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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


I don't know why I feel deflated, I didn't really know what to expect but watching a 15min vid of Rich is pretty anti climatic, lol

Yeh I watched both videos and feel like I need a nap.

The hardware is good but nothing mind blowing. Proof will be in the pudding and how it runs games.


GAF's Bob Woodward
They've already said its a custom Jaguar chip, its plastered in all the articles and videos. They seem just fine saying it.

Apologies, I've only read the main article, and spec sheet therein - and when I first hit the parts about the CPU, all I could see was the 'new x86' and 'unique custom x86' references, that made go 'oh!' - and think it was something completely different. DF does clarify it then - the 'oh.' moment - but I wouldn't say the lineage is being headlined by MS in that article. Maybe elsewhere it is...like I say, haven't seen it all yet :p


Hey, I did it and got 4k TV and that's the best purchase I ever made. This was the best time to do it with all the games that came out. In your case New Xbox seems like an amazing purchase (you also need 4k TV)! But I'm talking specifically for me this isn't worth the money...

Actually, I don't need a 4k TV, as it auto down samples to 1080p. I'll ride out my base PS4 until PS5 and will be upgrading from my Xbox One to Scorpio next year.
Because 99.9% of the people in here making remarks have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to computer architecture. All they see are numbers, and if those numbers aren't higher than "other" numbers by a factor of 10x, then it's "the same as", "not much more powerful", "weaksauce", or "muh PC!"...

People also overhype themselves up about these things. I think many expected zen. Just like everyone expected NX to play the top games.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Only the "WUST" ers. But the exact same thing happened in the ps4 pro threads.

Well, the people dead set in Zen are finally seeing how crazy that idea was.

Looking forward to watching the video soon. Seems nice!

Yea, some of tried to tell folks to keep expectation in check.

Overclocked Jaguar or something between Jaguar and Zen was more realistic.

That RAM tho, good god.


Sounds like a beast to be sure.

This is gonna be really weird for the generation. If the PS5 is hypothetically 3 years away, presumably one upping this yet again, would MS respond in kind? Assuming this will have a 'premium' price tag, id want it for longer than that.Then youve got a out of sync console war with consumers having to buy every few years if they want the best tech.

This whole mid cycle refresh will be the death of consoles if you ask me, its doing the PC things that console buyers dont like.
The video isn't marketing. You think Phil Spencer showered DF with money, Doritos, and Mountain Dew? Just because the video was positive doesn't mean that it was bought.

Keep pushing that narrative that it isn't a big upgrade despite hard evidence in the analysis contradicting your armchair opinion.

I don't give a shit what the narrative is. I love DF, but they are not developers. And I do kind of want New Xbox, it's more about being able to justify it when I already own Pro. Why are you being so defensive?!


This is a big processor...



Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
Disappointed it isn't Zen...but DX12 implementation reducing CPU load by over 50% is kind of a big deal no??


I don't have knowledge about specs etc. But those $400 expectations sound like those $200 for Switch back in the day. Well unless MS will take a big loss on the console.


That backwards compatibility tease at the end!

Anyway, I'm in. My Pro will sit nicely on the shelf BELOW the Scorpio :)


Well clearly games that aren't patched won't hit 4K (though they will run better) - but they WILL have 16x AF and forced v-sync WITHOUT a Scorpio patch. So it will still be improved.

This is what is most interesting to me...even without patches so many games are going to look demonstrably better...halo 5 will probably get a patch but even if it doesn't 1080p all the time and 16x AF will change how that game looks completely. Very excited and happy that this is turning out how i built it in my head :)

Please continue the salt
Jeez this thread is moving at breakneck speed.

I'm pretty impressed with that Forza 6 tech demo. 4k60FPS at higher settings than the regular Xbone and it still has more gas in the tank...insane.

Also very pleased to see that #1 all games are getting a boost, no waiting for "pro patches" like the PS4 and #2 it will all be scaled down to 1080p sets. I most likely won't be able to afford a 4k OLED this year, but my 1080p OLED will still work a treat until then.


