Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!


You don't seem to understand me.

I don't have sockets. I have the gem..no sockets. There is no point having this gem without the requisite socket in my amulets or rings.

I don't mind the odds..its the sheer cost and the same rolls coming up over and over. It costs 900k gold to get one of the gems needed. That plus a forgotten soul..I can do maybe 2 rolls per bounty set. All of them give me the same thing.non stop.

Use any piece of jewelry with a socket. I'm only talking about how to get you quick gold. Shouldn't be too tough to get a piece of jewelry with a socket even if it's a downgrade otherwise. Level that thing up and find yourself flush with money :)

Mr Croft

I'm looking for a player (maybe two) that are high level player capable of doing greater rift 40. No modded gear no duplicate gear either. We usual play with two sometimes three but I would really like to get another high level player in with us. This is on xbox one pm me if interested.


desperately trying to get a better shield. no dice.



Guys I need some help. I'm a level 70 wizard (16 paragon) now doing adventure mode, what gear should I be hoping for to drop? Is there a site with the best gear to have as a wizard? Thanks

Also if anybody on Xbox One want to add me for gifts and to play a little live name is: bevo0845

Added now. My GT is GVA1987

I use this page on occasion depending on the class to give a rough idea what people are using.



Spoke to my friend today, I think I screwed up my build. I have a Crusader and I've been doing nothing but stacking strength, armor, and vitality. I noticed something was up when it was taking me forever to kill enemies on expert, master, and T1. Despite my screw up I've made a character powerful enough to tank through Torment 1 even though damage done is low.

I've been told I need to invest in critical damage and critical chance. Fastest way, please?


After countless normal bounties and a good number at lower torment levels, got a RoRG on my first T4 cache! Feels good man! ^_^

Now, about those set items...

I have hoarder gemmed into my amulet, the pet damage one into one ring socket I guess I might as well put pain enhancer into the second once I can roll a socket into it.

T4 has actually been quite manageable on bounties (aside from when luis joined, sorry about that!), will give some rifts a go tomorrow and see how I get on.

Also, I have an int based sun keeper in my stash. OK for the WD or should I use it to start gearing my wizard?

EDIT: Also if anyone wants to do a real name request on PSN, feel free (I'm not shy, and it's pretty easy to work out who I am with some basic Google skills I think).


Grimløck;135190510 said:
lol that's what i'm trying to gamble for, too. well, a better one than the one i have.

I was just online, saw you and a few others on but your party was closed (my ID is m0nkeyhero). Spent all my shards (around 400 or so) for the shield and got junk as well.

I'll keep rolling with my Shotgun Crusader until I can get all the right pieces. Finally have my crits hitting for 60M which is really nice and helping me solo on T6.


Grimløck;135189139 said:
desperately trying to get a better shield. no dice.


Maaan did I get surprised when I joined your game!!
Thanks again for the grifts. Helped me get my gem to rank 36 :)

Oh and sorry for basically being deadweight. I was feeling real bad about that and cursing myself and my crusader :(

I wanted to join ur game and invite more peeps actually. Maybe next time. (I hope!!)


I was just online, saw you and a few others on but your party was closed (my ID is m0nkeyhero). Spent all my shards (around 400 or so) for the shield and got junk as well.

just send me an invite or something next time. i usually close off my games b/c i want to try different builds in private.

Maaan did I get surprised when I joined your game!!
Thanks again for the grifts. Helped me get my gem to rank 36 :)

Oh and sorry for basically being deadweight. I was feeling real bad about that and cursing myself and my crusader :(

I wanted to join ur game and invite more peeps actually. Maybe next time. (I hope!!)
hey no problem man. it was fun. leveling up gems is becoming real hard now.
My wife and I are playing through adventure mode on Xbox One.

The second act seems REALLY easy so far. Is this normal? My wife has lots of experience-gaining equipment and is 4 levels ahead of me. She's a monk, I'm a wizard. We are just rolling through this stuff.

Is it supposed to be this easy? Does it ever get hard again?


Spoke to my friend today, I think I screwed up my build. I have a Crusader and I've been doing nothing but stacking strength, armor, and vitality. I noticed something was up when it was taking me forever to kill enemies on expert, master, and T1. Despite my screw up I've made a character powerful enough to tank through Torment 1 even though damage done is low.

