Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!

How does the game decide when you can up the difficulty?
Started on normal, then after couple of hours upped if to hard, then Expert and am now just past
Cain's death (which made me super happy) just so I didn't have to listen to his awful, awful voice work anymore
(seriously, how the fuck did Blizzard ok'ed that terribad performance).
Still too easy, no challenge whatsoever not only I never came close to dying but I didn't have to even use a potion so far! And yet Master difficulty is grayed out, why?! How do I unlock it?
When you're in a game, they only let you bump it up or down one level at a time, so you don't get in over your head. If you hit Options and Quit out to the main menu, you can alter the difficulty arbitrarily. That said, the highest difficulties — Master+ ? — are locked until you beat Malth, IIRC.
Reading the tooltip for Tal Rashas set, I thought that only one meteor could happen every 8 seconds. I was blown away that it was each element's meteor that had the 8 second CD.

Instantly jumped from torment 2 to 4. Felt good, man.

Even with the Firebird set on, those meteors are the shit.
Fun fact--the Conduit Jewel procs Lightning meteors.

My wizard would have one entry in the log:

"Dear Diary,

Everything burned to death.

- Me"
They don't total up my Resource Cost Reduction for me.

They don't total up my Elite Damage Reduction for me.

They total up my Cooldown Reduction, but don't tell me where it comes from.

Per-skill damage bonuses aren't reflected in the skill descriptions.

You can't access your Details from the Paragon tab.

It doesn't remember your preferred Network Status.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
ok sent it to you both.

Could you also kindly share it with me perhaps? :)

When you're in a game, they only let you bump it up or down one level at a time, so you don't get in over your head. If you hit Options and Quit out to the main menu, you can alter the difficulty arbitrarily. That said, the highest difficulties — Master+ ? — are locked until you beat Malth, IIRC.

Yeah I know that, but my problem is that the game doesn't let me go higher than Expert (Master is greyed out) and that is giving me no challenge whatsoever. As I've said, I never even had to use a potion! I could leave my follower in town to make things more interesting, but I like playing with a pawn when I'm soloing the game :(
Is it normal for the game to be this easy at this point? Because if it is, then it's a really stupid decision. I don't wanna beat the game while bored out of my ass... I could refrain from equipping legendary gear but it kinda defeats the purpose of the game, innit?

I believe the higher difficulties are locked out until you hit Level 60. Just shot you a FR on PSN as well! See you online!

Cool, thanks for the add mate! :)

You can up the difficulty at any time, but only one level up or down while ingame. Levels after Expert unlock once you reach 60.

Oh wow then I'm stuck with this super easy crap for a good while then, I'm still lvl26 iirc :(

If I've beaten and have the portal to Whimsydale, is there any reason to try and farm the items to get into Whimsyshire too or is that just for the über completionists?

Thanks guys!


Me and my fiancé are good enough to do torment difficulty for our bounties and rift runs now.

I used to hear clear all the rift but I noticed a few posts saying the thought process is now to just kill the boss and exit?

Why is this if it is in fact true and is it simple an result of something changed in. 2.1?

Also what slots should me and her be gambling on first at Kadala? Wd and crusader
The goal is to get to and kill the rift boss as quickly as possible because it's about maximizing your time.

It's not a 2.1 change. It's because the rift boss provides legendaries at a higher rate and because he gives you shards, which can be used at Kadala for a chance at more legendaries.


The goal is to get to and kill the rift boss as quickly as possible because it's about maximizing your time.

It's not a 2.1 change. It's because the rift boss provides legendaries at a higher rate and because he gives you shards, which can be used at Kadala for a chance at more legendaries.

Ok thanks.

We just spent like 800 shards and got nothing decent but maybe that's what we should have expected.

I tried my hand at a 1 hand for my wd bc I can't seem to shake this 2 hand grand visor and she tried at a shield bc she only has a rare one but 0 luck.

We have tons of keys and it only needs 1 per local play so we will def just grind rift bosses and Kadala for a while now even tho kinda sucks cuz than 0 chance at new goblin portal deal
Ok thanks.

We just spent like 800 shards and got nothing decent but maybe that's what we should have expected.

I tried my hand at a 1 hand for my wd bc I can't seem to shake this 2 hand grand visor and she tried at a shield bc she only has a rare one but 0 luck.

We have tons of keys and it only needs 1 per local play so we will def just grind rift bosses and Kadala for a while now even tho kinda sucks cuz than 0 chance at new goblin portal deal

don't waste your time on kalada when it comes to weapons. The large amount of weapons in the game make gambling with blood shards a last resort. What kind of WD are you playing? Go for helms, there are numerous helms that are required for any useful WD build.

