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Diablo IV |OT| Blessed Mother... Save Us


I've been trying to get into the end game here with my Druid for the past several days and... it just isn't clicking. A lot of this reminds me of the early days of Diablo 3: Very few world tier difficulties, wonky itemization, slow as molasses gear drops, meta-build-or-bust for the higher world tiers (D3 was less build dependent and more group comp dependent).

I think I'm running up against two issues:

1. The game. I thoroughly enjoyed the campaign but late game just doesn't feel very rewarding and dungeons are beyond tedious. Spending hours upon hours farming Nightmare Dungeons where I'm salvaging 99% of my drops and might walk away with one or two decent upgrades or items with aspects I need isn't fun. XP and drops feel like they fell off a cliff after the early 50s, something I noticed even while I was still in the campaign. I haven't really found any gear that makes me go "woah, holy shit!"; I suspect this is due to the aspect system allowing people to build their gear however they want but it's really deteriorated the fun of the loot grind. Seeing the same Fur Lined Boots for the 5,000th time is meh; and,

2. Me. My burnout with Destiny, my fallout with Borderlands/Wonderlands, and now my general "meh"-ness regarding post-campaign Diablo 4. I'm stuck in the gray zone between "filthy casual" and "hardcore no lifer". I'm more than casual because most of those players haven't even come close to finishing the campaign, let alone doing all the aspect dungeons and finding all the Altars of Lilith like I have. But I'm less than a hardcore no lifer because I'm no longer interested in playing games where the end game wants you to treat it like a part time job, focusing on it -- the min-maxxing, the build and class synergies, constant gear farming, etc -- almost exclusively. I've got far too many other games to play and hobbies to enjoy.

Funnily enough, I'm okay with that. I've already gotten more than my money's worth out of the game with just my Druid and the first season has yet to start. I'll probably make a Sorc and a Rogue to run through the campaign a couple more times. But I don't think late game/end game is for me anymore. I'd rather look forward to the next game on my wish list or backlog. I'll keep a check on the game, of course, and probably come back from time to time over the years. That said, I won't be surprised if the first major expansion ends up being like D3 RoS with a loot and difficulty tier overhaul.


Gold Member
I finished the campaign with my Druid at level 47. Bosses were fantastic (overall) but I thought D3 had a cooler end boss. Am I wrong? Getting to the end was a lot more satisfying due to the bosses. I had more fun with the bosses in D4. My Druid is ok. I had to export % attack speed and so forth. That makes it fun. I’ve been playing the capstone dungeon and I get killed by a stupid elite knight because spirit management sucks.

I have legendary gear, but I didn’t swap out a lot of my gear along the way. I don’t know how I feel about end game. I got a quarter the way into the capstone and left. It’s like I’m missing something.
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So here's a summary of why the endgame feels disappointing to me at present:

The game is very Anti-Speed.

- Constant hard CC from mobs: webs, freezes, stuns, petrify, wallers, ranged-attack bubbles, massive area-denial via constant AoEs everywhere means that unless you invest at least one or two of your active skills to Unstoppable, you are going to basically be immobilized when encountering more than one elite at a time. While building around this is pretty straightforward, it is rarely fun. Fuck you, nearly-invisible spiderwebs that litter the ground hidden under the gore and bodies after a fight as I walk from CC to CC like Sideshow Bob stepping on a field of rakes.
- Damage sponge enemies that scale with your level. It takes at least as many hits to kill a goatman at 74 as it did at 1. Possibly more. What's hilarious about this is that as the field mobs get harder the bosses get easier. I can one-shot basically any NM boss. If they have phases I have no idea because as soon as I see them, they're spraying potion globes everywhere as they hit all of their thresholds immediately then they die. Meanwhile It takes like two salvoes to take down a shield carrying field mob.
- Limited evade / movement skills. The Evade pushes you like six inches making it useless for repositioning. The class dashes are a bit better but have excruciatingly long cooldowns.
- Limited cancels - issuing a dash or evade in the middle of an attack seems to buffer it up meaning there's a very high Animation Lock rate on this title compared to many other ARPGs. What's worse for rogue is if you're shift-attacking and your target dies, and you release shift to start moving, you keep attacking without moving until you like take your hands off the mouse and count to three. Happens all the time and it's just one more little irritating.
- Every facility you need in town is on the opposite side of the map. yes yes gotta see mtx. But PoE has mtx too - relies on it in fact - but all of the town services there are neatly grouped and you can further optimize it with your hideout layout if you care.
- Even running NMs involves riding your slow-af, limited dash, constantly roadblocked horse around the mostly-empty world

