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Digital Foundry: Xbox Scorpio

My understanding: MS baked DirectX12 to the silicon thereby allowing near-perfect transition between PC and Console with little overhead for the developers. Other optimizations allow for hitting 4K/60fps.

Very promising even if the first game shown is Forza.


Damn. This thing is powerful and loaded with secret sauce. Just waiting on the preorders to open up.



If this launches in Europe this year and costs 499.99 EUR, that would be a huge surprise. If they really want to launch at that price and find success, they will probably focus on the US first. Europe comes later when the price is down.


Man, Microsoft is throwing a lot of money at the Scorpio so I hope it pays off for them, especially since not everyone within Microsoft is sold on the financial viability of Xbox (At least that was the case in the past). I will probably pick one up but the estimated price of $500 seems very iffy to mainstream


So much sauce

I like it....for 449.

I don't think they will aggressively go at the same price point as the Pro, but man would that be savage if they did
Pretty much on par with expectations.
Not pushing me to buy it, i mean i would if i had an atmos setup or a freesynch monitor but this wont push me over with xb1's current library.
Anyone know how this compares to a 6600k/1070 oc setup?


GAF's Bob Woodward
The CPU sounds very much like a tweaked Jaguar - they don't want to say it's Jaguar for PR purposes, but sounds like it effectively is.


Specs are pretty good. They claimed a better hardware than PS4 Pro and they delivered.

Now we'll have to see how they use this power (i.e. which games are coming on it).
And the price, of course.

Boys this generation might be worth a 3-ways multiplatforming!


MS took the secret sauce jokes to heart and have literally filled the Scorpio to the brim with delicious sauce.

Secret sauce everywhere! Let's get messy.


Well, some of those specs are mouth watering, but the price will be in 'yikes'-territory. As I don't own a 4K, and allready have a PS4 Pro (mostly upgraded for VR performance) and a standard Xbox One that barely sees any usage (only 'recent' exclusive that was up my alley was Forza Horizon 3. I'm not a huge Gears or Halo fan), I don't think I'll double dip. Xbox One has been such a disapointment to me, even though they started pretty good on the exclusives front in year one/one and a half.


Man what a disappointment this was. A lot of hype and nothing else. It's become very synonymous with them lately. Can't even muster any excitement for E3 no matter how much they hype that too. And I was really excited for Scorpio. Turns out it's just a slightly better Pro.

I mean you waited so long for Jaguar ? Why not wait a year more and go for a variation of Zen or something truly beast worthy.
Jaguar ...

Welp. That ends that line of speculation. Also suprised they went with only 40CU GPU ... Seems most of its advantage over the 36 CU ps4pro is just from the higher clocks. Hope they have good cooling to backup those clocks!
Whilst it is nice to see someone pushing the tech in the console space, the price and the lack of first party software makes this a pretty redundant console for me. I can't really see the point in it - it is going to be a extremely niche product. Which i guess is ok. Feels more like a passion project rather than a commercial one.


Not much an improvement over the pro :\ At least we will know that the price will be competitive with these specs.


Native 4k for current gen games? I wasn't expecting that, to be very honest. And no way I'd believe they would manage to port Forza that easily.

This thing seems to be a beast. It seems amazing!! I wasn't expecting this much, honestly.
Impressive, but I don't like how this is basically DF advertising for Microsoft :/

It's hardly advertising unless you count every analysis they do as such. They got the exclusive, much like how other sites get exclusives on stuff but in this case DF are actually able to explain without hyperbole.


Finally a console which does not have crappy hardware. Love it and hope never too read anymore the numbers 900p or 720p :)


I just finished watching. It sounds good to me. Microsoft is definitely not ignoring 1080p users with this which is pretty important for me since I don't have a 4K TV yet. If they get the price right I'm in and it'll become my 3rd party game console of choice.
Good quality texture filtering will make a big difference to a large number of Xbox One titles, where typically 4x anisotropic tends to be the balancing point chosen by developers. The leap to 16x, enforced at a system level by the back-compat engine, is a huge boon, especially in concert with the complete lack of screen-tear and smoother overall performance. More good news: this new feature extends to Xbox 360 games too.

Better than I expected; this is fantastic.


So it's not really THAT much powerful...

Like, it's basically Xbox Pro-er.

The power handling of this custom core, and the way it handles draw calls makes it a lot more custom than one would say on on first glance. Basically it has some ways to offload a lot of the calculations. But want to see how this holds up first. Like how does Fifa 18 look :).


This is such a non-reveal.

Makes sense though,they wouldn't simply first reveal the actual box and demonstrate actual games in anything short of E3.


Good on MS for pushing things forward. Not as exciting as I thought it would be but some good ideas. I'm excited to see how Sony responds (as in new PS in a couple years). I suspect the price to be $599 for the console.
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