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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


Fafracer forever
tapedeck said:
but DX12 implementation reducing CPU load by over 50% is kind of a big deal no??
This class of CPUs can push 50k+ drawcalls with low-level APIs utilized properly. Maybe DX12 overhead is different, but either way, graphic throughput hasn't been stinted by graphic-APIs on consoles for a long time - it's more an issue of legacy-code stacks that are still stuck in DX9 era and come with their own bottlenecks.


I am impressed by the specs. What I'm mostly interested in is what all that spec headway, putting 4k performance to one side, contributes to their vision for Scorpio? E3 will be very interesting. I hope they put all their cards on the table and show us mostly retail kit gameplay footage. If they've really done their homework, that's the best way to wow us / get us onboard and showcase what it can do.


I don't have knowledge about specs etc. But those $400 expectations sound like those $200 for Switch back in the day. Well unless MS will take a big loss on the console.

Yeah, I mean sure it's not a generational leap by any stretch, but I would expect it to be more expensive than the Pro.

Doesn't strike me as something that will really move the needle frankly. I feel like MS might not have even bothered if they had seen the tepid response to the Pro.


Nice. Specs look good, great support thought out for older games, perpetuity almost in swing too. As a PC guy this stuff bodes well for development of games in general as yet more reason to keep pushing the high end, so should be good news all round.

If they really go with $499 as speculated, then it will be a tough sell. If I were Sony I would put Pro to 349 or even 299 and normal Ps4 to 199 and would still have the better games.

Not really. The die hard fans will be in regardless and that seems to be the core of what they are going for. Price will drop as time goes on obviously, but some will be more compelled to go with the cheaper Xbox One systems, knowing they can take that forward to the new system when it is more affordable, and get something often better than PS4 Pro.

All in all most of the advantages of perpetuity finally hitting the console space, and I suspect customers will click on to that and like it.

Talking of "without generations" this seems it. Like PC, people will shift to what becomes affordable to them when they feel like it.


Am I hearing this right? There will be performance modes most for games? If so, that would be great for those who value performance.


never left the stone age
DX12 on a chip. neat!

That's just marketing speak. The point of DX12/Vulkan was to bring console style optimizations to the PC platform. Though I suppose they could just be talking about the GPU supporting the full DX12 featuresetset, haven't really read up on it so please excuse my ignorance :p

It's kinda like a Gaf -> Internet -> GAF thing


"Barely better than PS4Pro" people have me legit chuckling. It's like you aren't even reading or watching anything

The downplay! Doooownplaaaaiyiyihiy

-Huge chip
-384-bit bus
-Huge Cooler
-UHD Bluray drive
-Individual customization on the Motherboard

I don't see this thing being less than $499. I mean MS is charging $150 for an elite version of a controller.

I'm not sure it was worth the extra year and higher cost. PS4 Pro could be down to $349 by the Holidays.

Xbox One SOC: 363mm²
Xbox One Scorpio SOC 360mm²


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
It's a nice console from what they've just shown..that said I still think it really needs to be $399. I think that would push a lot of on the fence folks into purchase territory.


Doesn't look like that much better than the Pro to warrant abandoning that platform for this one.

I realized I never honestly cared about their hardware superiority/inferiority - it's their games I want to know about. Unfortunately, it will take more than 1 conference of promises to make up for half a decade of letting me down :(

You found this more boring than the whole "This is what HDR might look like if we could show you via stream what HDR actually looks like" presentation?

Yes. It was far more boring than that.
Because 99.9% of the people in here making remarks have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to computer architecture. All they see are numbers, and if those numbers aren't higher than "other" numbers by a factor of 10x, then it's "the same as", "not much more powerful", "weaksauce", or "muh PC!"...

That's because companies know nobody understands computer numbers so they through them around like anything. Does Microsoft tell you what a teraflop means or what it is measuring? No, they expect you to see that one number is bigger than the other so you can't fault people for doing that when it's exactly what they want you to do.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Cool. Good work. I'll stick with my plan of revisiting this gen's Xbox games down the road when the price of this hardware dips down pretty low (assuming it's not so rare a product that we can never find it for cheap). Also, if I don't ever get a gaming PC, which I think is a leap I'm a bit more likely to make.
If they really go with $499 as speculated, then it will be a tough sell. If I were Sony I would put Pro to 349 or even 299 and normal Ps4 to 199 and would still have the better games.

