Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition |OT| Loot has never looked this good before!


I just got a viable Monk going.

And he freezes up all the goddamned time.

I Googled it, and it is a bug, and Blizzard knows about it.

They'd best fix it soon.

It ruins the class.


I encounter a bug sometimes when playing with others where it won't let me warp to them when they're in a normal rift. I figured out all I have to do is step in the rift portal, exit it, then click on the player's banner I want to port to.

This occurs pretty often for me as I'll get invitations from other gaffers while they're doing rift runs.


Had a scare last night while playing. The internet at our apartment started crapping out while my friend was sending me a few Ramaladni Gifts. After awhile the internet finally came back and I got the mail notification. I ran over to the mailbox to collect the items, and it looked like they were going to my inventory. When I checked my inventory, the gifts were nowhere to be found...but I realized the mail icon was still up. So I went to the mailbox again to retrieve them thinking I might have cancelled instead of confirming previously. Same thing happen.

Then again.

Then I was like...screw it. I started to go back to playing and the game paused with a message "cannot connect to the mail server" (or something like that). It said all you had to do was press X to continue. Instead, I had to close my game through the PS menu because that error message wouldn't go away and I couldn't continue my game.

Then I got really worried I somehow lost those gifts.

Luckily they were still in there :)


That sucks man. I'm pretty much fresh out of gems so no more vitality rolls for me!

Yes, yes it does.

At least you have gotten The Vault, and the Leg Gem it gives out... I have not. ;)

Dashing Strike? Dodge to get out of it.

That adds yet another layer on top of everything else you need to be doing in order to keep a Monk alive.

Which is hard enough, as is.

In the heat of the moment, who is going to use the otherwise ineffectual roll?


formerly "chigiri"
Yes, yes it does.

At least you have gotten The Vault, and the Leg Gem it gives out... I have not. ;)

That adds yet another layer on top of everything else you need to be doing in order to keep a Monk alive.

Which is hard enough, as is.

In the heat of the moment, who is going to use the otherwise ineffectual roll?
Proper gear and it's hard to die. That said I'm speaking from an end game perspective where T6 is a joke blindfolded here. :p


Proper gear and it's hard to die. That said I'm speaking from an end game perspective where T6 is a joke blindfolded here. :p

Would you post your gear and stats?

Or e-mail them?

I'd love to see.

I'm running Sunwuko (full set bonus), Auglid (full set bonus), Peshkov, Depthdiggers, RoRG, and a Socket Lit SoJ, with a Flying Dragon.


Just dropped in to say I tried Torchlight but got bored of the samey dungeons and my index knuckle got tired of clicking.

Will I like Diablo 3 instead?
Yes, yes it does.

At least you have gotten The Vault, and the Leg Gem it gives out... I have not. ;)

That adds yet another layer on top of everything else you need to be doing in order to keep a Monk alive.

Which is hard enough, as is.

In the heat of the moment, who is going to use the otherwise ineffectual roll?
The vault looks awesome. Only found it once. That gem is great but I'm not going to upgrade it. I have other prioritied and that is to get a socket on my damn amulet and ring!


Just dropped in to say I tried Torchlight but got bored of the samey dungeons and my index knuckle got tired of clicking.

Will I like Diablo 3 instead?

The action is MUCH more visceral in D3.

So I think so, yes.

Also: the loot is nowhere nearly as homogenized as Torchlight 2's.

The vault looks awesome. Only found it once. That gem is great but I'm not going to upgrade it. I have other prioritied and that is to get a socket on my damn amulet and ring!

But that's the point!!!

Upgrade the gem, get more $$$, have more chances to reroll those ammys and rings.

Of course if the problem is gems... yeah. That DOES suck on console. Sorry about that. :(


Of course if the problem is gems... yeah. That DOES suck on console. Sorry about that. :(

Yeah, never understood the problem with gold, I'll probably run out of gems long before I'll run out of gold. Just today doing a few t6 rifts and bounties, I've gotten something like 10 million gold, already had 80 before.


So I got the Vault portal yesterday, was really cool. But the gem did not drop, was so pissed no idea when I will get a shot at it again. Knowing it's supposed to be a guarantee made it so much worse.


Just dropped in to say I tried Torchlight but got bored of the samey dungeons and my index knuckle got tired of clicking.

Will I like Diablo 3 instead?

