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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio


People were expecting a device that match the high end PCs (around 3000 to 4000$), sold at 399$, and now those people are disappointed, sigh...

The specs seems good, better than the pro, and it seems possible to release it at 399$, so to be attractive to many people, that's nice. A 599/699 or more console would have been dumb, nobody would buy that.


I was waiting to see some more about this before I potentially get a PS4 pro. It sounds pretty nice but my console ecosystem is pretty much all PS4 now.

I wonder how devs will tackle this though, will there be much of a difference between ps4 pro and scorpio games in the end? Both still need the games to work on the lesser console.


Did anyone catch on the advanced cooler Rich was talking about? Sounds expensive.

If this thing is $399 I'll be surprised to be honest.


Ugh I meant to say it's not zen. Fixed.

no worries ;D

jaguar really makes most sense. ryzen has just released and the current models available publically are way too pricy for a console. even the r5's are likely too expensive for a console and would probably still make a hypothetical zen scorpio csot $599.

So im glad they went with jag. keep costs down in the console market.


People are too focused on the CPU, yes it is Jaguar but they've made massive improvements in other areas which help improve overall performance


Unconfirmed Member
Well damn, they went all the way.

Excited for what software announcements/upgrades they'll be announcing in the coming months (maybe E3, maybe earlier?) so I can see a more visual representation of the listed specs.

Exciting stuff


If this thing is priced near $500 kiss it goodbye.

He thing is impressive. But it's everything most people thought it would be


Q4 2017 for a mid gen refresh seems pretty late? Especially if this is $499 or over I can't see it being worth it personally.


So everything will be super sampled for 1080p users? That's a very good thing. The PS4Pro is a disaster in that regards.


I doubt Scorpio will change much. My PS4-centric friends haven't shown any interest and they're happily still on standard PS4s. I imagine most existing PS4 owners will feel the same way.


Un Rama
Very impressive specs and goals. But the price remains to be seen and as always with Microsoft they'll need to actually make games I want to buy. Halo/Gears/Forza just bores me to tears.

E3 this year should definitely be fun.
Exactly what I was expecting, a slightly better equivalent of the PS4Pro. Hopefully all that ridiculous 'next gen' talk will die off now.

OK, well you've got some good hardware again at last Microsoft, now get on with announcing enough exclusive games to make it actually worth owning!


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.

So it's not really THAT much powerful...

Like, it's basically Xbox Pro-er.


Not downplaying. I genuinely expect socks to be blown off.

I'm glad MS is on equal/better footing in terms of hardware now.

Real parity begins.


Holy shit MS you actually did it. I must say I am impressed no bs, no smoke screens you actually produced a monster.


Seems like it is part Jaguar part zen. The power handling of lowering the voltage of areas where it currently is not needed, is a Ryzen thing, it was explained during the reveal of Ryzen.

But it seems they offloaded more to the GPU, including the draw calls. That is extremely interesting, I wonder how that will hold up, and what one can achieve in an exclusive game for Scorpio. When one isn't bound by the draw call limit of the Xbox One, one should be able to push a lot more with that. Would love a more indepth analysis of the changes to GPU and CPU :).


Im having a full featured plate of crow. I did not expect MS to show it to DF. I fully expected copy paste bullet points on IGN.
i like this:

So even with a regular 1080p TV, you'll be able to choose between performance modes that make the game run better, or resolution modes that will then "supersample" the 4K image down to your 1080p display, which should give you superb image quality - basically, a fantastically smooth and pretty picture. It's like having the ultimate anti-aliasing solution.
This is similar to how it works on PS4Pro a lot of the time and its a really great feature and it'll likely be even better for games that run native 4K on the Xbox Scorpio.
Just finished the video and everything sounds incredible. Only concern is no vents on the top...I'm very worried about how hot this thing is going to get.
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