These issues really don't change as your level and stats improve so it's hard to justify the chase.

Compare it to something like PoE or LastEpoch where the endgame is all about improving your clearspeed to push tiers (be it Corruption level or Map Tier or w/e).

Sounds like I'm complaining. I'm sure they'll fix it eventually. There are certainly things to like and I got my Money's Worth for the campaign alone. It just feels like they pushed hard to hit their auspicious marketing date but the game is - for all intents and purposes - still in Early Access from a completeness point of view.


The Male Lewinsky
Very laggy tonight. Trying to do Andariel and I’m jumping all over the place. Got them down to a sliver and got a network error. Ffs!


So here's a summary of why the endgame feels disappointing to me at present:

The game is very Anti-Speed.

- Constant hard CC from mobs: webs, freezes, stuns, petrify, wallers, ranged-attack bubbles, massive area-denial via constant AoEs everywhere means that unless you invest at least one or two of your active skills to Unstoppable, you are going to basically be immobilized when encountering more than one elite at a time. While building around this is pretty straightforward, it is rarely fun. Fuck you, nearly-invisible spiderwebs that litter the ground hidden under the gore and bodies after a fight as I walk from CC to CC like Sideshow Bob stepping on a field of rakes.
- Damage sponge enemies that scale with your level. It takes at least as many hits to kill a goatman at 74 as it did at 1. Possibly more. What's hilarious about this is that as the field mobs get harder the bosses get easier. I can one-shot basically any NM boss. If they have phases I have no idea because as soon as I see them, they're spraying potion globes everywhere as they hit all of their thresholds immediately then they die. Meanwhile It takes like two salvoes to take down a shield carrying field mob.
- Limited evade / movement skills. The Evade pushes you like six inches making it useless for repositioning. The class dashes are a bit better but have excruciatingly long cooldowns.
- Limited cancels - issuing a dash or evade in the middle of an attack seems to buffer it up meaning there's a very high Animation Lock rate on this title compared to many other ARPGs. What's worse for rogue is if you're shift-attacking and your target dies, and you release shift to start moving, you keep attacking without moving until you like take your hands off the mouse and count to three. Happens all the time and it's just one more little irritating.
- Every facility you need in town is on the opposite side of the map. yes yes gotta see mtx. But PoE has mtx too - relies on it in fact - but all of the town services there are neatly grouped and you can further optimize it with your hideout layout if you care.
- Even running NMs involves riding your slow-af, limited dash, constantly roadblocked horse around the mostly-empty world

These issues really don't change as your level and stats improve so it's hard to justify the chase.

Compare it to something like PoE or LastEpoch where the endgame is all about improving your clearspeed to push tiers (be it Corruption level or Map Tier or w/e).

Sounds like I'm complaining. I'm sure they'll fix it eventually. There are certainly things to like and I got my Money's Worth for the campaign alone. It just feels like they pushed hard to hit their auspicious marketing date but the game is - for all intents and purposes - still in Early Access from a completeness point of view.
Season 5 Nbc GIF by The Office


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Several things I’m thinking about when season 1 starts and folks roll new characters:

