Diablo IV |OT| Blessed Mother... Save Us


I'm having fun with Spiritborn. Playing the Quill Volley/jaguar build as I felt a bit slow with early Centipede after playing Rogue last season. It's anything but slow at this point. I'm zapping across the screen and everything dies.

Just a question, is Frame Generation disabled again? I can't turn it on somehow.

Yes, it's a shame that Frame Gen and foliage RT is temporarily removed on PC and will return in a future patch. Not the end of the world, but would have liked to play the story expansion with all the bells and whistles.

Getting quite a few disconnects as well, but it is maybe once every three hours or so.
I've enjoyed playing as the Spiritborn class and generally enjoyed the expansion campaign but yeah, the end wasn't as satisfying as I'd like. Obviously they want to milk it for at least one more expansion.

Having just hit the new max level of 60, need to work my way through the end-game content now and see how that lands.


Gold Member
Finally beat the main campaign. I forgot how long it was. I even skipped a lot of dialog and enemies. Anyway, getting ready to start the DLC. Just got another patch. I wonder what it fixed.


Rentahamster Rentahamster Antwix Antwix Was fun doing the Citadel with you guys earlier. I don't think I fully understand the right wing, it was the hardest of the 3 IMO. The loot was great, I got 3 uniques that I needed for my build. Now I just need the kepeleke or whatever it is called.
Yeah that one room that we failed a few times was hard to follow. It boiled down to killing those barrier guardian enemies to remove the barrier. But I'm not sure if there was any rhyme or reason as to which barrier it removed. So it's just like, kill the dude(s), and hope you run into the room that just opened to get the stone to place in the center.

All in all though, it was a pretty fun activity. Kinda glad it's a weekly thing and not any more frequent, cuz it is quite long lol. You're right though, the loot is worth it.
Not really feeling the story so far in Vessel of Hatred. Also the writing seems worse than I remember. Too many modern euphemisms that sound out of place for the world of Diablo.

As for gameplay, I'm having fun with Spiritborn. Also nice to see all the improvements they've made since launch.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
The campaign story for VoH was pretty "meh" for me. I was all ready to read all the dialogue and listen to all the story bits...and just quickly found myself completely checked out and having no interest whatsoever.

The final fight is appropriately epic...at least.

Spiritborn as a class just feels so insanely better put together than the other classes now, at least from the leveling perspective. Movement feels good, damage feels good, abilities look cool, the build varieties and options are interesting.

Truly makes all the other classes feel like you're playing an early access concept instead of a fully baked class now in comparison.


I wish this game wasn't always online. So I was playing this for like 45 minutes the other day. Now, when I go back to play, where will my character be? I assume it won't be where I left off, which was just in the middle of a path?


Just finished the story and yeah I get why the disappointed comments.. wonder how many expansions they plan. Though it is weird how they mentioned at some point that next Diablo game is coming much sooner than expected, so maybe 2-3 more? Anyway they will definitely need to drop something big in the next one.
I like the gameplay anyway as I am having great fun with this spiritborn, so I guess back to the usual business for now.
Fuck.. gimme the big prime evils asap!
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Just finished the story and yeah I get why the disappointed comments.. wonder how many expansions they plan. Though it is weird how they mentioned at some point that next Diablo game is coming much sooner than expected, so maybe 2-3 more? Anyway they will definitely need to drop something big in the next one.
I like the gameplay anyway as I am having great fun with this spiritborn, so I guess back to the usual business for now.
Fuck.. gimme the big prime evils asap!
When did they say that?
I literally thought it was 10 years, with expansions every year or 2.
They are going to milk this like you wouldn't believe. It is going to be the greatest milking anyone has ever seen.


Rodent Whores
Rentahamster Rentahamster Antwix Antwix Was fun doing the Citadel with you guys earlier. I don't think I fully understand the right wing, it was the hardest of the 3 IMO. The loot was great, I got 3 uniques that I needed for my build. Now I just need the kepeleke or whatever it is called.

Good times. We should do tormented bosses to fill out the rest of it.

That room was a bitch. If I remember correctly it works like this - kill the barrier guardian to drop one of the barriers, check the minimap to see which barrier clears, go inside get the stone, take the portal back to the main room and place it in the altar, which makes the boss attackable. Next phase is the same thing except two more rooms with stones appear. Next phase is an additional room at the top.

All the while you gotta keep the boss from consuming the aimless souls things wandering around because if he eats too many of them he'll do that AoE group wipe.

I'm not sure how hardcore players expect to do this the first time without dying and not look at a walkthrough hahaha.


When did they say that?
I literally thought it was 10 years, with expansions every year or 2.
They are going to milk this like you wouldn't believe. It is going to be the greatest milking anyone has ever seen.

