Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!

Is the mystic bugged? I have several legendary boots and belts that I can't reroll with all res. It only shows up as an option on items that already have all res.
They don't already have fire resist or something as a secondary, do they? You can't have two resists on the same piece of gear.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
If you don't want to lose any recently mailed item such as legendaries or gifts always go to the main menu or wait for the game to autosave, if you do and quit from teh dash you will lose such items forever, I learned that the hard way.

Also I didnt' sent you anything since you hadnt booted the game last night so you didn't appeared on my list of friends to send a gift.

Will do today :)

You can send me stuff now ;))

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
dont wanna sound rude but shouldnt this thread be in the community section by now ?


You can send me stuff now ;))

What class are you using?

WIll send stuff anyways lol, also that transmog SoTC is for changing the way a piece of gear looks, like a chest piece or something, I personally dont like it the SoTC stuff.

dont wanna sound rude but shouldnt this thread be in the community section by now ?

It doesn't bother anyone, besides there is already the PC one there, let us have the UEE here.

I'm loving it!

One more question tho, I had something related to Shadow of the Colossus in my crafting inventory but after I selected it and some text appeared on screen saying I enabled it or something similar, I can't find it anymore, why? And how does that stuff work, I haven't crafted anything so far so I don't think I've unlocked that ability yet
That's a "transmogrify" plan, to change the appearance of your gear. Now that the Mystic knows the plan — thanks to you using it — you'll be able to have her change your stuff to look like a Colossus.


Is there a list of Legendaries and Items that are not on consoles like that Stampede Shield?

I don't want to start a build only to realize after several hours that I will not ever find that piece of item.
I would imagine the closest you'll be able to get is finding a list of items introduced with the seasons on PC.


They don't already have fire resist or something as a secondary, do they? You can't have two resists on the same piece of gear.
What kind of bs is that? Given the simplicity of the affix system I can only conclude that Blizzard hacked in this unique rule - that is mindbogling unintuitive - because there were some balancing issue after the fact. Pretty disappointing.


So I have the gloves, shoulders, and helm for the jade harvest set. I don't have need for them as I am running the no cool down pet build. No have been enchanted, would love to trade them all for the jeram helm or how ever you spell the plus pet damage helm. PM me or just drop me a message on PSN Rukland


Does anyone wanst to part with his/her Thunderfury?

I have stuff to trade like 10 million Gold perhaps? A Death's bargain pants? Both?

Whatever I just want a Thunderfury pleaseeeeeeeeeee!


dagger of darts is pretty awesome. turns your WD into a walking turret with the carnevil mask. tempest rush build for the monk with inna's set is a nice alternative to the flying dragon build. less carpal tunnely. got to gr33 with it.

Does anyone wanst to part with his/her Thunderfury?

I have stuff to trade like 10 million Gold perhaps? A Death's bargain pants? Both?

Whatever I just want a Thunderfury pleaseeeeeeeeeee!

i have several TFs. don't know if any of them are dex tho. do you have blackthorn pants? i freaking salvaged all of mine and now i need one lol.
What kind of bs is that? Given the simplicity of the affix system I can only conclude that Blizzard hacked in this unique rule - that is mindbogling unintuitive - because there were some balancing issue after the fact. Pretty disappointing.
Well, I think it's mostly to prevent you from rolling double-CHC or something on a single piece of gear. They just jumped all of the various resistance types in to a single category. Personally, I think it'd be kinda lame if you got a drop that had Resist All, Cold Resist, and Poison Resist, and this avoids that.


As far as I know googling around you can get the key from one of the ubers but it's supposed to drop from the keywarden also. Diablo 3 wiki even says so. I guess I'll try my luck and hope I can get it from one of the other.

Blizzard says that on console you can only get the Key of Evil from an uber battle within an Infernal Machine. You can't get it in Act IV like on PC:
I'd like to help clear up any confusion about where the Key of Evil is found in Ultimate Evil Edition, since it doesn't work the same way it does on PC. In UEE the Key of Evil drops from The Savage Behemoth during the Infernal Machine of War event instead of Nekarat (like it does on PC).

To put it another way, players who are used to the PC version will discover they need to craft Infernal Machines of War instead of farming the Act IV keywarden in order to get a Key of Evil.


First post on NeoGAF! Yeah! (The don't kid when they beg for your patience while you're waiting for your account to be activated) ;p
I just got into the vault and ended with around 110 mil gold plus. =) And the Plan for Piro Marella dropped twice so if someone wants it send me a message.
And if someone got a unity to spare also shoot me a message. T6 with DH without follower with a second unity is stressing. ;)



Grimløck;134346500 said:
dagger of darts is pretty awesome. turns your WD into a walking turret with the carnevil mask. tempest rush build for the monk with inna's set is a nice alternative to the flying dragon build. less carpal tunnely. got to gr33 with it.

i have several TFs. don't know if any of them are dex tho. do you have blackthorn pants? i freaking salvaged all of mine and now i need one lol.

