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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio

That's because companies know nobody understands computer numbers so they through them around like anything. Does Microsoft tell you what a teraflop means or what it is measuring? No, they expect you to see that one number is bigger than the other so you can't fault people for doing that when it's exactly what they want you to do.
Word. Also, I think a chunk of people are joking, or simply having some fun with names like Xbox One Pro-er. I personally love the nicknames.
Now microsoft needs to knock it out of the park at E3. New games and new IPs. And I do mean NEW games. Not games we already know about from third parties that they just pay to own. I mean actually generate a plethora of new games.
I don't think that's happening. Microsoft seems content with shutting down studios and projects. They'll have their usually stuff and that'll be it.


Because the video is just marketing bullshit. DF has no idea how developers will use the power of this system. They just pretend that they know something :)

The term you are looking for is "sponsored content".

The video isn't marketing. You think Phil Spencer showered DF with money, Doritos, and Mountain Dew? Just because the video was positive doesn't mean that it was bought.

Keep pushing that narrative that it isn't a big upgrade despite hard evidence in the analysis contradicting your armchair opinion.

It technically is a form of marketing, but based on facts. It's sponsored content from MS and DF is benefiting from the deal by having exclusivity over the official tech dump. It's hard data, but sounds mostly like something written for a Press Release.

Plus, the bump is there, but it's basically the same as the jump from PS4 to the Pro. The RAM will do a good lot, but my guess is that anything patched out for Scorpio will focus more on 4k than solid 60fps. I'm also not expecting 4k60 on this thing unless they make some concessions. Even with the larger RAM pool, faster RAM, and larger GPU, the CPU holds it back.

It's good jump, but not the stellar leap that I think a lot of people in this thread claim it to be.
This would slay at $399. More than that is iffy. It's not a new generation, so it doesn't play anything that the XB1S already plays.

if it is 400 then i'm definitely interested in this shit. never owned an xbox and sounds like this fuckin thing is a powerhouse, haven't even watched the video yet.

although to be fair, i think phil spencer did say devs can make scorpio exclusives if they want.


Really impressed by the video. I didn't think it would be possible for MS to do native 4K 60 FPS, but from that Forza demo it looks like they will be able to do it even without fully utilizing the GPU.

Microsoft looks like it will be delivering on all their hardware promises. Now they just need to deliver some 1st party exclusive announcements at E3 and they could have a hit on their hands. I won't buy a Scorpio if Microsoft continues with Play Anywhere, but hopefully they will also improve the Windows store and quality of their PC ports.


So... what were you hoping for? With only two days of work from the devs, it's capable of playing games like Forza 6 at native 4k, 60fps, with ~30% GPU power to spare. What else do you need from this thing? o_O

Yeah, and forza 6 is still an impressive looking xbox one game. 1080 and a solid 60fps with 24 cars. It's incredible that scorpio pushes it to 4k 60fps with power to spare.....all in 2 days.

How thr fuck is this not impressive to some? How many ps4pro games are native 4k, let alonr, 4k 60fps.



Awesome image, thanks.


never left the stone age
i'm not a PC gamer savy guy so: does this mean scorpio is close to the top of the line?

Not with that CPU, it isn't. But it'll definitely help with sustaining 4K resolutions in games, with better AA/AF, textures and other typically GPU driven aspects of graphics
This thing is gonna be pricey. People need to be ready to pay $500 to possibly $600. That GPU is not cheap.

The chip might be cheaper than we think, but the additional ram and cooler... it's definitely not $399. Might get it $450, but if I had to bet, I'd say $499 with 1 game or 3 older Xbox One games.
They could also think about what Pachter said at Xbox One launch and add Xbox Live for a year, seeing as Microsoft's MP is free on PC anyway.


Felium Defensor
Jaguar and Polaris based. They went with the sensible route I see.
This thing will not cost a penny over $399.98 regardless of what the article suggests, I still believe.

HDMI 2.1 inclusion is very welcome and great to see making it's way into consumer electronics btw! Most likely the best bit for me since I can't fucking wait till consoles fully incorporate VRR. This will be a game changer in the future consoles, you don't even know.


So it's exactly what we basically knew since last year.
Which is an incremental improvement on PS4 Pro, which is an incremental improvement on PS4.

That's only really useful if Scorpio is the lead platform though. I wouldn't expect the Scorpio version of multiplatform games to suddenly have better textures, as long as PS4 continues to outsell Xbox like it does it'll stay the lead platform. Could get some good-looking exclusives in the future though.

Most Multiplatform games have a PC version which already has the higher res textures and models etc... It wont be much work to use this for a Scorpio version.