*Did they confirm we would have mounts unlocked ?
*Feels like Druid will be the worst seasonal class in current state. The two main and only viable end game builds each require a unique helm you may never see, and an aspect that is giga rare too. Compared to a rogue where you can pop off no issue with imprint alone. Any class needing a unique for the build = worthless to run for efficiency.
*Will it be like PoE where I can still experience the new content if I prefer on my main character ? The idea of grinding anything again in this game feels dreadful lol. 1-50 reroll is fast and fun though. I know in PoE folks are sick of having to do the campaign over for years on end but man looking at it now is much rather do the campaign again to get to fight stuff like Andariel than Elite Shaman boss 967.
*They need to introduce set equipment back asap.
*I would love if seasonal characters couldn’t imprint gear. You just get item drops. I actually think the whole game end game would be better if we had no crafting. Just upgrades and sockets. Now every drop matters…
*Feels like Druid will be the worst seasonal class in current state. The two main and only viable end game builds each require a unique helm you may never see, and an aspect that is giga rare too.
Considering they'll fix the loot table for the Druid it's not that bad. You can fly by using tornado companions build until either a greatstaff of the crone drops, a tempest helm drops or can just run pulverize with shockwave and easy aspects from dungeons in the 50s
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Considering they'll fix the loot table for the Druid it's not that bad. You can fly by using tornado companions build until either a greatstaff of the crone drops, a tempest helm drops or can just run pulverize with shockwave and easy aspects from dungeons in the 50s
I’ve been doing pulverize from around 58. I’m 87.

I haven’t seen a tempest roar or the staff.

That’s too much RNG to do a strong build compared to a rogue that just flips on basic dungeon aspects and imprints .
I’ve been doing pulverize from around 58. I’m 87.

I haven’t seen a tempest roar or the staff.

That’s too much RNG to do a strong build compared to a rogue that just flips on basic dungeon aspects and imprints .
I've seen the staff, there's also waxing gibbons unique weapon that is a viable build with only that unique.

Druids are flexible, it's really not that bad


Gold Member
Really bounced off this one.

Dropped it at level 55ish and haven’t played in over a week. I’ve probably played too much Diablo and this just doesn’t add anything. The combat is ok, nothing exciting.

Just have no desire to do it all over again.


I hadnt really read up on how seasons work, and assumed you were going to use a main character. Levelling up a new character each season wasnt exactly what I expected, as I wanted to level up a sorceress after my rogue but not any more characters than that. And just build on those two. Maybe I can squeeze in a necromancer but the other classes I simply dont want to play. So what are you going to do with 4 seasons a year - replay the classes you like to play?

Makes sense then to restart each season but who thought it was a good idea to begin with to have players redo everything 4 times a year? Thats insane. Thankfully you get renown now from unfogging the map + Lilith statues to claim some potions.

Maybe it turns out well and the seasonal content is enough to keep things fresh enough to level up again.

I finished the campaign at level 51 - the last couple of acts were awesome, with great boss encounters. I still havent seen any armor sets in the game - are they on higher tiers?

Still have to unlock tier 3, think Im gonna go straight into the capstone dungeon and see if my current build and gear is good enough to pass.


Gold Member
The game is balanced for the try hard builds. You can't really roll your own even in late game tier 2, you just got to follow the build cheat guides and videos everyone else uses.
Not my experience, i made my own build and i'm absolutely smashing mofos on act 5 tier 2.

Unless you were talking about something different.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
There is a lot about this game that I like. Really jiving with me. But at some pretty fundamental design levels it feels very underbaked and not ready for primetime. Not in serious ways that make me want to stop playing, but in a way that suggests the typical "Blizzard probably launched this game (or expansion when applicable) with hasty planning hoping the players would grit and bare it until they could patch in fixes".

At least the story, art, music, and voice acting are all top notch. Or about as good as you're going to get for this ARPG's, at any rate.


advanced basic bitch
It seems like my girlfriend gets a legendary every few hours lol. I've only gotten one. Loving it. We've barely touched the story missions. We're at level 27ish I think. Just knocking out dungeons and side quests. This game is massive. I feel like I haven't quite got the optimal build for my necromancer. I'm using a lot of blood skills just for the aesthetics and blowing up corpses is fun. What kind of necromancers are you guys running?


