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Did GAF pass on Outlaws because it was woke?

Why didn’t you buy Outlaws?

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Speaking as someone who bought the gold edition, as I really wanted to like it, the woke narrative is shit, but the thing that’s annoying is that you know they’ve spent time cramming in the annoying food minigame to ram home that all cultures are equally valid, making sure every relationship is same sex (oohh - how challenging!), the weird character model and conscious decision to have her flirt with the odd chick and making 95% of the imperials/strong characters female…. when they could have spent it not making the stealth sections a huge pain in the arse, sorting out respawn on death, fixing the glitches and bugs and the shitty mechanic that means that if an enemy sees you in certain areas it is instant death after you have been shooting at them for ages.

The voices are dreadful - the amount of aliens who just talk with regional accents rather than Bossk type hisses and alien noises.

They clearly prioritised ‘educating’ their fans - who they clearly despise - over making a good product. I guess that is Star Wars these days in general, but it sucks. I think the director of the new movie was banging on about wanting to make men feel uncomfortable - the same ethos was applied to this game - but when men are the only ones dumb enough to pay £70+ for your product, surely you have to think about the business logic of that?
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Played it, liked it, but didn’t feel compelled to continue it.

Maybe I’ll come back to it during winter but most likely not.


I'm not right or left, and I do believe the useless term "woke" is being used way too much on this forum. It's become such a boring and meaningless word.

As for the Star Wars game, It looked like some generic shit as those Ubi games often does. To many other, more interesting games to play.

I'm sure lots of folks on here enjoyed it though. It's not like a echo chamber here, where everyone here has to have the same loud opinion as others.
(I hope)
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The Lando bits pissed me off too - it’s set between Empire and Return of the Jedi - he was basically on route to Jabba’s palace and then undercover there - that’s it. He didn’t fuck off round the galaxy playing cards with people.
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Gold Member
I passed because it's Ubislop.
Watching some of those video reviews I found those 'stealth' sections absolutely hilarious because it looked like 1996 'stealth' gameplay.
I don't know how they thought this was OK.


The nicest person on this forum
I'm not right or left, and I do believe the useless term "woke" is being used way too much on this forum. It's become such a boring and meaningless word.
I 100% agree with this…..people going waaaaay over board calling anything and everything “woke”.


Glasses Why Dont We Have Both GIF by nounish ⌐◨-◨


Multiple reasons.

  • Whatever the hell they did to the main character's face. Seriously, did they lose the scans of the actor in a crash or something?
  • It didn't look particularly good, and gameplay footage after launch reinforced that impression.
  • It didn't launch on Steam.
  • I have zero enthusiasm for Star Wars any more. Disney's continued mishandling of it has killed any anticipation for new SW content.
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It’s a shame because once you get the idea that its a 3rd person shooter like Division out of your head and realize its a stealth adventure game it’s really fun.

Yes there are some mechanical problems but the atmosphere, characters and story are really pretty good. In my top 5 of the year.

Also really don’t know what the fuck you are all on about with bugs, I’m 28 hours in on PC and had ONE weird save bug that caused me to lose 10 minutes of progress.
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It just didn’t look compelling. The main character being some small part of that.

I’m just burnt out on 40 hours of middling slop.
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There's three companies I don't buy games from and Ubisoft is one of them. I don't have one game of from them in my library and seeing all the kerfuffles surrounding this and Shadows - there is no reason to change that.


I don't even know what's supposedly 'woke' about the game. The fact that it has a female protagonist who doesn't look like a model? I don't give a shit about that. Game just doesn't seem very good.
I passed on it because from what I’m saw it reeked of the monotonous Ubisoft formula which I have more than had enough of.

I recently watched the Stsr Wars 1313 trailer (remember that?) and that was something I would like to play in the Stsr Wars universe, that kind of vibe anyway.
I'm not political or religious and I don't hide behind either or use either as an argument.

Ubisoft, just saying the name bores the life out of me. It's a horrible company both in terms of how some employees are treated, and how we are treated. They act like we need them more than they need us. They bend the knee to stock holders that help make gaming as a whole worse, but blame us for lack of sales and rising costs because we (hopefully) are done with buying shit, mediorce at best, games at an inflated price. Fuck them, and other companies, straight to bankruptcy.

As for the game, it looks boring and bland. It looks like a Ubisoft game. The lead character looking weird is some places is 1 thing, but actually paying a model for her likeness and then not using it, is an example of them throwing money out the window and blaming it on poor sales or "incel victories". Of course people will say "woke" and "anti-woke," but regardless as to why they made that decision, it doesn't make sense. Her appearance had no impact on me not buying it, but it's obvious that's a big point of this topic.
Also, I've no investment in Star Wars. The first 3 films were grand, but not a series I'm into. Some games were good, but overall, no lose to me.

