You do realise how cruel it is posting this in a thread dedicated to a version of the game that will never get these items? :'(
You can totally get that item
You do realise how cruel it is posting this in a thread dedicated to a version of the game that will never get these items? :'(
So I made a new character on seasons and Mad Monarch's Scepter is making things way easier. I got one at level 20 and the proc is so strong it basically kills enemies in one hit. It's awesome.
I think leveling and gearing up before the crazy itemization of greater rifts and t6 is the most fun part of the game. You can pretty much use any item and you are rewarded for experimenting. Where as level 70 and end game is... use the best items in the game or you are SOL.
That is an act 1 bounty cache item.
Oh, I saw seasons and just assumed it was from that. >_<You can totally get that item![]()
You can totally get that item![]()
But consoles totally don't have seasons :/ And therefore some builds don't even exist. Sucks.
More like one build doesn't exist. The other class specific legendary items aren't really build defining or useful for anything. The Krelm set is pretty awesome, but, they're both more support items to fill in gaps if you need them in your gear set.
Even if seasonal items didn't exist, there'd still be a handful crying for it on console just because it exists on the PC version of the game.
As far as I'm concerned, if you want to replicate the experience on console, just play on Hardcore, let the character die at 70, and pretend that you just didn't have the dice roll to get the non existent seasonal items as you played.
I believe that there's an even ratio of people who cry for seasons on consoles as there are to people who would refuse to buy the game if it didn't have an offline mode. Barring some kind of drastic reversal by Actiblizz, we can't have both, and it seems we will need to explicitly state this over and over again until the end of time.
I believe that there's an even ratio of people who cry for seasons on consoles as there are to people who would refuse to buy the game if it didn't have an offline mode. Barring some kind of drastic reversal by Actiblizz, we can't have both, and it seems we will need to explicitly state this over and over again until the end of time.
Condemn build for Crusaders.
No crying here. With that said - from my limited experience with D2 didn't you have a choice of an always online ladders based character, and offline available as well? I'm no developer, but I don't understand why it isn't possible to do something like this on console as well. :/I believe that there's an even ratio of people who cry for seasons on consoles as there are to people who would refuse to buy the game if it didn't have an offline mode. Barring some kind of drastic reversal by Actiblizz, we can't have both, and it seems we will need to explicitly state this over and over again until the end of time.
I will probably do this. I'd been waiting to get a new iMac, but as I probably won't be picking one up now until later next year (assuming some kind of upgrade on the non-27" version) I'll have to decide if I want to do it on my MBA.Double dip and get the best of both worlds, game is good enough to warrant it.
No crying here. With that said - from my limited experience with D2 didn't you have a choice of an always online ladders based character, and offline available as well? I'm no developer, but I don't understand why it isn't possible to do something like this on console as well. :/
The Merciless Witch (Uber Maghda) can become stuck in an unkillable state just before casting her invulnerability shield
Workaround: Lowering the difficulty from the options menu can cause the boss to become attackable again
I'm no developer either but I've always wondered if they considered it worth it. How many people would actually play the online only mode? They've basically always marketed the console version as a local couch coop kind of game, and it seems a lot of people play it that way. Basically I wonder if they don't think there would be enough interest for online only since they would have to set up their own servers and such, just like the PC version.
Even if seasonal items didn't exist, there'd still be a handful crying for it on console just because it exists on the PC version of the game.
As far as I'm concerned, if you want to replicate the experience on console, just play on Hardcore, let the character die at 70, and pretend that you just didn't have the dice roll to get the non existent seasonal items as you played.
I believe that there's an even ratio of people who cry for seasons on consoles as there are to people who would refuse to buy the game if it didn't have an offline mode. Barring some kind of drastic reversal by Actiblizz, we can't have both, and it seems we will need to explicitly state this over and over again until the end of time.
Uses flawless imperial gem and forgotten soul to roll vitalty for a socket.
Gets 3 rolls of vitality.
Its been 3 weeks of wasted cash, forgotten souls and gems to get the same rolls over and over. Not one socket. They really need to fix this. At least remove the same fucking rolls every damn time.
And with kadala, well you might as well convert your blood shards into cash. That's all they end up being anyway.
Cash for gems to get more rolls of non sockets...
Uses flawless imperial gem and forgotten soul to roll vitalty for a socket.
Gets 3 rolls of vitality.
Its been 3 weeks of wasted cash, forgotten souls and gems to get the same rolls over and over. Not one socket. They really need to fix this. At least remove the same fucking rolls every damn time.
And with kadala, well you might as well convert your blood shards into cash. That's all they end up being anyway.
Cash for gems to get more rolls of non sockets...
Crusader.What class are you using?
I rolled Sader to get my gearing needs up to snuff, then branched out.
Higher T levels really help that cash flow.
