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Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten |OT| - Defend The Prinnies, Define Your Netherworld.


bryehn said:
Been playing the series since 2 came out and scy is still blowing my mind with all this info! Cheers dood!

I've spent far too much time on these games :/ But, hey, at least the information gets out there so it's all good.

MotionBlue said:
Anyone have an idea on how to get the "Axel Statue Down" achievement?

Destroy an Axel Statue in the Item World. Maybe there's a few
on his post-game map
but I haven't checked.

BobM said:
yeah i am still not clear on this concept. I mean, once you throw some nays, into a high level AYE, wont that leave one very high leveled dude who is still going to kill you? Or does this only work if you are strong enough to kill everyone even the high level aye you create.

Basically, combining monsters from throwing them together should leave you with whatever was the higher level monster; if you throw lower level enemies at an Aye Senator, you'll end up with a higher level Aye Senator. Just don't throw the Aye into things as that should trigger it to go offensive.

This resulting Aye Senator should just kind of chill and do nothing unless you hit it, though. That's the point. You just have to kill the dissenters.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
QisTopTier said:
Idk if it's just cause I haven't made any pit stops to level yet, but god damn does the game pick up in difficulty around 5-2.
You did remove the +50% Enemy Boost Null Block on this stage right?


Heh, I barely got a game over on 2-5...which resulted in an ending and I accidentally saved over my only save game. Oh well, at least it doesn't take long to get back there.

The song in that stage is great. la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

Also, is it just me, or is Heart Cannon + FA Flonne stupidly broken? Her ATK and HIT aptitudes make her do stupid damage on those assists. :D


TheExodu5 said:
Also, is it just me, or is Heart Cannon + FA Flonne stupidly broken? Her ATK and HIT aptitudes make her do stupid damage on those assists. :D

Heart Cannon itself is pretty broken for the story. Two Archers/Bow users can basically snipe anything around them that gets normal attacked which kind of makes most fights rather quick. Plus, setting it up to do a super long chain is enough to take down things that you definitely shouldn't be able to just by virtue of getting up to ~20 something on the Combo count.


scy said:
Heart Cannon itself is pretty broken for the story. Two Archers/Bow users can basically snipe anything around them that gets normal attacked which kind of makes most fights rather quick. Plus, setting it up to do a super long chain is enough to take down things that you definitely shouldn't be able to just by virtue of getting up to ~20 something on the Combo count.
Heart Cannon can proc off itself, then? That would explain some of the ridiculously long attack chains I was seeing yesterday.


scy said:
Heart Cannon itself is pretty broken for the story. Two Archers/Bow users can basically snipe anything around them that gets normal attacked which kind of makes most fights rather quick. Plus, setting it up to do a super long chain is enough to take down things that you definitely shouldn't be able to just by virtue of getting up to ~20 something on the Combo count.

wait wut... how do you get that much on a combo from attacks?


TheExodu5 said:
Heart Cannon can proc off itself, then? That would explain some of the ridiculously long attack chains I was seeing yesterday.

No, it cannot. But if you attack with all 10 characters you will result in +1 attack per character attacking per Heart's Cannon character (sheesh, a mouthful) which gets you a combo of 10 * (1 + X), where X is the amount of Heart's Cannon characters you have.

Heart Cannon has a 100% activation rate as long as two conditions are fulfilled: They can attack the enemy being attacked and they have at least 1 counter remaining. Not precisely sure why it checks a counter but it does; this basically means 0 Counter characters (i.e., Healer with a Bow) cannot use Heart's Cannon.

I'm also not entirely certain on when it checks to see if you have a remaining counter left; for example, if you attack (-1 counter) on a character, does a 1 Counter character lose the ability to Heart's Cannon? What if they attacked at the start of a long chain of attacks? Middle? End? Just to be safe, I usually put my 1 Counter character (Archer) to be the very last attacker; I haven't done any experimenting with Heart's Cannon so I just kind of run with this assumption currently.