For the crusader, go for set pieces
Guys I have some spare Akhan stuff I think chest,helm,shoulders and maybe a boot for anyone that needs a piece or two.Also the wifey has some Firebird spares if anyone needs and I believe I have two spare RoRGs in chest.Weapons I have a spare Darklight and spare Jankenbord shield and what the hell a Gryfalfcon Foote to go along with it.

Psn-Legendkilla3rd.....Message me on psn first come first serve.If anyone has a spare FoTF I'll take it or Cindercoat for Wizard.:)
I might be ready to start piecing together a Firebird set, but the pieces I have are sorta meh. I really wish they had a "dressing room" companion app so I can see what I could put together without spoiling my lovely Flux build.

I don't suppose anyone has a spare Wand of Woh? ^^ Is Kadala a good bet for picking up wands?
I might be ready to start piecing together a Firebird set, but the pieces I have are sorta meh. I really wish they had a "dressing room" companion app so I can see what I could put together without spoiling my lovely Flux build.

I don't suppose anyone has a spare Wand of Woh? ^^ Is Kadala a good bet for picking up wands?
I might have one. I'll look next time I'm on.
ive realised that as i get more damage and further up the levels, i use WAY less skills.

With my current build, i can do T4 quite well. Im only using literally one attack the whole time (Shield Bash).

Im not using any primary skills.
Im using 2 types of wrath regen (provoke and blinding stare)
Akkarats champion (prophet)
Laws of whatever (Wrath in half)
Horsey thing (Run away and heal)

With the Piro Mirella - its basically shield bash non stop, then balancing my wrath regen.

Its working..but its less fun?

When i see the stampede build its the same spamming all over. The Shotgun build its the same thing. Blessed shield same thing non stop.

I think i enjoyed the game more when i was taking my time using more skills on T1...where as with T4 and beyond i guess its about maximising your gear and using that one skill over and over?


I think i enjoyed the game more when i was taking my time using more skills on T1...where as with T4 and beyond i guess its about maximising your gear and using that one skill over and over?
yeah, basically. that's why i enjoy trying out different builds with items and skills while i do bounties and regular rifts. i'll use the tried-and-true builds to level up my gems in grifts, though.
Grimløck;134968486 said:
yeah, basically. that's why i enjoy trying out different builds with items and skills while i do bounties and regular rifts. i'll use the tried-and-true builds to level up my gems in grifts, though.

yep i do the same thing. i *almost* got through a Level 21 GRift last night..i think with 2 more sockets for legendary gems and a few minor gem tweaks i will be able to get beyond this and move up to T5.

Where have you had the most luck with treasure goblin greed rifts? ive found 1 in Act 1 bounties...but nothing since.

I have so few gems and no money to do anything with them so i need a good haul.

The problem is, all my money goes to gems which literally give me the same rolls over and over. Have been trying for maybe 1-2 weeks to roll a socket in my RORG or Amulet and it still hasnt given me one once. Each amulet/ring is a forgotten soul and flawless imperial which is so damn expensive for no output.


I think i enjoyed the game more when i was taking my time using more skills on T1...where as with T4 and beyond i guess its about maximising your gear and using that one skill over and over?

I mean technically wrath management is a pretty huge part of it, to maximize each build you need to make sure that you are always attacking with no downtime whatsoever... But I mean, I agree with your sentiment, that is Crusader in a nutshell and why I am not a big fan of current top crusader builds. That said it's more of a 2.1 thing for me anyway. I really enjoyed the Firestarter build pre 2.1 because you had a lot of interesting skill synergies and your damage was coming from multiple sources, but, blizzard killing procs from procs basically destroyed everything interesting about that build.

Best you can hope for is blizz eventually adds the season 1 Condemned shield to the console version (removes the cooldown of Condemn and gives it a 40 wrath cost). For a few different reasons Condemn doesn't consume as much wrath as the other builds which lets you focus your skills less on wrath management and more on damage output, like for example you can use a primary attack and provoke isn't really needed. It's also fairly powerful, people have broke GR 40 with it.
Grimløck;134969713 said:
i got to the vault in an act 1 bounty, too. only once, though. goblins, like everything else in this game, is random. you just gotta keep playing.

i thought so. I think between me running T4 bounties in Act 1, i should either get a RoRG with a socket, an amulet with a socket or hopefully a treasure vault rift which will give me money and gems so i can hopefully roll a socket.

