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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


good thing I held off on a pro, maybe sony will make another iteration to match up with this. Either way, it's good for gamers. Curious to see what games will be taking advantage of this hardware this e3.

Next Sony console will be a proper next gen console. Not a refresh like PRO/Scorpio


I still don't think the end result will be much better than what pro can put out, extra power driving 4K has diminishing returns, but we'll see with time.


Hey, Scorpio looks like it may deliver beyond my expectations. If those results DF saw hold, it's an absolute beast in every sense of the word. :D
Lol you were saying that the Scorpio would be able to run Horizon at 4k 60fps, turns out they seem to be not even targeting 4k 60fps for Forza: Horizon 3.
I dont know about "expected by most". Most people were expecting Vega (which was the most reasonable expectation among the wishlist of Zen, Vega, HBM) and even that didnt come to pass. The performance is exactly in-line with what a 6TF GPU would give in a console environment.

"Largely" - I didn't mean everything and everyone was spot on ;)

And I'm pretty sure we've had months debate here on GAF even covering whether or not Scorpio would be able to pull off native 4K at 60fps at all, and it moved to whether there'd be any room for further enhancements - there was someone here literally last night still lolling at the prospect :D

Having read the impressions througout the day today, I don't think it's unfair to say people have been impressed with the apparent performance in the Forza demonstration, and indeed DF are too - if it exactly met your personal expectations, nice one :)
DF has a reputation of doing sponsored content for a while now. I would trust TechReport, Anandtech or any other serious technical outlet rather than fluff words like "to the metal", "highly custom" etc. Remember these guys are the same people who spun the original Xbox One architecture as something that was bleeding edge - remember the cache engines, 204GB/s ESRAM, multiple articles on reduction of RAM usage etc. At this point, DF's rep is quite low in my book.

This wasnt sponsored. They would have to state it if it was. Its UK law.

Seriously this is getting sad. DF was impressed by what they saw and people are loosing it. Why am I still surprised.

I remember they were very impressed with the Pro as well.
"Largely" - I didn't mean everything and everyone was spot on ;)

And I'm pretty sure we've had months and months of debate here on GAF even covering whether or not Scorpio would be able to pull off native 4K at 60fps at all, and if it could there whetehr there'd be any room for further enchancements - there was someone here literally last night still lolling at the prospect :D

Having read the impressions throughput the day today, I don't think it's unfair to say people have been impressed with the apparent performance in the Forza demonstration, and indeed DF are too - if it exactly met your personal expectations, nice one :)
I still am, if you expect 4k60fps out of most games. Most are sceptical about that.

4k60fps will be far and between. The new Forza could for instance, or most sports games.
Even DF was impressed with what they were able to accomplish with those parts. They (or anyone) didn't expect a GPU to be clocked so highly on a console (for heat reasons presumably). Some people were guessing Vega because they figured they'd use higher compute units but at a much lower clock speed.

I think no one expected a more advance cooling system to push those clock counts up.

I was pretty sure it would be Vega with conventional cooling. Jaguar or Zen my heart wanted Zen but my brain said jaguar.
I still am, if you expect 4k60fps out of most games. Most are sceptical about that.

4k60fps will be far and between. The new Forza could for instance, or most sports games.

I agree it'll be on a game by game basis, and developers are free to choose what to target. 4K 60fps is certainly achievable, and apparently with 4K assets and other improvements too, which is cool.
Well...your expectations were Vega and Zen, so no, it's not on that level.

But it is a nice and strong piece of kit.

My expectations were 980/980 ti range performance as a high mark. Today I'm hearing GTX 1070. Sure, it was an ideal situation with a very well optimized engine, but it's looking to beat my performance expectations if what I read today ends up proving true.

I expected Zen and Vega, but my performance expectations for that setup was 980/980 Ti in a console box. Scorpio appears to be better than that without the need for either. I'd say that's potentially great news. :)


My expectations were 980/980 ti range performance as a high mark. Today I'm hearing GTX 1070. Sure, it was an ideal situation with a very well optimized engine, but it's looking to beat my performance expectations if what I read today ends up proving true.

I expected Zen and Vega, but my performance expectations for that setup was 980/980 Ti in a console box. Scorpio appears to be better than that without the need for either. I'd say that's potentially great news. :)

Because of this i am hoping price wont go above $450
Lol you were saying that the Scorpio would be able to run Horizon at 4k 60fps, turns out they seem to be not even targeting 4k 60fps for Forza: Horizon 3.

Why would they? No point. Not every game is meant to be 60fps.

Because of this i am hoping price wont go above $450

Always thought that was the sweet spot for this, but prepared to see what they charge. Whatever it is, I'm paying it.


Looking back at my prediction. Not bad at all.
The Rumored Neo GPU has the same CU count as this RX480 5.5TF AMD GPU but clocked lower

Neo: 36CU at 911MHz

2304 * 911MHz * 2 = ~4.2TF

Rx480: 36CU at over 1GHz

2304* 1200MHz*2 = ~5.5TF

A theoretical Scorpio would be

2304* 1300MHz * 2 = ~6TF or they could opt for more CUs/sp at lower clock.

That is if my calculations are right. They have to take into account power consumption which is rated to be around 150W for RX480. PS4 idle is rated to be about 90W on menu and about 130W during gaming.