Gold Member
Had my first World Boss battle, we beat him in about 2 minutes, good times. Unfortunately the loot he dropped was crap, oh well, my custom lightning Sorc is already pretty OP, focusing on the final renown tier in each region for those sweet Paragon points, my electric destruction grows ever stronger ⚡⚡⚡


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It seems like my girlfriend gets a legendary every few hours lol. I've only gotten one. Loving it. We've barely touched the story missions. We're at level 27ish I think. Just knocking out dungeons and side quests. This game is massive. I feel like I haven't quite got the optimal build for my necromancer. I'm using a lot of blood skills just for the aesthetics and blowing up corpses is fun. What kind of necromancers are you guys running?

My barbarian has nine legendaries at level 17. *shrug*


Gold Member
I saw a Druid deal 10-30 million damage online and it makes my character look like utter garbage. I may replay it in a year or two. That’s too much time and the same skinned dungeons. I wish they would have spent more time on the dungeons. The stuff at end game feels like the stuff I did countless times during the campaign.
Yey I got to lvl 39 :messenger_weary: lol. Looks like I'm near the end of Act 5.

At this point I've decided to just start skipping through the dialogue. It's taking too long to sit listen to everyone talk. I'm not skipping the main cutscenes though. Also running past a bunch of enemies to try progress it as quick as possible. Once I'm done the main story I'll move to WT3 and go around doing side quests and finding lilith statues to try build up renown.
Yey I got to lvl 39 :messenger_weary: lol. Looks like I'm near the end of Act 5.

At this point I've decided to just start skipping through the dialogue. It's taking too long to sit listen to everyone talk. I'm not skipping the main cutscenes though. Also running past a bunch of enemies to try progress it as quick as possible. Once I'm done the main story I'll move to WT3 and go around doing side quests and finding lilith statues to try build up renown.
You can accelerate the dialogue without skipping it. I wouldn't rush the campaign, it's the best part of the game, certainly not the end game.
You can accelerate the dialogue without skipping it. I wouldn't rush the campaign, it's the best part of the game, certainly not the end game.
That's what I meant. I used the wrong word I guess lol. I didn't even realise you could click to advance the dialogue so stupid me was sitting there listening to everything but now been skipping through it quickly to get a general idea of what's happening. Not actually skipping the entire scene :)

The story is enjoyable. Definitely a lot better than Diablo 3. I am just too slow at playing and so trying to speed myself up a bit. Not that I think it's a bad game.


Sat on the couch and played almost all day yesterday, finally beat the campaign at level 55 with my Sorc. Great campaign, it was meaty and fun. The capstone to get to WT3 was a cakewalk. Still think gear is not as fun as it should be, soooo much garbage to wade through - and so much stuff that would work, but has stats that don't make sense, like + some frost ability with +pyromancy damage, stats that just don't go together I see constantly on gear. Anyway I randomly traded in some obols before bed last night and got a killer staff for my frost build where actually all the stats are in harmony, a nice note to end the day on.
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Sat on the couch and played almost all day yesterday, finally beat the campaign at level 55 with my Sorc. Great campaign, it was meaty and fun. The capstone to get to WT3 was a cakewalk. Still think gear is not as fun as it should be, soooo much garbage to wade through - and so much stuff that would work, but has stats that don't make sense, like + some frost ability with +pyromancy damage, stats that just don't go together I see constantly on gear. Anyway I randomly traded in some obols before bed last night and got a killer staff for my frost build where actually all the stats are in harmony, a nice note to end the day on.
Gear sucks but if you get a nice item with only one stat you don't need then go to the enchanter and reroll that stat. That's pretty much the only way I'm getting some minor gear upgrades