$499 would make it almost £500 in the UK, which would be pretty much DOA and £150 more expensive than the PS4 Pro, Microsoft aren't that insane.

It'd also be £300 more expensive than the Xbox One S, which is too much of a gap for anybody to consider the jump unless they already owned one and were upgrading.


But the fact is, you can squeeze a lot more onto them.

Like, as one of the people who hoped for Zen, I'm very happy with this.
Well let's be clear, these changes aren't in the same world as a Zen upgrade. It's nice (and in fact basically required), but not huge or amazing.


Now microsoft needs to knock it out of the park at E3. New games and new IPs. And I do mean NEW games. Not games we already know about from third parties that they just pay to own. I mean actually generate a plethora of new games.


Some people seem to be down on specs...but reading the article DF seems to suggest the system is punching well above its weight and the PC space needs to catch up to consoles in figuring out how to really get the most out of their components.

I don't really care what the specs and numbers are as long as it delivers. Whatever wizardy it is, is fine by me. Like Horizon on the pro.

Where did you read that?
Purchasing this console will all fall on if they release some damn games on it that I will enjoy, I haven't touched my xbox since a month after gears 4 released.


I'm shocked the Vega/Zen insider info Senjutsu Sage had been pushing for months turned out to be false.

Utterly shocked.


This would slay at $399. More than that is iffy. It's not a new generation, so it doesn't play anything that the XB1S already plays.


Dear god look like MS engineers have done a great job, Leadbetter is blown away with some of the methods theyve come up with.

Looks like the yields will put it significantly ahead of PS4 Pro.


Red Dead + Scorpio!!
I expected specs and nothing more, but this was a pretty impressive reveal. I wonder what games they'll show with it at E3?


If they are saving the price announcement for E3 there is no way it will be $499.99. There is no way Phil Spencer wants to stand on that stage and say $499 ever again.


At least we know what it is. Also confirms I won't be getting one either lol. They would need some serious exclusives to even consider it. My PC I built last year is much more powerful.


Formerly Gizmowned
So from the internal render we saw and the actual chip in hand I wonder if we could work out roughly the size of the console.


So are they using 384bit memory bus? I think beside the bandwidth, Scorpio is ok, $499 is expected, $399 if they are feeling aggressive.

They sure know how to hype something a year off.

The hardware is just ok, nothing super custom of any sorts. If Sony had waited a year, I'm sure Team Cerny will come up with something as good if not better.

Look at how PS4 managed to smash Xbox1-OG when both of them went head to head.
Microsoft has it on the hardware front.

This E3 is now about the games. Not about numbers on paper anymore.

By the time E3 rolls around hardware talk will be old news. We will simply compared games to games and it will be the true test of the future of this thing.

We all know sony has downright remarkable developers on their team that do things with hardware that are simply jaw dropping. Third party titles, yes we will see a difference in performance but I suspect first party sony titles ( numbers, figures, framrates etc ) aside will look better and more impressive.

Good point, look at HZD.


okay, cool! A powerful console.

Now where's the stuff that actually matters... like the first party software and original IPs?
I wouldn't go looking for it on a tech-focused news outlet unveiling hardware specifications. I'd guess E3 where that kind of thing is usually shown


CliffyB's Cock Holster
The cooling solution by itself is likely going at add a decent amount to the price, I'm thinking $449 minimum.

Really not keen on some of the "special sauce" buzzwording either, that felt very much like sponsored content, and as such should be treated with a certain amount of skepticism.


Microsoft has it on the hardware front.

This E3 is now about the games. Not about numbers on paper anymore.

By the time E3 rolls around hardware talk will be old news. We will simply compared games to games and it will be the true test of the future of this thing.

We all know sony has downright remarkable developers on their team that do things with hardware that are simply jaw dropping. Third party titles, yes we will see a difference in performance but I suspect first party sony titles ( numbers, figures, framrates etc ) aside will look better and more impressive.
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