Yeah I have those Pants and 3 socketed Chest pieces if you want and a Bracelet.

Anybody finding the PS4 version less fun due to cheaters? I can solo (barely) Torment VI and want to try Greater Rifts 30+ but it's hard to find other players who aren't cheaters.

Yea, not really feeling any drive to keep playing. Normally I don't let cheaters bother me, but I ended up getting stuck in a level 45 greater rift from the realm of trials due to their hacked weapons and it just wasn't fun getting one shotted repeatedly.


Grimløck;134348888 said:
thanks but i just need some dex blackthorn pants. i'll send you the TF later when i get on. can't guarantee which primary stat it's going to have tho.

Don't worry I can always roll to a Dex one.

ok the BlackThorne pants as soon as I get home I will send them to you.


What kind of bs is that? Given the simplicity of the affix system I can only conclude that Blizzard hacked in this unique rule - that is mindbogling unintuitive - because there were some balancing issue after the fact. Pretty disappointing.

Wasn't after the fact at all, it was designed that way from the start because of the monk OWE passive (which was changed into something else in 2.1). It was to prevent monks from having ridiculous amounts of AR, which is incredibly ironic given that is exactly what happened to monks in 2.1 with all the skill changes.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
That's a "transmogrify" plan, to change the appearance of your gear. Now that the Mystic knows the plan — thanks to you using it — you'll be able to have her change your stuff to look like a Colossus.

Oh, got it, cheers. Haven't met the mystic yet so it was kinda confusing

What class are you using?

WIll send stuff anyways lol, also that transmog SoTC is for changing the way a piece of gear looks, like a chest piece or something, I personally dont like it the SoTC stuff.

It doesn't bother anyone, besides there is already the PC one there, let us have the UEE here.


Using a crusader!

Also UEE is not that old and with 2.1 dropping I think it's fair the thread is hanging onto gaming section and the mods seem to think that way too


Piro Marella plans just dropped. That's... good, right? Would love a list of worthwhile crafting recipes.

Yes, apart from being one of the pretiest shields, it reduces Shield Bash cost, you can spam that almost at will with it.

That's the one Im rocking, was giving to me though since I don't have the plan.


ZeroAKA: I'm not sure since I only now read that quote myself trying while figure out how to get the ingredients for my Crusader girl. The Key of Evil dropped for me after my first uber-battle in the Infernal Machine of War fight just a bit ago if that helps.

I already had the first two demonic organs, so with all three final keys in hand for the uber-Diablo battle to get the Heart of Evil (Torment VI difficulty), I took him out and went on to roll this amazing Hellfire Amulet:


So help me out DiabloGAF! I'm thinking of enchanting out Vitality for Critical Damage. I'm pretty sure that works best for me since I'm short on CD% stats (most of my gear has CC%), but don't want to screw this up if something else makes better sense.


So help me out DiabloGAF! I'm thinking of enchanting out Vitality for Critical Damage. I'm pretty sure that works best for me since I'm short on CD% stats (most of my gear has CC%), but don't want to screw this up if something else makes better sense.

That's some amazing shit you got right there. Based on what I read from previous pages, people would suggest you should roll off the STR stats.


Haha, that's exactly what I mean. Even you two are in disagreement, so I will be patient until I figure it out.

I just came across this video where a PC player shows off 50 Crusader HF Ammies that he farmed =O. He explains that the passive I got (Finery) is the best roll since it is the only mandatory skill for all builds in the class. None of his 50 amulets meet his standard of perfection since they either have lesser passives or no elemental damage, etc.

So with perfection in 20% Holy elemental, my passive and the Socket, I think he would have wanted both CC% and CD% in my other two primary slots. I can only choose one of them though. BTW, I actually even like my secondary of Arcane Resistance since that is one of the attacks that often kills me in Greater Rifts without being able to switch in my Countess Julia amulet on the fly.


So with perfection in 20% Holy elemental, my passive and the Socket, I think he would have wanted both CC% and CD% in my other two primary slots. I can only choose one of them though. BTW, I actually even like my secondary of Arcane Resistance since that is one of the attacks that often kills me in Greater Rifts without being able to switch in my Countess Julia amulet on the fly.

yeah, you really want to aim for crit damage first since you can get 100% boost at most. in a perfect world, you'd want crit chance, crit damage, socket, element, and passive of your choice. i have a hellfire ammy that's close but no socket and i'm not willing to give up 100% crit damage for it.


Grimløck;134382923 said:
no. roll off the vit for crit damage.