I've been told I need to invest in critical damage and critical chance. Fastest way, please?

You will also want one chosen Elemental damage type (i.e. Holy) on as many applicable pieces as possible EXCEPT the weapon, where it mostly doesn't matter. Then you want to choose runes for skills that match that elemental type to maximize amazing damage.

After that, Crit Damage and Crit Rate are important, and try to keep them at a 1/10 ratio of each other. I think Crit damage is a bit tougher to raise, so use gear that can roll it to 100 for it when possible, like amulets.

Finally, if that isn't enough you will likely want to focus on Cool Down Reduction where ever possible. That way all your finely tuned gear and skills can spam mega damage more often.

This can wait until you are comfortable with all the other stuff though. No need to speed up recharges when you still haven't nailed down a good understanding of what you are trying to create.


My wife and I are playing through adventure mode on Xbox One.

The second act seems REALLY easy so far. Is this normal? My wife has lots of experience-gaining equipment and is 4 levels ahead of me. She's a monk, I'm a wizard. We are just rolling through this stuff.

Is it supposed to be this easy? Does it ever get hard again?

Put it one dif setting up.
My wife and I are playing through adventure mode on Xbox One.

The second act seems REALLY easy so far. Is this normal? My wife has lots of experience-gaining equipment and is 4 levels ahead of me. She's a monk, I'm a wizard. We are just rolling through this stuff.

Is it supposed to be this easy? Does it ever get hard again?
Set difficulty as high as you can.


My wife and I are playing through adventure mode on Xbox One.

The second act seems REALLY easy so far. Is this normal? My wife has lots of experience-gaining equipment and is 4 levels ahead of me. She's a monk, I'm a wizard. We are just rolling through this stuff.

Is it supposed to be this easy? Does it ever get hard again?

Try torment 6 difficulty.

W Hudson

Anybody have a pair of intelligence based Tasker and Theo gloves they'd be willing to trade to me? I've got some pretty good stuff like a full Marauders set and most the Firebird set, gems, gold, etc. I'm on ps4 name is Moose_knuckleesq. I'm going nuts trying to get these things to drop I'm half convinced they don't exist

EDIT nevermind just got a pair gambling


Gonna go through the thread and add a bunch of Xbox One folks as I just picked it up there today...anyone still playing there can add me! I'm Xander51.


Ok I FINALLY get this game! Running around with hammers swirling, stuff exploding everywhere, avoiding lighting blasts, poison and walls...

Anyway, so what should I be putting my paragon points into. So far filling strength, critical hit chance, all resistance and cost reduction.


formerly sane
My wife and I are playing through adventure mode on Xbox One.

The second act seems REALLY easy so far. Is this normal? My wife has lots of experience-gaining equipment and is 4 levels ahead of me. She's a monk, I'm a wizard. We are just rolling through this stuff.

Is it supposed to be this easy? Does it ever get hard again?

Until you hit Greater rifts of 40 the game doesn't have too much a of difficulty curve. Just up the difficulty till you can't handle and grind up.


Finally got back into this game and beat Act IV (expert) - Diablo was a real pushover. o_O

So starting Act V (on Master now that it opened up) and have a few questions:

- is Act V the last act, or was this part of the expansion?
- what do I do after Act V? I keep hearing the game gets really good at lvl 70...but the rate I'm going, I'll hit that at the end of Act V (currently lvl 56).


Finally got back into this game and beat Act IV (expert) - Diablo was a real pushover. o_O

So starting Act V (on Master now that it opened up) and have a few questions:

- is Act V the last act, or was this part of the expansion?
- what do I do after Act V? I keep hearing the game gets really good at lvl 70...but the rate I'm going, I'll hit that at the end of Act V (currently lvl 56).

Act V is the last act indeed. After you've beaten act 5 you will unlock Adventure mode where the real fun begins. You have access to bounties, rifts, greater rift. Doesn't matter if you reach level 70 adventure mode will till unlock when you finish act 5.


IF someone has a Ralamandis gift send it over fuck it lol, I want to make that the weapon better since I ahd to roll a socket in it.
Just want to give a shout out to the people who helped me out last night, got my damage up from 341k to 750k you guys rock and helped this guy start making a decent Crusader.