I have so many damn legendary gems waiting to be used and im only using the poison one right now.
Guys I have some spare Akhan stuff I think chest,helm,shoulders and maybe a boot for anyone that needs a piece or two.Also the wifey has some Firebird spares if anyone needs and I believe I have two spare RoRGs in chest.Weapons I have a spare Darklight and spare Jankenbord shield and what the hell a Gryfalfcon Foote to go along with it.

Psn-Legendkilla3rd.....Message me on psn first come first serve.If anyone has a spare FoTF I'll take it or Cindercoat for Wizard.:)

I could really use the akhan head and boots! GloriousOwnage. Only two pieces I'm missing!
I mean technically wrath management is a pretty huge part of it, to maximize each build you need to make sure that you are always attacking with no downtime whatsoever... But I mean, I agree with your sentiment, that is Crusader in a nutshell and why I am not a big fan of current top crusader builds. That said it's more of a 2.1 thing for me anyway. I really enjoyed the Firestarter build pre 2.1 because you had a lot of interesting skill synergies and your damage was coming from multiple sources, but, blizzard killing procs from procs basically destroyed everything interesting about that build.

Best you can hope for is blizz eventually adds the season 1 Condemned shield to the console version (removes the cooldown of Condemn and gives it a 40 wrath cost). For a few different reasons Condemn doesn't consume as much wrath as the other builds which lets you focus your skills less on wrath management and more on damage output, like for example you can use a primary attack and provoke isn't really needed. It's also fairly powerful, people have broke GR 40 with it.

i used to use condemn. However it just didnt kill anyone beyond small minions. I used the one with zero waiting time - it was fun.

Even now, id love to alternate between my Wizard and Crusader...but i need to finish my build before i move on.

I dont even know what build is good for high end wizards..id like something like what i do now (Frost Hydra, Black hole absolute zero and anything related to ice damage) with the serpent spiker and Vyr's set.


Even with the Firebird set on, those meteors are the shit.
Fun fact--the Conduit Jewel procs Lightning meteors.

My wizard would have one entry in the log:

Until I get a Woh, and some fine-tuning of stats on my Firebird pieces, I am more than content to run my Serpent Sparker-Mirrorball combo, wearing full Tal's + full Vyr's, with the Firebird 2-piece bonus. RoRg is a wonderful thing.
if anyone wants to join up with raptor or myself we're doing the usual

hit me up, psn blacksalad_

we're doing T6/grifts, so any adventure mod peeps are welcome!


i used to use condemn. However it just didnt kill anyone beyond small minions. I used the one with zero waiting time - it was fun.

Well, since the shield removes the cooldown and turns it into a spender it means you are activating multiple condemns per second so there is a constant chain explosion going on, it adds up over time into a lot of damage. But really what makes it powerful is the Blade of Prophecy which summons extra condemns for each target your condemn hits (up to 2 extra). So pretty much every cast of Condemn summons 3 of them instead of 1.

As for Wizard, the top build right now is Firebird with blizzard/hydra. Your enjoyment of it will just depend on how much you enjoy kiting builds because it is seriously 100% kiting all the time, you drop blizzards and your hydra and then run around and try to stay as far away from enemies as you can because the legendary gem that gives you more damage the further you are away from a target. Oddly enough i've found myself enjoying the build a lot which is weird cause I usually loathe kiting builds.


i dont know if its just me but it seems like there are more reflecting damage enemies hangin around for some reason and its pissing me off.
Until I get a Woh, and some fine-tuning of stats on my Firebird pieces, I am more than content to run my Serpent Sparker-Mirrorball combo, wearing full Tal's + full Vyr's, with the Firebird 2-piece bonus. RoRg is a wonderful thing.

This is exactly what i want in my build for my Wizard. I need to get back to him.

What skills/passives/runes are you using and what are your specs?
i dont know if its just me but it seems like there are more reflecting damage enemies hangin around for some reason and its pissing me off.

Worst is running through a Grift, running out of time "Extra health, arcane dropping waller dickheads approach"... those arcane things are like one of the few things that can kill me these days.


From the describtion of the Ramaldi's Gift it looks like you could raise the sockets per weapon up to two. If this is actually possible should it be preferred instead of having four primary skills? Plus 130% CD just sounds too good. ;)


Holy shit! I just ran into like 10 treasure goblins at the same time on a rift run. Managed to kill about five or six of them, one set piece and the rest was crappy rare stuff...

Edit: nope, just a plan for something...
This is exactly what i want in my build for my Wizard. I need to get back to him.

What skills/passives/runes are you using and what are your specs?