Rise of the TR is a good example. PS4 Pro still had the OG PS4 textures instead of higher quality ones used on PC.
And I actually own every Xbox product and trying to make an actual decision. So which one of us is trolling?

Probably the guy downplaying the video, calling it an advertisement, and trying to convince people not to buy it?

You know, you. That is concern trolling. Me not owning any Xbox products is because they failed to convince me to choose a One over the PS4. I held off on PS4 Pro to see what Scorpio would be like.

Stop derailing.


Specs look powerful. Now it's time for developers to shine - if they won't be able to use that increase of power reasonably (all games have to be working on normal X1 as well, right?), I don't really think people will care...

Plus, we are probably like 1,5 year from next generation, so Scorpio doesnt really have THAT much time before Sony strikes back with something even more impressive.


What's the faster hard drive? I see in their articles that it's faster, but what are the actual specs? Can't find em.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free

I would rather wait 2/3 years and get PS5/XB2 honestly

Even after PS5/XB2 are out - PS4/Pro, One/Scorpio will get games for quite a while.

Doubt software publishers or hardware provider are looking forward to start at zero again.
"Barely better than PS4Pro" people have me legit chuckling. It's like you aren't even reading or watching anything

I need to see that person who will be upgrading from PS4 Pro to Scorpio. I do agree that this is a great product on its own, but lets be honest here it is hard to justify Scorpio purchase when you already have Pro. This might change, but on paper (and from what developers already did on these systems) I would not expect multiplatforms to be that much better on Scorpio.


So are they using 384bit memory bus? I think beside the bandwidth, Scorpio is ok, $499 is expected, $399 if they are feeling aggressive.

They sure know how to hype something a year off.

The hardware is just ok, nothing super custom of any sorts. If Sony had waited a year, I'm sure Team Cerny will come up with something as good if not better.

Look at how PS4 managed to smash Xbox1-OG when both of them went head to head.

It's all about the war
Sounds more like a xbox one pro then I expected.

Very much like what if the ps4 pro was out 1 year later. I fully expect a 399 price.

On the plus side it shouldn't have a problem existing along side the current xb1.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Pretty impressive piece of hardware. I wonder if they will try to release it before Destiny 2.

Quarter 4 I heard in the vid

Guessing Holidays?
Destiny 2 will be 2-3 months old by then, first DLC would be releasing though


Knows the Score
Jaguar? Come pet the cat!

(Anyway, would like some games for Xbox whatever it's going to be called. Mine hasn't been switched on this year.)
Its clearly a far cry from what some were preachind. Doesn't really present itself as something capable of converting non xbox gamers.

Games will be the real test, as always.


Video got me really excited, lol.

Pretty interesting stuff what Microsoft has done with designing the hardware.


When your CPU workload is cut down a huge amount and your CPU is boosted by 31%. The amount you can fit on those improved Jaguars is an awful amount more.
Yes, but let's be realistic for a second...

Sony has been going on and on about GPGPU, and offloading CPU tasks to the GPU since the initial PS4 reveal..and it has certainly helped developers (mostly first party) do things that wouldn't have been able to do without it..it hasn't been Earth shattering...

Of course Scorpio will be able to do it to a further extent than either OG PS4 or Pro, that goes without saying..let's not pretend that all of a sudden this thing is gonna perform like a Kaby Lake CPU because it's designed to offload CPU tasks to other hardware
Seems a very good upgrade from the OG Xbone, and mostly in line with what I've read many technical posters on Gaf imagine the system to be.
I like that downsampling is a system wide feature, wish the Pro had that!

Reading a few of the Eurogamer articles, it reads like the system will be around $500 considering the tech and emphasis on "premium customer'' by the MS dudes.

At such a high price, I don't see the system making waves beyond US/UK and a few other random markets.


If they price it above 399, they will have a tough time convincing customers. Specially with this type of jump. If their target is the hardcore, they need exclusive software that captures the hardcore's imagination.


GAF's Bob Woodward
The bit that would make me wonder about 399 is the memory. Not sure how RAM prices are these days or what it means for motherboard complexity/size.

Otherwise I'd say it has a very good chance of hitting that number. Yes, it's a bigger GPU than Pro, but it's a year down the road on the other side also...surely that brings some cost savings?

Depending on that, the memory factor..I wouldn't rule out 399 yet. MS wouldn't make money on it, but it would be a good point to reach if they can. I think Scorpio is a much more attractive box vs the base Xbox One than PS4 Pro is to PS4 (which is as much about the relative value of the base boxes than the upgrades, to be fair to PS4 Pro), but 399 would still be a safer choice to aim for than 499 or even 449.
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