If you mean the original Torchlight... Maybe? The combat while still "clicking" in a sense is like way more involved because most of the time the focus is less on one ability spam and more about using your skills in a smart way. Even builds that only use one attack still use other skills for stuff like resource management or crowd control both of which are a huge part of the game. Each class has its own unique resource system and despite all of them being "fill up the bar then dump it" they feel pretty different. And like I said, crowd control is really important at the endgame, keeping enemies from killing you through stuns/knockbacks/taunts etc. is almost as important as actually killing them. Especially because the two have a rather symbiotic relationship as a lot of crowd control in the game offers you increased damage for a short duration.

As for the dungeons the main story isn't really like the original TL where you are just going down floor after floor that all look the same for 10 or so floors until you finally get a tileset change. There are 5 acts and each of them look significantly different from one another. If you've played Torchlight 2 it is fairly similar to that imo except D3 is more varied. I'd say the one catch is the endgame for D3 has you doing random dungeons that takes every map from the game and when possible randomizes the pieces to create a unique dungeon with random enemy spawns from every single act in it. In that sense you will see every location over and over again, but, there are random elements to it and that is outside the main story.


Its unfortunate how the difficulty can be so variable just based off what map you randomly get.. When working on GR35 sometimes I could just cruise without any issue, and other times.. well, not so much.
yup. map layout and monster density are the two biggest factors in finishing or not finishing a rift for me.

i also wish trials were more consistent in how they place you in grifts. sometimes i'll finish 12 rounds thinking i'll be placed really high only to see the game give me a g29 key. wtf? demon hunters place higher even if they do less rounds. just going 7 rounds will net me 35-37 keys.

i'm slowly upgrading my crusader stat by stat. i dropped a killer HF ammy to get a third socket. hopefully that'll get me over the g38-39 hump. but then i lost some CC. what're the recommended gems for a stampede crusader? bane of the trapped and pain enhancer are givens. the third slot seems to be more flexible but my choices are gogok, mirinae, or bane of the powerful (maybe even zei's). i'm at 47%CDR but i have no problems staying alive; it takes awhile to kill things, but maybe that's because enemies have a shit-ton of HP at higher grifts.
Love the way this game finds way of stopping you getting bored.
Had wizard fire damage going for weeks, thought it was a killer combo. Got some new gear that switched things to arcane and hydra damage, decide to mix my skill set up to entirely different spells I'd never even touched.

Found that mirror, plus hydra is fucking amazing. With 300% crit damage and 45% crit chance, having 2 copies of me running around throwing down hydras and blizzards all over the damn place everything just gets demolished.
I went from T1 to T3 instantly with ease. And it doesn't feel like I've found an overpowered build, just that I'd gotten too comfortable and wasn't mixing things up to take advantage of what I was capable of.
Love it.
Are you running Temporal Flux? It's pretty cool, especially if you have a Bane of the Trapped.


Sorry Raptor, I logged on and all my legendary gems were gone and the 3 in my gear are all reset back to rank 0.

Also a helmet is equipped but not actually shown on my character.

Anyone know wtf just happened?

Edit: More users with the same problem. Apparently there was a hotfix? Gems are in the items section lol. I didn't stay too long in game and redownloaded my save just to be sure.


Sorry Raptor, I logged on and all my legendary gems were gone and the 3 in my gear are all reset back to rank 0.

Also a helmet is equipped but not actually shown on my character.

Anyone know wtf just happened?

Edit: More users with the same problem. Apparently there was a hotfix? Gems are in the items section lol. I didn't stay too long in game and redownloaded my save just to be sure.

wut. omg. there are people posting in blizz console forums about it too... guess i'm not playing tonight.
Is there a list of PS4 players somewhere? I just got the game today, downloading it right now. I've heard this game is a lot of to play solo, but I'd also like to have some folks to play with too.


Had a lvl 61 ex arias sword that put me over 100k in attack last night. Logged in today and was at 74k. Sword shows no damage only stats. U equipped it and it wouldn't let me re equip it but it let me equip it in my off hand. I am now duel wielding for 224k atk. I think something got screwed up.


Yeah, looking like they tried to patch in the ring/ammy enchanting changes and I guess they completely broke something. At least that is what the blue posts lead one to believe.


So there was an update? Are they at 1.05 now? I may have launched my game before it went live.

Seems to be a console "hotfix", you still have to download something and then possibly remain online for it to continue to be active. Though I'm not sure if I would update... alarming number of people talking about these disappearing numbers on the forums. It sounds like something broke.


Sorry Raptor, I logged on and all my legendary gems were gone and the 3 in my gear are all reset back to rank 0.

Also a helmet is equipped but not actually shown on my character.

Anyone know wtf just happened?