Is a one handed weapon ever useful for a firebird tho? To me (with full firebird bonus), using a two handed weapon is the difference between 50-75million/sec on an elite to 100-150 million... I've prioritized a lot of vit and armor, and with the build, have finished grift 32

If only I had a furnace... That is what is holding me back atm, my 2-h weep

Currently (non-unity) I do 74% fire dmg, %50 Elite, and +27% blizzard... without any of those stats being associate with my weapon. I also have around 8.2k int and 5.2vit

After trying a 1h it just doesn't seem to be worth it considering the firebird proc corresponds directly to the weapon damage. Sure, you might be able to proc faster with more %elemental/elite/critical chance/critical damage, but when the base weapon dmg is +/- 1200-1600, I just don't see the point. Weapon base damage seems key to the entire build. Attack speed does not see to have an effect, especially when face with baddies that have billions of HP


I don't know what's happened, but my DPS seemed to have dropped in yesterdays Grift runs, had 1.2mill sheet DPS, actually 100k more than what I had the day before, but things just wouldn't die in our 4-man Grift for me. Running with a Cold cluster arrow/Rain of vengeance/Evasive fire build, with pets, might not be the best combo. Not sure if it had to do with the lag to (felt like my abilities didn't go of when I pressed the buttons), or if I've made some really bad gear choice in 1 day.

So anyway, going to try out Sentry build with pets instead, see how that works out. So now the hunt for a good quiver and 2 hander begins.

Well, just breezed through T6 rift with same build as yesterday, going to call it for the lag. Still interested in Sentry build though, so if anyone has any pointers, it'd be appreciated. So far been looking at diablofans and finding a build to try and gear to look for.


After trying a 1h it just doesn't seem to be worth it considering the firebird proc corresponds directly to the weapon damage. Sure, you might be able to proc faster with more %elemental/elite/critical chance/critical damage, but when the base weapon dmg is +/- 1200-1600, I just don't see the point. Weapon base damage seems key to the entire build. Attack speed does not see to have an effect, especially when face with baddies that have billions of HP

Actually this isn't entirely accurate, a while back they changed how DoTs work so that they can no longer crit, but, their damage is now based on your weapon damage, crit chance, and crit hit damage. Sources offer 10% crit that directly increases the damage of your Firebird DoT that a 2h can't get.

Now that said a perfectly rolled Furnace is probably your best option, but, if you don't have one but you DO have a really good Sunkeeper and Firebird Source you are probably better off using that. Like the top 5 wizards on the seasonal GR leaderboard on PC, 2 of them are using Sunkeeper + Firebird source and 3 are using a Furnace. The number 1 guy is using Sunkeeper + Firebird. Basically my point is you should use whatever you have with the best rolls, until you get a Furnace.


I'm thinking that I have held off on this long enough, so went ahead and bought it for PS4 last night. I already played Diablo 3 on PS3, but it looks like there is enough extra content to justify the price. Looking forward to the loot-fest.
Anyone on the Xbox One? I'm looking for a marauders legs or chest, I've even got an extra helm but these seem to be eluding me.

GT: Ser Weasel, feel free to add me.
Why are people using Blizzard with Firebird? It doesn't do Fire Damage. =/

While we're on the subject though, how does the Firebird damage stack, exactly? If I hit them with an attack that does 600% weapon damage, that'll do 200%/s via the Firebird effect, and I need to build that up to 3000%/s for perma-burn? So I'd need to hit them 14 more times before … 3 seconds run out? … one second runs out? What about channeling and DoT? How do they stack up? Oh, if I have a 10% bonus to my Explosive Blast, does that mean each Short Fuse blast applies 999.9% weapon damage for the Firebird Effect? Fire Damage Increase wouldn't factor in here, right?


I think it has taken me longer to level up my Barbarian to 70 than my Demon Hunter and HC Witch Doctor combined. Not feeling this class. :/


Gold Member
Hey guys,

I have a level 57 DH at the moment and doing a second runthrough on hard/hard. I found it really difficult to pick up randoms when using quick match. I teamed up with one guy for a bit but he seemed to be warping everywhere, got a bit boring tbh.

Are there any regular groups/communities? I started some bounties and have got 3 rift keys but don't wanna go back in case I lose my story progress. I just wanna team up with some people that play a little more casually, and take a bit of time going through the missions - any advice? I realise I'm still low level etc.

Also generally speaking is it better to have stats or base gear? For example if I had two items like this:

97 dex
+4% crit

165 dex
+12% XP

I'd generally stick with the second item. Am I doing it right (as a general rule obviously). I'm still running with the templar and I must crit a lot because I get aggro so easily.
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