Having tried all the modes for myself, I realize there are some more devils in the details that may not be apparent from looking at the description of this change:
- The 120hz Resolution mode v/VRR still losing a good amount of its visual impact despite running at native 4K. The 60hz mode simply looks better in terms of image quality, AA, lighting, and more.
- One big change here is that there is no option to run with replays with Ray Tracing enabled with any of the 120hz modes. To me, this is big as I much preferred the look of the 30fps + RT replays. With the 120hz mode, the replays definitely lost much of it's impact and I much prefer how it looks in the 60hz mode.
So for me, the ideal would be for the 120hz, resolution mode that still has an option for the RT enabled replays. But currently for me, I'll just stick with the native 4K/60fps + RT settings that is no slouch anyway (oh and the added VRR works for the 60hz mode as cleaning up the few drops that was there)