Act V is the last act indeed. After you've beaten act 5 you will unlock Adventure mode where the real fun begins. You have access to bounties, rifts, greater rift. Doesn't matter if you reach level 70 adventure mode will till unlock when you finish act 5.

Thanks! Actually just noticed Adventure mode after I posted - sounds awesome!


I thought of a way I can get advice on my character...

I only play couch coop but if I went online with someone can they inspect all my stuff?

Could even just use a mic and I could write stuff down.
You mean the DPS that shows on the charavter screen?

I think that is not entirely accurate because I did some changes and went down like 100k but I deal more damage.
Actually, I was explaining to him how to find your "real" damage.

When looking at your Inventory or Skills, hit Square to bring up your Character Details. The last entry in the first section is Damage. This is what people normally refer to as "sheet damage" or "sheet DPS," and is listed under your character picture. Whenever you do anything listed as "X% weapon damage," this value is used directly, more or less.

However, if you scroll further down, close to the end of the Offense section, you should also see something called Fire Damage Increase (or whatever element you're rocking). This will tell you your total percentage bonus for fire skills, but if you highlight it, in the description will show you your Fire Damage, which is your Damage from above, multiplied by your FDI. So if your Damage is 500K, and you have 50% Fire Damage Increase, then your Fire Damage will be listed here as 750,000. Any skill or effect that says, "X% weapon damage as fire" will be based on your Fire Damage instead of your Damage.

So when people say, "Your Damage is a lie," that's not technically accurate, and it's certainly not useful. Whatever it says for your Damage is perfectly accurate, but you're probably actually interested in your Fire/Cold/Holy/whatever Damage, which is listed in your Character Details. Both numbers are accurate, but the second one is the one that is most relevant for elemental users, and no one seems to know it's listed there.


Neo Member
I just got Inna's Reach on PS4, which is nice because I really like the bonuses.
Now I want to put a socket in it... but what should I reroll?

  • 1074 vitality
  • 20.375 life on hit

Normally, I would choose vitality but 20.375 LoH really seems a lot.
Use any piece of jewelry with a socket. I'm only talking about how to get you quick gold. Shouldn't be too tough to get a piece of jewelry with a socket even if it's a downgrade otherwise. Level that thing up and find yourself flush with money :)
Good point I'll do that on t4. Good idea.


xbox one player here just been playing this for about 2 weeks now, so still a little n00bish on the terminology/weapons/Armour etc

level 70 witch doctor
and level 33 monk

GT: Digichan2006


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I've really been playing too much. Already got a Wizard, Monk and Crusader to 70, paragon 60. This is only the beginning...

And to think, I JUST bought the game! I missed you, Diablo 3.

I'm on PS4 btw (psn account name is the same as my GAF name). I'm always up to play, but I'm in Japan, so it might be hard. Feel free to join my games if you see me on!


I've really been playing too much. Already got a Wizard, Monk and Crusader to 70, paragon 60. This is only the beginning...

And to think, I JUST bought the game! I missed you, Diablo 3.

I'm on PS4 btw (psn account name is the same as my GAF name). I'm always up to play, but I'm in Japan, so it might be hard. Feel free to join my games if you see me on!

In the last week I've played with a guy from California, one from Malaysia, and yesterday, one from Australia, all from GAF. California and Malaysia at the same time too. Time zones don't matter much, though you can get some laggy games if you're unfortunate.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
In the last week I've played with a guy from California, one from Malaysia, and yesterday, one from Australia, all from GAF. California and Malaysia at the same time too. Time zones don't matter much, though you can get some laggy games if you're unfortunate.

yeah, that tends to happen to me once in a while, and it's murder in Torment III upwards when it does.

Oh well!

Btw, anyone on GAF is welcome to add me, especially if you play often!