Edit: More users with the same problem. Apparently there was a hotfix? Gems are in the items section lol. I didn't stay too long in game and redownloaded my save just to be sure.
My gems were back yo 0 lol had to download a save from da clouds only bad thing is i lost like 5 hours of progress


Apparently just restarting the game fixes the problem.

Not for me. Loaded it up 3 times. 2nd time was after closing application, 3rd time was after PS4 reset.

Made sure to send a nice gift I got from a friend to the same friend to hold it for me since my save is from last night haha. Hoping this seems like a bigger deal than it actually is but I don't know much about this stuff.


Whoa, thanks for the warning fellas! I have been playing D3 non stop for the last three days, but today I spent it with one of my daughters and just popped into this thread before firing the game up. I won't do a thing until I see all is clear.

This tip really helped to get much more gold, however all it has ensured is that I get 4 x rolls of vitality per bounty session as opposed to 1 or 2.

Seriously, I got 4 sets of rolls where 2 or more were just vitality...

3 weeks...no sockets.

Consider doing what I did to improve my socketless RoRG. Instead of waiting for the cheating random rolls to grace me with one, I instead just kept farming T6 Act I Bounties.

I was playing the game while trying to get a better one with this method, so it wasn't too bad. Sure enough (after eight hours over three days, lol), I rolled a RoRG last night with a Socket, 496 Strength and 96 All Resistance. I enchanted the Attack Speed into 8% Cool Down Reduction, so I'm good to go with that piece for now.


The developer speaks....
[UPDATE] – We are currently investigating issues affecting Ultimate Evil Edition games in which this hotfix was applied. One of these of these issues includes, but is not limited to, a reported loss of Legendary Gem progress.

Until further notice, this particular hotfix has been reverted across all the console platforms. To help ensure the hotfix has been removed and will not impact your gameplay, power cycle your console platform (turn it off and then back on) before starting a game. Additionally, please note that joining an online game which was created with the hotfix active may cause players within the party to be affected by the reported issues. As a result, we advise using caution when playing online for the next 24 – 48 hours.

We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and will be sure to provide updates as they become available. Thank you for your patience!


Greetings everyone,

A hotfix has been issued for Ultimate Evil Edition which affects the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One. This hotfix makes an adjustment to the materials needed to enchant Amulets and Rings at the Mystic, reducing the quality of required gems from Flawless Imperial to Imperial.

Please note that since this is a console hotfix, as opposed to a full client patch, there are some key differences of which players should be aware.

Parental Controls:
PS3 and PS4 users who are Parentally Restricted will not receive the hotfix. In order to modify Parental Control settings for these consoles, please refer to Sony’s Support Sites for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4.

New Gaming Sessions:
On the PS3, Xbox 360, and Xbox One, users may be required to play online* in order for the hotfix to be saved between gaming sessions. Ultimate Evil Edition games created on one of these consoles while offline may not have the hotfix enabled.
On the PS4, users will only need to download and install the hotfix once while signed into their PlayStation Network account. After the hotfix has been downloaded and installed, no additional steps will be required. The hotfix will remain active, even if subsequent games are created offline.

Users on all four platforms must be signed into their respective PlayStation Network or Xbox Live accounts to be eligible for hotfix (PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold subscriptions are not required, however). The hotfix will automatically download in the background when you progress to Ultimate Evil Edition’s Main Menu.

*This is not a change to Ultimate Evil Edition’s optional offline play mode. Ultimate Evil Edition games created on PS3, Xbox 360, or Xbox One which were previously hotfixed, but are no longer connected online can still be played as normal; however, the hotfix may not be active.


Not Banned from OT
Grimløck;135318568 said:
yup. map layout and monster density are the two biggest factors in finishing or not finishing a rift for me.

i also wish trials were more consistent in how they place you in grifts. sometimes i'll finish 12 rounds thinking i'll be placed really high only to see the game give me a g29 key. wtf? demon hunters place higher even if they do less rounds. just going 7 rounds will net me 35-37 keys.

i'm slowly upgrading my crusader stat by stat. i dropped a killer HF ammy to get a third socket. hopefully that'll get me over the g38-39 hump. but then i lost some CC. what're the recommended gems for a stampede crusader? bane of the trapped and pain enhancer are givens. the third slot seems to be more flexible but my choices are gogok, mirinae, or bane of the powerful (maybe even zei's). i'm at 47%CDR but i have no problems staying alive; it takes awhile to kill things, but maybe that's because enemies have a shit-ton of HP at higher grifts.

