
Platform: Nintendo 3DS (eShop only in NA)
Release date: May 24th, 2018 (OUT NOW)
Developer: Vanpool
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Action Adventure/Tower Defense
Price: 39,99$ / 39,99€
Download size: 4866 blocks
Supports 3D

From the wild west to a post-apocalyptic frontier, it seems that nothing can stop the on-going invasion of those rock hard sons-of-guns known as the grocks. They chase down travelers, destroy towns and devour the scrog livestock until there's nothing left. Join the strong but slient armadillo, Dillon -- and the engineering prodigy and his best friend squirrel pal, Russ -- as they travel from town to town to protect those in need and uncover the malicious mission of the meteorite menace! And when I say "join", I literally mean it! Transform your Mii into an ever-encouraging amiimal and accompany Dillon on his adventure by helping him out any way you can!

- Control Dillon in pulse-pounding tower defense gameplay. Prep your resources and plan accordingly as the grocks will show you no mercy.
- You clean town but some straggler still want to give you trouble? Chase them down in high-speed chasing sequences and grind them into gravel!
- Feeling a little tired from the tower defense sections? Unwind in a town filled with mini-games from running a shop to racing to poker and many more! Earn money from them in order to pay for amiimal gunners to make the next TD section all the more easier.
- The Dillon series always had fun character driven plots, so there's no doubt that this will follow along. Whatever is behind the grock invasion this time won't only be just a fun ride but definitely worth the wait.
- Still unsure about this game? Didn't just skimmed the OP because it's not Mario, Zelda, Pokemon or etc? Well there's a demo available on the Nintendo eShop! (NA only? Not sure if the UK got it.)

Okay! This felt like a very important section to make. There's a lot of people out there that think that this is going to be another entry similar to the previous two Rolling Western titles. Well that isn't the case at all since Vanpool really made it clear that they were paying attention to whatever feedback they got. Also, I noticed that there weren't much to any topics made for this game on here. So here you go.
- They listened to a lot of the feedback about the two previous Rolling Western games. Mostly about the controls, difficulty and how tiring the tower defense sections were.
- I can't stress this enough. The touchscreen controls are GONE! It's strictly button-based now.
- The three day setup is gone too. Once you beat a town, you're done. But you can visit them again for bonus missions.
- The game has actual hub town to explore to break up the monotony. It's much bigger than the saloon from the Last Ranger. This is where you can play the mini-games and do business.
- They mini-games range from poker, store clerk, recycling, virtual arcade, racing and scrog farming. Possibly more, not sure.
- Miis can be recruited at the bar for the tower defense missions. Each Mii has a certain weapon and will use it on any tower you set them at. The game gives you time before the actually gameplay starts to get your Miis ready. (Even before the prep part of the tower defense portion.)
- Whenever you do jobs in town, you earn money to hire Mii gunners. They show up at random at the bar. You can choose to keep some after a TD mission.
-Your main amiimal can help back up the gunners, gather resources or even aid Dillon in a fight. Like Gallo, Boone and Nomad from the Last Ranger.
- Despite the game using Miis, there's still a lot of original characters. The mayor characters do have original designs that fit more into the game's art style as well as other new characters like Rita, Penny and Jolt to name a few. Also some old spporting characters are back like Sal, the Stranger and Garrison the bartender. Even that watch tower prairie dog woman -- I'm sure that she never had a name -- now looks over the racing mini-game.
- The reason why it's on the 3DS is because development started before the Switch was even a thing. Want Dillon on the Switch? Support this game!
- The post-apocalyptic setting came to be because the director is a big fan of Mad Max.

"Grock and Roll" Trailer (The Overview trailer in English)
Overview Trailer (JP)
"On a Roll" Teaser
"Getting Up to Speed" Intro Trailer
GameXplain Demo Playthrough
NWR Interview and Preview Discussion
Notes: -Neal of NWR talks about how much he hated the first Dillon's Rolling Western game -- gave it a 4/10 -- and didn't even bother with Last Ranger. But he's having a really good time with DDHB so far. Claiming it's MUCH better than the first one. More is discussed in the video like how the game was originally supposed to be a spin-off of the Legend of Zelda with gorons. And the reason scrogs are there was because the grocks were originally supposed to eat the townspeople.
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