So, basically, let's say you're surrounding some stupid powerful Giant Monster. You bring out all 10 characters. Normal attack with 8 of them; if you can, do it with ranged weapons so the enemy won't counter and disrupt your chain. Next, attack with your last two Heart's Cannon members and then finally hit Execute. Ideally what should happen is the first 10 attacks go without a hitch, yielding one hit from each of your Heart's Cannon characters for every attack. After that, Heart's Cannon takes over and you should get an additional 20 attacks (+2 per attack or 2 * 10).

It's probably already dead halfway through that combo.

TommyT said:
wait wut... how do you get that much on a combo from attacks?

Hell, if you expand the slots on Heart's Cannon to maximum (6) you should theoretically be able to get to a 70 hit combo just from regular attacks. I kind of want to try it out but it also means that I'll take it all the way to see what the maximum damage possible is ... which means 6 perfected Archers and my soul just died at this thought.
Yay the copy that I pre-ordered from the nisa store finaly got here. I was wrong, I actually got it a day or two earlier than expected. Now I can look forward to maybe playing it sometime next week since I am in the middle of play Ar Tonelico right now. Although I might decide to start playing Ar Tonelico 2 right after.
TheExodu5 said:
Heh, I barely got a game over on 2-5...which resulted in an ending and I accidentally saved over my only save game. Oh well, at least it doesn't take long to get back there.

The song in that stage is great. la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

Also, is it just me, or is Heart Cannon + FA Flonne stupidly broken? Her ATK and HIT aptitudes make her do stupid damage on those assists. :D

The song cost so much HL to buy.


Trojita said:
I want Fallen Flonne!

Why you do this to me NIS? I thought you were cool.

Ditto. I e-mailed their shop, and they weren't much help. "Yes, we know you're a loyal fan who own all of our games from the series including every variation, but you ordered it from Amazon."

I even bought Disgaea DS at full price. I should get a code by default. :)


i feel like im doing something wrong..

i got the
last boss girl
and im only like lvl30, if i level this slow ill never even get above lvl100? XD


lljride said:
Yep. Once there are no more Nay voters left on the map the bill will pass. Just make sure the Nay voter you're tossing is a lower level than the Aye one.

That's the thing, Aye voters don't attack you, only the Nay ones. You don't have to actually kill any Aye voters (and don't accidentally attack them either or they'll change their vote to Nay).

AHA! no kidding! very cool tip! i cant believe i never realized this! all those overruled bills where i had to leave with my tail between my legs... or even worse got my ass handed to me...NO MORE!!!!


does anyone else's game stutter when a simple animation, like the prinny knife attack, and feels like the game froze?

any chance NIS patches this game soon? I know d3 got a few patches, including trophy support.


zychi said:
does anyone else's game stutter when a simple animation, like the prinny knife attack, and feels like the game froze?

any chance NIS patches this game soon? I know d3 got a few patches, including trophy support.

Not mine. Playing on an 80GB MGS PS3.


I'm tempted to sell mine and just transfer my stuff to another slim PS3. I get worried about having a (semi) launch unit.


Trojita said:
I want Fallen Flonne!

Why you do this to me NIS? I thought you were cool.

I know...im hoping she will be DLC sometime soon. I am totally bummed. I am not sure why I didnt know about it i get thier newsletters and everything...must have just missed one or two i guess...

The release kinda snuck up on me, I ended up having to grab a regular copy at best buy. Every single gamestop in the area was sold out halfway through day one.
Negator said:
Any word on when we will see DLC?
This is probably the question I want answered the most right now. It seems there was an announcement for the next wave of Japanese DLC, and it's got the new character that's going in the Phantom Kingdom PSP port. I don't wanna wait anymore!


Negator said:
Any word on when we will see DLC?

depends if they want to send it out in one batch or do it little by little. i think dlc's been out in japan, but they're still making more there too.


zychi said:
yeah, im on the same console. shits been happening in this and the show.

looks like my drive is on its way out:(

Exodu5 reported having issues with his aftermarket HDD I believe. Are you running your stock HDD?


My WD Scorpio Blue caused the game to take too long to load weapons and animations. I noticed it when many of the tutorials would play out wrong.