Because 99.9% of the people in here making remarks have no clue what they are talking about when it comes to computer architecture. All they see are numbers, and if those numbers aren't higher than "other" numbers by a factor of 10x, then it's "the same as", "not much more powerful", "weaksauce", or "muh PC!"...

This. From the looks of it, Scorpio is extremely impressive, both specs- and tech-wise. I think people vastly underestimate how much work it takes to increase performance like that and have liquid cooling.

That, or people just don't want to appluad Microsoft for doing a good job.


I'm surprised they're not offering a hardware level post-processing AA solution (Nvidia FXAA / Injected SMAA) for backwards compatible games with the power they have to spare.

Shame this info dump didn't come with much of anything to actually have a gander at. Still, I don't see myself buying this console solely for a better version of Red Dead Redemption 2.

I am getting it for a better version of Forza 7 and Crackdown.


Neo Member
It's alright this console having all these wonderful specs, but personally, I don't think Microsoft has the exclusives and first-party teams right now to deliver games which would make me want it, nor the full support of third-party devs, in which many from Japan are now back to delivering blockbuster titles out the park as evidenced on PS4 so far this year.

I am by no means bias as I have PS4 Pro, Switch and PC, and heck, even the OG XBOX & Dreamcast, but is it perhaps maybe a good idea to wait for the PS5 which may be coming sooner than we may think??


fuck no i never want to see that shit again.
What a nightmare i got like 7 hdmi devices and i get crazy.
Shit turning off and on screen on off.

Just turn HDMI-CEC off on your TV or device, then. My TV works super well with it and sucks at switching inputs manually, so it's pretty much my favorite feature on PS3, PS4, and Switch.


If they really go with $499 as speculated, then it will be a tough sell. If I were Sony I would put Pro to 349 or even 299 and normal Ps4 to 199 and would still have the better games.
So PS4Pro 2017 edition. Good enough i guess if it is 399 for people interested in Xbox ecosystem. Doesn't seem a huge step though, the logical next step to keep the 'midgen' refresh thing alive.


If they really go with $499 as speculated, then it will be a tough sell. If I were Sony I would put Pro to 349 or even 299 and normal Ps4 to 199 and would still have the better games.

I also talked with Richard Leadbetter about Project Scorpio. He was honestly surprised and this thing is not going to be cheap.

USgamer: Was there anything that surprised you about Scorpio, or was it largely in line with your expectations?

Digital Foundry's Richard Leadbetter: The funny thing is that Microsoft knew exactly what my expectations were because I posted them in response to their E3 announce video last year. So with the GPU clock speeds in particular, they have delivered much, much higher frequencies than I expected - it took me by surprise and I think they got a kick off my reaction.

USgamer: Any speculation on what this will cost with the specs you've seen?

Leadbetter: Well, it's going to be more expensive than Pro. That much is obvious. The physical size of the chip - pretty much the most expensive single component - is larger, meaning it costs more. The extra four gigs of RAM will add to the cost, as will the UHD Blu-ray drive. The hard drive is pricier, the cooling assembly too. I wasn't told anything about price, but reclaiming performance leadership in the console sector with the ambition Microsoft is showing isn't going to come for free.


It'll be more than a PS4 Pro, so somewhere between $449 and $499. Personally, not hitting the $399 price is a terrible idea.

Well more than Ps4 pro part is obvious as it will get price drop later, But more than $400 is quiet a surprise to me , i have thought that the Scorpio will be available with 500gb space at $399 and than people can customize according to there needs.
So what many suspected. Basically Xboxes version of the Pro. Seems nice.

However when it comes down to it people will still be choosing which system based on other reasons that power for the most part I think. What Microsoft need to do is get to work on other reasons to get there system than our pro version is the most powerful because really, when it comes down to it, who cares?

Was an interesting video seeing about what they did with the tech to make the thing.
I think it's a great machine if it comes in at $399. Which I think it will for the E3 bombshell.

More expensive than that (not including bundles) and it's not as great. Though still a very nice little machine.


My understanding: MS baked DirectX12 to the silicon thereby allowing near-perfect transition between PC and Console with little overhead for the developers.

Yeah, so only shitty support for Xbox One S? That has lower clocks and needs these optimizations.
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