Patch lured me back in. Anyone up for playing some HC, add me. PSN is the same as here
Took a HC monk from level 1 to running GR45 in about 6 hours yesterday playing solo (I had a few set items waiting at 70, but still needed a few things to make it work) Was able to ding 70 in about 3 hours thanks to big red gems and Ancients with level requirement reduction.
The real surprise was at 70. I had heard monks had been pegged back a little with the latest patch, but with a little thought, I think they're even more devastating. Was able to run 6 set Inna, 2 piece Ulianna, and 2 piece Sunwoko. Cubed a flying dragon, a set of crudest boots and an RROG. The 6 piece Inna bonus doubles with the crudest boots, so you have 10 mystic allies and all their buffs, plus the 50% damage for each ally. I use sweeping wind to keep the damage reduction from the Sunwoko 2 set, and Ulianna to proc EP (ice ruin).
Then its just a case of activating sweeping wind, and holding X. I use fist of lightening basic and with the flying dragon, the Ulianna proc puts out a TONNE of EP's with a Gungdo spreading them even more. I literally don't even need to use the power it procs so much, I just keep it slotted for the ice ruin effect. Some of the chained explosions I was getting were extremely humorous. I was literally facetanking everything, and didn't even bother moving out of a shitstorm of lasers and whatever else in 40+ grifts. Just held X and watched everything die. My main weakness was single target. Rift bosses that didn't have adds that I could explode took a little long to kill, but other then that it was pretty insane. Cleared GR45 with about 8 minutes to spare last night so plenty of room to go further.
I then went and ran a regular t10 rift and died being stupid. I also lost a chicken doc on the weekend in a t9 rift, hunting for 1 more piece of Anachyr to get the 6 set bonus and cause total mayhem. More time and effort went into him and that one hurt more then the monk