You don't seem to understand me.That's the fun of gambling. But yeah it's a pain. Get that boon of the hoarder gem and do bounties.
Thanks for the amulet man!!Dude, i think i might have a couple of each, booting up now for ya
Ya i have 2 of each, no sockets tho, which would rather head or amulet?
Was playing with Blacksalad and Raptor last night and all of a sudden our cat decides to step on the switch on our power strip turning it off in the middle of a grift trial!
I got a pretty nice Leoric's Crown over the weekend (97% gem affix)...but even better than that - I got a Ramaladni Gift from a very special Gaffer <3. I've played maybe 30 hours since the patch without having one drop, so THANK YOU THANK YOU man.
I put that on my Fate of the Fell and then started re-rolling its damage. I got it up to 3400ish DPS with 3.97 wrath regen, +15 max wrath, and 1000ish strength, 10% CD reduction and now a socket.
I now need to figure out how to do the shotgun build and see if I can make it work. Throwing shields has been great for me in solo, but in groups or on single target bosses the damage just isn't good enough.
I got a pretty good wreaper's wraps with holy damage on it yesterday. Took about 20 tries but they should work.
Hopefully by the end of the upcoming weekend I'll be pulling more of my own weight when running with you guys
Thanks SillySil, Krayzie, Raptor, BlackSalad, and other gaffers for helping out![]()
Thanks for the amulet man!!
I was suddenly out of the damn map lol, was hilarious.
Can you guys believe that last night just before turn it off I gambled like 250 shards with kadala and got a damn Sunwuku Helmet? I was like "FUCK YES B
Anyone wanna add me on PSN? Looking for people to play with.
PSN: Bloodbathnbyond
What's the best way to determine when you should be upping the difficulty level? Finally at end game and playing bounties/rifts at this point![]()
I know people will scoff and claim that stat rolls are 100% random, but that's nonsense (at least on the PS4 version that I've played). Vitlity is by far the most common result of the two stats that pop up. BY FAR. I've had episodes where it popped up in eight of ten rolls!Uses flawless imperial gem and forgotten soul to roll vitalty for a socket.
Gets 3 rolls of vitality.
If you scroll to where it shows your 97% Fire Damage Increase in your Details, the description will show your adjusted Fire Damage. That's your "sheet damage" for fire attacks. Should show like 935,750 if your Damage is exactly 475,000.
I know people will scoff and claim that stat rolls are 100% random, but that's nonsense (at least on the PS4 version that I've played). Vitlity is by far the most common result of the two stats that pop up. BY FAR. I've had episodes where it popped up in eight of ten rolls!
Maybe it only happens to certain gear, I dunno. But it is absolutely not purely random either.
My damage is 400k, flat, now, lol.
Fire damage: 701,078
GRifts level 35 - easy.
Gotta love modifiers - the truly fucked up part is I have a mere 6,697 defense.![]()
Just got to level 70 yesterday with my crusader, what should I be doing now? Between the builds that I see in various wiki's I'm completely lost. Help?
Adventure mode. The sets or legendaries you get will determine your build.Just got to level 70 yesterday with my crusader, what should I be doing now? Between the builds that I see in various wiki's I'm completely lost. Help?
I think the most important thing right now is for you to decide what type of build to make, after that you have to assest where you are as of now to that goal and start grinding for the items required for that build to work.
All taking into account were you are as of now in terms of damage dealing and resistance to determine where you will start this, T1, T2 etc.
All this on Adventure mode of course doing bounties to get Rift keys, then doing rifts to get Greater rifts trial keys, and then greater rifts and so on and on and on.
Oh, you will start getting paragon points, use them.
Had a good time this weekend with a rotating set of regular gaffers!
Had 3 extra R's Gift drop so if you were one of the lucky few to get one from me, enjoy![]()
Is there a rule for item begging? I'm just tired of leorics signet, restraint, and all the other useless rings for me. Where's my legit SoJ?!?!?!?
GT: Ser Weasel
Guys I need some help. I'm a level 70 wizard (16 paragon) now doing adventure mode, what gear should I be hoping for to drop? Is there a site with the best gear to have as a wizard? Thanks
Also if anybody on Xbox One want to add me for gifts and to play a little live name is: bevo0845
I think I played with you and blacksalad, I signed off because it was really late here, like 5am lol.
Haha yep it was us! Too bad you couldn't use the mic but I understand why haha. Good thing there's no wife to patronize me
Soon man!
I could hear you guys perfectly but since the ladies are sleeping right next to me I couldnt talk at all![]()
Haha yeah no worries! You'll have to show me sometime, the proper way to use a monk since tunesmith gave me a flying dragon.
Haha yep it was us! Too bad you couldn't use the mic but I understand why haha. Good thing there's no wife to patronize me
Soon man!
That's the fun of gambling. But yeah it's a pain. Get that boon of the hoarder gem and do bounties.