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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


This is a big processor...


The finger was really funny.


" There is some evidence that Scorpio true 4K performance could pose a challenge to the like of Nvidia GTX 1070 and AMD fury X"

This is just amazing.

I'll wait because I highly doubt that, but of true then HOLY SHIT. But that does factor in the weak cpu against a powerful cpu on pc?

Kar L

Assuming this will have a 'premium' price tag, id want it for longer than that.Then youve got a out of sync console war with consumers having to buy every few years if they want the best tech.

This whole mid cycle refresh will be the death of consoles if you ask me, its doing the PC things that console buyers dont like.
Yeah, it is an interesting time for consoles that is for sure. We're entering PC territory with these temporary incremental upgrades every few years. It's starting to feel like it's always a bad time to buy a new console because there's always something brand new around the corner.
DX12 implementation reducing CPU load by over 50% is kind of a big deal no??


The fact they've got the Forza engine running at 60fps 4K resolution with 66% of the GPU utilised is exciting too, means there's room for graphical improvements beyond the resolution bump and 60fps.


So all this coverage on Eurogamer and the site is down lol great start.

Want to see how Read Dead 2 and other big third party games look before thinking about an upgrade. All sounds pretty good so far though.


Im gona be smart and wait for better trade in deals now before I jump on any eb deal. Last time with the one s I missed some amazing deal from ms store.


System-wide downsampling is great. Good job MS!
What a huge oversight by Sony to no let owners of 1080p TVs use downsampling with the Pro. I hope Sony will patch this.
Actually, I don't need a 4k TV, as it auto down samples to 1080p. I'll ride out my base PS4 until PS5 and will be upgrading from my Xbox One to Scorpio next year.

If you will be spending $400-500 on new console you might as well try to find cheap 4k TV (one can be had for less than $300). These consoles don't feel like a great purchase on 1080p screen... (and I'm not the first one to say it)
Pro would be $349 soon, this should be $399
$449 would make the $100 gap ,which means vita
But vita means life? You can't buy life with $100!

Oh and to everyone whining about 'fanboys' in this thread please try and remember that most likely people are just cynical or expected the moon on a stick. Not every person that doesn't like your favourite thing is a 'fanboy', people can have differing opinions.

I'll have to wait until games release, I think. I chose PS4 as my multi-plat machine for the reason that it was stronger and, in all honesty, MS' exclusives just don't appeal to me anymore. If this is significantly stronger its a no-brainer over the Pro however if its a negligible difference - according to DF once games release - I may stick with the PS4 as I've gotten invested in its trophy system, love the UI, etc... and I already have an Xbox One S.

But I'll probably fold and buy this, I just want to use it enough to justify that.

uh oh.


How much more expensive... that is the question.
Why would that be contentious? Nobody honestly expected it to be weaker, did they?


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Why? Devs want their games out their looking the best at all times. Crazy not to take advantage of all that power when it's so easily available to use.

Because devs aren't supporting the thing right now? The Japanese support for the Xbox one is embarrassing honestly
Now I hope and pray Microsoft actually has some games available to make me want to buy one of these. I doubt it, but one can hope
Probably going to be a great machine to choose for 3rd parties. The price is what might be a problem, regardless if it's for enthusiasts.

Also why do console makers feel the need to bottle neck their systems on the CPU side? Is it just a cost thing?


Expected those specs if you took a ps4 pro and water cooled the APU.

The secret sauce could be in the DX12 hardware decoder, it could make a big difference to some games OR it could just be a bit of PR blurb to take the heat away from an up-clocked Jaguar and it will still run games at same frame rate as a pro.

As a pro owner I guess we will have to wait until their is a process node shrink from 14 / 16 nm before anyone can fit a Zen + 6 + TF on a single chip.


I think it's a great machine if it comes in at $399. Which I think it will for the E3 bombshell.

More expensive than that (not including bundles) and it's not as great. Though still a very nice little machine.

This thing is gonna be pricey. People need to be ready to pay $500 to possibly $600. That GPU is not cheap.


This was kind of underwhelming I wanted a final name and some games. Maybe that was unrealistic also people will assume eurogamer is biased now. I want to want this thing I hope they get the price right and. Have some good exclusives.

You were told what to expect, and you expected something else.

The fault is yours, not theirs..
Some people heard word "Jaguar" and immediately jumped the gun, talking about some "undelivering", while ignoring all the rest. And why I'm not surprised.
Owning a PS4 Pro makes a purchase of this come down to price and if the exclusive games available for Xbox are compelling enough.

So far I think I will be okay with my Xbox One S, but E3 could very well change my mind.
Seems like a meaty upgrade, that forza screen grab looked great cant wait to see something specificslly built for this thing running


OMG! This console is giving me OG Xbox -> PS2 power gap vibes. I'm already thinking I need to get one. The fitted power delivery solution sounds like some kinda Ferrari level voodoo.


Some people seem to be down on specs...but reading the article DF seems to suggest the system is punching well above its weight and the PC space needs to catch up to consoles in figuring out how to really get the most out of their components.

I don't really care what the specs and numbers are as long as it delivers. Whatever wizardy it is, is fine by me. Like Horizon on the pro.


Microsoft has it on the hardware front.

This E3 is now about the games. Not about numbers on paper anymore.

By the time E3 rolls around hardware talk will be old news. We will simply compared games to games and it will be the true test of the future of this thing.

We all know sony has downright remarkable developers on their team that do things with hardware that are simply jaw dropping. Third party titles, yes we will see a difference in performance but I suspect first party sony titles ( numbers, figures, framrates etc ) aside will look better and more impressive.
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