people who are playing Destiny and haven't touched D3 for more than a week.

Maybe I should filter my friend list.

Yup, I've deleted anyone I see playing Destiny.
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