Beat the WT2 capstone dungeon pretty easily straight up with gear from tier 1. Wiped a few times but gear (legendaries from Act 5 and 6 item levels) and twisted blades/poison trap/shadow clone build worked well, and also cleared one of the dungeons in Caldeum at tier 3. Definately a tougher experience, but at least there is a use for all healing pots now lol. Counted many times down to 1 and 2 pots. But its just about the right balance to manage, not counting NM dungeons which I havent attempted yet.
I don't get it? You supposed to make a new character every season. Thats how seasons work in Diablo. How else you supposed to level a SEASONAL battle pass?
I'm locked in for season one and will level a new character but I do wish they kept the battle pass open to all, and kept the seasonal journey exclusive to seasonal characters. They better knock my socks off with season one otherwise I probably won't be doing season two.
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Gold Member
I don't get it? You supposed to make a new character every season. Thats how seasons work in Diablo. How else you supposed to level a SEASONAL battle pass?
I want to play my character in seasons that I have put time into

I do not want to restart a new character for each season and regrind everything, tagging altars, reexploring the entire map

I may do one just because I bought the premium edition and it includes the first season but not restarting every few months


I want to play my character in seasons that I have put time into

I do not want to restart a new character for each season and regrind everything, tagging altars, reexploring the entire map

I may do one just because I bought the premium edition and it includes the first season but not restarting every few months
Explored map regions and Lilith altars carry over.


Fools idol

well well well... looks like there is indeed a Secret Cow Level in Diablo 4. Clues and a puzzle have been found in Ked Bardu, on the west side of the map, there is a shrine with 4 cows / oxens and some cryptic messaging hidden in a fountain.

It leads you to the far east side of the map first where a bunch of cows are, and the NPC guy that has firey fists but woint attack you. Thats as far as people have got thus far.

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I want to play my character in seasons that I have put time into

I do not want to restart a new character for each season and regrind everything, tagging altars, reexploring the entire map

I may do one just because I bought the premium edition and it includes the first season but not restarting every few months
They said if you unlocked all that stuff in the eternal realm it gets carried over to seasons


I still get the bug to hop on every day to do some Helltides, world events and a dungeon or two because it's fun killing stuff, but I've pretty much hit a wall with this one. At level 69, the lack of a carrot to chase is kind of killing the vibe. The drops are just too incremental to be satisfying enough for me. I personally don't exactly find it enjoyable to have this nice piece of gear, then find a rare that is a slightly better roll and now have to enchant, upgrade, imprint, and so on. Now, I'm getting rolls with higher item power, but my lower level gear has better affixes after getting them over 725...so it's all feeling a little uneventful.

I suppose I just wish there were more of these significant unlocks along the way from 70-100 as there were earlier in the game.
I'm locked in for season one and will level a new character but I do wish they kept the battle pass open to all, and kept the seasonal journey exclusive to seasonal characters. They better knock my socks off with season one otherwise I probably won't be doing season two.
The seasonal journey is the battle pass did people not play Diablo 3 lol
The seasonal journey is the battle pass did people not play Diablo 3 lol
I played D3 when it was good, pre loot 2.0! Come at me!
In all seriousness, I was under the impression that the seasonal journey was going to be challenges to complete like in D3 while the battle pass was an XP grind rewarding cosmetics like other games. In fairness I haven't really followed all the dialogue from Blizzard on this.


I'm playing it right now with my friends, its alright but im starting to get bored lol. I dont know maybe the genre is not for me. Is there any helpful tips to increase my enjoyment? We do quests and clear dungeons and get loot.


well well well... looks like there is indeed a Secret Cow Level in Diablo 4. Clues and a puzzle have been found in Ked Bardu, on the west side of the map, there is a shrine with 4 cows / oxens and some cryptic messaging hidden in a fountain.

It leads you to the far east side of the map first where a bunch of cows are, and the NPC guy that has firey fists but woint attack you. Thats as far as people have got thus far.

Pretty cool to follow these mysteries. But I have no doubt in my mind that none of these items are active in the game and I bet that the cow level will make an appearance as a feature for an upcoming season.


I don't get it? You supposed to make a new character every season. Thats how seasons work in Diablo. How else you supposed to level a SEASONAL battle pass?
They called it a battle pass and not a 'season pass' intentionally. Calling it a battle pass invokes comparisons of other games like Destiny where new players will assume it will be open to everyone. The only thing they were up front about being gated behind seasonal characters were the new story content, leaderboards/ladders. They didn't say the Battle Pass was locked behind seasonal characters until yesterday, two weeks after launch.