Maybe if Ubisoft made that Laser Tag game it would be a turning point, and then they could take it off stores 1 year later with no refunds. It's the only sensible thing to do. I hate them so much.
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I passed because everytime i chose to gave a chance to an Ubisoft game i deeply regretted it, but the last time it happened was AC Odyssey (which people say is a good one).
Who cares about the politics? It was just corporate open world slop and disney star wars mindless horse shit...

The shit could have been a love letter to my own political point of view and I still wouldn't wipe my ass with this paint by numbers Ubisoft slop fest.

I mean other than the Rocky Dennis looking girl boss bitch, what was the politics of this shit?

Hard pass either way
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I think mainly because it’s the typical Ubisoft game, where you have to repeat the same stuff a million times.

Being kind of woke also didn’t do it any favors.

So it’s a combination of both, but I think if it would have more gameplay fun it would have been successful.


I didn't skip it out of any principle and I'll probably try it at some point. I just don't care for more Star Wars after it flooded the market.

I actually like that they went with that early 1980s fashion. I think I would have been more interested if it wasn't Star Wars.


I got gamepass and psn premium so a game will really need to catch my interest to buy it during launch nowadays. Too many games to play to spend close to $80 on a new game. Will prob buy it when it goes on sale for around $30-$40 though.
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This forum passed on Outlaws because it’s more Ubisoft slop after years of Ubisoft slop. The female protagonist stuff was largely incidental - whatever games journalists and pissy executives want you to think.

If this had starred a dude, it might have done slightly better business, but not really by all that much.

Main problem is that Ubi turn out bland, insipid shit.

Also, this forum is centrist. It only feels right wing sometimes because the comparison forum is a far left shithole, totally captured by ideology that brooks no dissent. The overton window is naturally skewed by its intolerance.
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I passed on it because Disney has ruined Star Wars. There's just too much Star Wars and most of it is bad. Outlaws actually looks pretty good graphically to me but I have so much Star Wars fatigue that I see the logo and want nothing to do with it.


We've had the same formula released ages ago with much better story and gameplay. Also doesn't help they made it controversial and unappealing right out the gate, so word of mouth got around quick. I wouldn't have even heard of this game if wasn't for the negative press
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I did play it, and I think it's decent. I am not one of these brainless people screaming woke at everything unless it makes sense to do it.


Gold Member
Do you always introduce yourself as rightwing: “Hi, I’m Pat and I’m rightwing…” honestly.

I don’t spend money on unappealing things and I don’t run a game charity.
So my issue with the game is that it just looks unbelievably bland and formulaic. It's so dull. Add to that the complete apathy i've gained for Star Wars over recent years, meaning I just didn't care at all for this game.

As much as everyone bangs on about how bad games are these days, there are still a ton of great games coming out. Why would I play this generic garbage when I can pick up Astro Bot, Space Marine 2, BG3, Stellar Blade, Japanese games, or any number of other amazing games being released.

I don't really care if the main character is ugly or if there's "woke" crap in it. The game just looks dull and boring to me and feels like i've played games just like it several times before.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
I passed on it because Star Wars sucks now, the lead character was really unappealing, and it looked like another boring, cookie cutter, open world Ubisoft game with dull stealth sections, brain dead combat, and lots of 'HOLD X TO OPEN DOOR/BOX/WINDOW/FLY' bullshit that I don't want to endure.

It looked like a piece of shit. And, an expensive piece of shit at that.


I personally never pass on games based superficial reasons as playing as poc or women, I judge games on their playability and level designs first. If that's only mere decent I then look if the story grabs me. Sure if "Woke" games constantly push some unnecessary agenda in your face I'd be annoyed too. I'm not like the grifting idiots who scream woke woke the mere second they see a poc/female character like the NPC's they are. I do research or inform myself if that's the case and how bad it is if it can even influence my enjoyment of the game.


2 reasons why I did not buy it at full price:
1 - never bought a Ubisoft game at full price, they go on sale very quickly and they've devalued their games.
2 - didn't look fun enough to bump other games off my backlog. It's a solid 5th place in the queue and could easily get pushed down further by other fun looking games coming out. I play one game at a time and pick the next based on how much I think I'll enjoy them.

The 'woke' side is inconsequential, that would never stop me from playing a game that looks fun.
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