My expectations were 980/980 ti range performance as a high mark. Today I'm hearing GTX 1070. Sure, it was an ideal situation with a very well optimized engine, but it's looking to beat my performance expectations if what I read today ends up proving true.

I expected Zen and Vega, but my performance expectations for that setup was 980/980 Ti in a console box. Scorpio appears to be better than that without the need for either. I'd say that's potentially great news. :)
I think expecting more like 980 performance is a smart thing to stick with. Though no doubt MS did a very good job getting the clock speed they did.

The CPU is also nowhere near a Zen, so that area of performance will not measure up to your (unrealistic :p ) expectations.


Why would they? No point. Not every game is meant to be 60fps.


I'm sure that if they could easily achieve it they would be like "nah, who needs it anyway"


I'm glad that at least there's will be some resemblance of sanity in Scorpio threads after this reveal.

No endless bickering for 15+ pages with everyone jumping up and down that it's a RyZEN CPU just because Scorpio showed up on some display stand, or actual discussion of vague forum posts that boast 4K60FPS with ultra settings for every single game.

Microsoft managed to squeeze good performance out of relatively older architectures like Jaguar/Polaris and will probably be ending up with a decent pricepoint because of it.
That's vastly preferable over the Zen/Vega alternative, regardless of power. Microsoft weren't stupid enough to go pricing themselves out of the market.

This is true. I need 60fps when playing Forza 6, but when its an open world racer like Forza Horizon it would be like 'eww, this 60fps seems excessive.'

Joking, right?


I'm usually on spot when it comes to predicting prices on consoles. I can't seem to figure this one out, lol. I have a safe bet on one price, but then then I have another one for which Microsoft really wants to probably target.
As a consumer and potential buyer of the Xbox Scorpio, I want to know specifically about what Rockstar's plans are regarding Red Dead Redemption 2 for both consoles.

What's the definitive platform to play it on - as far as image quality, graphics, texture quality, level of detail, assets, view distance, resolution and framerate - is it PS4 Pro or Xbox Scorpio??

I'm not going to make an investment in one or the other and then realize that I made the wrong choice without an informed decision based on technical specifications and what I can expect from the final product.

Surely I can't be alone on this...


The Scorpio is more powerful, its not up for debate. If that is your only concern, then your decision is very easy.


As a consumer and potential buyer of the Xbox Scorpio, I want to know specifically about what Rockstar's plans are regarding Red Dead Redemption 2 for both consoles.

What's the definitive platform to play it on - as far as image quality, graphics, textures, level of detail, resolution and framerate - is it PS4 Pro or Xbox Scorpio??

I'm not going to make an investment in one or the other and then realize that I made the wrong choice without an informed decision based on technical specifications and what I can expect from the final product.

Surely I can't be alone on this...

I'm expecting it to be 4K/30 1800p checkerboarded on PS4 Pro and somewhere around 4K/30 native on Xbox Scorpio. That power differential is going to get gobbled up fast if Scorpio truly wants to position itself as a native 4K console.

The DF face-off pre-launch will show us whether the extra visual clarity is substantial or not. I'm guessing it won't be a huge difference either way.


As a consumer and potential buyer of the Xbox Scorpio, I want to know specifically about what Rockstar's plans are regarding Red Dead Redemption 2 for both consoles.

What's the definitive platform to play it on - as far as image quality, graphics, texture quality, level of detail, assets, view distance, resolution and framerate - is it PS4 Pro or Xbox Scorpio??

I'm not going to make an investment in one or the other and then realize that I made the wrong choice without an informed decision based on technical specifications and what I can expect from the final product.

Surely I can't be alone on this...
Visuals and performance will be better on Scorpio.


I'm usually on spot when it comes to predicting prices on consoles. I can't seem to figure this one out, lol. I have a safe bet on one price, but then then I have another one for which Microsoft really wants to probably target.

It screams $399 except for the wildcard of the cooling. Even the extra ram should be something MS can absorb. The rest is mostly an Xbox one S with an APU the size of the ps pro (albeit possibly binned or lower yields due to needing to hit higher clock speeds?)

I think $399. Ps pro likely to get a small price adjustment


After sleeping on it ....Yes, this thing is a little box of wonderment...The customisations on top of the differences is components compared to the Pro should mean quite a noticable difference...for people coming from the XB1 the difference will be huge....and PS4 slightly less so...These are the peeps Scorpio is trying to attract IMO...Absolutely it will be my main 3rd party platform of choice, while of course keeping Pro for the PS exclusives. Also the hate DF are getting ...astounds me....In all videos from yesterday not ONCE did i get a sense of them doing anything other than simply report the news...bias this bias that, i just didn't/don't see it...Sorry.

Going to stick to my guns with pricing after speaking to a few of my dev chums to get their thoughts on this thing...



I'm expecting it to be 4K/30 1800p checkerboarded on PS4 Pro and somewhere around 4K/30 native on Xbox Scorpio. That power differential is going to get gobbled up fast if Scorpio truly wants to position itself as a native 4K console.

The DF face-off pre-launch will show us whether the extra visual clarity is substantial or not. I'm guessing it won't be a huge difference either way.

Textures could be a big factor. Absolute resolution might be more even like you say if the reconstruction method used is a solid one in RDR2
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