Finally got to try out Heart Cannon last night..have not had nearly the hours to spend with the game that I would like :( only get an hour here, 2 hours there...

They really don't do a good job in-game of explaining how to use heart cannon properly (unless i am missing something?) but once you figure it out, its a fun new strategy to add in


Neo Member
Well I beat it. Only a billion hours to go.

Leveled a little too much without upping the enemies levels before fighting the final boss. Killing the final boss in one hit just makes it anti climactic XD.
BobM said:
Finally got to try out Heart Cannon last night..have not had nearly the hours to spend with the game that I would like :( only get an hour here, 2 hours there...

They really don't do a good job in-game of explaining how to use heart cannon properly (unless i am missing something?) but once you figure it out, its a fun new strategy to add in

I really don't get it. Heart Cannon is supposed to only work for two characters right? I seem to get support attacks a lot, most often from ranged characters that aren't even in the two tiles dedicated for Heart Cannon.


Tiduz said:
i never used heart cannon it seems. i put vampire and werewolf dude in them and nothing happens :/

Have Val and Fenrich go up to a target that won't die easily. Attack it with someone else (or have them both attack it). You should get a message "Attacked by Heart's Cannon!" or whatever it is afterwards. I prefer using ranged characters in the Heart's Cannon since then you have a larger ... well, attack range so more potential targets rather than whatever is right next to you.

Do note, it's regular attacks you need.

BarrenMind said:
I really don't get it. Heart Cannon is supposed to only work for two characters right? I seem to get support attacks a lot, most often from ranged characters that aren't even in the two tiles dedicated for Heart Cannon.

Only the two people (or more, if you raise the size of the Evil Symbol group via the Chara World) in Heart's Cannon will attack. Anybody can cause them to attack, however, not just themselves. Think of it this way: The people in Heart's Cannon will follow up any allied attack in their attack range that they can possibly attack.

Unless you mean to say that your characters not in Heart's Cannon are for some reason following up other's attacks ... in which case I don't know what to say since that shouldn't be the case.


This game really upsets me sometimes. I try to pass the heart cannon bill, it has a 99% approval rating. There are 3 foreign ministers. I get one of them to total approval and leave the other 2 alone. The bill is about to pass but the 2 that I didn't bribe kill so many senators that it doesn't. I tried to force it through and got my ass handed to me by much higher level foreign ministers, and end up having a game over without having saved after my left story level. That whole senate thing needed more explanation at the beginning of the game, I had no idea what was going on most of the time.


rdelaney said:
This game really upsets me sometimes. I try to pass the heart cannon bill, it has a 99% approval rating. There are 3 foreign ministers. I get one of them to total approval and leave the other 2 alone. The bill is about to pass but the 2 that I didn't bribe kill so many senators that it doesn't. I tried to force it through and got my ass handed to me by much higher level foreign ministers, and end up having a game over without having saved after my left story level. That whole senate thing needed more explanation at the beginning of the game, I had no idea what was going on most of the time.

3 Foreign ministers at once? Yikes Sounds like an aweful strole of bad luck...i thought you only usually get one at a time? guess not... Ive logged online every time, and still havent gotten a foreign minister in a vote :( Then again...maybe not such a bad thing...

Rule of thumb though...take a good long look at the levels of who you will need to defeat BEFORE trying to force a bill through. Othwise you might be setting yourself up for disaster.
rdelaney said:
This game really upsets me sometimes. I try to pass the heart cannon bill, it has a 99% approval rating. There are 3 foreign ministers. I get one of them to total approval and leave the other 2 alone. The bill is about to pass but the 2 that I didn't bribe kill so many senators that it doesn't. I tried to force it through and got my ass handed to me by much higher level foreign ministers, and end up having a game over without having saved after my left story level. That whole senate thing needed more explanation at the beginning of the game, I had no idea what was going on most of the time.
That's all on you, holmes.

Rule 1, save before and after every battle.

Rule 2, save before and after every bill you try to pass.