No, it's not like Diablo 3 because D3 seasonal content wasn't fucking paywalled.

Battle Pass progress should be available to everyone whether or not they make a seasonal only character.
The "this is how it's always been" excuse is inaccurate and a lame justification for a shitty, greedy, design.
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They called it a battle pass and not a 'season pass' intentionally. Calling it a battle pass invokes comparisons of other games like Destiny where new players will assume it will be open to everyone. The only thing they were up front about being gated behind seasonal characters were the new story content, leaderboards/ladders. They didn't say the Battle Pass was locked behind seasonal characters until yesterday, two weeks after launch.

No, it's not like Diablo 3 because D3 seasonal content wasn't fucking paywalled.

Battle Pass progress should be available to everyone whether or not they make a seasonal only character.
The "this is how it's always been" excuse is inaccurate and a lame justification for a shitty, greedy, design.
Uhm, we didn't learn anything new yesterday. Obviously the battle pass is for seasons.


They called it a battle pass and not a 'season pass' intentionally. Calling it a battle pass invokes comparisons of other games like Destiny where new players will assume it will be open to everyone. The only thing they were up front about being gated behind seasonal characters were the new story content, leaderboards/ladders. They didn't say the Battle Pass was locked behind seasonal characters until yesterday, two weeks after launch.

No, it's not like Diablo 3 because D3 seasonal content wasn't fucking paywalled.

Battle Pass progress should be available to everyone whether or not they make a seasonal only character.
The "this is how it's always been" excuse is inaccurate and a lame justification for a shitty, greedy, design.
They outlined pretty clearly how it was going to work here (from May 10) : https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/dia...pect-from-diablo-iv-s-post-launch-experiences

"Seasons are quarterly releases that will add additional gameplay features, questlines (with new and old faces alike), Battle Passes, ...." "With each Season comes a new Battle Pass for you to earn rewards from, containing 27 Free Tiers and 63 Premium Tiers." "The bonuses gained from Season Blessings only last until that respective Season ends." I think it's pretty clear that battle passes and season passes are synonymous here.

They even outlined how seasons will work way back in August last year : https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/diablo4/23816415/diablo-iv-quarterly-update-august-2022

"Diablo IV's Seasons are modeled after those of Diablo III. When a new season begins, all the characters from the prior season are moved to the Eternal Realm, where you can keep playing, leveling up, and collecting loot. To play in the new season, you’ll create a fresh character and experience the new seasonal features and content while leveling up alongside other players. "

And the only thing that's "paywalled" is some cosmetic stuff you can unlock, not the season itself or its features. Unless you count random cosmetic stuff "features".
They called it a battle pass and not a 'season pass' intentionally. Calling it a battle pass invokes comparisons of other games like Destiny where new players will assume it will be open to everyone. The only thing they were up front about being gated behind seasonal characters were the new story content, leaderboards/ladders. They didn't say the Battle Pass was locked behind seasonal characters until yesterday, two weeks after launch.

No, it's not like Diablo 3 because D3 seasonal content wasn't fucking paywalled.

Battle Pass progress should be available to everyone whether or not they make a seasonal only character.
The "this is how it's always been" excuse is inaccurate and a lame justification for a shitty, greedy, design.

The fuq you talking about? they told us a long time ago battle pass is tied to seasons. Anyone who played Diablo 3 would figure out that the battle pass is just D3 seasonal journey with a different name.
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Having never done anything like seasons in diablo I had no idea it involved rolling a new character and leveling them up.

Sounds interesting if it's going to be different with new quests among other things.

I'll just keep plugging away on my sorcerer then and hold off on trying a new character until the season starts I guess.


I want to play my character in seasons that I have put time into

I do not want to restart a new character for each season and regrind everything, tagging altars, reexploring the entire map

I may do one just because I bought the premium edition and it includes the first season but not restarting every few months
You're in luck then: altars carry across seasons and map exploration carries across seasons.
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