Yeah do this. The only places acceptable for Vit is boots, pants, belt, chest, hat, shoulders and bracers. You want to avoid it on weapons, gloves, rings, and ammys as you can stack those with offensive stats.


I really need to work on getting my other four characters to level 70. I'd be done by now if I'd take a break from running rifts with my crusader for that other set of armor.


Yeah do this. The only places acceptable for Vit is boots, pants, belt, chest, hat, shoulders and bracers. You want to avoid it on weapons, gloves, rings, and ammys as you can stack those with offensive stats.

Are there 2 hellfire amulets? My buddy said he can craft the hellfire. Is this a specific drop for crusader?


Are there 2 hellfire amulets? My buddy said he can craft the hellfire. Is this a specific drop for crusader?

you buy the plan from squirt in act 2, farm the keys from the keywardens, and then kill the uber bosses for their organs. it doesn't take too long to farm; you might have to restart a few times to get the keywardens to show up, though. the key of evil might be bugged on consoles. you then decide which primary stat amulet to craft (str, dex, int).
Does anyone know for sure when goblins leave behind a portal? Rifting/Bounties/Story or all of the above?
definitely NOT rifts and grifts. adventure mode for sure. maybe story mode, too. haven't touched story since my first playthrough.


Check out my Key of Evil post on the previous page. Getting it is not glitched on consoles; Blizzard just moved where it spawns. The in-game tool tips are wrong though.

Yeah do this. The only places acceptable for Vit is boots, pants, belt, chest, hat, shoulders and bracers. You want to avoid it on weapons, gloves, rings, and ammys as you can stack those with offensive stats.

Oooh, thanks for the mini-summary. I'm going to re-analyze my other gear stats with this info after I change my HF Ammy Vit stat to CD%. I'm also one rank away from getting to Level 25 with my Bane of the Powerful gem, so I should be doing some serious damage now.


Neo Member
I just got a Furnace yesterday, but I am focus on wizard build now.

I would like to trade my Furnace (str based) with wand of woh or serpent spiker.

please add me with the message "trading" in PS4: Sannylim93
Do we have a confirmed source for the 100% leg cache drops via T6 bounties on consoles?

Not trying to doubt you Jolkien (and others), it's just that GAF is the only place I've found that states that definitively. (Of course, I could be awful at googling, that's totally possible).

I can confirm that I have 100% rate of legendaries on T6 and the drop rate for rorg has been boosted. I tested this with over 10 cubes i farmed in search for a better rorg since the patch has gone live. It is circumstantial but 2 weeks ago getting a rorg was a really hard even on T6 and now I got 4 rorg to spare. Also i got at least one legendary from every cube and sometimes even two or a set piece of the new set for the crusader class.


I just got a Furnace yesterday, but I am focus on wizard build now.

I would like to trade my Furnace (str based) with wand of woh or serpent spiker.

please add me with the message "trading" in PS4: Sannylim93

dude. you keep asking for GG end-game weapons like people have extras lined up. it's kind of annoying, tbh.
I just got a Furnace yesterday, but I am focus on wizard build now.

I would like to trade my Furnace (str based) with wand of woh or serpent spiker.

please add me with the message "trading" in PS4: Sannylim93

haha man thats exactly what i want to do - get my crusader sorted then move onto my wizard and get the wand or a spiker. Are you aiming for Vyr's set as well?


Is it possible to drop a "ramaladni's gift" for another player to pick up?
Or send it in the mail?

Too bad you cant do that for KoT.


Grimløck;134413823 said:
you can probably dupe them, yeah. the game dropped 2 gifts for me today. 4 since the patch went live. so they can't be that rare. more like uncommon.

Since the day of the patch, I only got one, and it's from the Vault. I think they are kinda rare.


Well this is the first I've heard of that item. Note to self: don't salvage legendaries just because they don't roll with a socket! D:


Grimløck;134413823 said:
you can probably dupe them, yeah. the game dropped 2 gifts for me today. 4 since the patch went live. so they can't be that rare. more like uncommon.

Hmmm. Would you or anyone else be willing to trade that for a rank 25 pain enhancer gem?

I'm not 100% sure yet if I want to trade off the gem.
Just putting it out there in case anyone wants it while I ponder my need for it.

PS: I've only ever gotten one as well, was of the notion it was incredibly rare to get. Let alone 4.


Since the day of the patch, I only got one, and it's from the Vault. I think they are kinda rare.

that's the nature of the game. i've been gambling for roland's helm for the past 3 or 4 days and the game keeps trolling me with akkhan and invoker helms. i don't think the roland's set is that rare-- i have multiples of other parts.

Hmmm. Would you or anyone else be willing to trade that for a rank 25 pain enhancer gem?
i already used 'em man. sorry. the thing with gifts is that there's no indication what it is when it drops like other legendaries. i didn't even know i had one until i checked my inventory.
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