If you had saved, you could have just reloaded and passed the bill again. If it's got a +60% pass, I just reload until it passes if for some strange reason it doesn't pass the first time.

Also, if the approval rating is high, don't waste items bribing.


Tha reminds me...does anyone know how the online stuff works? Do you have to hit some sort of story point to start getting foriegn ministers in your votes and online characters showing up to pirate?

I am still very early on in the story (chapter 3)


LOL I can't believe I didn't fucking realize that holding down Square and rotating the map changed your view point in this one. I was like wtf they gonna leave me stuck with this super zoomed in view?


QisTopTier said:
LOL I can't believe I didn't fucking realize that holding down Square and rotating the map changed your view point in this one. I was like wtf they gonna leave me stuck with this super zoomed in view?

ha! yep its basically the same as in the other games! how long did you play that way? The sprites look so big and shiny in the close mode now!


Master Milk said:
If you had saved, you could have just reloaded and passed the bill again. If it's got a +60% pass, I just reload until it passes if for some strange reason it doesn't pass the first time.

Also, if the approval rating is high, don't waste items bribing.

While true, it's worth noting that Foreign Senators carry a rather lopsided weight on their vote (to the point that a 99% Bill can fail easily with just the Foreign Senator voting Nay). A lot of people seem to have Selfish Senators that require a certain item type or else they will always vote Nay but, at the same time, they will always vote Aye if they get it. Something to keep in mind, I suppose.

Foreign Senators kind of make the Assembly a lot more volatile than it normally is :/
There needs to be a notification when your foreign minister gets his ass beat.
Also the person that whooped him/her should be able to post a taunt.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
There needs to be a notification when your foreign minister gets his ass beat.
Also the person that whooped him/her should be able to post a taunt.

Thats a great idea! The taunt could be like one of those little segments you get after creating a new character!


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Oh and I just beat the game.
Guess I'll start working on the review.

Over 40 hours in a little over a week....that isn't healthy.

wow! that was fast? Can I ask who you are doing the review for? That is pretty cool!

on a sidenote...I think i am going to take Lord Val and Fen out of heart cannon, and put in 2 archers just to see if i like that set up better. I am starting to think the longer combos you can get using archers could be fun.


BobM said:
wow! that was fast? Can I ask who you are doing the review for? That is pretty cool!

on a sidenote...I think i am going to take Lord Val and Fen out of heart cannon, and put in 2 archers just to see if i like that set up better. I am starting to think the longer combos you can get using archers could be fun.

Two things of note if you do use Archers: You can only use Heart's Cannon so long as you still have a counter left ... and attacking uses one up. I'm not entirely certain how it works out yet if an Archer attacks mid-way into a chain of attacks (i.e., you attack with 5 people and the Archer goes third) but I'm fairly certain they won't follow any attacks made after they hit 0 counters. It's not a huge issue since you can just put them at the end of long combos or just raise their Counter count via the Chara World.

Edit: Just to clarify, the Heart's Cannon attacks don't use up a counter but require at least one to initiate.

Additionally, enemies can counter and interrupt your combo so do keep that in mind. If your, say, Valvatorez attacks an enemy and both your Heart's Cannon characters follow the attack, the enemy can counter after those two Heart's Cannon attacks hit. They'll still follow the other attacks coming up but you lose your current Combo Count (and, thus, the damage multiplier).

Not a big deal but it can potentially break up your combo chain if enemies keep interrupting to counter in the middle of things.
BobM said:
wow! that was fast? Can I ask who you are doing the review for? That is pretty cool!

The-Nextlevel.com. Still have to check out a few things though.

Story mode goes by pretty quickly when Valve is way overpowered. Probably could have gone through it faster if I didn't get so easily distracted by the item world.

Higher-level spoilers
Mountain of Ordeals 4 is wrecking me. How do I build up resistance to special attacks?
Haven't gotten there yet as 3 was giving me problems, but stronger equipment can usually get you past anything damage related that's causing you problems that isn't in LoC.

So my general advice that may not apply to this situation is to zoom through Item world on some armor or something.
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