At your CDR I would run gogok no question. Once you get your CDR up run mirinae stampede procs it solidly. It really helps against elites and RG. Unless you are running low grifts under 32 or so powerful just is not very good. The buff just does not last long enough when killing takes much longer. Zei's just is worthless in to many situations were you need to get up closer to deal with environment or wallers. Other choice in a group is the poison gem since it buffs the whole group. But only 1 person can really run it.
"This hotfix makes an adjustment to the materials needed to enchant Amulets and Rings at the Mystic, reducing the quality of required gems from Flawless Imperial to Imperial."

oh thank FUCK. JUst as i lost all my GEMS!!!!

Has anyone tried this? dying to see if this is the case...might actually get some rolls now!
Whoa, thanks for the warning fellas! I have been playing D3 non stop for the last three days, but today I spent it with one of my daughters and just popped into this thread before firing the game up. I won't do a thing until I see all is clear.

Consider doing what I did to improve my socketless RoRG. Instead of waiting for the cheating random rolls to grace me with one, I instead just kept farming T6 Act I Bounties.

I was playing the game while trying to get a better one with this method, so it wasn't too bad. Sure enough (after eight hours over three days, lol), I rolled a RoRG last night with a Socket, 496 Strength and 96 All Resistance. I enchanted the Attack Speed into 8% Cool Down Reduction, so I'm good to go with that piece for now.

ive only ever got 3 RoRGs and none have a socket. Have been alternating between Act 1 and Act 6 for bounties as well.

Hopefully with the new hotfix it wont be so bad?


finally hit the big 40 duoing with helscream. man, that shit is haaaard.

Okay fellas, I'm baffled and I figured I would have to fall back to this thread to get some answers, since a few quick searches on Google has revealed next-to-nothing on this subject:

When I open my game to the public, approximately 1 in every 10 people I come across is cheating/hacking/exploiting the game. How in the hell do they do this on a console version of this game?

They come in and lay waste to EVERYTHING with one or two hits, rendering the game broken for anyone who wants to have fun actually playing the damn thing. Looking at their gear, everything they have is triple socketed (and it's clear that's an exploit because the gems are so big they block the picture of the item itself, taking up the entire frame), and the weapon they have is usually the Russian-something-or-other with an insane base damage of like, 500k.

What. The. Fuck?

I love opening my game up to randoms because I can sort of control the ebb and flow of the game, but there's no option to kick these fools.

My friends and I are against cheating, but we're also baffled as to how someone goes about doing this. How are they exploiting the console version??


formerly "chigiri"
Would you post your gear and stats?

Or e-mail them?

I'd love to see.

I'm running Sunwuko (full set bonus), Auglid (full set bonus), Peshkov, Depthdiggers, RoRG, and a Socket Lit SoJ, with a Flying Dragon.
That's just about my gear there. Heavy on dmg reductions. My sunwuko rolls suck tho. I'll take some pics later.


formerly "chigiri"
Okay fellas, I'm baffled and I figured I would have to fall back to this thread to get some answers, since a few quick searches on Google has revealed next-to-nothing on this subject:

When I open my game to the public, approximately 1 in every 10 people I come across is cheating/hacking/exploiting the game. How in the hell do they do this on a console version of this game?

They come in and lay waste to EVERYTHING with one or two hits, rendering the game broken for anyone who wants to have fun actually playing the damn thing. Looking at their gear, everything they have is triple socketed (and it's clear that's an exploit because the gems are so big they block the picture of the item itself, taking up the entire frame), and the weapon they have is usually the Russian-something-or-other with an insane base damage of like, 500k.

What. The. Fuck?

I love opening my game up to randoms because I can sort of control the ebb and flow of the game, but there's no option to kick these fools.

My friends and I are against cheating, but we're also baffled as to how someone goes about doing this. How are they exploiting the console version??
Dp ( on mobile).

They're using hex edited items imported via saves from the PS3/ 360 versions.


Dp ( on mobile).

They're using hex edited items imported via saves from the PS3/ 360 versions.

Does that include the 360/PS3 versions of UEE? I've been kinda curious about all that since I've seen screenshots of hacked Reaper of Soul only items like Thunderfury and it's made me curious as to where those came from.
"This hotfix makes an adjustment to the materials needed to enchant Amulets and Rings at the Mystic, reducing the quality of required gems from Flawless Imperial to Imperial."

oh thank FUCK. JUst as i lost all my GEMS!!!!

Has anyone tried this? dying to see if this is the case...might actually get some rolls now!

Oh, now that is really good news. Have zero sockets over both rings and amulet. Been rolling a bit but getting nothing.
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