100% this. I don't recall them saying anything about the next game coming sooner. What I do know was said was what Rod Fergusson said September a year ago: Their plans for D4 is to do years worth of annual expansions with quarterly 'seasons'. Also known as the Destiny model. Fergusson claimed they already had several years of ideas planned out. Don't expect Diablo 5 anytime soon. Diablo 4 is it for a very, very long time, and I suspect a lot of the expansions will end as unsatisfactory as this one.

We're probably not going to be facing Diablo himself, or any other of the Primes, for several more years at least.
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Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
they are still doing seasonal content for d2, and d3, and new content for both d:I and d4.

I think they will work on 5 and release it while supporting the rest.

Grinding Gear is doing the same with PO1/2


I guess it was this article
However things can and will change as always, ask the dude, he's already out of there since

For me it doesn't really matter what's it called. New expansions can be fine. I'll be playing this game regularly on new seasons anyway just like I've always did with each game since going online with D2 in 2006 or so..
And with that I'd argue it is still better to get these kinds of updates beyond playing the same base game + 1 expansion for a decade with new seasons.
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ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I'm a bit lost on what the endgame loop is supposed to look like now in Season 6 VoH.

In Season 5 it was:
- Run infernal hordes for materials, gold and/or legendaries
- Run tormented bosses for legendaries/uniques/mythics
- Run nightmare dungeons for glyph upgrades

In Season 6 the only thing that's obvious now is:
- Run the pit for glyph upgrades

I'm completely lost on what activity is good for what now.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
I'm a bit lost on what the endgame loop is supposed to look like now in Season 6 VoH.

In Season 5 it was:
- Run infernal hordes for materials, gold and/or legendaries
- Run tormented bosses for legendaries/uniques/mythics
- Run nightmare dungeons for glyph upgrades

In Season 6 the only thing that's obvious now is:
- Run the pit for glyph upgrades

I'm completely lost on what activity is good for what now.
Great question actually... Rentahamster Rentahamster and a few other folks have already finished up the campaign and are doing all the post story content.

The Pit is great for Glyph and xp in general
Helltide is good for bounty clearing in the overworld
Uber/Nightmare bosses are still the norm for tracking down high tier items
New co-op dungeons sound like they are producing good items too.
Void creatures (cannot recall their name) roam the overworld and provide a great way to get the new season consumable (xp buff for leveling and items)

My plan:
Finish story campaign (currently level 36 have all the mercs and am in Nanhatu [sp])
Then decide on a build and target glyphs and pit runs for glyph upgrades
Then I will rotate through the following:
1) Material collection from Helltide, Pit, Void Creature
2) Co-Op Dungeon when my level is high enough
3) Item grind...


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Wow that campaign for the expansion was utter fucking garbage. Aside from a cool last boss, EVERYTHING else felt pointless and the character's all introduced were thrown out the window.

Legit 1/10 experience. The campaign could've been the last boss, and the cut scene after, and that's it. The rest mattered 0%.

I'm also upset that clearly the writers want to focus on Neyrelle and I'm supposed to give a fuck about this character. I don't. No one does. She's shit. They needed Lorath to carry this. Modern Blizzard sucks at story telling, but god fucking damn this is the worst shit they've put out period.


I don't know what it is with this game but I have a hard time getting back into it.
I think it's just the theory crafting is annoying because I think the legendary aspects and paragon should just be in the damn skill tree. After last epoch the way Diablo does their character building is just ass backwards. Last epoch also crushed crafting, no wonder D4 copied it.
Like give the LE devs blizzard art talent, without the graphics and high production values D4 would be so much worse.
Also, the expansion was a huge missed opportunity. The story is universally disliked. $40 is seen as bad value for what is a glorified DLC. The spiritborn class is apparently excellent but it makes it seem like it's intentionally unbalanced against the other classes to make more people buy the expansion.
This whole game feels like a money making vehicle first and a game second. Blah.


Scroll of retempering came in clutch. First ancestral gloves I found worth a damn got bricked not once but twice. Third time was the charm though.

And yeah, campaign sucked. Now that the new foundational dlc features are released now, I'm optimistic for future seasons. (Realmwalkers also suck)
Wow that campaign for the expansion was utter fucking garbage. Aside from a cool last boss, EVERYTHING else felt pointless and the character's all introduced were thrown out the window.

Legit 1/10 experience. The campaign could've been the last boss, and the cut scene after, and that's it. The rest mattered 0%.