My best friend hooked me up with some hellfire organs last night. My very first hellfire ring had 5.5% CC, a socket, max CD reduction, strength, and something else (can't remember)

Rolled 45% Crit Damage for the primary. Not a bad first hellfire ring and I can use it for any of my alts :)

Didn't have nearly as much luck with the amulets, though I did get one with great rolls and the lord commander passive. I just don't have a build set up that takes advantage of it. But for now I'll enjoy the lower downtime of the steed charge
Use any piece of jewelry with a socket. I'm only talking about how to get you quick gold. Shouldn't be too tough to get a piece of jewelry with a socket even if it's a downgrade otherwise. Level that thing up and find yourself flush with money :)
This tip really helped to get much more gold, however all it has ensured is that I get 4 x rolls of vitality per bounty session as opposed to 1 or 2.

Seriously, I got 4 sets of rolls where 2 or more were just vitality...

3 weeks...no sockets.


This tip really helped to get much more gold, however all it has ensured is that I get 4 x rolls of vitality per bounty session as opposed to 1 or 2.

Seriously, I got 4 sets of rolls where 2 or more were just vitality...

3 weeks...no sockets.

Damn, what's the piece of jewelry you're trying to enchant? Maybe try getting one with a socket and rolling one of the other stats off of it? Vitality definitely seems like the most common affix I get to roll as well. Probably because I'm always rolling off it.

When I try improving the CC% or Crit Damage I don't get nearly as many CC% / CD roll options. There's definitely some behind the scenes odds working against us when it comes to desirable enchants.


3 weeks...no sockets.
I've also had shitty luck since the most recent patch trying to roll a socket into anything. Managed to finally get one in my amulet after burning through millions in materials/gold and pretty much my entire stock of 70+ forgotten souls. :'(

Need to do it again now, as I had a RoRG drop.
Damn, what's the piece of jewelry you're trying to enchant? Maybe try getting one with a socket and rolling one of the other stats off of it? Vitality definitely seems like the most common affix I get to roll as well. Probably because I'm always rolling off it.

When I try improving the CC% or Crit Damage I don't get nearly as many CC% / CD roll options. There's definitely some behind the scenes odds working against us when it comes to desirable enchants.
Rorg and set piece amulet, the other ring I managed to roll before is also part of that set piece which gives 250 vit and 50% critical damage on top of some pretty decent specs all round.


Full werewolf off the buckle
So I had the weekend off but was tied up with kids and girlfriend stuff so I was only able to work on leveling my Witch Doctor for like twenty minutes. After seeing my brother, Pons here on GAF, on Saturday and him showing me his pimp-ass level seventy Witch Doctor I was really stoked to spec mine the same way. He had all kinds of crazy zombie dogs and fetishes following him along with his Gargantuan. Every time he killed shit he was getting more and more. It was nuts.

So i dinged level fifty five this morning and, except for not having my last passive slot yet, I've almost perfectly replicated his build. Now, I don't have all the crazy gear like him that makes fetishes last forever (if memory serves he has something like that) but so far I'm really enjoying my little army. At any given time I've got a Gargantuan, four dogs, like 6 fetishes that spawn when I kill mobs, and the regular fetishes I can summon.

I'm really loving the game! The best part is that, like my brother says, the game doesn't even really start until seventy. I'm not really going to even play multiplayer until I max my level. Overall I'm really glad this came to ps4!
Up to GR36 with the wiz,

Its unfortunate how the difficulty can be so variable just based off what map you randomly get.. When working on GR35 sometimes I could just cruise without any issue, and other times.. well, not so much.


Its unfortunate how the difficulty can be so variable just based off what map you randomly get.. When working on GR35 sometimes I could just cruise without any issue, and other times.. well, not so much.

It's pretty much my biggest complaint about GRs behind how crazy the damage gets. Been working on breaking GR 37 on my monk for about a week now, last run I had in it was fucking 7 floors. You can't win a rift when you spend more time running through empty hallways than you do actually fighting shit.
Does dying nerf your drops? It seems like if one of us gets killed by an elite, he hardly drops shit. It also feels like the drops just aren't as good overall if we're struggling. I'm just imagining that, right? lol

Up to GR36 with the wiz,

Its unfortunate how the difficulty can be so variable just based off what map you randomly get.. When working on GR35 sometimes I could just cruise without any issue, and other times.. well, not so much.
I actually thought it was kind of interesting how I'm able to mow down most mobs, but certain types always seem to give me a lot of trouble. I assume it's a roshambo thing, but I haven't really looked in to it.
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