I'm also upset that clearly the writers want to focus on Neyrelle and I'm supposed to give a fuck about this character. I don't. No one does. She's shit. They needed Lorath to carry this. Modern Blizzard sucks at story telling, but god fucking damn this is the worst shit they've put out period.
You saved me forty bucks and probably a dozen hours of my lifetime, thank you :)
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
You saved me forty bucks and probably a dozen hours of my lifetime, thank you :)
That’s not to say the actual gameplay, new content, etc isn’t worth the $40. The new level cap, rune words, end game activities, and dozens of other changes/reworks make the game feel like Diablo 5. Its night and day what’s going on here.

That said if all you planned to do was the campaign then shut it off, yeah just watch the cut scenes on YouTube.


That cinematic with Neirelles splintered limbs is the most fucked up shit I've seen in years.

Did not think current day Blizzard can produce and release something like this. Maybe there is still hope for this company.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
I have not finished the new story campaign yet, but leading up the expansion pack release I was hoping they were going to show all the despair and destruction that we only get a glimpse of with "the dark wanderer and marius" from D2.

Based on all the promo/trailer material I assumed that they combined the dark wanderer and marius into one character (Nyrell in this case) and we would be able to watch her succumb to "hatred" and become the next diablo (or whatever) or she would overcome the trials and tribulations of fighting hatred and elevate to a position that Tyrell held in D1 and D2 except human, with hordrium knowledge and stuff she learned while carrying/fighting with the soulstone.

Everyone seems to universally hate the story in the expansion, and while I have not had it spoiled the reactions so far allowed me to put off finishing the story stuff and just blast through to the end game (thank you Rentahamster Rentahamster & Antwix Antwix for allowing me to tag along last night).


Rodent Whores
I wasn't too jazzed on the story, but I still think it's worth experiencing. There are some cool parts in it.

I'm surprised that Raxx is as positive about the campaign as he is.




Seems that this is the way to farm Forgotten Souls Got a lot from the Maiden and a lot from chests. IH's were a bust, didn't get any with the material chest on T2 but still good for the other mats.

okay this was good. I went from zero to 300 forgotten souls after two helltides, one in Torment 2, and one in Torment 3.

Yeah, I got about 300 also, used some for upgrades and ended up with 240 when done.
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Gold Member
Pretty cool nostalgia trip in the DLC. Too bad about the ichor shit though. I wanted some shiny floors in Durance of hate lol
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Got two unique items from the curio dealer. Gloves and boots for my rogue. Level 54 so they wont last for ever but nice that you can get those from gambling.


Rodent Whores
Forgotten souls drop rate buffed



So, i've played Diablo 4 yesterday and had some good fun.
But the game leaves a bad taste in my mouth with all the talk that classic Blizzard is dead and the cosmetic monetization idk what to think if i like the game or not.
What you guys think, is blizzard dead or do you enjoy the game?
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ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
So, i've played Diablo 4 yesterday and had some good fun.
But the game leaves a bad taste in my mouth with all the talk that classic Blizzard is dead and the cosmetic monetization idk what to think if i like the game or not.
What you guys think, is blizzard dead or do you enjoy the game?
You can enjoy the game for what it is, which is currently in the best state that it's ever been in.

The monetization stuff is there, but fortunately there's no "power" to be obtained that way, it's just all cosmetics so you can safely ignore it if that's not your thing.

Seems like the game has gotten on the right path much much faster than Diablo 3 did, and I imagine D4 is still doing pretty damn well for Blizzard that they'll keep investing in it and delivering more content.

Regardless of what might be going on at Blizzard as a whole, Diablo is in a great spot and you should enjoy it while it's there!


You can enjoy the game for what it is, which is currently in the best state that it's ever been in.

The monetization stuff is there, but fortunately there's no "power" to be obtained that way, it's just all cosmetics so you can safely ignore it if that's not your thing.

Seems like the game has gotten on the right path much much faster than Diablo 3 did, and I imagine D4 is still doing pretty damn well for Blizzard that they'll keep investing in it and delivering more content.

Regardless of what might be going on at Blizzard as a whole, Diablo is in a great spot and you should enjoy it while it's there!
I see, thanks for your insight.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I have a question for those who have finished the expansion campaign:

During the campaign you get as a reward, legendary items with a unique look that are part of the Hatred set. They are all called Hatred's something: Hatred's gaze, Hatred's claws, and so on.

Does anyvody have the legs of the set? Because I am missing them and I am worried I vendored Instead of dismantling them.

Thank you.


FYI, in T3 I got 5+ times as much obducite in a 10 round Infernal Horde than I got in a T3 nightmare dungeon.
Yea in season 5 as most would, I found it's way fucking easier to farm upgrade materials in infernal hordes and glad it's same for season 6 as NM dungeons are shit.
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